Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 517 Resarite’s Ambition

Chapter 517 Resarite's Ambition

?"Moreover, you shouldn't envy bread and wine too much. Trade is increasingly flourishing, and the discovery of the New World has brought us an immense amount of resources beyond our imagination. These resources won't be monopolized by the nobility alone. I can assure you that as trade expands, the availability of bread and wine will increase, and their prices will become more affordable. Even as a commoner, you will be able to enjoy bread and wine!"

Boshni ceased her crying and gazed at Howard with wide, curious eyes, asking, "Really? Can even the poorest families afford delicious white bread?"

Howard, brimming with determination, assured her, "Yes, I promise you."

Believing his words, Boshni's tears dried up.

Howard took a deep breath and gently said to her, "Boshni, you want to be a noble, right? Your father is the village chief of Yami Village and had helped me in my early days of development. I can fulfill your wish. I'll speak with Anna and arrange for her to take over another village, so I can reclaim Yami Village and then bestow it upon you."

Boshni's heart raced with excitement.

She attempted a noble's gesture she had learned from the castle's servants and curtsied to Howard.

Howard did not point out that her curtsy was flawed, understanding that her limited status had shaped her behavior.

He graciously accepted her imperfect gesture and said, "Very well, I will graciously accept your curtsy in advance. The ennoblement ceremony will be held in Yami Village in a week. You can go back and tell your father the good news."

Watching Boshni skip away joyfully, Howard felt a sense of healing in his soul.

He decided to overlook Rolf's impertinence, letting go of his concerns as he descended from the tower.

Resarite, having heard of this incident from somewhere, hurriedly rode from Gokasu to Fernsouth.

Upon seeing Howard, he said eagerly, "My lord, if we were to confront Marquis Rolf, our chances of victory are high."

Howard, smiling calmly, pushed away Resarite's hand and replied, "Let it be. Forgive Rolf this once."

Resarite stood dumbfounded.

Howard walked towards the garden, stretching leisurely.

Resarite, looking at Vettel sitting in the garden, was at a loss for words.

Howard sat down beside Vettel on the bench, observing the small yellow flowers that had grown into large ones.

He remarked contentedly, "Development is indeed the key."

A week later, in Yami Village, Boshni, her cheeks flushed with excitement, performed the noble's curtsy perfectly before Howard.

Howard accepted it graciously, as the old village chief of Yami stood by, tears streaming down his face.

The imperial decree had arrived: out of three countships in the Croatia region, two were granted to Howard.

Intriguingly, the title of Duke of Croatia was bestowed upon a relatively obscure count, a clear display of the emperor's political savvy and strategic thinking.

Howard, however, was indifferent to these maneuvers.

The ennoblement ceremony proceeded, with Boshni dressed in modest leather armor and a sword at her waist, kneeling on one knee before Howard.

The moment had come for Howard to speak the traditional words of ennoblement, but he found himself at a loss.

Truth be told, Boshni's achievements were negligible; her work in the library had not yielded any significant scholarly contributions, and her horse breeding, while commendable, was not something to be lauded in this context.

Thus, Howard resorted to using the generic phrases prepared by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

The words were ordinary, but Howard added a personal touch at the end, saying, "I hope you can demonstrate your worth in the future, and shine in this era where the role of knights is diminishing. Whether cavalry units are obsolete or not, it's for you to decide."

Boshni looked up, a spark in her eyes, and declared, "My lord, I will prove it to you."

The ceremony concluded smoothly, and the artillery unit fired salutes in celebration.

The villagers of Yami Village were overjoyed, proud that one of their own, raised in Yami, had ascended to the status of a knighted noble.

Some thought optimistically that Boshni, now a noble, would likely implement lenient tax policies.

Others considered the convenience of having the daughter of the former village chief as a noble, making it easier to address village matters.

But most were simply delighted for the local girl who had achieved nobility.

In the crowd, a woman in her thirties with auburn hair covered by a white cloth beamed with joy.

