Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 1004

Medicine-Taking Genius Wizard Episode 1004:

Conjugation Alcohol (5)

“The unique individuality of the trait system goes beyond the object and interferes with the concept.”


The master’s gloved hand was pressing hard on the hand holding Lennok’s and tightening it.

A grip so monstrous that it’s hard to believe it comes from a doctor wearing surgical gowns.

“But ‘restoring’ a chimera whose magic effect has already ended to its original state is an unprecedented power that not even I have knowledge of.”


“Your talent in the area of special qualities is beyond the level that can be discussed or compared to mine. There is no way an 8th level archmage would not know that fact…” The

master’s cold gaze looked down at the operating table where Lennok was standing.

“There is no way you would be tied down and bound by my splicing technique. “You were fooling me from the beginning.”

An unprecedented situation in history where a special chimera injected with Lennok’s blood returns as a living human.

It is unknown whether it is the power to nullify the magic effect itself or the ability to rewind time.

In any case, it was obvious that Lennok could not be bound by the magic trick from the moment his talent far exceeded the standards assumed by the master.

As soon as Sulju realized that fact, he struck first at Lennok without a moment of hesitation.

His judgment is so astute and sharp that it’s hard to believe he was diagnosing Lennok just a moment ago.

“From this time on, I will seal your fate in this operating room and invest all my time at the gateway in you.”


The drinker said as he pressed Lennok’s arm, which he had joined with a single hand gesture, to the operating table.

“I will come back after the second surgery, so please wait here.”

Even though Lennok got up from the operating table and fought back, there was not the slightest sign of confusion on the owner’s face.

I am confident that I can completely control this situation even in the face of completely unexpected events.

However, even though Lennok knew that fact, he smiled at the alcoholic beverage on the contrary.

“I don’t think that’s the case.”


“The reason you can’t touch me right away wasn’t because of the surgery in the first place.”


At that moment, Lennok’s new form disappeared as if in thin air.

Change direction by chanting two blinks. In an instant, he grabs the back and lands down.


The moment when the joint liquor drinker, who was shaken by the shock, immediately raised his magic power and turned around.

Lennok and Sulju’s hands collided in the air as if they were meeting each other again.


The moment when Lennok’s calm gaze turned to the drinker’s hand, which was still wearing gloves.

“The clues were there from the beginning. “It was as if I had already heard the answer from your own lips.”


Magical power explodes with alcohol and a terrifying retort. Lennok’s new model bounced and rolled to the back of the operating room.


Shelves of medicine and surgical equipment fell on top of him, creating a loud noise and adding to the shock.

However, the expression on Suju’s face as he looked at him was much more stern than Lennok’s.



Before he knew it, a syringe containing Lennok’s blood had been inserted into the drinker’s shoulder.

“I asked you about Ui-seon’s oath earlier. “Do you remember?”

Lennok, who inserted the ampoule containing blood into the drinker’s body, stood up and asked.

“What does it mean that a doctor who has sworn an oath of righteousness can refuse treatment even after diagnosing my body to this point?”


“You didn’t answer that question. To be precise, I guess I couldn’t do it.”

Lennok started walking towards Sulju, who was holding his shoulder and lowering his head.

“If you think about it, you never once used the fusion technique while diagnosing me. “They mentioned grandiose methods such as chromosome modification and hormone adjustment, but kept quiet about any treatment using surgery.”

Lennok pulled back his surgical gown and checked the area where the needle was inserted, then smiled coldly.

“He acted as if treating me wasn’t something he could decide on his own… That’s why I was thinking about it.”


“The person standing in front of me right now may not be the master of the joint liquor himself.”

Damn it…!!

At the same time, the body of the joint master began to slowly flow down, as if collapsing on the spot.

A strange ‘restoration’ in which Lennok’s blood flows into the drinker’s body and its shape appears to collapse.

“An alter ego created as a chimera. Is it also a powder with almost equal pseudo-ability as the main body? “I wasn’t sure until the end because I didn’t feel any discomfort, but…”

said Lennok, pulling the ampoule from the collapsing liquor’s shoulder.

