Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 461 459-An Inopportune Moment

Chapter 461 Chapter459-An Inopportune Moment

After two days of traveling along the main road, Ethan and the Shadow Elf finally reached a human town at the foot of the Glacial Peaks, just before the next snowstorm was due to arrive.

However, they received some distressing news upon their arrival: the next snowstorm was set to hit as early as tomorrow.

They would have to wait out the storm before they could continue towards the Glacial Peaks.

Venturing into the Glacial Peaks during the storm would almost certainly spell doom for them, given the ferocity of the snowstorms there.

"It seems we'll have to stay in this town for about a week. We can use this time to gather more warm supplies. This isn't necessarily bad news for us," Ethan said, remaining optimistic.

He felt that the warm supplies he had previously purchased were not sufficient, and this stay would allow him to stock up further.

The Shadow Elf, however, wasn't as optimistic.

He felt they were wasting too much time.

Had Ethan prepared adequately back in the Shadow Clan's territory, they might have already been at the summit of the Glacial Peaks by now.

"It looks like we have no other choice but to stay here. Let's find a human inn to stay in, as we certainly can't just stay outdoors once the snowstorm hits."

"Even as a Shadow Elf, I would freeze to death in such conditions. Though I haven't experienced the snowstorms of the Glacial Peaks personally, I have foreseen the severity of them," the Shadow Elf conceded.

The Shadow Elf, having glimpsed through the mists of history and his own prophetic abilities, had become acutely aware of the formidable power of the snowstorms in the Glacial Peaks.

Always curious and seldom intimidated by threats, even he seemed a bit anxious now.

Ethan, without objection, accompanied the Shadow Elf to the largest inn in the town.

As they entered, they nearly collided with a tall figure cloaked in a black coat exiting the inn.

The Shadow Elf almost bumped into the man, while Ethan paid close attention to this figure in black.

He sensed that the stranger possessed great power and seemed to harbor some hostility towards him.

However, the hostility from the man in black was fleeting.

Ethan couldn't be sure if it was real or just his imagination.

Thus, he decided not to dwell on it and proceeded to find the innkeeper to book a room.

The Shadow Elf, however, did not share Ethan's composure.

He was still bothered by the near collision with the man in black.

He spoke in a low voice to Ethan, "This is why I don't quite like your humans.

There are too many like him.He almost ran into me and didn't even think to apologize."

"Shouldn't he have apologized for almost bumping into me?! Is this the way humans have always conducted themselves?!"

Shadow Elf, consumed by anger, directly accused all humans, and in the face of this situation, Ethan's mood was not particularly good either.

He straightforwardly addressed Shadow Elf, saying, "Am I not a human? Do you think I am impolite? Whether it's humans or Shadow Elves, there are always some bad individuals among them."

"We should focus on those wrongdoers, not generalize and condemn all humans or all Shadow Elves."

Ethan's words left Shadow Elf momentarily speechless.

However, Shadow Elf did not completely forget about the incident.

It continued to remember the distinctive features of the cloaked figure.

At the inn's front desk, Ethan was in discussion with the innkeeper about which room to reserve.

The innkeeper, a woman around 40 years old, showed great curiosity about Ethan's arrival.

"Your attire suggests you're not a local. Are you also one of those planning to cross the Glacial Peaks? If so, I must deliver some unfortunate news."

"The Glacial Peaks will be impassable for at least a week from now. If you intend to traverse the Glacial Peaks, you'll need to stay at our inn for at least a week, possibly even longer, as we don't know the full extent of this snowstorm."

"I've been here for 20 years, and this is the most colossal snowstorm I've ever seen. The sky has never been this dark. You can see it's midday now, yet the sun has long disappeared. Thick, ominous clouds brought by the snowstorm have blanketed the entire sky."

The innkeeper was evidently a very talkative person, and she had developed a certain fondness for Ethan due to his polite demeanor.

This sentiment led her to offer some assistance to Ethan, hoping he would understand the significant risks that lay ahead if he continued his journey.

Ethan smiled and nodded in gratitude for the innkeeper's concern, but he had already made up his mind.

He replied, "Thank you very much for your warning. I will stay until the storm subsides before proceeding. However, I won't give up on my plan because I've always wanted to cross the Glacial Peaks!"

The innkeeper didn't find Ethan's determination unusual.

Most of the guests who stayed in her inn were adventurers, and they were not easily swayed by her advice.

"I knew young folks like you would never heed my advice. My own child once embarked on carefree adventures like you, but he never returned to my side," the innkeeper said, her eyes dimming as she reminisced.

Ethan sensed that the innkeeper had faced her own share of challenges, and he didn't know what to say, so he chose to remain silent.

After a moment of dimmed eyes, the innkeeper seemed to realize something: "Look at me, getting distracted from the matter at hand! Here's your key, your room is on the fourth floor, number six."

"It has the most suitable temperature because our boiler room on the third floor is always running. It ensures that your room stays nice and warm. You can make all your preparations here before continuing on your adventure."

Ethan expressed his gratitude to the innkeeper once again and then headed to the fourth floor with the Shadow Elf.

The fourth floor had only ten rooms, and his room, number six, was right in the middle.

Opposite his room was number five, with rooms four and eight on either side.

Before heading up, Ethan had specifically asked the innkeeper about the other guests on the fourth floor.

There were only three guests in total on the fourth floor.

Besides Ethan in room number six, there was another adventurer planning to cross the Glacial Peaks staying in room number two, and another adventurer who had just returned from the other side of the Glacial Peaks in room number ten.

All three were situated on the south side of the fourth floor, where they could at least catch some sunlight.

With the snowstorm imminent, the chance to see even a sliver of sunlight was greatly beneficial for the mood.

After arriving at room number 6, Ethan and the Shadow Elf began to arrange the furniture in the room.

While the hotel may not have been very luxurious, the furniture was well-kept.

Ethan selected a chair and placed it right by the window.

Here, he could gaze into the distance, and what he could see was the entire small town.

"We're going to be here for a week. Shouldn't we consider meeting some of the other guests on our floor? They might have some additional information to offer. I'm also curious about their adventures. I have a feeling their quests are even more thrilling than ours," Ethan suggested.

The Shadow Elf was eager to gather more information.

It believed that this information would be immensely helpful not only to itself but also to the God of Shadow.

However, Ethan didn't agree with the Shadow Elf's proposal.

In his view, adventurers clearly did not want to be disturbed.

"You shouldn't do that. Other adventurers may not welcome us. If we intrude on them, they might become our enemies."

"We're staying here for a week, and who knows what strange events might occur during that time? We may naturally interact with them. Perhaps we'll need to cooperate with them or even engage in direct combat!" Ethan whispered to the surprised Shadow Elf.

In the end, Ethan's caution prevailed, and they decided to keep to themselves for the time being.

The prospect of an eventful week in the town lay ahead, and the two companions were ready for whatever challenges it might bring.

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