Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 94: Catching Up

Chapter 94: Catching Up

"Alright, that is enough." Said Tang Wulin after he gave them enough time to hug him.

Yet they still haven't moved from him as if they didn't seem to have heard him or it could be they were just ignoring his comment. While this was going on, the people that didn't run to him were staring at him in shock.

"Tang Wulin?"

"Isn't it that the boy who became the president of his class who had people who were rank on the continental ranking?"

"Wasn't he the youth that defeated Monster Academy strongest youth and shows the dominance of Shrek in Star Luo continent?"

"Didn't he go missing?"

Yun Ming could hear the people around him muttering as they gaze at Tang Wulin, a person that went missing a year and a half ago. Yun Ming had many questions for Tang Wulin but for both his student and his wife sake, he decided to wait a bit longer.

"Wait, what happened to his hair."

Someone questioned quietly but it must have not been that quiet as the people who were hugging Tang Wulin blink their eyes and step back to observe him.

"Hey, boss what happened to your hair?" Questioned Xie Xie as he was too overwhelmed by Tang Wulin appearance to really questioned all of his changes.

"Not only his hair but also his eyes." Said Wu Siduo as she tilted her head and began to slowly inspect Tang Wulin.

She wasn't the only one as everyone around him was slowly inspecting him. Yun Ming was the only one who wasn't inspecting Tang Wulin as he was thoughtfully gazing at him.

"Tell me something, what exactly did you do to cause the Gold Tree to give you half of its energy." Questioned Yun Ming causing Tang Wulin to turn his gaze to him.

"Please tell him what happened." Sleipnir voice rang out as she appeared next to Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin didn't ask her if she was sure or not as he trusted her judgment.

So Tang Wulin began explaining to everyone around about his meeting with the old man and what happened. He left out bits like Sleipnir existence but mention that the old man knelt before him and said he wanted to help him.

All of the elders around the area were stunned at the revelation. Whether it be from the fact that that Elder Gold went out of his way to help and meet with a Shrek Student. Or from his action for the said Shrek Student.

It should be known that not even the elders and the Sea God Pavilion Master have ever met with Elder Gold who is the true guardian of Shrek. So imagine their shock when they were told by Tang Wulin that he met that same guardian.

If that wasn't bad enough, that same elder whos position could be considered higher than even the Pavilion Master knelt before the boy in front of them.

What was the status of Elder Gold? Was he not a person who lived for ten thousand years? Did he not protect Shrek for those ten thousand years? Did he not live through over a dozen Pavilion Masters?

So what qualification did Tang Wulin have that could cause him to kneel before him? Then it got even worse when he told them, that Elder Gold volunteered to help him and gave him thirty percent of the energy that was stored up.

Losing thirty percent of its energy is not a simple matter. Let alone the loss of that much energy for one person, the time it would take to recover it all would be three thousand years or more.

Tang Wulin friends, on the other hand, were confused as only the elders of the Sea God council were privy to this information. Yet they could tell it was something extremely important from the expression of the people around them.

"Leave." Said Yun Ming as his face was still being unreadable.

This surprise the people around with some of them even raising complaints about making Tang Wulin pay. Yet people like Zhou Shi and surprisedly Elder Cai step in for Tang Wulin with them refuting those complaints.

"Enough. I said he can go." Said Yun Ming with an authority befitting that of the Sea God Pavillion Master.

Everyone who was arguing fells silent after hearing Yun Ming voice and then turned their complicated gaze to Tang Wulin.

"Let's go." Said Tang Wulin as he begins moving with not a care in the world as if he didn't witness the argument that happened a few seconds ago.

This caused the elder's around lips to twitch at how nonchalant he was being and caused his friends specifically those who knew him the longest to chuckle.


"So boss what happened?"

"Yea, where were you for the past year and a half?"

"Xie Xie told us he saw you at the Dragon Valley before its collapses?"

Tang Wulin could hear his friends asking him a countless amount of questions and he strangely didn't find it annoying.

'Don't tell me I actually miss them that much.'

Shaking his head, Tang Wulin said he would tell them after they reach Zhou Shi house and have something to snack on. They accepted this as they all fell silent but that didn't stop the occasional glances from everyone to him.

'Although this is new.' Thought Tang Wulin as he could feel Na'er and Gu Yue embracing his arm. Not only that but they were holding on to him strongly as if they were afraid he would disappear on them again. Na'er he could understand but Gu Yue?


Tang Wulin and everyone reached Zhou Shi house after a while. Tang Wulin walk through the entrance in his old living area that he hasn't seen in almost two years if he counted the time he left for Star Luo continent.

He went over to the basket on the table that had bundles of Black Steamed Buns and leisurely pick up one.

"That old man hasn't been eating most of these?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he noted there were over sixty buns inside the basket.

"Teacher has been collecting them for you." Said Xie Xie as he sat down next to Tang Wulin which earn him the terrifying glare of Gu Yue.

"I see." Said Tang Wulin as a faint smile flashed on his face and disappeared.

Everyone sat at the table with Wu Zhankong slowly closing the door after Shen Yi was the last one inside.

"Before we do begin, can I make a request." Said Tang Wulin with a bun in his hand.

"Sure." Said Xu Xianyan with a modest smile on her face and everyone else nodded.

"I'm sure you all have noticed this but I know everyone here is not that close. In fact, it's not incorrect to say I'm the link that his holding this group together." Said Tang Wulin causing everyone to fall silent.

