Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 49: Battle Formation

Chapter 49: Battle Formation


Following the echoing wolf howls that were heard coming from all over, those stalking creatures showed up around the team one by one. Those large canines with glowing violet eyes had glossy blue fur that gleamed in the light and long, protruding fangs like those of saber tigers.

Ji Ye had learned from Lu Zhishen that those Blue Wolves were of Ordinary Rank-4, after the chief had personally killed one of them the other day. But unlike the hogs they had encountered, that only ran around in complete chaos, the wolves were clearly more organized. As soon as their “scout” discovered approaching humans, it summoned its companions to make a circular formation and surround them.

The scout wolf had already died from a crossbow bolt that penetrated its chest. Though it still finished its job by ruining Ji Ye’s stealth tactic.

“Get ready!” Lu Zhishen bellowed as his voice could be heard across that entire part of the woods. It wasn’t just a warning to warn people; it was also an instruction that told them how to react.

Lu Zhishen was an infantry leader in Water Margin, who had participated in many great wars. The “Arhat Fist” was not the only thing he had taught his men during those days.

Taking two steps, the 15 settlers who joined the expedition had also made a loose defense line and protected the players behind them, weapons at the ready.

As soon as they got into position, another loud, distinctive wolf howl came from somewhere they couldn’t see.

The wolves charged as one. Their blinding speed helped them close the gap within seconds and made it harder for people to aim.

The first wolf that reached the human formation was instantly punctured by two blades and a spear. That was another tactic learned by the settlers; the 15 people were further divided into squads of 3 men, who would deal with incoming enemies together as a team. It both helped them unite and work faster.

Killing the first enemy made everyone feel encouraged all of a sudden. Meanwhile, Ji Ye was glad that another of his many conjectures about the Land of Inheritance had been confirmed; human soldier tactics were just like other skills that could provide various boosts.

However, the formation was clearly not very well-polished since the settlers had only practiced it for a few days; their formations began to fall apart as soon as more wolves were upon them.

A wolf leaped high into the air using a stepping stone and tried pouncing at the players in the middle. But an arrow got its belly and caused it to crash down head-first instead.

Li Qing rushed ahead and stabbed the “Ivory Edge” blade into the wolf’s neck. He failed to finish off the wolf, however, probably because he wasn’t that familiar with this kind of wildlife. It was Qin Yueyu who helped by unloading another arrow right inside the creature’s skull. After so many trial battles, they had established some kind of teamwork between them.

They didn’t look as relaxed as the day before, which was understandable, because they were dealing with man-eating beasts this time. And of course, none of them wanted to go easy on their enemies when their lives were on the line. The wolves’ fangs and claws had told them that they’d embrace death the moment they let their guard down.

Ji Ye and Lu Zhishen stayed somewhere far away without joining the fight. They considered this to be a necessary lesson for both the settlers and the new players. It was unlikely for their enemies to give them much time to go through slow and steady training anyway.

“AHHHH—Get off me!!”

A wolf managed to get a settler in his leg. The deadly bite easily snapped his bones.

Desperate, the wounded settler gathered all of his strength and cut the wolf’s head off with his blade.

Beside him, another settler who had lost an ear bravely stopped a jumping wolf from reaching his neck by kicking at it.

It seemed that none of the settlers would chicken out, even though many of them were injured. Rather, their old mountain bandits’ nature emerged once more, which caused them to fight ever more fiercely.

Besides, many of them were of higher ranks than those wolves.

“No... NO!!” Xu Xue stumbled back on her butt when some wolf blood was spilled onto her face.

Ji Ye had already figured that this actress wasn’t reliable in battle so he never gave her a real weapon. If things went south, she might accidentally hurt her friends with it.

Another Blue Wolf stumbled into their formation after having its belly completely torn up. It didn’t have much long to live with its guts randomly falling out on the floor. However, it still used its remaining strength to lunge at the closest humans it could reach—three female players who didn’t join the fight.

“Get—GET AWAY!!” Panicked, Shang Yan raised a wooden shield and barely prevented the wolf from reaching her. She was a psychiatrist, not a surgeon. Seeing so much blood and torn bodies had already made her want to throw up.


A steel blade sunk into the wolf’s back and deprived it of what remaining life force it still had.

Su Nongying did not stop there. While gasping rapidly, she kept chopping madly until the wolf stopped twitching.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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