Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 91: Road of Time

Chapter 91: Road of Time

The attack came in the form of a raging array of destruction.

Tang Wulin promptly formed a barrier with his Blue Silver Genesis Neutral mode causing all of the vines to become thicker and larger. Yet that did nothing to stop the vines from being literally disintegrated as soon as it made contact with the blue energy.

But this gave Tang Wulin enough time to get out of the way of the attack. He watches as the surge of energy completely destroyed parts of the tower, allowing him to observe the sky outside and the rain that was falling.

Sage merely ignores the destruction caused as Trishula lit up and to Tang Wulin shock, he saw the surrounding area being restored.

"Surprise? You should be. After all, this weapon represents the miraculous power of Creation, Balance, and Destruction." Said Sage as he narrowed his eyes at Tang Wulin.


The ground beneath sage was shattered as he races across the battlefield toward Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin quickly willed his Blue Silver Genesis into Active Mode and sends the vines to capture him. While this was happening two purple rings lit up behind him.



Sage notice the luxuriant vines coming towards him but only snorted as a crackle of lightning burst from him and burn the vines that came close to him. But Tang Wulin expression didn't change as he stomps down on the ground causing countless golden and black dragons to burst from the ground.

Sage with masterful movements thrust out Trishula towards the dragons that were heading to him. Tang Wulin watches as trident made contact with the mighty dragons but instead of them exploding or blowing it away.

They instantly froze.

Sage sped up and thrust out his trident toward Tang Wulin. With exceptional skill, Tang Wulin deflected the trident to the side and then twisted his body to thrust out towards Sage.

Sage let out a small smirk as blue energy burst from his body and the trident he held. Tang Wulin tried to counter the burst of energy with his Annihilation but he was blown away from the blue energy overpowering his Annihilation.

Sage eyes widen in shock when he saw Tang Wulin being blasted away from him, being erased from existence from his attack. He narrowed his eyes at the red energy that sheltered him before his attack contact.

"Interesting, to think you have an able power to defend against this weapon. Which means that power you have has to be in the same class as the gods." Said Sage as he saw Tang Wulin skidded to a complete stop.

Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes as he began thinking of a way to get through Trishula destruction energy. Sage slowly twirled his trident and then with one simple thrust, obliterated everything in front of him.

'Apocalypse King Dragon Soar.'

Tang Wulin instantly disappears from in front of Sage and the area he was in was annihilated. Tang Wulin then thurst his hands up causing the area under Sage to lit up.

'Magic Dragon Eruptions.'

Sage narrowed his eyes and slam Trishula down to the ground causing the energy below to be destroyed. Tang Wulin instantly summoned his Light Wings and used the extra mobility to gain some distance from Sage.

"Trishula is a god weapon that eliminates everything down to its concept. You will have to try harder than that to even get close to me." Said Sage causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch.

"Yet you are able to wield it so well." Tang Wulin mumble causing Sage who surprising was able to hear it, to shake his head.

"Wield it so well? Don't make me laugh. Trishula isn't an easy weapon to wield." Sage mumbled.

The only reason why he could use most of its power was that he was using Yggdrasil and his own life force as a substitute to appease Trishula. Trishula is a weapon that would never allow those who are unworthy or corrupt to wield it.

It was not incorrect to say Sage was putting his literal existence on the line. As once he didn't have any more life force and Yggdrasil Energy to transmit. Then Trishula will eliminate him as punishment for being unworthy of it.

'But if I can't do this much, then I wouldn't have been able to be the guard this place for all these millennia.' Thought Sage.

Tang Wulin dashed towards Sage. Sage narrowed his eyes and his Trishula started to crackle with lightning. He slammed the but end of the shaft down on the ground causing the lighting at the prong to disappear and appear above both of them.

Yet Tang Wulin hasn't stopped his dash but instead increased his speed. Sage noted this but nonetheless continued his attack as the lightning above them formed a sphere came rushing down.

Tang Wulin disregards the sphere of lightning coming towards him and thought back to his lessons with Old Tang.


"Wrong." Said Old Tang as he smacks Tang Wulin away.

Tang Wulin body went rolling a few meters away from Old Tang who only shook his head.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Mutter Tang Wulin as he slowly starts to pick himself back up.

"I'm not surprised. What I'm trying to get you to understand and achieve is something most others won't be able to achieve in their lifetime." Said Old Tang causing Tang Wulin to raise a brow.