"I don't want that to be the truth. I will be blunt with you all, I barely know anything about anyone here except for Na'er and Gu Yue. I also know some of you don't know much about me either." Said Tang Wulin.

"So after I finish narrating my story. Can we all open up to each other? It doesn't have to be something big at first as it can be small at first. Gradually, I want us all to understand each other better." Said Tang Wulin as he waited for everyone answer.

"Why the sudden interest?" Questioned Wu Zhankong as he stared deeply at his most troublesome student. Yet Tang Wulin didn't offer a response as he recalls the revelation of his so-called relationship with everyone.

Truthfully it was the Dragon King trials that made him realize how hollow and shallow his connections with everyone seems to be. As he was walking through that endless void, he began to question whether they would wait for him or move on and some other things.

He had a lot of time or most specifically a billion years to think as he went over his relationship with the people in his life. It took a while for him to question exactly what he knew about his friends? Sure he knew some information about the people he stayed with at Eastsea Academy.

But the rest? He didn't know anything about Yuanen Yehui, Yue Zhengyu and etc. In fact, the longer he thought about it, the more he began realizing how the whole group seems to be tied together because of him.

Most of them made contact with each other, but they didn't understand each other at all. It was not wrong to say, his existence was the sole thing keeping them together.

He talked with Zeref and Sleipnir a bit about it after the trials. Zeref telling Tang Wulin, that he was wondering when he would realize it. He could still recall Zeref words as he was marching with the human army to the Spirit Beast base.

"Have you ever tried understanding them? Sure you have accepted them as your friends but to me, it still looks like they are nothing but acquaintance to you. I won't criticize you since this is the first for you but if you don't want to lose those people you call your friends."

"Then sit down with them and have a talk. Although the group you guys build together had a weak foundation. That doesn't mean it can't grow to become strong and unbreakable."

While Tang Wulin won't tell them everything about himself, he at least wanted them to know more about him. And he also wanted to know more about them, something he never thought he would ever want.

"Ok." Said Yuanen Yehui causing everyone to look at her in surprise. Not including Na'er and Gu Yue, she would be the most mysterious person around. So to see her be the first one agreeing caused them a little shock.

Yet that didn't stop them from also agreeing with Xie Xie agreeing next and then everyone saying yes, including Gu Yue. They didn't know how or why but they could feel this was important to everyone.

"So, where to begin." Tang Wulin commented as he closed his eyes and began to slowly munch on the buns.

"How about how you were able to get into the dragon valley?" Questioned Shen Yi causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"I was able to get inside of it because of my fifth spirit soul ring ability." Said Tang Wulin causing everyone else to slowly nod their head.

They didn't ask what it was or what type of spirit beast he had. They knew he would have told them if he wanted them to known.

After that, Tang Wulin began to talk to them about his journey through the Dragon Valley, leaving the most important bits out.

"So you just insulted them? And then they started to call you their god?" Questioned Xie Xie with an amused look on his face.

"Yes." Said Tang Wulin causing Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan to let out a small chuckle.

Then he continued with his story, with him being sucked up into a warp in space and being sent to the past. No one made a comment or sound but he could tell from their expression that they were shocked to the core.

Yet, he has kept on talking about the time he spent in the past while leaving out the most important parts of his meeting with the nine dragon kings, him using his dragon form against Nidhogg and the story of Sage.

Other than that, he told his story as the minutes pass through while munching on his black-steamed bun and leaning back on the chair.

Then he was done as he was finished talking and waited for everyone. He didn't need to look to see their shock in their eyes.

"So... You killed a god?" Questioned Xie Xie as he began to massage his temple.

"Yep." Said Tang Wulin in a nonchalant voice as if the act of killing a god wasn't something worth noting. His reaction caused everyone around the room to blankly look at him but then Xie Xie began to laugh out loud.

"Honestly, I shouldn't even be surprised anymore." Said Xie Xie as he shook his head and then looking back to Tang Wulin with determination in his eyes.

"Well then captain, its seems I can't let you be the only one to kill a god." Said Xie Xie causing his friends around him to also nod their head and giving him the same look. Tang Wulin let out a faint smile.

It wouldn't be surprising if one would fall into despair from the gap between the person they consider wanted to stand next to widening every second without them being able to catch up. Especially if the person they're seeking to catch up to did the impossible.

Yet, Xie Xie and his other friends didn't become depressed from his victory over a god but instead became even more motivated. It wasn't motivation to catch up to him but more to show the whole world what they are made of.

'They sure have grown.' Thought Tang Wulin.

He believed that they wouldn't be crush by the knowledge of him overcoming a being they wouldn't normally be able to touch. He chooses to believe in them and not keep out his fight with Nidhogg when he was telling the story.

"Still you got sent back into the past." Said Wu Zhankong causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"Sheesh boss, you never get a break do you." Xie Xie chuckles out loud.

"Big brother, if your going to do anything for now on or venture somewhere dangerous. Please allow us to help you."Said Na'er as she stares deep into Tang Wulin eyes.

Tang Wulin said nothing as his eyes were still close with a faint smile on his face but he could feel everyone gazes on him. He moved his hand to Na'er hair and began to stroke it.

"Alright." Said Tang Wulin causing everyone to let out a smile.

"Alright, who is next." Said Xie Xie as he got up off his chair and began to look around for targets.

"Why don't you go first." Said Gu Yue while staring at Xie Xie with a mocking look. Xie Xie lips twitch, but he couldn't say anything else as he felt everyone else gaze on him.

"Fine." Said Xie Xie with a sigh and sat back down in the chair.

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