During the Snowstorm

Chapter 41: Return of the King (5)

Chapter 41: Return of the King (5)

The driver was holding a box of stinky tofu in his hand and hadn't eaten it yet. Seeing that Yin Guo was lying on the armrest, he was very preoccupied, and handed the cardboard box to her eyes. She shook her head and said thank you, but was not in the mood to eat.

Seeing that no one was here, the driver made a phone call to his son, to the effect that he had quarreled with his wife, and asked his son to help him speak nicely.

Under the shade of the tree and the cool breeze, after the driver hung up the phone, he rarely showed a trace of embarrassment as an old-fashioned man: "I just didn't wash my grandson's socks, I wash it every day. I was lazy and didn't want to wash it that day, and was scolded by my wife. Bloody head."

What a bizarre reason to quarrel...

"But after thinking about it in two days, don't you just wash your socks? It's a matter of breath." The driver said again.

She thought about it, yes.

That is, in one breath.


Lin Yiyang returned to the ballroom at noon.

Jiang Yang was rummaging through his closet for clothes to wear: "I want to meet someone today, borrow one."

"Meet the girl?" he asked.

"Yes. I knew each other on a blind date," Jiang Yang took the initiative to explain, took out a light gray shirt from the closet, put on two sleeve tubes, and fastened buttons one by one: "The girl who just got divorced last year, I met twice, and it's not bad. If you want to develop smoothly, maybe it will be faster than your marriage."

After finishing speaking, he said again: "I don't want to talk about friends anymore, I'm tired. I saw that you were tired for you last night."

After Jiang Yang finished putting on his shirt, he saw the stack of brochures and deposit receipts that Lin Yiyang threw on the table, he picked it up and glanced at it.

Last month, the two of them were racing outside together, and they only rode a motorcycle once.

It is a trend of riding a gentleman, which was first popularized from Australia and Europe and the United States. Men wear the most orthodox suits and shirts, and tie their cars.

Suits and racing cars are the love of these men in Dongxincheng, so Jiang Yang came to the interest and borrowed those people's cars to play for a few laps. At that time, Lin Yiyang was wearing a black suit and shirt, but he didn't wear a tie. Jiang Yang was wearing a dark gray suit. In order to wear a helmet, he even bought contact lenses to put them on. He had a great time. Fan Wen hurriedly commented on the two brothers, one was a hooligan wrapped in a gentleman's skin, and the other was an old fox wrapped in a human skin. Any girl would shake her heart.

Jiang Yang guessed that he bought this and coaxed his wife to use it.

When I saw Lin Yiyang fidgeting last night, I knew that he was arguing with his girlfriend: "In the beginning, I always wore a filter, no matter how I looked at it, I gradually lost the protective film, and I have to adapt to the good and the bad. This is about friends, and I will talk to you at night."

Lin Yiyang was upset and waved out, telling Jiang Yang to leave as soon as he should.

"You really can't do it here. You can't do it last night." Jiang Yang left this sentence and left.

After Jiang Yang left, Lin Yiyang greeted Sun Yao, who was staring at the decoration team on the second floor, and went back to his room to sleep.

The guest room is small, he is big here.

Lin Yiyang closed the curtains, so that no light could be seen. In a room where day and night were indistinguishable, he rested his right arm on the back of his head and leaned on the bed in a trance. In fact, no sleep at all.

Lying down is also to kill time, it is better to practice ball. He lifted the quilt and got out of bed, turned his back to the door, and saw a light under his feet, through the crack of the door behind him.

"The pigeons were released?" He thought it was Jiang Yang.

The person outside the door held on to the edge of the door and looked in from the bright space to the dark room: "I let the pigeons go and let them go first."

As soon as he turned around, the girl who came in closed the door again and walked in front of him in the dark.

Yin Guo stretched out his hand to hug him, thinking that he was not wearing short sleeves, he hesitated for a second, and he grabbed his hand and pressed it behind his waist.

"Isn't it a training camp?" Lin Yiyang spoke first.

"I'm afraid that you will be unhappy all the time and it will affect the game," she said softly. "You will go when you come back and see."

There was the temperature of his palm on his wrist, and he went down, covering his elbow with warmth. He likes it, likes all her joints, the skin is smooth. "You know it hurts me?" he asked again.

"I feel bad for you, and you don't feel bad for me either." Yin Guo hugged him.

It was all because of his words "I miss you", the three words pierced his heart, and he felt that he would be wronged if he didn't come back.

Lin Yiyang was looking for her face, her lips: "Even if you don't come, I'll drive there at night."

He couldn't stand arguing with her, and neither could she.