"Why do you say that?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"Because while the concept is straightforward to recognize. The actual achievement of itis very difficult and hard. If you want to reach the next height of your spearmanship, then you must learn to free your mind from all external factors." Said Old Tang as Tang Wulin finally stood back up.

"You must learn this skill if you want to reach even farther highest. As there will be times in a fight where nothing you do will seem to work and the only thing you can rely on is your instinct."

"Even just gaining a glimpse of this skill will allow you to overcome most of the challenge you may face in your life."


Tang Wulin took a deep breath and exhales. He gradually moved his hand that didn't have the spear in a circle.

'Apocalypse King Dragon Shocks The Heaven.'

A golden and black dragon appeared in place of Tang Wulin, with a roar that reverberates throughout the whole tower. To Sage's shock, he could see the lighting sphere flickering from the pressure that the dragons gave off and then Tang Wulin thrust his spear.


With never before seen extraordinary precision and skills, Tang Wulin was able to hit the weak point of the lightning sphere causing it to collapse. Yet he hasn't stopped there as he got closer to Sage who decided to send out a burst of destructive energy.

Yet even with the oncoming destruction energy, Tang Wulin expression remain serene. Tang Wulin spear became coated with the energy of annihilation as it was about to make contact with Trishula destruction energy.

Sage was expecting many things, from Tang Wulin trying to avoid Trishula destruction energy to him trying to weaken it with his own destruction energy but under no circumstances did he expect what came next.

Tang Wulin thrust out his spear towards the destruction energy. As it made contact, it was able to cause it to halt with the aid of the red energy around it for a second. Yet it didn't stop there, as to Sage's shock the spear in Tang Wulin hands began to dance.

After hitting the destruction energy once, Tang Wulin didn't try to retreat but used the momentum from beforehand to keep on attack. With unbelievable fluidness and skill, Tang Wulin spear began to slowly cause the destruction energy around it to distort and trail behind the spear movement.

Tang Wulin slowly sped up his spear movement, as more and more destruction energy started to swirl around him like a vortex. It was not incorrect to say at the moment Tang Wulin look like he was controlling the destruction energy as if it was his own.

'How!' Thought Sage in shock.

Tang Wulin after gathering all of the destruction energy around him, then twisted his body and thrust out towards Sage who was standing in front of him.

Sage instantly evaded to the side as he saw Trishula destructions energy pass through the area he was in. Sadly, he didn't have enough time to think about it as Tang Wulin was able to close the gap between from him being too shocked.

What Sage didn't know was that Tang Wulin was gradually reaching the fundamental limits of the realm of man with his spearmanship. Because of this Tang Wulin was able to achieve things that one could consider impossible.

Tang Wulin with one step was able to reach the area of attack of Sage who narrowed his eyes and thrust out toward Tang Wulin. Yet Tang Wulin expression did not change as his spear thrust turned from one thrust into a thousand.


Sage's could feel himself about to be propelled back from Tang Wulin overwhelming strength but Tang Wulin didn't allow that. Tang Wulin moved his spear downwards ontop of Trishula to divert it to the ground and then twisted his body before thrusting towards Sage.

'Like I would let you.' Thought Sage as he expanded both lightning and destruction from his body.

But as if Tang Wulin already predicted this his thrust turned into a slash that was causing both the lightning and destruction energy to follow him. Yet Sage only narrowed his eyes as his third eye began to shine with a purple light.

Tang Wulin gracefully moved the energy that was twirling around his spear towards Sage's third eye that began to shine with an uncertain light. A beam of pure destruction burst from Sage's third eye and as it made contact with Tang Wulin spear which was coated with energy.

The two attacks clashed for a few seconds, causing the whole area to shake and vibrate. The two attacks were clashing fiercely causing a harsh wind to pick up and the ground around them to start forming cracks.

Then, the attack blasted both Tang Wulin and Sage back causing their body to be sent back skidding. Yet both Tang Wulin and Sage didn't allow their attention to leave each other as they both get ready to strike again.

'Alright, I guess I have to get serious.' Thought Sage as he narrowed his eyes.

Destruction energy started to coat Trishula as Sage began to twirl it around before he then thrust it toward Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin calmly raised up his spear as he gets ready to redirect the attack.

As Tang Wulin gets ready to redirect the attack, Sage instantly appeared behind the attack and thrust Trishula through the destruction energy.


Tang Wulin moves his spear to block Trishula but then he saw Sage let out a small smark. He watches as his spear came in contact with Trishula and then the destruction energy exploded outward. Yet Tang Wulin instantly counter that with deadly efficiency.

