Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 63: Aftermath

Chapter 63: Aftermath

On the mountain peak.

Radiance flashed as multiple people began appearing out of thin air. The Tang Sect members that went inside the Dragon Valley were all appearing outside.

Yet none of them wanted to get up anytime soon. Too enchanted and entrapped by the scene that they just saw before they left.

Xie Xie had his head down as began to recall the historic battlefield. The numerous dragons rampaging through the world and seeing a mighty dragon in front of him that had the same presence as his martial soul.

He summoned his martial soul and began to stare at them with unexplained feelings. He believed the dragon that appeared in front of him was both of his Light and Shadow Dagger true forms.

'You guys have been watching over me? All this time huh.' Thought Xie Xie as he recalled it tenderly embracing him.

'Was that Tang Wulin?' Thought Xie Xie as he started remembering a human in front of the numerous number of dragons.

'But when did he get into the world? How did he even get in? I thought he was a Spirit King.'

Xie Xie would never think that Tang Wulin followed him and the Tang Sect over here. Plus Black One of the Battle Hall of the Tang Sect informed him those above rank 50 can't enter the valley. Xie Xie sighed and shook his head.

'Either way, I hope you get out safely boss.' Thought Xie Xie in worry.

Xie Xie then heard a coughing noise to his right. He shifted his head and saw his supposed partner mask falling off with her head down.

'I wonder what happened to her?' Thought Xie Xie as both of them decided to check around the area before meeting up again.

His partner rose her head, and Xie Xie eyes widen in shock.



"Your Majesty, I-"

"Shut up."

The old man in black robes fell silent, as he gazes at the silver-haired girl. She was wearing a long silver dress with a silver veil obscuring her face. Her long silvered hair flowed seamlessly behind her.

'What happened?' Thought the Silver Haired as she could see and feel the Dragon Valley breaking down.

The plan was to use a space-time circle to seal the time of the dimensional rift, which would give her some time to find the Dragon God Soul.

But who would have predicted that before she could even enter the small world. It was already collapsing in on itself.

'But how? Is there another way to collapse the world other than removing the Dragon God Soul?' Thought the Silver Hair Women as she begins thinking.

It was then they saw flashes of light going through the sky. The Silver hair maiden narrowed her glittering eyes.

'Damn it,'


It has been a week since the ultimate collapse of the Dragon Valley. Xie Xie was able to meet up with everyone else after he had gotten word from his teacher Wu Zhankong, where they were.

Xie Xie was making his way through the city, lost in thought about the events that happened in the Dagon Valley.

'That wasn't Wulin right?' Thought Xie Xie in worry, as he kept on recalling the human.

He asked the other members who went inside the Dragon Valley and saw the battlefield scene about the description of the human.

They weren't able to remember all of his physical descriptions but once he asked everyone, he was able to create a visible image of the human.

'The Physical description matches Wulin' Thought Xie Xie who shook his head.

He still remembered that Dai Yun'er told him, she saw Tang Wulin in the valley, when they split up. At first, he wanted to deny it, since there should be no way Wulin could get in but then thought about all the things Wulin has done.

'Would this be any different?'

'It doesn't matter. As long as he's safe. In fact, I bet he already with everyone after he left the dragon valley.'

After a while, he arrived at the hotel where everyone was staying and went inside. He saw everyone but the teachers sitting down.

"Hey, guys." Said Xie Xie, causing everyone to shift their heads and smiled at him.

"Xie Xie!"

Xie Xie watch as most of them came running towards him. He greeted all of them with a faint smile and then began to look around.

"What wrong?" Asked Xu Xiaoyan.

"Is Wulin here?" Asked Xie Xie.

"Captain? He hasn't come back yet." Said Yue Zhengyu.

"Ahh, I see! You miss him, don't you?" Said Yue Zhengyu with a big small but strangely enough everyone notice Xie Xie didn't say anything.

Then to their shock, tears began to form in Xie Xie eyes as his body began to tremble. This caused Xu Xiaoyan to instantly run him up, and Yuanen Yehui to look at him with concern

"What wrong Xie Xie." Asked Xu Xiaoyan with concern.

"Are you worried about Wulin? Don't worry too much, he strong enough to come back to us." Said Mu Xi with a faint smile on her face.

"...He won't." Xie Xie mumble.


"Wulin won't be coming back." Said Xie Xie as tears were really streaming down his face.

"What do you mean my brother won't be coming back." Said Na'er as she narrowed her eyes and begins to move toward Xie Xie.

"I told you guys I had to go on a Tang Sect mission. It was to explore a place called the Dragon Valley." Said Xie Xie, causing Na'er and Gu Yue to look at his shock.

"I asked Wulin if he knew anything about it and only told me he knew a little. After that, I went to the Dragon Valley with some Tang Sect members and my partner for the mission."

"With my partner, I was able to tell only Two months had passed, and it was then something strange happened in the small world. All the dragons in the Valley started to disintegrate into energy and the clouds started to turn into a vortex." Said Xie Xie.

"Then the streams of light began heading towards somewhere in the valley and yet something even more strange began to happen around me." Said Xie Xie.

"Something more strange?" Gu Yue carefully questioned as she narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, the streams of lights I later found out were the souls of the dragons. They were roaring out while calling and screaming out a name." Said Xie Xie.

"What name?"

"Our God." Said Xie Xie, causing everyone to widen their eyes in shock.

"Their god?" Yue Zhengyu Questioned.

"Could it be the Dragon God?" Yuanen Yehui suggested with shock.

"That doesn't matter right now. How does that have anything to do with my big brother." Said Na'er as she tries her best to stop her body from trembling and her face was being covered with her hair.

