Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 5

Only two or three people, including Lennok, were left in the library as closing time approached.

I was lost in thought as I looked out the window at the setting sun streaming in.

How long has it been since you’ve had so much alone time?

Compared to the time when he was suffering from labor right before his death in the factory, it was a world change, but Lenok’s expression was crumpled and did not know how to straighten.

‘This is a bit different from what I expected.’

After spending an entire day in the library reading magic-related books, he came to one conclusion.

Surprisingly, there was almost no useful knowledge for Lennok other than the concept of magic patterns learned through the introductory book.

‘The concept of public magic has completely disappeared.’

The classification of magic is only about the unique magic system ‘Sinister’ that each wizard can learn one by one.

There was no information about the common magic system ‘Dexter’ that all wizards use in common.

Did common magic get deleted as the worldview of 3.0 moved on?

To understand that, all the common magic he used so far couldn’t be properly explained.

No matter how talented Lennok was, there was no way he could draw and write a concept that didn’t exist.

‘Considering the convenience of public magic, it is impossible for common sense to disappear or be weeded out.’

Compared to unique magic, it lacks expertise and depth, and its power is insignificant.

A wizard who has mastered the lightning-type unique magic can summon a lightning storm that is thousands of times stronger than bolt magic, but it is impossible to summon a cool wind between his fingers.

Common magic was like a lubricant that prevented such magic from becoming too fixed and gently tightened the gap between magic.

At least until the game WORLD 2.0.

‘There must be a reason for not mentioning it at all… I’ll have to find out later.’

Lennok thoughtfully flipped through the bookshelves strewn about his desk.

In the book that classified the unique magic system, various information was written, including black magic, necromantic magic, and barrier magic, including various attribute-type unique magic, but Lennok didn’t even look at the book anymore.

In order to learn the unique magic system, I had to find a teacher who would pass down the real ‘Spellbook’ or Sinister, rather than looking for books like this catalog in the library.

It was meaningless information to Lennok, who didn’t know anyone, let alone a sorcery book or teacher.

In the end, Lennok, who had given up on himself, was about to stand up after sorting through his books, when someone suddenly spoke to him from behind.

“If you want to be a wizard, you better give up.”


Lennok inadvertently turned his head the other way at the sonorous yet cold tone.

A woman in a white blouse and blue skirt was sorting through books people had left behind.

A refined impression with rich blonde hair swept to one side. A graceful appearance that goes well with a cold expression and calm eyes.

She continued talking without even facing Lennok properly.

“I sit and read books all day, but being a wizard is not something like that. It’s too late for your age, so it’d be better to study theoretical magic engineering.”

“What do you want to say?”

“I don’t want to see you holding onto useless hope.”


Then she put down the book she was holding and looked at Lennok’s face.

Blue eyes like the sea stared at him calmly.

“If you can’t join the school or find a teacher, you have no choice but to learn magic at university. However, you cannot enter a university without having the basics in place, and even if you are lucky enough to be admitted, you will not be able to gain anything from the lectures.”


“I can’t do anything alone. Because it’s a study that determines a lot of talent and luck. Emotions such as curiosity and passion and inquisitiveness are only the next problem.”

Lennok didn’t answer, staring blankly into her face. The woman’s face, shaded by

the distressed

sunset, was quite beautiful even to Lennok.

She looked at Lennok’s gaze, regretting what she had said.

“Ha… I’m sorry. What are you talking about with someone you don’t even know.”

She gestured as she brushed her flowing blonde hair.

“It’s past closing time. I want you to go because I need to sort out my books.”

It was only then that Lennok opened his mouth to the woman who was about to turn his back.

“Is that your experience?”


“Isn’t it too early for students to give up? Wouldn’t it be better to start by doing what you can without pushing yourself?”


She was putting on a dumbfounded expression as if she hadn’t imagined that she would listen to Lennok’s advice.

But that was the only thing Lennok could say to her.

He couldn’t be lacking in his talent for magic, so shouldn’t she be the one to work hard on?

I don’t know if I wanted to give advice based on my situation, but the target was completely wrong.

