Dungeon Predator

Chapter 9. Spider Queen, Alishi (1)

Chapter 9. Spider Queen, Alishi (1)

Translator: Boko

There was something Kang Oh needed to do before he went into the boss room.


If you wanted to beat a boss, you needed to be prepared.

[Main Stats]

Physical: 31 (+20)

Mental: 31 (+20)

Magic: 32 (+20)

Sense: 31 (+20)

Remaining Stat Points: 42

Although all his main stats increased by 20 when he class changed to Magic Swordsman, he'd yet to allocate any of his surplus points.

Till now, Kang Oh had been thinking about how best to allocate his remaining points.

But after defeating Karash and stealing a point of magic, he realized what he needed to do.

'Let's put everything into Sense.'

Kang Oh allocated all of his remaining stat points into Sense.

Sense increased not only the power and effect of skills, but also their activation rates.

It also decreased the amount of MP required, as well as the cooldown of the skills.

Above all, it would increase the speed at which his skill proficiency went up, which was much more difficult to increase than leveling up.

Kang Oh planned on putting everything into Sense from now on.

By putting everything into Sense, the activation rate of Darkness Strike would go up, which would further increase his other stats.

In other words, he was making an incredibly greedy decision; he wanted both skill proficiency and stats.

"I allocated all my stat points, so let's go take down the boss."

Kang Oh went through the entrance.

Spider Queen, Alishi's boss room looked like it was from a horror movie.

There were spider webs everywhere, as well as dried up husks of monsters. The sight of the shaking oothecae would make anyone want to turn tail and flee.

And in the center of the room, there was a huge nest consisting of white spider webbing.

Atop that nest lay the Spider Queen, Alishi, with four named Earth Shade Spiders guarding her nearby.

'So that's Alishi.'

Kang Oh scanned Alishi.

He estimated her to be about level 30.

Physically, she looked similar to the other named Earth Shade Spiders.

However, she was about double their size and her stripes were orange in color, and shaped like a ghostly face.

Kang Oh was sure that Alishi had some sort of special skill.

'Taking into account her special ability, it'll be hard to beat her alone.'

The combination of his Hyper Intuition, his hidden class, and his SS-rank magic sword did indeed make him overpowered.

However, death had a far more severe penalty to the wielder of the magic sword Ubist than to any other regular player.

If he died, he would either lose the magic sword, or he would become a monster under the magic sword's sway for 24 hours.

If that's the case, then he needed some insurance before he fought against an unknown boss.

In other words...!

'I need some help.'

The first person he thought of was Burkan. If he came, then it wouldn't matter what tricks Alishi had up her sleeve; he'd kill her in a single blow.

'If you're facing a goblin, there's no reason to come wielding a dragon slayer. If that's the case, then...'

Kang Oh smirked. Someone more appropriate had come to mind.

* * *

Kang Oh returned to the Holiseum's underground arena.

"Oh, Little Brother," Burkan greeted.

The Battle Against 100 Men could no longer be completed here.

Thus, rumors that someone had beaten it had spread.

"Brother, have you been well?"

Since he wanted something from Burkan, he smiled professionally.

"Well, the magic sword's gone now, so yeah I'm doing well."

Burkan spoke as though a huge weight had been lifted off his chest.

"Why was the magic sword left here in the first place?" Kang Oh asked, suddenly feeling curious.

"Master Valan forced it onto me. He left me the adamantium gemstone too."

The life story of the swordsman, Valan, that he'd seen following the completion of the Trial of the Magic Sword!

That same swordsman was Burkan's master.

"As he departed, Master Valan told me to impart the magic sword to someone worthy. To put it simply, I'm just a subcontractor."

That was the reason the impossible 'Fight Against 100 Men' had begun.

"The adamantium gemstone too?"

"Master Valan discovered that too. He told me to protect it, so that a strict person couldn't get it, or something."

Burkan grinned and continued, "That's why I sent you off to find a miner. Cause if you find one, then I'm free."

"Ugh. That's what your letter of introduction was for?"

"Yep. So hurry up and find Bower, so you can take it away."

The reason that the invincible gladiator, Burkan, had been stuck in the underground arena was because of the magic sword and the adamantium gemstone.

"So where is this Valan now?" Kang Oh asked.

He wouldn't regret this, would he?