Last night, he tossed and turned, thinking about when to find her all night, for fear that if the two of them got angry again at night, she would definitely not be able to sleep all night. This is the first one, and the second one is that there are many things in my heart. I have a lot of thoughts. Thinking of Li Qingyan's unhappiness, thinking of the Open, and thinking of the many problems that will be dismantled when I come back this time, I have ups and downs in my heart, and I haven't slept all night.

She leaned her face on his shoulder and was talking about her situation yesterday: "I fought with my sister twice yesterday, and they were all talking about you. In the end, you still murdered me, inexplicably

"Looking annoying," he said in her ear, "Look at the boy Meng Xiaodong brought."

"...I'm fine with him again."

"Chengyan didn't tell me anything in front of you. How many times did you mention it?" He asked her back.

It's all the same thing, dry vinegar stutters.

When you're in a bad mood, it's a source of quarrel, but now, it's rosemary. Listening to the person he likes being jealous of himself is the most satisfying taste for vanity. His fingers are unraveling her clothes: "When will you arrive at the latest?"

"Tonight, there is no specific time."

There is a dinner, but not everyone wants to go.

That's still early.

"Ask you," he asked beside her face, "who told me that she is very good at coaxing, and she can be coaxed by buying something delicious? If I want to get you cherries, I won't look back."

While he was talking, he had already stripped her clean and imprisoned her in his arms: "Not a little temperamental."

She was not used to this unfamiliar space, thinking that the door had not been locked yet, she grabbed his arm very hard: "The door is not locked..." He was so rubbed by his body that she wanted to bite down, but she really bit down: Slow down...

He hoarsely said: slow.

The two tossed around the wall for a while, and he carried her to the bed. As soon as Yin Guo's back rubbed against the white sheet, he grabbed his back without warning, knocked his forehead against his collarbone, and called his name.

He agreed. On the collarbone, it was Yin Guo's forehead pressing tightly, as if he was about to break it. Slowly, she let go of all her strength, tilted her head and buried her face in the pillow, subconsciously wanting to curl up and sleep in his arms.

"Miss me so much?" he whispered, biting her ear, "so soon."

Yin Guo rubbed her face against the pillow, her cheeks were flushed, and the back of her ears were all red.

The smell of Lin Yiyang was all over the pillow, and it was also in the room, awakening all the body's memories of him.

When she was a child, she listened to an old song called Taste, the lyrics were always repeated, I missed your smile, I missed your taste, I didn't know such a deep level of things at that time, what else was there to think about, not all boys Is it stinky? After playing football, finishing gym class, especially in summer.

But now I understand that the lyrics refer to the unique olfactory recognition between the two, especially after they have had each other.

Sweat gradually came out from under the skin, and he wiped it away with his hands, and the sweat of the two people was mixed in one place. Lin Yiyang put two pillows behind her, stopped talking to her, and continued to do business.

She was wrapped in a quilt the whole time, afraid that she would catch a cold. After all, it was the beginning of April, and it was still very cold.

When it was finally over, Lin Yiyang touched the wall beside the bed, swiped his finger on the wall three or two times, and finally turned on the wall lamp... It was neither bright nor dark, and it seemed that Jiang Yang had picked a lamp from the old rivers and lakes, which is very suitable for this place. time brightness.

Lin Yiyang dealt with the follow-up, wrapped her with the quilt and carried her to him.

She let him hold her arms and whispered: It was like this as soon as we met.

He smiled: "It's been almost two months. If you still don't want to, then you really have to think about it. Is it time to change your boyfriend."

The last time was my birthday, and it has been a long time since today. Judging from his current physical condition and age, he is definitely a pure-hearted man. It's just that it's inconvenient to be separated from each other, and it's not good to get married too often.

Yin Guo hit his collarbone with his chin: hooligan.

Lin Yiyang smiled.

It's been a long time since I heard her say that about herself.

The quilt was for wrapping her, so he didn't cover it.

Yin Guo saw that the compass tattoo on his waist was different from the last time. At first, he thought it was because the wall light was not enough, and he was too weak to see it.

Looking at it later, it is indeed different, with more pointers.

Yin Guo lifted the quilt blocking him, leaned in to see, was dragged by Lin Yiyang's arm, and joked: Who is the rogue? What are you looking at?

Yin Guo ignored him and looked carefully.

His skin has been wet with sweat, and the letters are very small after washing, so if you don't look closely, you will really think that the dial is the pointer, but if you look closely, it is a row of English letters - fruitlet.

She knew the word, and she wanted to use it as her English name...

The translation is: small fruit, small fruit, young fruit, small fruit.

She felt uncomfortable and her nose was sore: "You don't say it, don't tell me?"