“In the end, since he is an alter ego, he won’t be able to use the technique perfectly. That’s why I was refraining from using magic. “By any chance, if I notice that awkwardness, it will be discovered that you are an alter ego.”

The surgeon was not directly in this operating room diagnosing Lennoc.

Instead, he used a chimera to create an alter ego that was equal to Sulju and was diagnosing Lennok instead.

For a drinker who has sworn an oath of righteousness, there is a restriction that he must treat patients who have completed treatment.

However, the reason why the alcoholic drinker was able to diagnose Lennok and uncover the secrets of his body, yet refuse treatment itself.

This was possible because the splicer who treated Lennok in the first place was a substitute made from a chimera.


I turned my head, the liquor cracking like porcelain on my skin creaking.

“But it’s too late… The examination information has already been shared within the database-”


It’s shaky…!!

The surgical equipment that had been shining behind Lennok’s back began to emit noise and go dark.

The clone lifted his gaze, but Lennok didn’t care and grabbed his collar.

“Did you think I would just lie down on the operating table and watch you work?”


When he raised his magic power and kicked his shoulder, his clone, unable to withstand the force, fell against the operating table.

Lennok said as he looked at the clone collapsing from the shoulder where the syringe containing Lennok’s blood was inserted.

“The operating room’s internal database has been blocked. “It was a biological network that uses nerve transmission, so the hacking was late, but it was done on time.”


“There would have been no conscious connection between the alter ego and the main body from the beginning. yes? “If I had been planning to break Uiseon’s oath, I would have deliberately disconnected it so that it would not affect the main body.”

“Haha haha….”

Only then did the clone burst into laughter, realizing that Lennok was in complete control of the information in this space.

The master’s clone looked up at Lennok with blurry eyes and said.

“I see, I understand why you’re still alive… Are you walking a tightrope with your own life in my life sphere?”


“But it will be meaningless. Even if I disappear from this place, my will will continue.”


Even as it collapsed into sand, the clone’s eyes were filled with only interest in Lennok.

“Even if no information is given, even if there are no clues, ‘I’ will realize the same thing the moment I see you….” “


What the Chimera clone confirmed to Lennok was not a special feature that could only be confirmed at this location. .

Any magician who has reached that level can’t help but feel a sense of discomfort the moment they come face to face with Lennok.

The alcoholic alter ego thought that it wouldn’t matter if he died on this spot as long as it was passed on to the main body.

The clone looked at Lennok with a faint smile, then slowly lowered its head.

“I’ll be waiting for you in the afterlife, Evan Martinez.”


With those words, the alter ego turns into a handful of sand and disappears.

A different type of reaction from the trait-type chimera that Lennok had just forcibly ‘restored’.

“In the hereafter…”

These are quite surprising words for the last words of the master’s alter ego.

Is it possible that even his alter ego, which is not the alcoholic drinker himself, has already surpassed humans in terms of will and mental power?

Breaking his thoughts, Lennok immediately turned his gaze towards the human trembling on one side of the operating room.

“Huh, oh, oh, oh…!!”

A man who returned from a chimera to a human touches his face with trembling hands.

He seems to be unable to properly recognize himself as he has belatedly come to his senses.

Lennok knelt in front of the man and made eye contact.

“Wake. “Can you tell me?”

“I am….”

“Name and affiliation. Or at least tell me something you remember. “Keep your spirits up.”

“…rice hospital room….”

The man answered with difficulty.

“In the hospital room… lying down… right before I died….”

“Where was the hospital room?”

“A passageway leading to the back of the operating room…”

“I’ll guide you.”

A chimera created using humans with trait traits. You must know something about alcohol.

The moment when Lennok was trying to stand up and support the man.


The body of the man who tried to stand up collapsed like sand.


Only then did the man look up at Lennok with a blank expression, as if he realized something.

“I… I’m already dead-”


The appearance of a man who could not speak properly and turned into a handful of dust.

A miracle occurred for a moment due to Lennok’s blood, but the moment it was converted into a chimera, its life was already gone.