"Dunno. It's been a while since I've seen him, so he may or may not be alive. No, he's probably not dead. He's someone who can even avoid death. Why? Want to find him?"

"No thank you," Kang Oh declared.

"Anyway, where is Darion?"

The whole reason he'd come back was for Darion.

"Darion!" Burkan yelled, and Darion came running from the other side of the passageway.

This was the first time he'd actually seen his face, but he looked like the "young prince" type; he was both dashing and fair-skinned. How can Darion of all people look like that!? This is bullshit.


Once he got a look at Kang Oh, his expression turned to rage.

"Oh, hey, how've you been? Your eyes doing ok?"

Kang Oh raised his hand and acted amicably.

"You dirty, shameful bastard!" Darion said, fuming.

"Watch it, Darion. He not only passed the Battle of a Hundred Men, but he's also the wielder of the magic sword and my little brother."

As expected, the hierarchy of gladiators modeled that of the military.

In military terms, Kang Oh was the general's son or maybe grandson.

He had no rank to speak of, but he had someone high up backing him!

"How can you support someone like him..."

"Darion," he said heavily, and Darion immediately shut his mouth.

Though his eyes seemed to convey his discontent.

"Brother, may I borrow Darion for a little bit?"


He couldn't say 'What do you mean why? I want to use him like a slave.'

"When I fought him last time, I found that he has some mental weaknesses. I want to fix those weaknesses of his," Kang Oh said.

"Alright!" Burkan consented easily.

"Master!" Darion anxiously called for his master whilst teary-eyed.

Burkan closed his mouth in a line. It was a strong sign that Burkan wouldn't listen to Darion anymore.

"Let's go, Darion!"

Darion had no other choice but to follow Kang Oh, as if he were a cow being dragged to the slaughterhouse.

Kang Oh, having left the Holiseum, led Darion to a secluded alleyway.

"What level are you?" Kang Oh asked.


Burkan's estimated level was higher than 400. Darion's level was much lower than his master's; perhaps it was because he was Burkan's last student.

"Hey, who do you think you're talking to?"

I'm Burkan's little brother!


"You still have that chip on your shoulder from me throwing a bit of dirt at you. Is that really my fault?"

You guys are more cowardly. After all, I had to fight against 100 of you.

"You dirtied a sacred gladiatorial match."



"Sacred? Don't give me that BS. All that matters in the end is who wins."

"I was taught that winning isn't everything to a gladiator... sir."

"But brother Burkan is the invincible gladiator. The one who always wins."

Though they wouldn't kill each other, there were no ties in gladiatorial matches.

That's why the citizens of Altein went so wild over them.

"He's special... sir."

"I'm not so sure about that, but what I am sure about is that you're too soft."

Darion was definitely too soft. After all, he was still saying that gladiatorial matches were sacred or what not.

"There're no rules or cowardice in real fights," Kang Oh said.

"I cannot accept that... sir."

"Then, how about we go a round? If I win, you're my slave for the week."

"What if I win?"

"You get to be the older brother."

"I'll do it. 100%."

[Darion has requested a duel. Will you accept?]

A duel between a level 15 and a level 36. Kang Oh was definitely at a disadvantage.

However, Kang Oh was 100% sure of his victory.

'Since I'm against Darion.'

Kang Oh's expression was relaxed.


Once he uttered those words, Darion immediately struck.

It was a surprise attack.

However, Kang Oh wasn't surprised in the least and said relaxingly, "I'm Burkan's little brother. You know what happens if you hurt me, right?"

Darion momentarily froze.

Kang Oh seized that opportunity. His magic sword had slashed Darion's chest.

Darion stumbled.

Following the injury, Darion faltered, and Kang Oh hit him with his Slash skill.

Of course, Hyper Intuition had revealed a weak spot and he'd hit there.

Unfortunately for Darion, Kang Oh's Slash was accompanied by a Darkness Strike.

The teeth of a black beast struck Darion.

A critical hit! Slash! Darkness Strike!


Darion's handsome face twisted.

After that, Kang Oh continuously aimed at the wound left behind by Slash without giving Darion the chance to counterattack.

[Darion's HP is below 10%. Mr. Kang Oh has won the duel.]

As expected, the duel ended in Kang Oh's one-sided victory.

'Darion is Darion after all. He's way too soft. What are you made of, tofu?'

"How cowardly!" Darion shouted.

"Shut up. You're my slave for the week. An honorable gladiator like you wouldn't go back on his word, would he?"


