Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 71: Rise Up

Chapter 71: Rise Up

Multiple shadows were dashing through the extensive forest.

"Wait, so the Spirit Beast doesn't know about the power we have?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he was running beside Xia Yan.

"No, this is a recent power that was developed by the previous Spirit Elder at the end of his death. The only people who got their potential awaken are the guards, me, you and some of the people that are apart of the capture humans." Said Xia Yan.

"I see." Said Tang Wulin.

"It's why we're trying to attack the base as soon as possible. If the Spirit Beast of that base sends a report back to their higher-ups, then they may just start executing the human's slaves they have. As they might start to feel threatened by us, with the news the human clan actually has power." Said Xia Yan.

He believed one of the main reasons the Spirit Beast hadn't wiped them all out was that they knew the humans didn't have any power. Why wipe out something that has no way of fighting back? Is what the Spirit Beast mentality was to him.

"We cannot allow the Spirit Beast to known we humans have a way to fight back against them. Right now." Said Xia Yan.

They began to pick up their pace toward there destination.


Tang Wulin and Xia Yan hid behind a tree as they glance at their destination. It was a fortress made out of woods and stone.

"Alright, so how do you want to do this?" Asked Xia Yan as he turned toward to Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he was carefully observing a scene that was happening in the courtyard of the house.

'What are th-.'

Tang Wulin didn't get to finish his thought as his eyes widen when he saw human bodies on a large wooden stick. He watches as a bear Spirit Beast began to shoot fire out of its mouth and on to the body.

Everyone around Tang Wulin could hear the unmistakable screams, causing their body to tremble and shiver.

"You and everybody will go on ahead to free the people who can fight. I will get the spirit beast attention and then you will go in." Said Tang Wulin, as he didn't give Xia Yan a chance to respond as he dashes toward the grassy courtyard.

Xia Yan furrows his brows but in the end, sighed as he told the people to get ready. Xia Yan narrowed his eyes at Tang Wulin who with astonishing speed reach the grassy courtyard in seconds.

As soon as Tang Wulin touch the ground, the Spirit Beast around him eyes widen and then began to smile with evident disgust at him.

"Well, what do we have here? A stupid ant just came running in." Said the Bear as it didn't think these insects could get any more stupid.

The Spirit Beast around him begins to laugh, but Tang Wulin expression which was impassive did not change. A goat Spirit Beast that was able to walk on its two-leg came close to Tang Wulin with a look of ridicule.

"Come now, let me ta-."


The goat couldn't finish what he was going to say as a line started to form around his neck and blood began to leak off. The goat's eyes widen as his head fell to the ground and causing the other spirit beast to shiver in shock.

Tang Wulin said nothing as he grips his Golden Dragon Spear. He simply kept on moving as he walks past the Spirit Beast who was still shocked.

The Spirit Beast blinks their eyes and were about to attack but then stop. They all look down and saw a gaping hole in their neck.

At the moment when they were still in shock, Tang Wulin simply thrust out his spear and then kept on walking without a care. He blatantly ignores the falling bodies of the Spirit Beast as he was making his way past the burning bodies of the humans and then swung his spear.

The flames of the body were put out and the heads of the humans were cut off. This could be seen as mercy by Tang Wulin or maybe it was something else. Tang Wulin approaches the entrance of the base and then twisted his body to slam his spear into the door.


Xia Yan heard the deafening noise and then turned his head to his companions.

"Its time to go." Said Xia Yan as he and his team began to move toward the base. They all rushed into the courtyard and tremble at the headless burned bodies.

Then they went around the base before going through the window. Xia Yan and everyone began following one of their members who had a tracker ability. He could sense the life energy of the people inside the fortress.

They kept hearing smashing sounds and feeling the building tremble from the battle in the front. After a while, they made it to a room in which Xia Yan simply smashes open the door and then they saw the people laying on the wall.

"Brother Yun!" Shouted Xia Yan, causing Tang Yun to look up in surprise and shock at seeing Xia Yan.

Xia Yan toward Tang Yun to check on his condition and tremble at the state of his body. His face grimace and hastily pulled something out of his body.

"Eat this herb. Your grandfather the elder told us this will help you." Said Xia Yan.

Tang Yun nodded his head and bit down onto the herb, while Xia Yan continues to examine him. The same thing was happening to the people around them, as they got fed the same herb.

It was then Xia Yan face change when he heard the loud noise of something approaching. He stared at his brother Tang Yun while gritting his teeth and then started to move.

"Where are you going?" Tang Yun mumble as he felt his body regaining its strength. Xia Yan halts his movement but shook his head and continue onward to intercept the Spirit Beast coming their way.

Xia Yan couldn't take more than ten steps before he saw Nergigante in front of him. His eyes widen, at Nergigante who was as big as Diablos.

"Well, at least I know what that commotion was about. Its seem you all have saved me the trouble of finding you."Said Nergigante with a cruel smirk on his face.

Xia Yan watched as Nergigante begin slowly walking toward him as if he was in no rush. Xia Yan narrowed his eyes and got ready for a tough fight.

'Is he stronger than Diablos?' Thought Xia Yan as a familiar aura started to surround his body.

'Well, no point in wondering.'

Xia Yan charged at Nergigante who only rosed a brow and was about to make a move but then Xia Yan lowered his hand.


Nergigante eyes widen when he felt his body being pressed down by something heavy and then he saw Xia Yan fist smashing into his face, sending him skidding back.