Lennok, who was silent, headed toward the hallway where the hospital room the man pointed to was located.

A simple hospital room where patients who have completed surgery wait and rest.


When I opened the door and opened the curtains, a gaunt-looking, white-haired old man lying on the bed turned his gaze.

“…you guy.”

The body has become very thin and the pale complexion seems to have no color at all.

He must have had a fierce look when he was young, but now he doesn’t even show half of that strength.

But even so, there was a hint of intimidation in the eyes that looked back at Lennok.

Lennok knew who this man was.

“Yanicus Barbaria.”

Lennok, who returned to the hospital room, said as he took out the tank containing Zelich’s brain from subspace.

“You were the high-ranking observer who scheduled the surgery for the fusion surgery.”

The ruler of the small city of Kaiushu. Level 8 physical ability. An old monster weakened by a long-term illness.

And a new person who caught the eye of the Qing after receiving a suggestion from Gap-seon Dreyfus.

[It’s funny that the tyrant of Kaiushu was so weak that he had to undergo a joint surgery.]

The tank that floated behind Lennok also reacted when it heard the name.

[If you live for a long time, you start to see strange things… But what happened to the alcoholic beverage?]

“Cluck, cluck, cluck…!! “I saw your face at the meeting at the lighthouse…”

Jebyeok, who was listening to Lennok, let out a small cough and bowed. Could it be that his condition worsened due to the cold air coming in from outside the hospital room?

However, Jebyeok’s gaze towards Lennok did not weaken at all.

“Evan Martinez… Did you say he was the magician that the lighthouse keeper loved?”


Je Byeok, who had difficulty raising his upper body on the hospital bed, grinned.

“I was wondering where you were wandering around after leaving the Blue Eyes, but you ended up settling down in a place like this?”

“Say whatever you want.”

Jebyeok looked surprised and mocked himself at the sight of Lennok approaching with an expressionless face.

“Kkeukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk…!! After all, I wasn’t going to undergo surgery or anything. “You did something pointless.”


“If I had known I was going to die here, it would have been better to get drunk and go – ugh!”


When Lennok pushed Jebyeok’s shoulder with his finger, Jebyeok’s body was pushed away along with a light shock wave.

I pressed my forehead and lifted my hair as Jebyeok coughed hard.

Jebyeok’s expression hardened as he saw Lennok examining his scalp through his matted white hair.

“You guy!! If you’re going to kill, kill it quickly. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t think I particularly received a brain transplant.”

After confirming that there were no suture marks on Jebyeok’s head, Lenno let go.

“He seems to be speaking normally. “Where did you have surgery?”

“Brain, nonsense…!! “Is there any way I could receive treatment for something so disgusting?”

[I feel a bit embarrassed after hearing something so disgusting.]

Jebyeok, who had struggled to shake off Lennok’s hand, responded with a nervous expression.

“If you don’t want to kill me, just get out of the way. “Now that the surgery is over, I’m thinking of going to taste Huachengru’s honghwaju.”

[He looks like he’s dying like a corpse, but he speaks well.]

As Zelich said, the appearance of the embankment, which appears to have just finished surgery, is not normal.

Since I lay under anesthesia in the operating room for a long time, it would have been difficult for my body to endure.

Even now, it was sharpening its blade towards Lennok, but it was clearly visible that its body was not moving as it intended.


But Lennok ignored Jebyeok’s words and kept his mouth shut, contemplating something.

Zelich also seemed to sense that Lennok’s reaction was unusual, so he turned his left brain inside the tank.

[Evan Martinez. What’s going on?]

“I see. The fact that Blayber Mabju took the place at Huachengru that Jebyeok had reserved…”

“What are you talking about?”

Lennok, who was quietly muttering to himself, stretched out his hand toward the CCTV in the operating room.

The moment when Dabi responded to that will and hacked the camera in main operating room number 2.


A calm white operating room. A huge cavity filled with complex surgical machines and equipment.

The surgeon wearing a surgical gown is standing and looking down at the operating table in the center.

[As I said before, the remaining time is limited. Let’s start right away.]

[What a ridiculous drink. What are you talking about now?]

