Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 88: Dance of the Dragons (2)

Chapter 88: Dance of the Dragons (2)

Tang Wulin dashes toward Nidhogg who's fierce eyes began to glow.

A swirling hurricane of considerable force fused with the unrelenting power of his Absolute Ice began to swirl around Nidhogg. Yet that did nothing to deter Tang Wulin as his massive body smashed through the hurricane as if it wasn't a fierce storm but a slight breeze.

Nidhogg knew that wouldn't be adequate enough to stop Tang Wulin and he only used the storm to slow him down. Then suddenly building-sized spikes started to form on top and around the hurricane.

They started smashing into Tang Wulin body, but none were able to pierce his hardy hide as he finally closed on to Nidhogg.

Nidhogg swung his tail in an arc towards Tang Wulin face, but Tang Wulin caught it in his mouth and then began to swing Nidhogg around. Then with one mighty hurl, Nidhogg body was sent propelling itself toward the roots of Yggdrasil.

Tang Wulin raised his mighty wings and then slam them down, as shooting stars sped towards Nidhogg as his body finally crashes into the roots.


Tang Wulin watches as the starry lights were crashing down towards the place Nidhogg landed in. He narrowed his eyes as he saw a broad sphere of glittering ice on top of the roots with ice crystals forming around it.

The ice started to melt as the sphere started to dripping with water. Within a few seconds, the sphere was gone and in its place was Nidhogg with water dripping off his body.

Nidhogg gritted his teeth and knew he would have to do something drastic if he didn't want to die. Shaking his head, he flaps his wings and shot straight up to the sky, while his eyes were glowing with a familiar blue glow.

The ocean below both of the dragons started to rise and form small tornadoes. Tang Wulin shifted its head up toward Nidhogg and then with one flap of his wings, dashed toward him.

Nidhogg narrowed his eyes and then roared out as the small water tornados dash toward him. Next, they started forming a small vortex above him and then an icy long dragon began to form. The icy dragon sends out a mighty roar as the temperature started to drop down to absolute zero.

The sky above them started to change from rain into snow and the storm turned to the color of translucent blue. Then the dragon began to dash towards Tang Wulin who didn't abandon his charge.


As soon as Tang Wulin and the Dragon made contact with each other, everything stops. A huge blast of gray was generated as it exploded outward and started to incase everything. The area around Tang Wulin seems as if it was suspended in time.

'Yes, become instantly frozen in time and space.' Thought Nidhogg in savage glee as he observes the world around him started to turn gray. The bottom half of Yggdrasil seems to have stagnated as if anything that touches the gray was forced to be frozen in time.

He let out a loud chuckle but then his eyes widen as visible cracks started to form around Tang Wulin.

Cracks were appearing everywhere around where the gray was and then, it exploded with everything returning to normal.


Tang Wulin roared out as he turned his gaze towards to Nidhogg and then with a speed that he didn't use against Nidhogg before appeared right behind him. Before Nidhogg could react, Tang Wulin smashed his tail down upon his head and sent him hurtling toward the base of Yggdrasil.

Nidhogg tried to stop his descent but then his eyes widen when he saw black-blue chains appearing around him and then restraining his body in mid-air.

Nidhogg's tries to break out of the remarkable chains but to his horror found out that they wouldn't budge and they were somehow weakening him. He then looks up and saw a streak of black-blue rushing toward him.


Nidhogg eyes were wide as he started to slowly look down and saw that the area where his heart was, had been pierced. The area of his heart and his right arm were destroyed from Tang Wulin attack in an instant.

After Tang Wulin flew past Nidhogg, he twisted his body and then sent a brilliant beam of energy toward Nidhogg body.

'Don't tell me... He was holding back.' Thought Nidhogg as the beam was approaching him.


Nidhogg whole body was engulfed in an enormous explosion. Nidhogg body started to fall toward the ground and then with a thunderous sound, made a small crater on the ground. Tang Wulin tilted his head and then his body started to glow with an ethereal light.

His dragon form started to dissolve into small streaks of light toward the ground near Nidhogg and then his human form started to appear. As the glittering lights reached the ground, Tang Wulin started to gradually open his eyes and look towards Nidhogg broken form.

Nidhogg was bleeding all around, with his scales broken apart and the right part of his chest leaking out a large amount of blood. The damages that were done to his flesh and the shattered bones were slowly failing to heal.

His organs and intestines were severely burned while splattering out of his battered form. The Absolute Ice was trying gallantly to keep its master alive by freezing the parts that were extremely damaged and yet it could do nothing for his missing heart.

Yet that has done nothing to deter the fierce look in Nidhogg eyes as he glared at the human who was approaching him. It could be said, that the only thing keeping Nidhogg barley alive was his burning anger and willpower.

"I'm the strongest... of the Calamities..."

Tang Wulin said nothing as finally reached Nidhogg.

"Yet... I lost to you... You who aren't even a god..."

