Dragon Maken War

Chapter 262 - Epilogue (1)

Chapter 262 - Epilogue (1)


After Atein was defeated, the Dragon Demon castle was demolished. The heart of the Plain of Darkness was destroyed, and the long fight waged by the Guardian Shadows came to an end.

However, this didn’t mean that their work was done.

The Great Darkness still existed in this world. More pillars of Darkness had to be destroyed to completely eradicate the presence of the Great Darkness.

Moreover, there was an immediate problem they had to take care of.

There were still remnants of the Dragon Demon king worshippers. The Plain of Darkness possessed five small cities, and many Dragon Demon king worshippers had been dispatched into the outer world.

The remnant of the Dragon Demon king worshippers would come flooding back.

The suicide squad was tired and injured right now. They were running out of medicine, supplies and equipment. They would have to break through the waves of Dragon Demon worshippers to escape from this place.

The suicide squad was ready to fight to the death, but they soon received a shocking piece of news.

The five small cities within the Plain of Darkness was empty. While the Dragon Demon castle was being destroyed, everyone within these cities had evacuated to some unknown location. They were basically ghost cities.

It was the same for the troops that had been defending the waypoints and the pillars of Darkness.

Of course, the Guardian Shadows were taken aback when they realized all the Dragon Demon King worshippers were gone.

Kayalia found out the reason behind their disappearance when she regained access to the Great Darkness.

‘Pioneer plan.’

It was a plan that had been prepared alongside the construction of the Dragon Demon castle. It had been prepared near the end of the Dragon Demon war. Reshoo was in charge of carrying out the plan now. The Dragon Demon king worshippers were embarking on a new future.



He could hear the sound of the waves.

An enormous ship was crossing the ocean. It was a ship that was larger than any ship built in the history of this world. It was so large that it could be called a small island. The ship’s hull was colored black. The sail and the power of magic allowed the ship to cut through the waves.

There wasn’t just one boat. There were 33 ships traveling as a fleet.

A Dragon Majin female with long black hair and cold blue eyes was standing atop the deck. She looked out at the horizon.

She had been working as Niberis’ aide until Niberis betrayed the Plain of Darkness. Regina was thrown out from the Dragon Demon castle afterwards, and she chose to reside in one of the small cities within the Plain of Darkness.

On the day of the final battle, Regina had heard the voice of Atein ring inside her head.

-My comrades. You have participated in my plan, and we stand at the crossroad of our fate.

Atein knew that everything he had worked for was in danger of collapsing. It would be great if he had won, but there had always been the possibility that he might be defeated. This was why he had worked on finding another future for his people.

The residents near the Dragon Demon castle, who were embroiled in the fight, was excluded from the order. All the other Dragon Demon King worshippers were ordered to gather in one location. They were told to wait for the result of the fight.

They gathered at the eastern tip of the continent. They were at the Atisan mountain range, and it was a place beyond human reach. Only a very few number of people knew about this location. Another plan was put in place when Atein had built the Dragon Demon castle long ago.

When Atein’s death became known, his plan was revealed to the scared and saddened Dragon Demon king worshippers.

Pioneer plan.

Atein had used his great magic to find a new continent. He had chosen to immigrate his people to the new world using his fleet.

“A new land across the ocean.......”

Regina absent-mindedly mumbled to herself.


After Atein was awakened, a chosen group of people had been put in charge of preparing the Pioneer plan. He had built the Dragon Demon castle for the possibility of him losing the Dragon Demon war. He had done the same thing by preparing another backup plan.

The foundation of the Pioneer plan had been laid down before the Dragon Demon war had begun. He had put dozens of years into preparing this plan.

It was considered short if Atein took only several dozens years to complete a plan. There were some plans that took several hundred years to finish. Aside from the Road of Emptiness and the Dragon Demon castle, the rest of Atein’s plan had remained incomplete after his death.

The Pioneer plan was one of the incomplete plans, but it had been at the final stages of being completed. The plan just needed some finishing touches to be completed. However, there had been a lack of manpower and supplies to finish the plan near the end of the Dragon Demon war.

The Pioneer plan was finally finished after it was halted 220 years ago. It occurred after Atein was revived.

As civilizations grew, their technology and skills naturally developed. Their search for knowledge did not remain confined to their continent.

The Auru Archipelago was located in the western ocean. The Brikra continent was located across the southern ocean.

Still, the northern and eastern ocean were uncharted territories for humanity.

