Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 945

Genius Magician Who Takes Medicine Episode 945:

Answer (5)

The end of the world where even the methodologies of transcendentalists and the answers of pioneers lose their meaning.

Even as he looks back on all kinds of failures and scandals, he is still looking for answers within himself.

From the moment I recognized the ending, I hesitated to face the answer I had vaguely realized.

Nevertheless, the reason why we are still digging into the answers left by other transcendentalists.

This is because I believed that every moment was a journey toward an answer.

If there is no fourth in this world, then Lennok himself can be the answer.

If there could be a process that takes precedence over the result.


[Is that so….]

The leader is silent and the cult leader laments.

[Creation of possibility. Reorganization of the branching point… That too must be a choice only you can make.]

Unlike the leader who seemed to understand Lennok’s answer. The cult leader could not easily take his eyes off Lennok.

Beyond the distorted noise, the leader’s gaze became blurred for a moment.

[Of all the causalities in this world, I must admit that you are the only one who did not chase us…]


Lennok, too, was unable to continue speaking as the cult leader’s words rang out calmly and he closed his eyes.

Was this moment right? Wouldn’t it be too early to give an answer?

Even though I think and worry like that, I end up acting as my heart leads me to do.

Because I don’t know when a moment like this will come again. Because Lennok had no idea where and how his time would end.

There may never again be an inevitability that throws an answer as if a coincidence like now leads to something.

What you want isn’t always available, and sometimes you’re not even granted what you want.

Even having hopes and aspirations is not acceptable in ignorance and agony.

However, the three people had an answer that needed to be conveyed.

[It’s okay not to worry too much. There is no reason to suffer…]

The cult leader smiled as he looked at Lennok who was silent.

[The fact that all of our answers diverged in different directions was not determined, but it was a determined result.]


[The moment you overcome fate, it is inevitable that you will deviate from your assigned role. [It is a coincidence that each person’s path diverges.]

The cult leader slowly turned towards Lennok and whispered.

[In the end, somehow, our origins are designed to return to their original state, like a cycle, retrograde, and regression. Even for you, it will not be easy to escape this chain of cause and effect…]

“I guess so.”

Lennok agreed.

“But still, I’m trying to get away. “It’s not just because I think it’s right.”


As if time had stopped moving again, the light in the sky flickered strongly.

The moment when the miracle created by Ascendant Naoise Fen reached its peak and brought down the world.

Lennok looked back at the two people under the gloomy and beautiful sky covered in black and green.

“Because if you don’t change, you won’t be able to overcome anything. No matter how hard you struggle, it will just be a process of retracing the path you took before.”


“Whether it’s fate or not, it’s okay. “Because that wasn’t the role I wanted from the beginning.”

Lennok lowered his head and spoke softly.

“First of all, I want to start by not being tied down.”

[That’s a great answer.]

The cult leader muttered as he slowly approached Lennok.

[How much of a price did I have to pay to get to where I used to be….]


[I wonder if the fact that the beginning was different alone can make such a difference. Is there a gap even bigger than that?…]

The words of the religious leader, who had been whispering with his back to me, were cut off.

A sense of incongruity, as if thinking about something and connecting thoughts on the spot.

A strange reaction, as if the gap between will and action is awkwardly disconnected and there is a delay.

The air becomes sharply heated in the ominous silence.

The religious leader, who had been looking at the sky in silence, raised his head and spoke softly.

[I feel so sad that I can’t continue this Q&A to the end.]


At that moment, vertical pure white eyes appeared behind the cult leader’s back.

Pure white eyes cracked open as memories were forced open.

An ominous, pale flame pierced through Lennok, as if he was freely wielding the power of a foreign body.


A pale flash of light penetrates Lennok’s body and crosses the floating shadow temple vertically.

However, Lennok was not surprised by the leader’s sudden action and glanced back.


Naoise Fen, an ascendant who was engrossed in performing the miracle of Dapcheon in his memory.

Before he knew it, he was standing right behind Lennok, glaring at him intently.

Black-green eye lights flashing from inside the empty skull’s eye sockets.

As if staring at something invisible, it still flashes intensely and eerily, as if it had noticed Lennok’s presence here.

[Didn’t they say that there is absolutely no one who can match the talent for responding to things that are not of this world?]

The leader smiled with his back turned.

[Even if it’s just a memory, if he and I remember it, it’s the truth. It wouldn’t be strange if they recognized our existence like this….]


