Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 476 474-The Enemy's Renewed Action

Chapter 476 474-The Enemy's Renewed Action

Prophet Magus and Ethan parted ways, each retreating to their respective chambers. 

Prophet Magus was now overcome with weariness, yearning for a swift slumber.

He knew he had to swiftly regain his optimal state, for he was aware of more crucial matters awaiting him on the morrow. 

Come early morning, the innkeeper would undoubtedly seek him out, inquiring if any clues had been unearthed.

Meanwhile, Ethan didn't immediately seek rest, unlike Prophet Magus. 

After the recent events, Ethan's mood remained in disarray.

"I can empathize with your sentiments. However, as I mentioned before, we must maintain our composure. Acting impulsively will only lead us deeper into peril," the Shadow Elf beside Ethan spoke, his tone tinged with concern. 

He worried that Ethan's emotional turmoil might plunge him into despair.

The Shadow Elf was acutely aware that he couldn't tackle the current crisis solely with his own abilities. 

He needed Ethan's assistance. Furthermore, his willingness to collaborate with Ethan at this juncture was driven by his desire to attain greater power, drawing closer to the God of Shadow.

Ethan nodded in apparent agreement with the Shadow Elf's sentiments. 

However, he swiftly posed a question, "What do you think the cloaked figure will do next? Do you believe he will choose to continue hiding?"

Faced with Ethan's query, the Shadow Elf didn't immediately offer a response. 

He had a nagging feeling that the cloaked figure wouldn't opt for concealment; rather, he might take action promptly. 

The cloaked figure should be well aware that Prophet Magus would disclose his information to all the inn's occupants on the morrow, leaving him with no refuge within the dreams of the inn's guests.

"I believe the cloaked figure will indeed take immediate action. He must disrupt our efforts, or else he won't escape," the Shadow Elf stated, and Ethan nodded in agreement. 

Their thoughts aligned in the conviction that the cloaked figure would not remain idle.

Ethan's dilemma now was whether they should intervene to thwart the cloaked figure's actions. 

Although they were uncertain which guest in the inn the cloaked figure might target, they could at least provide a subtle warning to the other occupants.

"Do you think we should offer some assistance to the others? We may not guarantee their safety, but we can help them prepare," Ethan pondered aloud.

Faced with Ethan's suggestion, the Shadow Elf fell into a contemplative silence. 

To him, the other guests in the inn didn't hold much significance. 

They had previously discovered that some of the inn's patrons harbored ill intentions toward them. 

After all, Ethan and the Shadow Elf carried a substantial amount of supplies, including valuable weapons and scrolls. 

Such items could easily be turned into substantial wealth in various locations.

"It seems I already know how you would respond. You don't place much trust in the other inn guests, and my thoughts align with yours. I, too, have little faith in them. Our primary concern should be ensuring Prophet Magus's safety. In the upcoming endeavors, we must secure Prophet Magus's cooperation to achieve success," the Shadow Elf finally replied.

Before the Shadow Elf could offer a response, Ethan had already grasped his companion's thoughts. 

With their final decision made, there was no need for further worry.

Ethan and the Shadow Elf decided it was time to rest. 

After all, they had just invaded the dreams of two more individuals through the Cursed Dreamland. 

While the process of infiltrating others' dreams hadn't left them feeling particularly fatigued, they now keenly sensed their weariness as they relaxed.

"You're absolutely right. Let's wait until all the inn's guests gather again tomorrow morning and observe the situation," Ethan concurred, acknowledging the wisdom in the Shadow Elf's words.

While Prophet Magus, Ethan, and their companions rested, the cloaked figure suddenly appeared on the third-floor corridor of the inn. 

The cloaked figure was in a sorry state, having suffered greatly in the recent battle. 

Although he had managed to repel Ethan, he couldn't help but be profoundly shaken by the power Ethan had displayed.

"I just don't understand why this person keeps opposing me. This time, I wasn't here for him; I was targeting someone else!" he muttered in frustration, his voice a mixture of confusion and irritation.

The cloaked figure's tone was one of seething anger. 

He had no desire to be at odds with Ethan, seeing no benefit in such a confrontation. 

Moreover, he had come to realize that Ethan possessed an overwhelming power. 

Regardless, he found himself cornered with no way to escape from the inn. 

In the real world, he couldn't withstand the blizzard's fury as he had in the dream realm.

After careful consideration, the cloaked figure resolved to launch another attack on the inn's guests. 

It was the only way he could ensnare Ethan and the others in more futile pursuits, ensuring his temporary safety.

"I just need to hide for five more days, and then I can leave this place," the cloaked figure whispered to himself before taking action. 

He believed he could endure another five days of hiding.

Early the next morning, Prophet Magus awoke and wasted no time heading to Ethan's room, where he incessantly knocked on the door. 

Faced with the persistent knocking, Ethan, already a grumpy riser, grew increasingly annoyed. 

He had no intention of opening the door himself and instead addressed the matter with the Shadow Elf.

"You're a mythical being; you don't need sleep. Get the door! If I'm not mistaken, it's probably Prophet Magus knocking!" Ethan grumbled.

Though reluctant, the Shadow Elf had no choice but to answer the door. 

Upon seeing the Shadow Elf, Prophet Magus got straight to the point, stating, "Let's head to the inn's lobby promptly. I assume the innkeeper and other guests have been waiting for us."

As Prophet Magus spoke, he glanced in Ethan's direction. 

To his surprise, Ethan showed no intention of joining them in the lobby. 

"Ethan, don't you want to grasp the current situation as soon as possible? Don't you want the other guests in the inn to provide us with some clues about the cloaked figure?" Prophet Magus shouted at Ethan, his voice filled with urgency. 

Ethan's expression remained enraged, and he angrily hurled a glass of water nearby.

At that moment, a sudden scream echoed from downstairs in the lobby. 

Everyone could hear it clearly, recognizing it as the innkeeper's voice. 

Ethan had no choice but to abandon any further delay, rushing out of his room. 

He swiftly made his way to the inn's lobby, driven by the urgency of the situation.

"What on earth has happened? Has someone been attacked again?" Ethan's voice reached the innkeeper's ears even before he arrived.

The innkeeper hastily exclaimed, "Another guest has been eliminated! And the one who did it, the murderer, is likely the same as the one who took down Cryo Magus!"

As the innkeeper delivered this unsettling news, the other guests had also gathered in the lobby. 

Faced with this grim situation, the mood among all the inn's patrons had soured considerably.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, Prophet Magus! Haven't you heard what I just said? Haven't you found any clues at all? If you haven't, you're starting to look pretty incompetent," one of the inn's guests shouted at Prophet Magus, his voice tinged with anger. 

His emotions were a turbulent mix of anger, helplessness, and a hint of despair. 

In his view, his own abilities were insufficient to guarantee his safety. 

If Prophet Magus couldn't swiftly uncover the true culprit behind these attacks, he feared he might meet the same fate as the two previous victims.

Prophet Magus naturally wished to share all the clues he had gathered, so his demeanor remained unchanged, and he calmly spoke up.

"I've indeed gathered some clues," he began. 

His gaze then shifted toward the innkeeper. "There was indeed a cloaked figure who stayed at your inn previously. This individual possesses formidable strength and is responsible for the demise of Cryo Magus. As for whether they have continued to target other guests in the inn, I cannot confirm at this moment."

Prophet Magus chose his words carefully, acutely aware that he needed a sufficient amount of information to make a conclusive judgment.

The innkeeper nodded hastily in response. "Indeed! There was a cloaked figure who stayed at the inn before."

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