Xia Yan grimace as saw he only did a little bit of damage to Nergigante. Nergigante narrowed its eyes as he could feel the gravity still affecting him and then charged towards Xia Yan, who eyes widen in shock.

'What! He can still move that fast even with the increase in gravity.' Thought Xia Yan as he opens his palm and waited for Nergigante to come close to him.

This was something Tang Wulin suggested to him when they were on their way here. Since he controls gravity, he should use it like it was apart of his fighting style instead of just using it as a skill.

At first, he didn't understand what he meant, but Tang Wulin told them to stop so they could work on it. He wanted to complain that they didn't have the time, but Tang Wulin told him bluntly he needs to get stronger or he can't save the people there.

Xia Yan watches as Nergigante fist came close toward his body and he then pushes out his hand. Nergigante eyes widen as he got pushed by an invisible force and then watches as Xia Yan pulled back his hand.

'When you attack, remember to follow up with another attack so you can capitalize on it.'

Xia Yan used his gravity control to pulled Nergigante towards him and then the air around his fist started to compress into a small orb. Then he as Nergigante got closer, he smashes his fist into Nergigante face and sending him flying through the building.


'You can call this fighting technique or fundamentals.'

Unbeknownst to Tang Wulin, he taught the humans of the Primordial Era who only rely on their instincts an ability that they wouldn't develop until a hundred million years into the future.

Xia Yan could feel his heart beating rapidly as he kept replaying how he dominated that Spirit Beast in his mind.

'With this!' Thought Xia Yan as he started to tremble.


Xia Yan eyes widen, as he saw the increased speed of Nergigante and hastily activates his gravity pressure. But it was too late as Nergigante fist was already closing in on his face.

'Damn it.'


Xia Yan eyes widen when he saw a huge hammer smashing into Nergigante and sending him flying away.

"Good thing I wasn't late." Said Tang Yun as he appeared beside Xia Yan.

Xia Yan eyes widen, as he saw Tang Yun in healthier and better condition.

"We can talk later, let us take care of this bastard." Said Tang Yun with a smile on his face, as a huge hammer appeared in his hand.


Tang Wulin simply moved the spear around him at the Spirit Beast that was coming his way and watch as they all inevitably fell.

He shifted his head and looked toward the humans trembling in the corner and started to recall the Elder words.

'Please, help me save my people.'

'Save these guys?' Thought Tang Wulin as his expression changed into a sneer and disgust.

'Fuck that.'

Tang Wulin moved his spear toward a giant cat coming his way and thrust his spear through its head. Then he moves his hand grab onto the head of a fox spirit beast on his right and rips its head off.

'I change my mind.'

Tang Wulin saw over ten oversize Rats charging at him but he did not falter and just charge through those rats. He smashed through all them and rip apart the tide of the beast in front of him.

They have been oppressed for so long, but he didn't care. They have suffered for so long, but he did not care. There are people who are still traumatized by the Spirit Beasts but he didn't care.

'If they want to be saved, then they should save themselves.'

They don't fight back because the Spirit Beast could easily slaughter them?

And yet they are willing to put up with the tragic horror of the things the Spirit Beast make them go through. How is that any better than dying?


"You pathetic humans!"

"Are you scared about dying? Are you terrified of being slaughtered? Is that the reason you all are willing to take this abuse?"

"If so, then you deserve it." Roar Tang Wulin as he smashes another Spirit Beast and shocking the humans present. Tang Wulin thought they would have at least some fighting spirit inside them but it looks like it's all buried under there fear.

"How are the lives you guys are living now any better than dying? How is it any better than getting revenge? Aren't you all fed up with it?"

Tang Wulin duck under the tail swipe of a Scorpion Spirit Beast and thrust his spear through its body. He twirled his spear and slash apart the five bear Spirit Beast in front of him.

"If you had enough! If you are fed up with it! Pick up those weapons lying around you and charge toward them! Before you die, get the revenge you crave!" Roared Tang Wulin as he kept on moving.

The human's trembles as they watch this child, no this man charge towards the beings they have feared for years. They watch as one vicious swing of his spear fell the cruel monsters of their dream and each punch forcibly broke the chains on them.


Was what everyone thought as they saw a human was able to fight back. Then words of Tang Wulin reverberate inside them and they began to understand the truth of his words.

How is this any better than dying? How is this any better than being Slaughtered?

It was a chain reaction as one person pick up the weapon laying next to him and then charged forward to the Spirit Beast. Then more and more people began to charge until it was a tide of humans running toward.


This shock the Spirit Beasts who were seeing a whole tide of humans, who surpass their number charging at them. The humans were roaring with an enraged expression as they clash with the Spirit Beast who was easily able to slaughter them but the Spirit Beasts expression changed.

As even after they slaughter the people in front, another always took their place and was able to stab their weapon into them.

"This is for my daughter and Wife!" A man voice rang out as he viciously stabbed the Ape that crushes his baby into its stomach.

Ape growled savagely and was about to slaughter the man but then a golden spear came flying, towards him. The spear cut off both of the Apes arms and other humans appeared behind the ape to stab him.

The Ape eyes widen in overwhelming despair and shock as it felt itself dying. The man screamed as he frantically grabs the sword and to brutally stab into the Ape repeatedly. Scenes like this were happening all around as a wolf was being mutilated by a man and his children.

'Save these people?'

'What utter nonsense.' Thought Tang Wulin as he retrieved his Golden Dragon Spear and look at the scene of a massacre.

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