I don’t know what kind of skepticism she felt at college, but she stopped Lennok as she was about to descend the stairs, hoping for a bright future for her.


As Lennok turned around, she pulled something from the bosom of her blouse and threw it at him.

It was a business card with a luxurious design with the name written in gold.

She stared at Lennok for a long time with a puzzled look on her face, then sighed and said:

“They must have mistaken me for a student, but they are completely wrong.”


“From what he does to what he says, he is a really stupid person. I never thought you would take my advice that way…”

She put her head in pain, but eventually shook her head.

“That’s Okay. If you come back later, I’ll show you a little magic, so take care of it. It’s fine to just go.”


‘Are you out of your mind?’

Lennok, who looked at the blond beauty who had reached the stage of talking and answering alone, with a strange gaze, eventually got out of the library and took out a business card, and realized the meaning of the words.

Her title was openly engraved on the bottom of the business card.

[Rabatenon University. Chair Professor at the Department of Elemental Magic.]

[Aris Richellen.]

“…was a professor?”

Judging by the atmosphere he gave off and the words he spoke, he was no different from a freshman in college, but he was a professor, not a student.

Why is such a person organizing books in the library in the first place?

Lennok was momentarily confused, but quickly gathered his thoughts and moved on.

If it goes according to his plan, he’s someone I’ll never run into again.

I didn’t have to keep paying attention to someone I happened to meet.

I got out of the main street and entered the street where the hotel was located, when suddenly someone stopped me.

“I’m sorry.”

He was stopped by a young man in a police uniform.

He showed Lennok the mechanism in his hand with a friendly smile.

“Could you cooperate with the inspection for a moment?”

“…Are you talking about inspections?”

The moment he heard the police, Lennok’s head started spinning rapidly.

Could it be that he realized that he was a factory worker with no special status? I thought I didn’t show anything on the outside, but I thought I’d already be discovered.

no it’s different Had he known that Lennok had no identity, the police would not have approached him alone.

The appearance of the police approaching him with a device in one hand was so defenseless.

For a fleeting moment, Lennok pondered fiercely, but in the end he obediently turned to the police.

‘Even if I run away from here, it will only raise unnecessary suspicion.’

“I don’t know what kind of inspection you need.”

“Oh, it’s nothing special… because there was a case of robbery nearby.”

He smiled faintly as he said that.

“We are investigating the wizards using the magic pattern remaining at the scene as a clue.”


Lennok noticed that the case the police were pursuing had nothing to do with him, but he perfectly controlled his expression.

It was clear that this was clearly different from when he was on Earth.

No matter what he thought in his mind, his complexion never changed.

He calmly held out his hand toward the device and slowly channeled his mana toward the bottom of the device the police had placed.

In the meantime, I didn’t forget to change the pattern by moving the mana flowed out little by little.

The teardrop-shaped patterns are scattered here and there, sucked into the device, and printed on the display as they are.

The policeman smiled and nodded after comparing the magic pattern on the display with the picture held in his arms.

“The pattern is definitely different. Thank you for your cooperation.”

Apparently, he couldn’t see the movement of magical power with his naked eyes, so he seemed to carry such a device.

Lennok asked, pointing to the device he was holding.

“Is this meter also determining the presence or absence of magical power?”

Although the absolute amount of mana he possesses is not very large, all the mana that exists in Lennok’s body is perfectly controlled by his overwhelming talent.

Of course, there wouldn’t have been a handful of mana flowing outwardly, but if the police had noticed it, it seemed highly likely that they had borrowed the power of the equipment.

Answering Lennok’s question, the cop nodded awkwardly.

“Yes yes. They say that they used materials that are sensitive to magical power, but wouldn’t the wizard know better than me?”

“Actually, I haven’t been to this city in a while. These days, criminal investigations are conducted in this way.”

“It has been a long time since I stopped favoring physical evidence that was not prepared for the technique in the investigation process. Contrary to your appearance, you seem to be quite old.”

As they hide their identities and run away with all sorts of tricks, it is said that the testimony of eyewitnesses from CCTV or surveillance cameras, which are common in the course of violent crime investigations, has been excluded for a long time.