' Apocalypse King Dragon Emission.'

Tang Wulin did not get sent flying from the energy exploding outward but instead absorbed that force and thrust out his spear toward Sage. Sage quickly expanded lightning and destruction energy from his body causing both of the attacks to explode outward again.

Yet unlike last time, both combatants refuse to be sent back as they forced their body to fight against the force of the explosion. Once the explosion past Tang Wulin and Sage began thrusting out their spear at each other.

Back and forth both men were sending out numerous thrusts against each other while trying to discover an opening.

'He doesn't even look that old but he is so skilled.' Thought Sage in shock as the longer he fought with Tang Wulin, the more shocked he became.

Unbeknownst to Sage, it was the Asura blood that was being stimulated inside Tang Wulin veins that allowed him to bring out his literal best. Through his Asura blood, he was using all of his experience to see through all of Sage's attacks and knowing how to best counter.

Combine that with the fact that he was becoming more skilled in his spearmanship, the longer he fought. Right now, it was not incorrect to say Tang Wulin was precisely at his strongest right now.

As even when Sage tried to freeze Tang Wulin spear, he would just counter with his Dragonslayer powers or Annihilation.

Tang Wulin was calmly gazing at Sage who was countering his attacks and then he began increasing the astonishing speed of his thrusts. Sage's eyes widen when he started to see Tang Wulin spear thrust becoming faster and faster.


Tang Wulin crown shine with a dazzling light causing Sage reaction and deflection to decrease. Sage could feel his body getting weaker as his thrusts got slower, while Tang Wulin ones became even harder to follow.

'He had a skill that can lower a person strength too.' Thought Sage as he gritted his teeth.

As seconds pass by, Tang Wulin was slowly pushing back Sage and then he slams his foot on the ground.

'Apocalypse King Dragon Shocks the Earth.'

Sixteen dragons appeared out of the ground causing Sage who was too busy fighting off Tang Wulin attacks to get sent flying from two of them hitting him. As he was being sent back, the other dragons began to chase after him.

Within a few breaths, the dragon made contact and exploded causing a cloud of dust to appear. Tang Wulin kept his eyes and senses open for anything that Sage might try next.

"Congratulations." Sage's voice rang out.

Tang Wulin kept his gaze on Sage whose body was leaking out blood and new wounds with burn marks were on his body. Sage look down on his body and knew his time was up, as he could barely move his body anymore.

"I admit it. You win." Said Sage.

Yet Tang Wulin knew something was wrong as he people like Sage wouldn't have surrendered that easily.

"But I still have a duty I must fulfill." Said Sage causing Tang Wulin to narrow his eyes. But to Tang Wulin surprise, Sage drop down on his back with Trishula rolling away from him.

And then Yggdrasil began to rumble and shake.

"Oh now! He stimulated all of the stores up energy in Yggdrasil and now it's acting up." Sleipnir Voice rang out.

"What the hell did you do?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing Sage to chuckle.

"All that I can. Right now Yggdrasil is set to explode and maybe with some luck, it will destroy the entity with us." Said Sage causing Tang Wulin expression to change.


"I know! Switch between me." Said Sleipnir causing Tang Wulin body to shake and his eyes to close. Sage eyes widen when he saw Tang Wulin open his eyes and they were multi-colored instead of golden.

Then with a determined look, he dashes toward where Trishula and began to pick it up.

"Oh, you're picking it up?" Questioned Zeref as he appeared behind Tang Wulin.

"Yes, any weapon would be invaluable to him." Said Sleipnir as she turned her head toward the room behind the throne and dashed toward it.

Sage himself didn't say anything and began to close his eyes. He could feel all of his insides were melted and destroyed from Trishula.

'I'm joining you guys soon.' Was the last thought of Sage.

Sleipnir in Tang Wulin body quickly burst through the door and saw multiple branches that were distorting. Zeref appeared next to Sleipnir with his brows furrow.

"Will you be able to figure out which one is right? And even after that, are any of these safe?" Questioned Zeref, causing Sleipnir to shake her head.

"It doesn't matter whether their safe or not. I will make sure we get back in our era." Said Sleipnir with a grave voice.

A multi-colored ring appeared behind Tang Wulin that was shining and then he dashed toward one particular road. As Tang Wulin made contact with the road, his multi-colored eyes began to shine brilliantly and a desolate space surrounded him.

'Space-Time Channel.'

Tang Wulin body started to twist as the space around him was beginning to be swallowed. But before that could happen a streak of light went into Tang Wulin body before he disappeared.

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