Before Nidhogg could say anything else, Tang Wulin thrust his fists into his mouth and wrenched it wide open. Then with a roar, a massive black-blue beam of energy shot into Nidhoggs throat and went straight out the rest of its body obliterating it.

Broken and battered body of Nidhogg couldn't withstand Tang Wulin attacks even in his human form, as Nidhogg was already dying.

'You talk too much.' Thought Tang Wulin as he watches the remains of Nidhogg dissipating.

Next, his eyes glowed fiercely as an icy blue ball appeared and then he opens up his mouth. Tang Wulin watches as the ball went into his mouth and the marking around his body began to shine.

He then entered his Spiritual World and watched as the icy blue sphere traveled to a separate area from where his soul core and blood core were.

He watches as the light travel for a while and then reached a room of white. In the room was his massive Dragon Form that was lying down and then the icy sphere went into his dragon form. He could feel his dragon slayer powers were getting stronger after devouring Nidhogg soul.

He began getting lost in thought as he stared at his dragon form.


Tang Wulin blinks his eyes as he appeared in a white room. Next, to him, Zeref appeared with a critical look and then he snaps his fingers, causing the room to shake.

Tang Wulin watches as a massive dragon started to appear. He didn't even need it to fully appeared to know it was his Dragon Form from what he senses and felt from it.

"Zeref?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"Remember when I told you that the Space Between Time also brought your Dragon Form that was trapped in Fairy Sphere into this body and then separates it." Said Zeref causing Tang Wulin to nod, as he recalled that.

"Well, this is the area the Space Between Time brought it to. Now all you need to do his interact with your Dragon Form." Said Zeref.

"With the help of Yggdrasil, you believe I would have enough energy to use my dragon form?" Questioned Tang Wulin, causing Zeref to nod his head.

"What about the madness?" Questioned Tang Wulin, causing Zeref to grimace and then turn to him.

"I have been thinking about that for a while and came up with a theory that could work. You didn't know this but the main reason you Dragonslayers went mad was because of the enormous power of a Dragon being housed in your human bodies. Because you guys couldn't contain the power, you were driven to madness and went on to rampage around the world." Said Zeref causing Tang Wulin to fall silent.

"While it was possible for your body to gain enough to strength to withstand the power, by the time you reach that level it would be too late normally. But with your Golden Dragon King seal and the Spirit Metamorphosis, your body was able to transform into an existence that has the potential to withstand the enormous power." Said Zeref.

"Why didn't you tell me this before now?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"I told you, it's a theory. I'm not a hundred percent sure if this will work. I'm only basing this on the fact that you guys went mad from your body not being able to withstand your dragonslayer magic. There is a chance that you will still go mad and destroy everything." Said Zeref as he stared at Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin gazes at Zeref but then nodded his head.

"Let's do it." Said Tang Wulin causing Zeref eyes to widen.

"Wait! Don't you want to at-."

"Not enough time Zeref, its either I go hysterical or die by Nidhogg." Said Tang Wulin as he began walking towards his Dragon Form.

"Besides, I trust you bring me back" Said Tang Wulin, not noticing the way Zeref began to clench his fist.

Tang Wulin reached the snout of his Dragon Form and saw it was staring at him with its beady white eyes. A smile sprouted from his lips as he began moving his hand toward his Dragon Form and then a light envelops the room around them.

Tang Wulin could feel his bones shifting, teeth getting longer and sharper. Jaws lengthen, organs reassemble, wings around his back starting to sprout out and scales started to form around his body. The process was terrible and yet, oddly he missed it.


"Few, it's a good thing your body was able to hold out." Said Zeref as he appeared next to Tang Wulin.

"Amazing." Said Sleipnir as she appeared next to them and began to observe the damages that they caused. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought Tang Wulin and Nidhogg were the caused of Yggdrasil destruction.

The roots of Nidhogg were raptured, the bark was frozen or ripped apart and the ground beneath them was basically frozen solid. The storm above them was still snowing, but it seems to have turned less intense from the death of Nidhogg.

"Still, why did you hold back against Nidhogg?" Questioned Sleipnir as she could feel the vast amount of power Tang Wulin was holding back. From that amount, she could tell that if he wanted to, he could have easily destroyed Nidhogg.

Tang Wulin shook his head as he thought about what happened in the fight with Nidhogg. When he was in his Dragon form, he got lost to the previous unchallenged power he had before.

"You got lost?" Questioned Sleipnir.

"Yes. The feeling of regaining the power of my dragon form and being untouchable was utterly amazing. I wanted to stay in that form as long as possible. It wasn't until I could feel my body and soul screaming out that I decided to conclude the fight." Said Tang Wulin causing both Sleipnir and Zeref to nod their heads.

"Well anyway, It's about time we head up to Yggdrasil."Said Zeref.

Tang Wulin looked up to Yggdrasil and then began dashing towards it.

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