Thanks to Lennok’s cooperation in the investigation, the police opened their mouths openly, as if they had goodwill towards him.

Shamans and necromancers summon the spirits of their victims, blood mages trace bloodstains, and druids roam the streets in search of faint reverberations.

It’s not impossible to incorporate magical countermeasures when making surveillance equipment, but it’s too expensive, so you have no choice but to pick up your own investigation equipment and run around except for the core facilities in the city.

Lennok nodded his head as he listened to the policeman’s grumbling words. The policeman left after hearing the sound from the pager.

Lennok let out a sigh of relief as he looked at the back of the police officer who had greeted them and walked away.

‘She wasn’t a customer from the factory.’

Did the effort to avoid being chased work well? I thought I would pretend to be looking for it, but so far I haven’t seen any sign of it.

After all, from their point of view, Lennok was at most a dying factory worker, so it wouldn’t be strange if there was no chase.

They took one of the supervisor’s cars, but he had already crossed the Jordan after being shot by Lennok, so no one would care.

It’s still early to be relieved, but there’s no need to raise your guard.

Lennok thought so, but he thought it was a good thing for the Balkan police to rely on magic or magic to investigate.

Powerful wizards have some resistance to magic that targets them.

Even if someone finds a magician through a magic that tracks a certain smell, it won’t work well if the magician has the ability to resist targeting magic.

And when Lennok set up the talents of this body, he made a character with all of those trivial abilities recorded until the end.

If the stats that he directly touched were embodied here, Lennok’s body would have an absolute resistance ability that would not respond to any tracking or curse magic.

‘It will be difficult to resist targeting a wizard with a much higher level than me, but it will be of great help in hiding or escaping.’

Lennok returned to the hotel, checked out immediately, and moved to another hotel farther away from the block.

‘There’s no need to leave a trace.’

You probably shouldn’t have to worry too much about tracking from the factory, but there’s nothing wrong with being careful.

‘The lodging fee was too expensive.’

It didn’t take Lennok long to figure out the price of the Balkans.

The hotel he stayed at is very unsatisfactory for paying 100,000 cells per night.

The new hotel we moved to had a slightly smaller room and a smaller bathroom than the previous hotel, but the cost of lodging was almost half.

It seemed that this would prevent me from wasting all my savings on a week’s worth of lodging.

Lennok, who had moved all of his belongings, took the notepad and pen lying next to the bed and began to write something down.

It was here to organize what he had to do and what he could do.

‘The most important goal is to survive.’

It’s already been a week since I woke up in an unknown world.

Once you survive and secure time and space, you can commit to the next task. It was the next thing to think about why he came here.

And in order to do that, you must first make this weak body sound. At this rate, there wouldn’t be much time left for Lennok.

‘The method needed to restore the body… What immediately comes to mind is a unique magic related to time. Otherwise, it’s just an elixir or treasure.’

In the library, he thought of time series unique magic, but Lennok thought it was more likely to seek elixirs or treasures.

Inherent magic is the most valuable treasure and secret of magicians, and it is difficult to even get a chance to encounter it unless it is between a priest and a priest.

‘But the elixir or medicine that restores physical strength is different. It will depend on the effect, but it won’t be difficult to find the medicine itself.’

Of course, Elixir-like elixirs, which are called the panacea, would be difficult to obtain even with a thousand gold, but elixirs with inferior efficacy would be different.

At least it’s enough to relieve this weak body’s penalty and increase his time. Of course, those elixirs should exist in this world just like they did in the game.

conclusion has been made.

“I need to find a way to make money.”

I need money. That’s a lot of money too.


Lennok, who suddenly felt a tingle in his head, finally couldn’t stand it and put the tobacco in his mouth.

After lighting the fire and inhaling the smoke, the tired energy disappears and vitality begins to flow throughout the body.


Lennok sighed, puffing out smoke that filled his lungs.

After all, it was because I realized the reality that I had to depend on these things in the long run to make money.

You have to earn money to heal your body, but in order to earn money, you have to keep working on your body.