A red-haired man lying on the operating table with a pale complexion.

Blaber Matapju, wearing a patient gown, said.

[I guess it was you who postponed Bonju’s surgery, which was originally scheduled for the first time, for the second time?]

* * *

The appearance of Blader Matapju lying on the operating table in a patient’s gown.

Lennok understood everything as soon as he saw Sulju and Topju.

‘I see.’

Blaber Matapju was one of two clients who booked for zygomaticus surgery.

As soon as I realized that fact, I was able to immediately understand the identity of the discomfort I felt toward the magic tower lord.

The reason why the magic tower owner I met on the black market was wary of the joint liquor owner, but was not wary of being discovered by him.

The reason why he showed a strangely low attitude despite the coercive notification of the master of fusion surgery.

All of this was possible because the magic tower owner was a patient of conjugation liquor.

‘Was the reason why he came to Hwacheongru on behalf of the Blue Eye observer because the order of the surgery for Tapju and Jebyeok was changed?’

Why was the Magic Tower Master handling the schedule on behalf of the Blue Eye Watcher?

That’s because Topju’s schedule, who had originally scheduled the surgery first, was pushed back to Jooju’s.

[The surgery time is about 3 hours. This is the time it takes to clean your blood vessels and fill them with coolant.]

[In the process, it also includes repairing the main magic circuit and coating it with the prepared catalyst, right?]

Listening to the conversation between the two people over the video. Lennok was lost in thought.

‘Since when did it start? Was the transaction concluded even before the alcoholic drinker took his place at the gate?’

Even though the Blaver Magic Tower seemed extremely obsessed with the position of administrator of the gateway, he was not angry that the Joint Spiritual Master took that position instead.

At the time, I thought it was simply because the magic tower owner was so afraid of the joint alcohol owner, but

if giving up the manager position to the alcohol owner in the first place was a transaction in exchange for this surgery.

[If you’re ready, let’s get started quickly. It’s hard for me to bear it now.]

There was bloodshot eyes that couldn’t be hidden in the eyes of the magician lying on the operating table.

It is as obvious as seeing fire who the anger boiling inside is now directed towards.

[When I think about that cheating magician, I want to get my power back right now…!!!]

[I have my own thoughts about the existence of Evan Martinez.]

Despite the words of the top owner, who is going through his teeth, the alcohol is still there. He spoke in an even tone.

[There is an inevitability that is determined when he enters my sphere of his own will. Some things have already come to fruition… There is no need to rush.]

[No, the main owner knows. You are mistaken.]

Tapju said as if chewing.

[Do you know how bizarre it is to survive a fight with that fast guy?!]


[He’s an unbelievably terrible guy. You may not be able to cut off a limb, but if you let the leash go, you will definitely get angry…!!]

[I understand that you are angry. “That’s why you’re lying on the operating table right now.”

Soulju replied harshly, shining a light on the operating table.

[If you hadn’t suffered an internal injury while setting up an angle in the Balkans, I wouldn’t have been in charge of the gateway.]

[Knowing that…!!]

[But what I need to do now is calm down and take a deep breath. In that excited state, the anesthetic won’t work well.]

The alcoholic’s gaze towards the tapju turned inorganic.

[If you administer the same anesthetic three times to a high-ranking magician like you, it would not be surprising if tolerance develops in between.]


[You wouldn’t want to wake up from anesthesia while the blood vessels in your entire body were cleaned and taken out, right?]

It was only then that the owner of the tower kept his mouth shut in response to Soolju’s words, which did not contain the slightest sympathy.

[I’ll take care of Evan Martinez… Everything will be over when I wake up.] After

placing a respirator on Topju’s mouth, Soolju activated the anesthesia equipment and thick smoke filled the operating table.

At the same time as the magic tower master’s eyes closed, the joint magic master lowered the scalpel he was holding in his hand.

With the sound of cutting something, all the mechanical devices spread out on the operating table began to work busily.

Creep Creep!!

The sound of cutting and cutting flesh. The noise of an organ being taken out and the blood vessels underneath it removed and cleaned.