A memory of ascension shared by the leader and the religious leader.

This moment is infinitely closer to reality because it is a scene that two people who transcend the world remember together.

Therefore, even while the Ascension Ceremony was in progress, Naoise Fen recognized the presence of the three people with his unique sensitivity and was looking back.

The deepest part of the Hangxia Temple Labyrinth. A miracle that forcibly invades and intervenes in other people’s timelines, similar to what the leader showed in Jindun’s Cradle.

[This is what it means to say that it is dangerous to show you my ascension…]

The cult leader said.

[At that moment, ‘I’ already exist in an independent timeline that no longer follows my own control. If you had chosen my memory as the stage, you would have immediately noticed the change and tried to intervene like this.]

“Sect leader. “There isn’t much time left.”

The leader spoke in an emotionless voice.

“At the point when the Necromancer recognized the external timeline and intervened, the collapse of Sanctuary was inevitable. “It’s probably a matter of how long it lasts in the memory.”

Beyond the noise, his eyes watched the movements of the religious leader.

“Regain your strength. “It ends here.”

The leader’s words were very brief, but Lennok intuitively understood their meaning.

The reason the cult leader brought up the foreign eye in his memory was to prevent Naoise Fen from recognizing the external timeline and thus preserve this moment.

However, even taking that into account, it is also clear that the religious leader’s response was more extensive than necessary.

It is also clear that even though it is possible to stop a lich by grabbing it alone, there is another intention when external power is brought in.

The leader noticed this fact at the same time as the leader’s reaction and was restraining it.

[I know. Leaving regrets in a place like this would only be lame…]

But even as the leader said that, he smiled.

[But if our fate refuses to be the end, isn’t there something we must reap first?]


The moment when the eyes of the foreign media floating behind the cult leader’s back sparkle intensely.

It felt like something was being forcibly pulled out of Lennok’s body.

It is not the same concept as talent or aptitude. In the first place, the cult leader would not have been able to interfere with Lennok in such a matter.

It was not originally Lennok’s own and was part of an acquired authority.

A power closer to the origin and essence of the cult than to Lennok trembles and comes out from the tip of the wrist.


The priestly authority that Seina Naidry left to Lennok.

The ability to perform the ritual that allowed the church’s priestess to exist as a priestess was trying to escape from Lennok’s body.

[The power that comes through Naidry’s name is the right to be used for my children…]

The religious leader smiled softly and nodded.

[This power will only hinder your path, so I will take it away from you.]


But Lennoc shook his head resolutely, looking at the cult leader.

“It’s not an outcome that can be determined by things like the presence or absence of authority. “This is just one method at best.”


“At the point when I decide on the answer, all possibilities must reside within me.”

Lennok laughed as he looked at the silent leader.

“So nothing more will be taken away from you. Even if it’s you.”


At that moment, pale wings spread out through space behind Lennok’s back, and a thrilling thrill erupted.

[Cult Leader-!!!!!]

The palace of memories and the twisted cracks mix together and become distorted and collapse in an instant.

A crack in the world growing uncontrollably. The cult leader’s sanctuary is collapsing in real time.


The sea splits and breaks apart, and the sky melts into a blur like water.

Even as the sanctuary of memory disappears and collapses, the eyes of foreign gods floating in the sky are as clear as this.

Someone’s violent screams echoing among them.

[My my-]

Between the cracks in the sanctuary, the contaminated wings spread wide and soared, trying to enter this shelter.

[Hateful God-!!!!!]


The fallen archangel’s flame glows like crazy, preventing the sanctuary from collapsing.

The enormous thought of burning all of his remaining time to establish himself burst out, blocking the gap between Lennok and the religious leader.

[My poor angel. Are you my apostle whom I miss…]

The religious leader, who had been quietly listening to that voice, smiled slowly as if he had just remembered something.

[It seems you also went through your own preparations to meet me.]


Kashuin, the archangel of the second world who woke up beyond the Ascension Gate and was belatedly taken away by Lennok.

Lennok did not forget the existence of the angel who allowed him to dwell in the Archangel’s compassion in exchange for meeting the cult leader.

Immediately after defeating Anathema, Lennok brought out Kashuin and talked about the upcoming three-way face-off.

Kashuin was aware of the existence of the cult leader and prepared to invade.