"What, you don't like being called a slave? Then I'll call you a mercenary instead."

And that's how Kang Oh acquired a mercenary.

Darion's daily wage was 3 silver! He might be called a mercenary, but it wasn't any different from a master-slave contract.

* * *

They say to strike when the iron is hot.

Once he'd created the mercenary contract with Darion, they went to the Shade Spiders' Colony.

And they headed straight for the entrance to the hidden dungeon.

The Earth Shade Spider that hid the entrance to the hidden dungeon wasn't even an appetizer to them.

"Let's go."

Once they entered, the Earth Shade Spiders began to attack fearlessly.

Swish, swish.

A few sword swings was enough.

Kang Oh and Darion were soon at the entrance of the boss room.


There were two Earth Shade Spiders protecting the boss room which used poison liquid and spider webs to attack.

They were just the right appetizers before the main course: the boss.

Now it was time for today's main dish!

It was time to take down the Spider Queen, Alishi.


Having witnessed the Spider Queen, Darion furrowed his brow.

Alishi possessed four eyes, but her eyes were noticeably larger than the other spiders, which made her look especially disgusting.

"There're four named monsters guarding the boss. They use poison, spider webs, can call allies, etc. Each one of them uses a special skill. I don't know what the boss's special skill is, but do your best."

Darion was a higher level than the boss. He didn't have to worry about him.


"I'm going."

Once Kang Oh stepped forward, the named monsters shrieked and rushed towards him.

However, Alishi didn't move an inch.

Kang Oh, who'd killed a countless number of bosses in Warlord, figured out exactly what was going on.

"It's an observer-type boss."

Bosses came in different varieties.

Frontline combat bosses, backline magic bosses, commander-type bosses, there were those like Alishi that merely observed, etc...

These bosses expected that their subordinates would finish off the intruders themselves! And if those subordinates fell, they would go 'Those fools. I'll do it myself!' and then jump in.

'It's a lot easier than I expected. Then again...'

While it was a hidden dungeon, it was still undeniable that it was a low-level dungeon.

The named monsters soon swung their front legs at them. Kang Oh and Darion took on two of the named monsters a piece.

Koong, koong! Bibibi!

The two named monsters picked up and threw a piece of land at Kang Oh, while the other let out a cricket-like cry in order to summon their allies.



Meanwhile, Darion faced off against two named monsters that spewed poison liquid and spider webs respectively.

As expected, the named monsters were no match for either Kang Oh or Darion.

They were especially no match for Kang Oh due to his overwhelming attack power.

His Slash, reinforced by his Darkness Strike, instantly killed the Earth Shade Spider attempting to call allies.

But at that moment...

Alishi's giant eyes shone red like a signal light.

Kang Oh didn't miss that change.

'This is...'

In Warlord, there was a boss called Hectos. There were six gems embedded in the crown that he wore.

Whenever one of the midbosses were killed, these gems would begin to glow. It was almost like a countdown of sorts.

And not long after, Kang Oh was killed by Hectos.

He had died, helpless against Hectos repeatedly using his six skills.

Thus, Kang Oh immediately recognized what her eyes glowing meant.

'She's the same type as Hectos.'

Ultimately, it meant that once they were finished with the named monsters, they would face a buffed Alishi.

Like the time he'd died at the hands of Hecto's six skills.

Despite that, Kang Oh didn't attempt to awaken her, nor did he stop Darion from killing the remaining named monsters.

Once Darion had killed the poison-spewing spider, Alishi's second eye glowed green.

'I'm sure.'

Whenever a named monster died, Alishi became stronger.


Kang Oh grinned and fought against the named monsters even harder.

Soon, the spider throwing land at him had met its end.

[You have defeated the Earth Shade Spider, Bash.]

Alishi's third eye glowed yellow.

"The last one!"

Darion and Kang Oh worked together to take down the last web-spewing spider.

Simultaneously, Alishi's last eye glowed white.


Alishi roared, each of her eyes glowing a different color.

[The Spider Queen, Alishi, has awakened. Alishi is enraged at the death of her subordinates.]

Alishi spewed poisonous liquid from her mouth, spider webs from her body, and called upon her children as well.

Whenever she stepped forward, the ground seemed to cry out, and sharp fragments would break off and send shrapnel flying.


The emergence of the strongest spider, Alishi!

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