Dreadful Radio Game

Chapter 111: Fraud

Chapter 111: Fraud

Gyatso and Lam finished their search and walked back. Seeing that Fatty was kneeling by the well throwing up and pressing his throat with his fingers in his mouth, they were really confused.

Su Bai clapped his hands. Hell be fine. What have you found?

Lam showed his palm. There was some brown ash.

This kind of dirt only exists in one place among these mountains. Those zombies were not wearing new boots, but Ive kept them inside after I caught them, waiting for the gate of hell to open once in a year, therefore their boot soles must be quite clean. Only after they have gone to that place can they leave such obvious traces.

Lead the way. Su Bai wiped his lips and then patted on Fattys shoulder. Lets go.

They went deep into the mountains. Soon, Lam stopped them and pointed to the col in front of them, There it is. That place is filled with minerals and covered with black dregs. And theres a cave on the other side, those zombies must be hiding in that cave.

Then lets go and destroy that Zombie King before he heals. Gyatso said.

Last time, the Zombie King only face Su Bai and Fatty who was exhausted due to his own mistake; but now, there were also Lam and Gyatso. They were overwhelming.

Su Bai sniffed behind the others. It felt too easy. If they could destroy those zombies so easily, it would be unworthy of such a great name for a story world.

Mr. Zombie

Could it be possible that the zombies were so weak?

The four of them walked along the gently inclined hill and soon arrived at the cave. Outside the cave, there were some pieces of clothes and flesh, which proved that Lam was right.

Lam carried the peach wood sword on his back, held the eight-trigram mirror in one hand and some spell paper in the other. He was the first to go in, then Gyatso, and then Fatty. Su Bai intentionally fell behind.

He ground his teeth when the other three went inside. He didnt think this sudden feel of crisis should be ignored. It was probably because he had taken the Zombie Kings original evil energy.

He didnt care to fall far behind the others, just crouched down and searched the flesh pieces. It was just a thoughtless move, but he found something big: these clothes and flesh pieces were not bitten off but cut off by something sharp.

His eyes narrowed and he started picturing in his mind: a man standing by the cave, holding some clothes and a large piece of meat and cutting them into pieces with a knife or sword.

Zombies didnt know how to use weapons. Su Bai knew that very well. If a zombie was smart enough to use weapons, that would be a miracle.

So, that was to say, someone set these up in order to trick them into that cave.

Cave, cave. Su Bai murmured, Damn it. Am I an armadillo in this story world? One cave after another!

Just then, Su Bai noticed there seemed to be someone staring at this place from the bushes up the hill.

He smiled. Clearly, that person was panicked because he stayed outside for so long.

Pretending to have noticed nothing, Su Bai sat by the cave. He was not worried about Gyatso, Fatty or Lam. With Gyatso and Fatty, they could at least buy some time even if something happens. It wouldnt make a difference whether he caught up now or later. Beside, somehow Su Bai didnt want to call out Its a con and bring everyone out.

When you could see through things clearly but others were all in the dark, you could always find more chances ahead of others.

He was sitting there but observing in the corner of his eyes. After confirming the exact location of that person and planning his way, Su Bai suddenly jumped up and rushed towards him.

He was obviously surprised by Su Bai, but immediately he realized what was happening. The bushes were moving, indicating that the person monitoring them was trying to escape.

Su Bai changed directions.

At last, when that man in ordinary clothes ran into the woods and continued running while looking back over his shoulder, Su Bai showed up in front of him with a straw in his mouth.

Hey, Liang, what are you doing here?

Hearing Su Bais voice, Liang trembled. He looked forward and saw Su Bai, calm and waiting for him. Liang couldnt help shaking:

You I Im worried about my teacher, so Im here to check it out yes, just check it out

Su Bai nodded and slowly walked to Liang:

Oh really? Im touched.


Just after he said that, he hit Liangs neck with his elbow. Liang immediately passed out with his eyes rolled up.

Su Bai looked at Liang and smiled.

Even yourself wouldnt believe what you said, right?

Bais not following, Fatty said. They were deep in the cave.

We should wait for a while. Or we can go back and check it out. Gyatso suggested.

Lam shook his head, No, were already inside, so the zombies must have sensed us. If we spend too much time here, those zombies might be gone. You turn back and look for him, Ill go by myself. I could hurt the Zombie King once, so I definitely can hurt him twice.

Lam was very confident about himself, but Gyatso and Fatty didnt have much faith in Lam now. Besides, even in Lams best times, they wouldnt take the risk. They could care less about Lams life, but their mission would fail, causing a loss of precious story points.

Just then, some shadows appeared in front of them, and the temperature dropped.

Lam held his mirror up, enhanced it with his blood and turned it forward. The eight-trigram mirror let out red light.

Next, Gyatsos breath stopped for a second, Fattys jaw dropped, and even Lams hands shook.

There were zombies in front of them as they expected.


Among these zombies, some were in white and yellow coats, some in helmet and armor, some in court clothes. Their scary scent was so strong that the air was almost dripping with coldness.


With a slap on his face, Liang suddenly woke up. Now his hands and feet were tied up, and Su Bai was sitting on a rock in the front and staring at him.

Talk. Whats going on.

I dont know. Liang pursed his lips and denied everything.


Su Bai didnt bother talking, just picked up a rock and smashed Liangs ankles.




Liang screamed. His ankles were bleeding with the bones sticking in the air. Apparently, he could never walk like a normal person; Even if he could walk again, hed be lame.

Throwing away the rock with blood, Su Bai clapped his hand, Its okay if you dont want to talk, Im not that curious. I havent drunk any fresh human blood for quite a while, and I could really use a change.

Su Bai showed his vampire fangs and became gloomy and nasty. He was not bluffing. It was just the typical appearance of all vampires.

Liang was shaking with fear. When Su Bais fangs slightly touched his neck, he cried out:

Ill talk! Ill tell you! Everything!

Su Bai pulled his fangs out. Two bloody holes were left on Liangs neck.

Its was a monk, a monk told me to come here. He told me to set these up in front of the cave. My teacher and you took the detour, but I ran directly here. Thats why I arrived earlier.

A monk? Su Bai licked his lips.

What does he look like.


Thats useless. Su Bai bent over and was about to continue drinking.

Seven! His names Seven! I heard a woman call him by that name! I was poisoned by them, and so was Miss Chen! I have to do as told, otherwise they wont give me the antidote. Ive already had a breakout of that poison inside my body, I cant afford a second time, I cant

Liang was crying and running at the nose while he spoke.



Su Bai suddenly felt so confused. Seven had left the demon nest? And he had found the mortuary? But why was he hiding, instead of coming to Su Bai and Gyatso?

What the hell was he up to? He left them no clue!

Su Bai wouldnt think himself, Gyatso and Seven to the very close, but he really believed there was no need for conspiracy.

Whats in that cave? Su Bai asked.

I dont know, Ive never been in, and they didnt let me in. Liang replied. But, all of a sudden, his body was swelling like a suck tyre being pumped up.

Su Bai was unconsciously stepping backwards. Liang looked at Su Bai with a painful look:

Help Help me

On Liangs forehead, a print of fox claws appeared.

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