Lin Yiyang smiled.

What to say, isn't it just a tattoo?

At first, I wanted to tattoo a compass, but because life is wandering and there is no established direction, there is no pointer on the dial. At that time, the tattoo artist was chatting with him, and the two joked that if they had a sweetheart in the future, they would name it. It was just a joke. After sending her off the plane in Washington, he felt empty, so he found someone in the youth hostel to get it.

The person who made up this English word saw the name as cute and asked him if it was his daughter.

He thought about it at the time and said with a smile: The daughter is not treated like this, but the wife is more important.

It's like having a wife and kids.

Yin Guo touched his waistline, the tattooed area could be felt, but it was invisible to the naked eye, but there was a soft bump...Lin Yiyang saw her eyes were red, and touched her face.

He thought of the large half bag of cherries left in the refrigerator, and wanted to bring them to her to eat: "Wait." He just sat on the edge of the bed and saw her hair half-wet, holding the pillow and staring at his mermaid line .

He lay back again, took the big white pillow from Yin Guo's arms, and put it under her waist: "Forget it, we'll talk about it on the road."


When Yin Guo woke up again, it was Lin Yiyang's alarm clock. Afraid of delaying sending her off, he set two alarm clocks, the first one shook for half a minute, and the second one followed closely.

Yin Guo was woken up by the shock, her back and thighs were warm, and she slept comfortably as he hugged him tightly.

She couldn't tell the difference between today and tomorrow. This kind of experience of being sore and holding him to sleep was only in his apartment when he was studying. It was pitch black again, and she thought it was really in February's apartment. She turned around, hugged his waist, and wanted to stay in bed.

"What are you dreaming about?" Lin Yiyang's voice asked above his head, "Aren't you going to get up yet?"

Sleepy, she lay up and put his arm on the pillow: "I thought it was in your apartment."

"Break out," he said. "I want to stay in a hotel again."

"Actually, you are the freest over there," she was listening to his heartbeat. "I saw you serving tea yesterday, and I thought it wasn't you anymore."

"It's not me over there," he was silent for a while, his fingers looping around her long hair, circling lightly, "I wanted to study because my job was boring and I didn't have much to pursue, so I'll study for a few more years to improve my horizons. Open some."

After he finished speaking, he added: "I have always wanted to compete, and I have wanted to do so since I left, but I just can't pass the level of self-esteem, so I let myself float."

Lin Yiyang found his mobile phone on her back and lit it up.

Seeing that it was almost time, he patted her on the back through the quilt: "Get up."

Before the two left, Jiang Yang just came back from a date and gave Lin Yiyang a printed out temporary license plate.

"Just right, the car's license plate is ready." He helped Lin Yiyang buy a car before returning to China, because he hadn't taken pictures, it was still parked in the garage, and he hadn't crossed the road. Ah, little brother."

This is to say that he was a long-distance gift, and he was really submissive to Yin Guo.

Lin Yiyang ignored the other party, holding a bag of cherries in his left hand and the piece of paper in his right hand, "Put it in front of the windshield?"


He handed the cherry to Yin Guo and went downstairs with her suitcase.

Several men were on the second floor and Sun Yao were counting the decoration time, and they all came back to help Lin Yiyang. Seeing Yin Guo who followed Lin Yiyang, Sun Yao first greeted with a smile: "Sister-in-law."

Yin Guo agreed and smiled politely at the people behind Sun Yao.

She roughly observed the second and third floors, which are much larger than the old North City. I didn't expect that he would really want to start a big ball club when he came back this time.

Lin Yiyang asked her to wait on the side of the road and drove over to the next neighborhood.

After a while, a pure black G65 turned out from the gate of the next door, and there was a printed temporary license plate in front of the front windshield. The car braked in front of her, and Lin Yiyang waved to her across the window: "Get in the car."

When Yin Guo got in the car, he got off alone and threw the small suitcase into the trunk.

When I got in the car, I caught a glimpse of her eating the bag of cherries: "Is it sweet?"

Yin Guo nodded and smiled at him.

The night of the city has come, he turned on the navigation, and looked at the city, which was unfamiliar to him, from the map.

A sweetness overflowed from her lips, and she fed him a cherry: "Why didn't you sign up for the China Open last year?"

"Last year was not the time," Lin Yiyang held the steering wheel with his left hand and turned the car around at a small intersection as the navigation said, "It's almost the year."

He needs to re-adapt to the game, to forget his achievements, forget his talent. He needs to fully recognize himself before he can come back and stand on this lost arena.

Since I left here in the first place, when I come back, I have to have the appearance of coming back.

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