Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 482 480-Unraveling the Trap

Chapter 482 480-Unraveling the Trap

Ethan's persuasion eventually bore fruit.

Though Prophet Magus still harbored some concerns, he decided to proceed according to Ethan's plan.

With Ethan's assistance, Prophet Magus successfully opened the Cursed Dreamland.

In their own dream realms, both Ethan and the mysterious black-clad figure lent their support, working in tandem to forge a connection between their two dreams.

Once their dreams converged, Ethan, Prophet Magus, and the Shadow Elf wasted no time in embarking on their journey to the mysterious dream realm of the enigmatic black-clad figure.

Without a moment's hesitation, the trio ventured into the dream realm of the shadowy figure.

The moment the three of them arrived in the dream realm of the mysterious black-clad figure, Prophet Magus could immediately sense the overwhelming power of the curse that permeated the place.

Shadow Elf, too, felt the formidable presence of this curse and wasted no time in voicing his concerns to Ethan.

"Have you ever considered that this might be part of the black-clad individual's scheme?" Shadow Elf inquired directly.

"The reason he made you believe he was in dire straits could be a ploy to ensnare you. Don't forget, he has received assistance from the God of Curses! The God of Curses undoubtedly wields control over the Power of Curse."

Shadow Elf's apprehension was entirely rational.

Even Ethan himself had initially suspected it to be a trap, but he now believed that the black-clad figure had run out of alternatives.

"Your current concerns seem somewhat excessive," Ethan responded.

"If he had any means to prevent us from entering his dream realm, he would never have allowed us access. After all, we are three against one, and our collective strength surpasses that of the black-clad individual by a considerable margin."

Ethan's words gradually eased Shadow Elf's previous apprehensions.

After hearing Ethan's explanation, Prophet Magus, standing nearby, posed a question to Ethan, "In that case, what should our next course of action be? Are we aiming to eliminate the black-clad figure, or are we seeking to dispel the curse? Our objective surely isn't to vanquish the God of Curses, is it? Even if that were our goal, it's an objective we could never hope to achieve."

Prophet Magus still hadn't fully grasped Ethan's true objectives.

In his view, if Ethan's ultimate goal was to eliminate the black-clad figure, he could have launched an attack earlier, especially in the midst of the out-of-control curse.

The black-clad individual would have had no opportunity for retaliation.

Therefore, Prophet Magus believed that Ethan must have other intentions.

Ethan nodded in response to Prophet Magus's uncertainty and explained, "My objective is neither simply to eliminate the black-clad figure nor solely to dispel the curse. My goal is to gather more information related to the God of Curses and, only after that, to successfully deal with the black-clad figure."

Ethan had always yearned for more knowledge concerning the God of Curses.

He was acutely aware that concluding his battle with the God of Curses within the Shadow Elf territory did not signify the end of the danger.

Prophet Magus, upon hearing Ethan's explanation, nodded in understanding.

Now that he was privy to Ethan's plan, he was ready to offer his assistance

When the trio arrived at the location of the black-clad figure, they could immediately discern that his condition had deteriorated significantly compared to before.

Upon seeing Ethan, the black-clad individual seemed to view him as a savior.

"You've finally arrived," he exclaimed, his voice laden with desperation.

"The power of the curse has grown even stronger now! You must help me eradicate these manifestations of the curse. Although I have the assistance of the God of Curses, I still cannot bear the brunt of this curse."

As the black-clad figure spoke, it was evident to everyone that he was in an extremely weakened state.

Moreover, the Cursed Eye on his forehead had grown substantially larger, now occupying almost half of his head.

This expansion of the Cursed Eye indicated that the Power of Curse it contained far exceeded what the black-clad individual could endure.

Shadow Elf took a step back, recognizing the extreme instability of the black-clad figure's current state.

In his eyes, if the power of the curse were to suddenly overwhelm the black-clad individual, the curse would rapidly spread.

"Why are you all just standing there?" the black-clad figure implored urgently.

"Act quickly! Whatever assistance you need from me afterward, I will provide it! If you allow the power of the curse to consume me, you won't be able to obtain any more information. Don't you want to know what my ultimate objective is for this endeavor?"

The black-clad figure appeared visibly anxious, his urgency palpable.

