Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 96: Headquarters

Chapter 96: Headquarters

"They're on an unknown continent!" Shouted Na'er in shock after she asked where the Body Sect headquarters.

"Yes." Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to incline her head.

"That explains why we couldn't locate their base." Said Gu Yue with a complicated look.

"Well from what the old man told me. They relocated the headquarters a decade ago from the Douluo Continent after they found another land." Said Tang Wulin.

The Body Sect is a very secretive organization and has hidden from the whole world. Although there is a piece of occasional news about them. Mu Ye told him the land they found was undiscovered and an ideal place to develop their strength.

Especially since they felt the Douluo Continent was getting more tense and worst.

"Still are you sure it's ok for you to bring people there. We don't know if we can trust them?"Questioned Gu Yue.

"It's fine, I already have Mu Ye construct a town across from the main headquarters for the people we are recruiting. As for the headquarters itself, Mu Ye and I already came up with a plan to hide it from them." Said Tang Wulin.

"I see." Said Na'er.

"Everyone already started to move. Xie Xie and Yue Zhangyu both rented a ship that can house the people they are bringing." Said Gu Yue causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"Mu Xi already called me and said her dad agreed to come." Said Tang Wulin.

"Yun Ming and Yali already gave me their approval." Said Na'er with a smile causing Tang Wulin and Gu Yue to nod their head. They already found out about her bet with Yun Ming and how she was able to hit four months ago.

"Still, to think you got the Dragon God robe." Mutter Gu Yue as she glances at the gorgeous robe that Tang Wulin was wearing. Tang Wulin told her and Na'er about the nine dragon king trials undoubtedly causing her to feel complicated.

She didn't know how to react, as from what Tang Wulin told her. He told her, he gained the approval of all the dragons and their hope that he will become the future Dragon God.

Yet, strangely enough, she wasn't mad but grateful as if a huge burden was lifted from her shoulder.

Tang Wulin moves his hand to stroke Gu Yue hair causing him to receive a glare from her and a pout from Na'er.

"Anyway, we should get ready to leave now." Said Tang Wulin as he summoned his glittering wings.

Four light wings expanded from his back that shimmer and then he loops his arm around the girls. Gu Yue and Na'er wrap their arms each around his neck with one blushing and the other with a smile on her face. Then he sped off toward the land where the base was.


It took them approximately a few days to reach the land where the headquarters was located.

From what Tang Wulin estimated, it would take about twenty-five days to a month for the ships to arrive here from the Douluo continent.

The land was in the middle of the gleaming sea, with no other isles visible in the surrounding area. It was a mildly large, rocky and steep land that seems to span for hundreds of kilometers.

It was covered by lush vegetation with lofty trees all around. Throughout the land, one could see streams of rivers intersecting each other.

Near the shore was were large rock formations protruding out of the sea on the side.

Around the land, there were cascading waterfalls that rush into the shimmering lakes. While also many tall mountains were located in the back of the region.

Tang Wulin moved his eyes around until he was able to locate a small town that had a variety of building and at the back of the town was a large pavilion.

Tang Wulin with his exceptional eyes' sight could see people moving through the town and accelerated toward the town.

It didn't take him too long to reach the town and unsurprisingly his arrival cause a lot of people to look at him in shock. For good reasons, this land should have been a secret to those unaffiliated with the people here.

"It's alright, we were expecting him." A voice rang out causing Tang Wulin, Na'er, and Gu Yue to turn their gaze to a robust man.

He had a huge figure similar to that of Mu Ye with short hair and a black robe. His eyes were dark which became more prominent in conjunction with his black hair. He wasn't handsome and yet the aura he gazes off could somewhat captivate people.

They watch as with just a few words, the man was able to calm down the crowd of people and have them go back to what they were doing. Subsequently, he turned his head to them and began walking.

"It's good to see you are well, honorable heir." Said the man as he bowed before Tang Wulin.

"My name is Wang Tong and I'm one of the elders of the Body Sect. Sect Master Mu Ye told me you were coming and to look out for you, while he was away." Said Wang Tong.

"Is it because of the things I ask for?"

"Yes, Sect Master had to go to Douluo continent for the people you wish for. While he was gone, he asked me to tend to your needs and show you around." Said Wang Tong.

Tang Wulin nodded his head and motion for Wang Tong to do just that. Wang Tong leads the way for the trio as he began to go through the town and explain to them what they have constructed so far.

"We have built the barracks for the recruits that won't be apart of the body sects. The barracks were made a bit away from the town as to not disturb the town people when the recruits begin their training." Said Wang Tong.

Tang Wulin nodded his head as Zeref appeared next to him with his eyes shining and small smile sprouting on his face. Truthfully these were Zeref's ideas when he was talking with Mu Ye about the future of the body sect.

"Ask him these questions for me." Said Zeref.

"Did you guys build the necessary accommodation for the workers and builders?" Questioned Tang Wulin to Wang Tong.

