Dreadful Radio Game

Chapter 160: Spoils Of War!

Chapter 160: Spoils Of War!

The moment Su Bai opened fire, Qin Yimings pair of eyes directly self-destructed.

Strands of threads gushed out from his pores. He used the self-mutilation method to strike back because he was not resigned to being killed by Su Bai after being teased.

Gamblers were really scary, but in the eyes of gamblers, theres reluctance, theres obsession. But to people like Su Bai, once he was completely pissed off, he totally didnt care about any benefits, even if he had to dissipate all his fortunes just to kill someone!



Shot after shot was fired by Su Bai at the car, wave after wave of gorgeous golden colored granules carrying the aura of death were fired out.

The originally totaled car had totally become scrap metal after being showered by waves and waves of scattered bullets. At first, Qin Yiming who was struggling at deaths door could still use his metallic fibers to resist. However, with Su Bais continuous barrage of attacks as if it was free, the metallic fibers started to collapse. Blood started to ooze out of the pores of Qin Yimings body, and he looked extremely miserable.

In the end, he let out a final howl of unwillingness, and his unprotected body was hit by the bullets.



Su Bai finally stopped. Meat paste was splattered all over the pile of scrap metal in front of him.

He exhaled a long breath. Su Bai slowly knelt down, the twin guns were pointed to the ground supporting his body.

He felt thrilled deep down in his heart for killing a strong audience. He felt delighted inside-out. Su Bai couldnt help smiling. Spending so many story points just for some thrills, he really was a psychopath.

At this moment, within the meat paste, the heart which was surrounded by the metallic fibers suddenly trembled. A thread suddenly floated up and pierced towards the space between Su Bais eyebrows like a sharp sword.

Su Bai abruptly lifted his head. His face was covered in blood, but he was still smiling. He lifted his gun and aimed to the front.

Sorry, I still have one more bullet.


This metallic fiber which attempted to unleash a final assassination was annihilated by the close-distance destructive force of the shotgun. Qin Yimings heart which was wrapped up was also destroyed by the after-effects.

It was all over.

Su Bai stood up; he was staggering. He suddenly saw that Qin Yimings pile of rotten flesh had started to wriggle. The life force which disappeared originally started to show signs of coming back to life.

Heh, you are also a vampire?

Su Bai was not in a rush to walk over. He took out the rest of his bullets, there were eight left. In his battle against Qin Yiming, he had used up over twenty bullets. This meant he had used up one hundred and fifty story points. This was equivalent to the portion of prize given for completing a story world outstandingly. It was an extremely expensive victory.

He reloaded the remaining eight bullets, just enough to fully reload a Hellfire Shotgun. Su Bai positioned the empty gun back at his waist and lifted the loaded gun. He used the gun stock to pound at the scrap metal in front and walked in.

He stepped on Qin Yimings flesh. This flesh was still wriggling as if it still had vitality. However, this vitality was continuously damaged and suppressed by the Hellfire Shotguns ability to counter magic since the Hellfire Shotgun was a weapon worth one thousand story points, and what you give is what you get.

Expensive items had their reason for being expensive. These leftover remnants of multiple counter-magic attributes as well as remnant energies which Su Bai could not understand and differentiate were enough to extinguish all of Qin Yimings entrusted hopes.

Su Bai did not bother about the disgusting flesh in front of him, he reached out into the pile of flesh and felt about. At last, he touched a slightly hot item.

He took it out and cast off the flesh on it. In the end, it revealed its original luster. It was a jade pendant.

There was unexpectedly a face on the jade; it was Qin Yiming. Qin Yiming at this moment was giving Su Bai a resentful glare.

Your life is really damn freaking tough. Your daddy has fired so many shots and still cant fully kill you.

Qin Yiming was cursing nonstop at Su Bai. His fury had caused him to be deranged. Su Bai had no idea how to handle this jade as it was a specialty in magic arts. Su Bai was not an expert in magic arts, and most importantly, he was unwilling to destroy this piece of jade.

Su Bai was very certain if it wasnt for his Hellfire Shotguns additional attribute-heavy damage, perhaps Qin Yiming could narrowly escape death by this way.

Damn it, youve become meat paste and still have a way to escape?

This was really more vampiric than a vampire. How could Su Bai who was a pure vampire not be envious when he saw this item?