"After the roars of the dragon, the world exploded in seven-colored radiance and everyone in the valley all said they saw an army of Dragons rampaging through the world."

"In front of that army, was a human leading them, with a Golden Spear and a crown on his head. That human after listening to what they said, I believe was Tang Wulin." Said Xie Xie, causing the surrounding to be quiet.

"The Dragon Valley collapsed after that scenery passed but no one saw Tang Wulin leave the valley. The Tang Sect members stayed around the area for four days and yet no news of him leaving came through. My partner told me she saw Tang Wulin walking through the valley with a vacant look on his face." Said Xie Xie with his head down.

"What are you trying to say, Xie Xie." Xu Xiaoyan was trembling.

"Tang Wulin may have-" Before Xie Xie could finish his word, a silver spear was being pointed at his throat.


"Please, don't," Said Na'er as tears were streaming down her face and her eyes were red. She didn't care how she looked right now, she didn't want to hear her brother may be dead.

Xie Xie said nothing, as there was nothing needed to be said. Na'er clenches her fist and then left to the hotel with no one stopping her.

Gu Yue tremble a bit and too left the hotel. Tears were pouring out of Xu Xiaoyan eyes at the thought of never seeing and touching Wulin again.

'Oh no. Why hadn't I seen him off before he left.' Thought Xu Xiaoyan as she fell on the floor.

Yuanen Yehui slowly walks over to Xie Xie and pulled him into her embrace. She normally would never do this but she could tell how broken and shaken Xie Xie was.

Wu Siduo didn't say anything but her eyes were leaking out tears. Xu Lizhi was crying out loud, and Ye Xinglan pulled him into her embrace to get him to calm down.

"Calm down you idiot. It's not the time for you to be crying." Said Ye Xinglan as she held Xu Lizhi in her embrace.

Yue Zenghyu wore a bitter smile as he watches Ye Xinglan trying to calm down Xu Lizhi, even though she herself was crying. He moved towards Xu Xiaoyan and brought her into his embrace.

Mu Xi had a bitter smile on her face but nonetheless went to gather everyone around her and pulled them into her embrace. She knew she had to help them get through the pain.

Wu Zhangkong was in the next room of the hotel sitting down on the chair with his head down. He too heard from the Tang Sect about Tang Wulin and from Xie Xie words, it seemed to be true.

Wu Zhangkong didn't know what to do as he listens to the cries of his students. Elder Cai was next to him as she too heard the cries but said nothing.

She saw this as an invaluable opportunity to make them realize how dangerous and cruel the world was. Yet even she knew she didn't want Tang Wulin to die.

'Boy, I know you won't let yourself be killed from just that.'


The forest outside of the town was devastated. The trees were slashed and puncture apart from something sharp.

"You know that won't help." Said Gu Yue as she gazes at Na'er back. Gu Yue knew that Wulin must have absorbed the Dragon God Soul and yet she was still shocked, he was able to.

Na'er said nothing as she continued to destroy and lash out at the forest before her. She needed to get rid of some of her rage.

"Can you feel him?" Na'er mumble to Gu Yue.

Gu Yue lowered her head as for the past minutes she has been trying to sense her connection with Wulin but she couldn't sense anything.

"No..." Said Gu Yue, causing Na'er body to tremble.

"Maybe this is bett-" Before Gu Yue could finish her words, Na'er instantly charges over to her and pinned her on the floor.

"Never say those words." Said Na'er with a large amount of killing intent.

"Am I wrong?" Questioned Gu Yue not fazed by Na'er killer intent causing Na'er to glare at her and sneered.

"You act like you don't care but I know the truth. You sincerely love him, don't you? You think you will stop loving him if he is gone?"Questioned Na'er causing Gu Yue expression to change.


"Guess what you bitch. The feeling that you have for him, will not disappear. In fact, it will continue to grow and fester in your heart, until it becomes unbearable." Said Na'er as tears were streaming down on her face and hitting Gu Yue face.

"Do you know why? Do you want to know you, stupid bitch!" Na'er roared at Gu Yue, causing her to look at Na'er in surprise.

"It's because your emotions won't stop reminding you that the person you love is not here with you. Five years. Five years I went without my brother cause of the clan and yet even in those five years. I never once forgot him, I never once stop loving him and the pain in my chest never stop hurting." Said Na'er.

"So stop sprouting your bullshit that it's better. Because as much as it pisses me off, I know you love him as much as I do." Said Na'er as she glared fiercely at Gu Yue.

"You're mistaken." Gu Yue denied.

"Am I?"

"You're!" Yelled Gu Yue.

"If I'm so mistaken. Why are you crying then." Said Na'er with a bitter expression on her face.

Gu Yue eyes widen in shock as she slowly moved her hands to her face and felt a wet substance on her face.


Past memories of her time with Wulin begin to show up.

'I don't love him.'

The memory of them training together. The memory of them eating together. The memory of him carrying her in his arm.

'I don't!'

The Memory of her protecting him. The Memory of her feeding him. The memory of him saying she will help him.


Tears continued to run down Gu Yue who kept on trying to stop it. Na'er watches with a regretful look as she saw Gu Yue crying out.

'Big Brother, you promise you wouldn't leave me.'


It was a twitch.

Or was it a pulse?

Either way, it should be nothing noteworthy to the ones who felt it.

And yet, it made them all quiver.

They who are the undisputed rulers of the land.

They who grew to became known as calamities themselves.

For a split second, felt the overwhelming fear toward the awakening of a being.

But they also felt the excitement, for something may finally threatening their position.

Tang Wulin eyes gradually open as they shined brilliantly with golden and white radiance as he began to awaken.

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