"Of course. The town we are walking through was built by the workers and builders in the body sect. They made sure to include every necessity that would be required for them and the normal folks." Said Wang Tong.

This continued as Wang Tong lead them towards the headquarters of the Body Sect. It was located inside one of the tall mountains that were behind the town. Wang Tong began showing the trio around the whole sect headquarters, not even minding that the two girls beside Tang Wulin were outsiders.

This was because Tang Wulin told Wang Tong it was alright and Mu Ye said, Tang Wulin words when he wasn't there was as good as his.

As they moved through the halls of the sect and pass the various training grounds, they could hear footsteps.

"Na'er! Wulin!"

They all turned their heads to the location of the voice. To Gu Yue and Na'er shock, it was Lang Yue who was running eagerly towards them and Tang Ziran was trailing behind.

Not a moment later, Lang Yue crash Into Tang Wulin and enveloped him into an affectionate hug. He was able to keep them from falling, as he slowly started rubbing her back.

"My baby boy!"

"Mom! Wait, how could you tell that was big brother?"Questioned Na'er as she stared at her mom.

"A mother would never forget the face of her child." Said Lang Yue as she moved back a bit and set her hand on Tang Wulin's face.

How could Lang Yue forget the face of her son she raised ever since he was a baby. As soon as she glances at the side of his face when she was walking to Tang Ziran. She knew that was her son that went missing a year and a half ago.

Tang Wulin said nothing as he allowed her to move her hands around his face. He could see the evident concern and relief in her eyes, that he was safe.

"See, I told you he would be fine." Said Tang Ziran as he came up behind Lang Yue.

"Hush you. Even if he was fine, he must have been lonesome for all those months." Said Lang Yue as she glared fiercely at Tang Ziran.

Tang Ziran raised his hand in surrender and tried to calm his wife down. Na'er turned her head to Tang Wulin with a questioning look.

"I had Mu Ye take them to the Body Sect headquarters." Said Tang Wulin causing Na'er and Gu Yue eyes to widen.

"But when?" Questioned Gu Yue.

"It was a month after Wulin went missing. Elder Ye contact me through the number Wulin gave me before I left the Star Luo Continent. He followed my instructions and found us, then he took us back here." Said Tang Ziran.

Truthfully Tang Wulin didn't like the thought of his parents being in a place where something might happen to them. So he told Mu Ye, as soon as he can take his parents to the Body Sect headquarters.

"Still, my little Tang Tang. You sure have gotten more handsome." Said Lang Yue as she saw the extensive changes in Tang Wulin.

Whether it be from his goldish-white flowing hair with the blue highlights, his golden-blue eyes or his body figure. Lang Yue had to reluctantly admit her little boy had grown up and was becoming a man.

Tang Ziran commented his son really did grow up to be a lady killer causing Lang Yue to roll her eyes and sigh in displeasure.

Lang Yue then turned her eyes to Na'er and couldn't help but let out a discontent sigh. Her little girl had gotten taller than the last time she saw her with a more developed body and her gleaming hair went down to her waist.

"My sweet little girl Na'er. You have gotten even more irresistible." Said Lang Yue, then she turned to Gu Yue.

Similar to her daughter, Gu Yue was more developed than the last time she saw her with her hair long and yet she notices something different.

'Did she fall in love?' Thought Lang Yue as she subtly glances at Tang Wulin.

"Gu Yue you sure have become even more beautiful as well." Said Lang Yue as she brought both Gu Yue and Na'er into an affectionate hug.

Gu Yue was a bit flustered but didn't object. Then Lang Yue force both of the girls into a talk that the guys couldn't hear.

While that was happening Tang Ziran and Tang Wulin started talking. Wang Tong was silent as he observes with no defining expression on his face.

"Alright dear, can you tend to the girls for me. I want to talk with my little Tang Tang privately." Said Lang Yue causing Tang Ziran to slowly nod.

"Great, It has been a while since we spent time together. Tang Tang lets go." Said Lang Yue as she wraps her arms around Wulin arm.

"Ok, one second." Said Tang Wulin as he held Lang Yue in place and then turn back.

"Wang Tong I want you to take Gu Yue and Na'er to the training room where the Body Sect recruits are training." Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue and Na'er to give him questioning glances.

"I want you to put them through the same training I gave you guys." Said Tang Wulin causing both of them to finally understand.

Tang Wulin wanted to sufficiently develop the disciples of the Body Sects through his 'Hell Training'. Gu Yue and Na'er glance at each other and then causing a faint smile to sprout on their faces.

That faint smile sent shivers down Tang Ziran and Wang Tong back, while Tang Wulin arch a brow at them.

"Of course big brother. We will gladly pass them through the hell training." Said Na'er.

"Lead the way." Said Gu Yue as her eyes had an eerie light in them. Wang Tong hesitated for a bit before nodding his head.

"Alright, we will see you guys later." Said Lang Yue with a big smile on her face as she drags Tang Wulin away.

Tang Ziran waved his hand and sent a glance at both of the girls behind him.

'Just what are these two planning.'

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