Every time the limp hands of the tower owner tremble, the temperature of the surrounding air rises rapidly.


As soon as the scalpel is applied to the blood vessel, steam rises.

A level 8 flame-type archmage. It is no exaggeration to say that Topju’s body has already been assimilated with flame-heat properties.

The dripping blood turns into flames and oxidizes, and the heat emitted from the intestines boils and turns into steam.

However, despite the steam that obscured my eyes, the alcoholic beverage sliced through the blood vessels and scraped out the foreign substances stuck inside them.

Toad duduk!!

The appearance of ash, as if the inside of the blood vessels were burned. The moment the molten ash stuck out of the blood vessel at the tip of the tongs burned brightly.

Was he still carrying the internal injuries suffered by Lennok in the Balkans this seriously?

The powerlessness of the top owner shown in the black market with ash stuck to the blood vessels of his body was felt all over again.

This would be possible because Blaver Mage Tower is also a great master whose talent is second to none.

However, what truly surprised Lennok was not Topju’s injury, but the skill of the surgeon who was operating on him.

‘It’s a phenomenal level.’

Lennok’s face was colored with unconcealed admiration as he watched the master’s hands cutting and scraping off blood vessels.

‘Are we dismantling the entire body while saving the life of a living human being? It’s not a talent that humans can perform.’

The articulation technique is not helpful in cutting or dissecting the object.

Currently, the process of dissecting Topju’s body alive and removing the blood vessels is something that Avesta Chapman can only do with his own abilities.

However, even without using the magic technique, the magician was able to carry out the surgery perfectly, risking the life of the top owner.

This is clear evidence that Sulju’s medical knowledge, knowledge, dexterity, and surgical skills are outstanding.


Lennoc, seeing the alcoholic drinker’s face in complete concentration, closed his eyes and turned around without any regrets.

“Let’s move right away. “The only chance is now.”

[Wow. Even though I have no stomach, I feel nauseous.]

Although I killed the alter ego of the alcoholic drinker made into a chimera, the information about the alter ego has not yet been shared with the main body.

That may be because the connection between the main body and the alter ego was intentionally severed in order to examine Lennok using the alter ego and break the oath of the Uiseon.

At this point, Sulju himself was unaware of the death of his alter ego and began the second surgery.

This is your only chance to obtain the fragment of the Veil without being disturbed.

“Take it. “Barvaria.”

“Cluck cluck…!!”

When Lennok took out a small vial and placed it on Jebyeok’s hospital bed, Jebyeok, who was coughing weakly, asked:

“You… what are you trying to do?”

“It is an elixir that improves the physical condition of those with physical ability. “It is a product made by combining magic power and elixir and liquefying it.”

“Not required.”

“No, keep it. “I’m not giving you this because I really want you to live.”

Lenok let out a cold sigh and looked down at Jebyeok’s face.

“I don’t want to care whether you die here or not, but…” “


The image of Janicus Barbaria lying on the hospital bed with an exhausted look.

However, Je Byeok is a tyrant who killed and exploited innocent people in Kaiushu for his own desires.

In fact, there is no reason to try to save him from this situation.

But even as Lennok thought that, he sighed softly.

“If the number of watchers decreases beyond this, it will be a burden on Lapis.”

“…you guy.”

Je Byeok then raised his gaze as if slightly surprised.

“This is absurd. Even after leaving the Blue Eyes, are you still concerned about being a lighthouse keeper?”


“If you’re going to care so much, why did you stop watching…”

“That’s the end of what I’m going to say. When I give you the signal, take it and run away.”

Lennok turned around without any regrets and said.

“I’m alive. You don’t want to go through surgery and die here, right?”


Je Byeok, who had been silent, soon stretched out his hand and grabbed the medicine bottle.

He asked, looking at the medicine bottle with a sullen expression.

“How did you plan to give the signal?”

“It won’t be difficult to understand.”

Lennok left the operating room laughing.

Hot flames flickered between Lennok’s fingers as he slowly relaxed his hands.

“Because I plan to blow up this disgusting operating room as soon as I finish my business.”

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