In the worst case, if the cult leader tries to use Lennok’s hand, Kashuin’s invasion will provide a brief opening.

[The second failure was very painful and painful for me as well…]

As soon as the cult leader recognized Kashuin’s presence, his voice became blurred as he must have guessed that it was Lennok’s arrangement.

Nevertheless, he passed by Kashuin’s burst of light in one step and suddenly stood next to Lennok.


[If this was an attempt to stimulate my guilt, I would like to say that it was excellent…]


As he said that, the cult leader’s hand extended towards Lennok stopped high in the air.

The leader, who had not reacted at all to the collapse of the sanctuary and Kashuin’s intrusion, was staring intently in this direction.

Although he doesn’t feel any emotions, he tries to intervene the moment the cult leader comes in contact with Lennok.

If Lennok sensed that, the cult leader must also be convinced.

[I feel like I want to embrace all my mistakes here, but… it’s okay.]

The leader also seemed to have noticed this and slowly bent his wrist and withdrew his hand.

[If you want to even consider Naidri’s name as a possibility, I will allow it.]

The cult leader smiled.

[In the end, wouldn’t even that be proof that I wasn’t wrong in the face of fate?…]


[I’m trying to be satisfied because there are regrets and things to come next. Is what awaits you the end or the next?]

The blurry voice suddenly becomes clearer than ever.

The horse’s tail, which had lost its strength and was hanging down, also stood up stiffly, like a lie.

[Either way, even waiting will be fun for me.]

The cult leader turned his back on Lennok and smiled.

[I will see you again someday.]

“Of course.”

The religious leader’s whim and the leader’s intervention occurred in a split second.

However, Lennok did not lose his composure and nodded.

The moment Kashuin invades, a way to escape through the cracks in the sanctuary has been secured.

The leader of the cult is a powerful and mysterious transcendent, but he does not seem to have any intention of raising up the being that lies in memory.

I couldn’t ask them anything about the project, but Anathema’s body is in Lennok’s hands.

A being that is not restricted by prohibitions that Lennok encounters for the first time in this world.

A cause and effect of coincidence and luck that Oliveira wanted to walk to in exchange for the secrets of the remote city.

By using the corpse, it would also be possible to gain deeper access to the secrets of the project, which were difficult to obtain even clues about.

Well then, this is enough for today.

Coo coo coo coo!!!

The sound of the sanctuary, which was not originally the space-time of this world, disappearing sharply penetrated my eardrums.

Beyond the crack, the leader turned around and the leader smiled with his back turned.

As the three people turn in different directions, the landscape of the sanctuary is torn into thousands of pieces.


The scenery of a satellite city that exists in reality unfolded before Lennok’s eyes.


Lennok, who walked out of the collapsing sanctuary, coughed and bowed.

Dark red nosebleed was dripping down Lennok’s hands as he knelt down.

The powerful spirit pressure I was facing from the moment I came face to face with the leader and the leader.

The body, which was unable to adapt only after the pressure that was oppressing the soul disappeared, was bearing the brunt of the reaction in reality.


The blood vessels in my head are cut off and even the speed of my thoughts seems to stop.

Lennoc, desperately trying to hold back his fading consciousness, lifted his gaze and looked around.

There is no image of the priestess Ureka Naidry who was with Lennok, nor is there a stone statue used as a basis for the declaration of sanctuary.

Only the corpse of Oshuto Duris, pierced between the eyes, was lying helpless in the middle of the dust-spattered ruins.


The intersection of coincidence and necessity. The prayers and answers exchanged between them.

What did you gain and what did you give up?

It is clear that each is aware of the other’s existence and will not stop toward the end.

It is also true that the leader and leader will listen to Lennok’s answer and use it as a variable.

But even so, Lennok also learned something new.

There is something so important that the leader and leader must meet in person and adjust the timing.

Regarding that matter, he is extremely concerned about Lennok’s existence.

The miracle of the overlapping time of three people who cannot exist in one world has ended.

In a conversation that lasted only a moment, Lennok decided on an answer and hoped that he would soon become a possibility.

If so, it is time to move on.

Lennok stood up limping and began to walk towards the direction from which the pale light burst out, dragging his body with difficulty.

Anathema’s body and the archangel’s compassion that were placed on top of it. The archangel’s soul helped Lennok at the last moment and broke into the sanctuary.

The work of concluding and resolving this meeting had to start from there.

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