Even though Su Bai himself was unclear, it didnt mean other people were unclear. He held the jade pendant in his hands and took out his phone. He sent a voice call invitation to the monk through WeChat.

Su Bai did not know if the monk used WeChat in the past. He could guess that he still needed to use a hand phone since there were many famous monasteries which needed to assess the monks. They needed to review their diplomas and attainments.

Now with many platforms like Weibo[1], many so-called masters and immortals started marketing themselves. This was considered keeping up with the times.

It would be impossible not to use WeChat since entering Dreadful Radios story world. Every time a task was completed, Dreadful Radio would invite the audience to subscribe to the public account kongbu66 in the summary speech. As long as an audience had a sane mind, they definitely would search and subscribe. Su Bai himself was unsure whether were there any audience who had a one-track mind and cut off from the rest of the world who did not subscribe and had not made exchanges in the e-shop. This type of people would find it hard to survive in the story world.

The monk so happened to be free and answered Su Bais voice call:


The monks signature greeting sounded from the phone.

Su Bai mimicked the monk and replied, Amitabha.

The monk remained silent for a while. Seems like there is nothing. Ill be ending the call.

Haih, dont. Theres something I want to ask you. Su Bai played with the blood jade as he held his phone. I received a jade pendant with a face on it. How do I wipe away the face?

Face? Jade pendant? Heh heh, good stuff.

Stick to the point. Su Bai reminded.

Ill exchange it with you. The effects of this magical equipment cannot be fully unleashed in your hands.

This has a great use for me. Not for sale.

That face, is that the person you just murdered? The monk asked.

Yup, I just murdered him. His flesh is still warm.

That is the remnant of the soul in the jade pendant. This magical equipment is considered not bad to be able to retain a soul remnant in the jade pendant. I am envious. It is simple if you want to wipe away that persons soul remnant. The simplest way is for you to switch into your zombie state and flush twice with your zombies evil energy, it wont affect the efficiency of the jade pendant.

Oh, thank you monk, Ill treat you to the hair salon[2] another day.

Su Bai ended the call. He held the blood jade and stood up. His whole aura suddenly changed and transformed into the zombie state and revealed gloomy, sinister, filthy and other negative attribute temperaments.

Su Bai forced out the evil energy in his body with his consciousness and attacked the blood jade.

Qin Yimings face slowly became milder and milder, slowly becoming blurry and in the end totally disappeared.

The flesh on the ground which was still wriggling instantly turned black and smelly. In the end, it turned into a pool of pus.

The luster of the blood jade became brighter. There was a cool sensation when holding it in the hand; it was very comforting. Su Bai sensed that the blood jade had resonance with his vampire lineage. It led his vampire lineage to be enlivened.

It is indeed a good item. Thanks.

Su Bai kept the blood jade in his own pocket. He kept his gun and called Aroma.

Hello, how are you? Aromas concerned voice sounded from the phone.

Its alright. Come pick me up. Ill send you my location.

Su Bai was not worried about the scene. Dreadful Radio was responsible for cleaning up the billows and things in these types of reality task.

Very soon, a black limousine drove over from the corner, Aroma was sitting at the back and opened the window.

Su Bai hopped in. The driver looked rigorous and one could tell he was military personnel from a glimpse.

Is everything alright?

Aroma held Su Bais hand.

No problem.

When the car started moving, Su Bai realized that neither Aroma nor the military personnel driver noticed the two wrecked cars.

Seemed like Dreadful Radios abilities were not only terrifying in the story world; it was also considered a bug in the real world. It only had some limitations when handling things in the real world. Thats why it needed to borrow the hands of the audience to handle some task.

In the car, Aroma wanted to wrap Su Bais wounds but realized that the wounds on Su Bais forehead and arm had already healed when she took out the medicine and bandages.

Aroma was about to speak but did not say anything.

Su Bais mind calmed down after killing Qin Yiming and started to think about his proper business. He took out a cigarette and lit it up without bothering about whether the owner of the car allowed smoking. Su Bai puffed out a smoke ring and asked:

Aroma, tell me. If Wang Xue became a malicious spirit and came back, what would she hope to find out or what items would she desire to get? Meaning, what was the item she was obsessed with?

Aroma was taciturn for a moment and looked towards Su Bai. Su Bai squinted his eyes at this moment; he also thought about it.

Both of them spoke in unison:

The note of the second game.

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