The North contained the Plain of Darkness. The Atisan mountain range, and the Albatan formed an impenetrable barrier to the south. This was why humanity was blocked from exploring towards those directions. Some tried to explore the north and south through the ocean. They were met with natural and artificial phenomena like giant whirlpools and the Fog of the Water god.

Atein had defeated a transcendent being called the Water god a long time ago. In the process, he found out a route that would allow him to bypass these obstacles.

Moreover, he was able to use the Great Darkness to observe the new continent, which was across eastern ocean. There were no humans and Dragons living on this uncharted continent. In fact, no intelligent races occupied this territory.

If Atein had won and survived his battle, he would have used the Pioneer plan to extend humanity’s territories. He planned on creating new possibilities using this land.

However, he had lost. In his death, he ordered his people to embark on their new future.


Reshoo was sitting inside of the captain’s room of the lead ship. He was going over a report.

The fleet was made out of 33 ships, and there was a communication line being maintained through the Great Darkness. They didn’t have to waste paper to create reports. They could exchange information through the Great Darkness.

“Food is our biggest worry.”

Reshoo mumbled to himself.

It had been 10 days since the fleet was put out to the ocean. They could use the power of magic to transform the ocean waters into drinkable water. Their water supply wasn’t a problem.

However, they were short on food. They hadn’t been able to scrounge up enough food before the final battle had started.

“I think we should start fishing now.”

The one to make the suggestion was a Dragon Demon youth sitting next to Reshoo. It was Jeffers Almarick.

During the final fight, he was dispatched to protect one of the pillars. This was why he hadn’t participated in the final fight, and he became included in the Pioneer plan.

He had the status symbol of being the descendant of Almarick, so he was widely accepted by the Dragon Demon king worshippers. Reshoo had also rescued him twice before, so he had made Jeffers an officer under his command. Jeffers had been a big help in taking care of the day-to-day responsibilities.

Reshoo spoke.

“Fishing. I guess that’s our only choice. Does anyone have experience with fishing?”


“It is to be expected since we never fought near the ocean. We’ll have to rely on the magicians to fish. It would be optimal if we are able to find an island along the way.....”

“It would be great if we are able to find one.”

Jeffers sighed as he spoke.

Atein’s plan only gave the route that’ll get them to the new continent. Overall, the information had been lacking. Atein had used the abilities of the Great Darkness to observe and glean couple crucial information about the new continent, but he didn’t know much else. Atein hadn’t had the time to explore and expand on the information he had gathered.

Suddenly, Jeffers spoke.

“Do you think we’ll do a good job?”

“We have to do a good job. Are you not confident?”

“In truth, I’m not. This is my first time doing this.”

“It is also my first.”


Reshoo chuckled when he saw Jeffers’ expression crumble.

“It is understandable that you are nervous about this venture. I’m nervous too.”

“You don’t look like you are nervous.”

“I have to be like that. You’ve been in positions where you had to lead men. The leader always has to be confident even if you are hitting a rock with an egg.”


Jeffers groaned.

He felt frustrated. From the moment he was born, he had always walked the path designated by someone else. It didn’t matter before or after Atein was revived. He always believed that the path pointed out by his superiors was the right one. This was why he was anxious now.

In some ways, he was still living his life the same way as before. Atein was his god, and Reshoo was in charge of carrying out Atein’s will.

However, Atein hadn’t been able to completely discern the future. They were being given a blank canvas to work on.

Would they really be able to do well?

Suddenly, Reshoo spoke.

“I was thrown into this world with only my name. I left the Albatan forest to understand humans, and I was afraid and nervous at the time. It comes with the territory when you are trying to discover the unknown. However, if I gave up before I even attempted it, I would have never been able to bring about any change.”

“Even if I am afraid, I shouldn’t try to dodge an unavoidable fight. You are saying I shouldn’t think about the consequences. I should hit it headon.”

“That’s exactly it. It probably differs from what you learned from the Plain of Darkness, but.....”

“I know you aren’t saying we should willingly die for our noble mission.”

Jeffers sighed.

Suddenly, Reshoo spoke.

“It had been a blur since we’ve started our voyage..... Somehow, I get why Atein gave this mission to me. Do you know why he did so?”

“He appointed Reshoo-nim as the Dragon Demon General. You have the right pedigree to be in charge of the Pioneer plan..... Also, you have the power to control everyone if needed.”

Jeffers gave his answer. It was the reasons why everyone accepted Reshoo as their leader.

There were many problems percolating within the ships.