He hoped that Ethan and Prophet Magus would swiftly come to his aid.

Faced with this situation, Ethan, however, remained remarkably composed.

Ethan, much like Shadow Elf, took a step back, a calm demeanor masking his actions.

His response left both the black-clad figure and Prophet Magus somewhat surprised.

Prophet Magus, though still uncertain about the unfolding situation, followed suit, retreating a step.

After all, the greater the distance between them and the black-clad figure, the safer they would be.

"Do you genuinely believe your current plan will succeed?" Ethan questioned with a hint of amusement.

"There's no need for pretense anymore. All the Power of Curse here has been willingly unleashed by you. I wasn't entirely sure at first, but after your recent words, it became evident. The power of the Cursed Eye is exceedingly difficult to lose control over. After all, everyone who possesses a Cursed Eye is a follower of the God of Curses. How could the God of Curses possibly eliminate all of his own followers?"

Ethan wore a subtle smile as he gazed at the black-clad figure, suggesting that he had seen through the trap laid by the enigmatic individual.

The expression on the black-clad figure's face initially betrayed confusion, but gradually, it turned cold as ice.

He now realized that Ethan had indeed uncovered his ploy.

"Since you've exposed my trap, why haven't you launched a direct attack?" the black-clad figure inquired, his tone laced with a mix of frustration and curiosity.

"Is it because you can't just attack me outright without risking my elimination?"

The black-clad figure had essentially conceded the truth in Ethan's words.

Moreover, as he spoke, all the curses surrounding him dissipated.

The Cursed Eye on his forehead returned to its normal state, currently in the process of imposing curses on Prophet Magus, Ethan, and Shadow Elf.

In essence, the black-clad figure's actions signaled the commencement of hostilities between the two parties.

Ethan, however, had no intention of responding to the black-clad figure's question.

Instead, he harnessed the power of Primordial Light, shaping it into a gleaming white sword that he promptly wielded against the black-clad figure.

The black-clad figure had no intention of engaging Ethan in a head-on confrontation, for he believed such a battle would inevitably lead to his defeat.

His initial objective was to eliminate Ethan's two companions.

The black-clad figure harnessed the power of the Cursed Eye, transforming into a spectral form that shot toward the location of Prophet Magus in an instant.

Prophet Magus was caught off guard, unable to react as he fell under the control of the Cursed Eye's influence.

"You don't need to assist me right now," Ethan shouted urgently, his focus on Shadow Elf.

"Your immediate task is to help Prophet Magus regain control. I'll need his aid in the upcoming battle!"

Prophet Magus swiftly lost consciousness under the assault of the black-clad figure's attack.

Ethan, recognizing that he couldn't reach Prophet Magus in time, decided to entrust Shadow Elf with the task of assisting their fallen comrade.

Ethan knew that his own movements were not swift enough to provide immediate help.

As Ethan faced off against the black-clad figure, he resolved to let Shadow Elf take care of Prophet Magus.

In Ethan's estimation, his battle with the black-clad figure would prevent any interference with Shadow Elf's efforts.

With these instructions, Ethan transformed into a radiant white beam and gave chase to the black-clad figure, as they both began a thrilling pursuit through the dream realm.

Both the black-clad figure and Ethan possessed the ability of Dream Journey.

They constantly traversed through the dreams of different individuals, a process that rapidly drained their energies.

The Dream Journey demanded an exceptionally high physical toll, making it impossible even for someone as formidable as Ethan to engage in numerous consecutive journeys.

While the black-clad figure had the assistance of the God of Curses to reduce the energy expenditure during Dream Journey, it was still a resource-intensive endeavor.

Throughout their Dream Journey, both sides tirelessly searched for dream realms that would be most advantageous to them.

As soon as the black-clad figure found a dream realm that favored him, he would halt to engage in a decisive battle with Ethan.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Shadow Elf was diligently attempting to awaken Prophet Magus by harnessing his formidable power of shadow.

However, Shadow Elf's efforts were not destined for quick success.

The black-clad figure's recent attack had indeed inflicted significant damage upon Prophet Magus.

Prophet Magus had fallen into the clutches of a Cursed Illusion, a predicament that demanded a tremendous amount of effort and a stroke of luck to break free from.

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