It was an unavoidable contradiction, but in a way it was natural for Lennok, who had nothing. You have to go through this gule even if you are forced to create an opportunity.

Fortunately, unlike the others, Lennok was endowed with a very special talent.

Not surprising. Wasn’t that the only thing to believe in from the beginning?

Lennok pondered for a long time after that, thinking about the future.

The long-term goal has been set, but the process of reaching the result is entirely up to Lennok.

It does not end with the decision to make money, but the preparation process must also be carefully thought out and prepared.

For him, devising various means, including magic, was not an option, but a necessity.

It was long after the tobacco smoke had disappeared when the lights in the cabin went out.

Bounty Hunting

Even if the existence of common magic is forgotten in this world, it does not mean that the magic he used has disappeared.

It is a privilege to hold a weapon that others do not know about.

Realizing this, Lennok devoted all his time to researching magic except for mealtimes and the time he went down to the lobby to extend his room reservation.

The three magics he used at the factory. In addition to Light Bolt Silence, there are various types of common magic.

Most of the magic exists for the user’s convenience, so there is no powerful or deep magic, but the feature that it does not cover the attributes and series is a very big advantage.

Therefore, after organizing all the common magic that he remembered, he started testing to see if it could be used one by one.


Lennok nodded as he watched the roll of toilet paper being cut away with an eerie sound.

“You can also use cutting magic. Then let’s see…”

In the corner of the sticky note, he writes the name of the new magic. There were already several sheets of similarly shaped memo papers scattered all over the bed.

Through his efforts, Lennok had a clear sense of the magic he could use and its limits.

At least as long as he uses common magic, Lennok doesn’t have to worry about magic circles, beastmen, or chanting.

Just by his associations, mana took shape on its own, and just by solidifying his will, mana was consumed and materialized into reality.

Of course, there were many magics that could not be used at all with Lennok’s amount of mana, or magic that was so powerful that he couldn’t even dare to dare in a hotel room, but that alone made Lennok realize how ridiculous his talent was.

This is because when he was playing as the Horse Musketeer, no matter what level of common magic he used, he had to sign a hand sign and finish the chant before he could use magic.

Even that, in consideration of the game’s convenience, the act of drawing a magic circle could have been omitted, so it’s a shame.

In addition, while continuing to practice magic, the amount of magical power increased steadily, and it was almost three times as much as when it was first awakened.

It was the first time that even Lennok, who had been playing World for a long time, experienced an increase in mana just by using magic.

Thanks to this, Lennok was able to use magic almost 10 times in half a day, and the speed at which he studied magic increased day by day.

He stays in his room and uses magic all day, and when his mana runs out, he collapses and sleeps like a dead man.

It’s been a week since I clung to magic until my mind was exhausted. Lennok succeeded in raising his magic ability to the level where he could confidently call himself a wizard.

And finally, today was the last day he decided to focus on his magic research.

It’s the limit that I didn’t do anything more than this. I had to go out and find a decent source of income and stabilize my life.

“This is for the best.”

No matter how much he played as the Horse Musketeer, Lennok did not remember all common magic.

Because he did not come into this world to experience deep play as a wizard, but because he created this body to experience the play.

Because of this, most of the public magic he knew was popular common magic that was famous among players.

However, despite such a gap in game knowledge, Lennok did not tremble with anxiety.

The number of common magics that could be used so far was enough to fill three sheets of memo.

Even if there is a lack of magical power, there is no such thing as a lack of coping ability. Lennok was sure.

“I have to go out soon.”

When I open the window, the cool morning air permeates into the room.

Breathing in the cold wind, Lennok tore up the notes on magic he had been organizing and threw them down the toilet.

All the information about magic he had been organizing for a week had been soaked and washed away, but Lennok calmly packed his things and got up from his seat.

All of his talents are specialized in learning and handling magic. The numerous magics he had organized were stored in his head in perfect shape.

All possible preparations have been completed.

The money he has been extorting from the bullies is also showing the bottom at the beginning of the year.

If you do not secure a fixed source of income, it will be difficult to maintain your current life.

It was time to move.

Lennok left the room without hesitation.

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