The Dragon Demon king worshippers were beings bred and raised on fanaticism within the Plain of Darkness. The Dragon Demons were on top of their social class. Humans were placed at the bottom. They had lived within such class system.

When Atein was revived, all their values and beliefs were shattered. They were shocked by it. It also didn’t mean their personalities changed after they learned the truth. The principles of fanaticism, which had been established from their birth, still had a hold over them.

Above all else, the word of Atein was important. He was their god.

However, Atein was dead now. There was a state of uneasiness in the ships, and it felt as if a problem would arise at any moment. It was a ticking time bomb.

This was why it had been wise to have placed Reshoo as the leader. He had both the pedigree and strength to be the leader.

Reshoo spoke.

“In practical terms, you are right. The elders of the Plain of Darkness no longer exists, but the problems they created remains. If drastic measures are needed, the leader must be able to take control through power.”

The survivors of the Dragon Demon war and the elders of the Plain of Darkness had been gathered inside the Dragon Demon castle. They had done so at the order of Atein, and they had been wiped out in the final battle. This was why they weren’t part of the Pioneer plan.

It was unknown if Atein had purposefully done this or it was a simple coincidence. As the leader of the Pioneer plan, their absence had been a huge boon for Reshoo.

“However, those weren’t the only reasons why Atein chose me. Even if Almarick, Ausaurus or Baldazark survived until the end, Atein would have chosen me. ”


“This will be my first.”

“What do you mean?”

Jeffers looked as if he couldn’t comprehend his words. Reshoo spoke.

“I’ve never been a king before.”

Reygus, Almarick, Ausaurus and Baldazark had lived for a very long time, and they had been kings before. They had fought for their ideals, and they had become worn down by reality. This was why they had entrusted their dreams to Atein.

However, Reshoo had never attempted to achieve his ideals through his own power.

“I’ve always lived in a world created by others.”

It started in the Albatan forest. It was the same when he wandered around the humans world. It continued when he had allied himself with Atein.

From Atein’s point of view, his lack of experience as a ruler was a merit in Reshoo’s favor. It made Atein want to entrust the future to Reshoo.

Reshoo knew about the various facets of the world. Moreover, he had created the Dragon Soul. It had been several thousand years since the Dragon Demon weapons had been created, and he had created a new possibility through his own actions.

“I think that is why he did it. He wanted to entrust the future to an unknown quantity.”

Atein hadn’t revealed his inner thoughts to Reshoo. He just told Reshoo about the Pioneer Plan, and in the case of his death, he would entrust the future to Reshoo. He told Reshoo to make a good world as he saw fit to make it.

“Atein left me a big burden, so I have to take on the responsibility. From now on, I’ll borrow the name of the god called Atein. I plan on acting as an apostle that follows the words of a god.”

“You’ll be his apostle?”

“Isn’t that what I am?”

Reshoo shrugged his shoulders.

Reshoo had to change the way of life of the settlers from now on. It was a lifestyle that was ingrained into them. From the moment of their birth, these people had lived as slaves to their fanaticism towards Atein.

Reshoo determined that the easiest way to change their behavior was through using the ‘god’s words.’

The Dragon Demon king worshippers had grown roots in the Plain of Darkness for the past 220 years. They left behind their lives without any fuss, and they were participating in the Pioneer plan without causing any trouble. It was all thanks to Atein’s presence. If Reshoo tried to minimize Atein in any way, it would cause confusion and backlash amongst his people.

“At some point, I won’t need to use such facade......”

The Dragon Demons, Dragon Majins and humans would overcome the confusion of change that came with generations changing. They would do so by following Atein’s words.

In the distant future, humanity in their homeland will forget about their hatred towards Atein and the Dragon Demon King worshippers....

“When that time comes, we’ll be able to reunite with the people of our homeland. We’ll be able to forge a different relationship with them. If possible, I want to live long enough to witness this.”

“You’ll have to live for a very long time.”

“I guess so. Well, it is merely a wish.”

Reshoo didn’t know how long his lifespan was. He wasn’t sure if he’ll be able to transcend his lifespan.

Anyways, he’ll be with the settlers for a very long time, and he’ll be able to steer the future of the new world.

Reshoo looked at the navigation map on the wall as he spoke.

“Now that I think about it, the new continent has no name.”

“There are no indigenous people there so no name has been given.”

“The name has already been chosen.”

“Is it the Reshoo continent?”

“Is that supposed to be a joke?”

Reshoo clicked his tongue as he raised a pen to the map. He wrote a name atop the new continent.


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