Her hands rested on the shoulders of a boy, about waist-high, his face lit with excitement.

Boshni had grown up in Yami Village under her watchful eye, and she felt genuine happiness for Boshni's accomplishment.

The boy, pointing excitedly at Boshni, turned to his mother and exclaimed, "Mom, I want to be a noble too, just like Sister Boshni!"

His mother looked at him with tender affection, gently caressing his face, and said, "Lord Howard is a kind man. If you work hard, perhaps one day you really could have a chance."

Boshni stayed behind in Yami Village, her new fiefdom and her home.

Meanwhile, Howard and his entourage of nobles returned to Fernsouth Castle, seeming to prefer Howard's company.

Anna, due to personal reasons, disliked Catherine.

Therefore, whenever Howard was in Lagusa, Anna deliberately avoided the duke's mansion, not wanting to see Catherine.

However, when Howard was elsewhere, Anna seized every opportunity to be near Howard, constantly seeking his attention.

Howard, mindful of the lord-vassal relationship, did not reprimand her but intentionally kept his distance.

In Howard's domain, a professional army system had yet to be implemented, and the conscription system was still in use.

Within this system, a lord's military strength, beyond his directly controlled lands, depended heavily on the contributions of his vassals.

When there were no conflicting interests, there was no need to displease the vassals.

Lately, Resarite had shed his usual demeanor of an army officer and often shared laughter and conversations with Howard.

However, Resarite's skills in interpersonal relationships were admittedly lacking.

Even though Howard frequently indulged in discussions about army reforms to engage Resarite, their conversations often lapsed into awkward silences.

Riding together through the forest, they struggled to find common topics.

Eventually, Resarite voiced his request.

Pulling his horse to a halt, which reared up with a loud neigh, Howard too stopped and turned to face Resarite.

In a flustered tone, Resarite blurted out, "My lord, my wife has suggested that I should secure a countship in the Croatia region and become a marquis."

Howard's expression remained unchanged as he replied, "Oh, is that so?"

Resarite added, "My lord, there's also my son, who is now eighteen. I wish for him to become another count in the Croatia region."

Howard was initially inclined to agree, but before he could respond, he became alert to the potential crisis this posed.

He quickly excused himself and left with his entourage.

By the time Howard returned to Fernsouth and stepped onto its land, Resarite had already gone back to Gokasu to tend to his baronial lands.

Bosiden, looking visibly upset, said to Howard, "My lord, although it was Resarite who promoted me to my current position, his demands are simply too excessive."

Vettel sighed and commented, "Resarite's ambition is far too great."

Anna expressed her disbelief at encountering such a shameless vassal, while Margaret noted that Resarite was overly greedy.

Kaido, fuming with anger, told Howard, "I always knew he was no good. Today he wants this, tomorrow that. The day after, he might even try to usurp your dukedom. Don't fall for his tricks. Also, why did you overlook me in the last round of ennoblements? Aren't I your relative? How come you treat me worse than the other vassals?"

Howard, trying to mask his discomfort with a cough, wished to ignore Kaido's latter remarks.

Alonso, looking helpless, turned to Howard and asked, "My lord, what would happen if Resarite got both countships?"

Concerned that Howard might not fully grasp the situation, Bosiden hastily interjected, "To put it simply, Resarite would have two countships and a barony, and his son would have a countship. Resarite would become the most powerful vassal under Lord Howard, a Marquis of Honor. If Resarite were to rebel, all of us other vassals combined might not be able to defeat him. It's not conducive to Lord Howard's rule."

Howard, taking over the conversation with a somber tone, inquired, "What other dangers might there be, my Chancellor?"

Bosiden straightened up and said, "Please calm your anger, Duke. I haven't finished speaking. The most obvious issue is that Resarite becomes a threat to your rule, Lord Howard. But the greater danger is still hidden in the fog."

Anna, with a fierce frown, demanded, "Out with it!"

Swallowing nervously, Bosiden replied, "Anna, do you remember how our lord acquired the title of Baron Fernsouth?"

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