Eat The World Tree

Chapter 32: Peach Tree (1)

Chapter 32: Peach Tree (1)

“Then, take care.”

She blankly watched as Shiheon moved away.

Jin Dallae, watching the retreating figure of the man as he climbed the stairs, bowed her head. His feet, steady, didn’t falter.

‘If you didn’t like it, you can just overlook this incident.’

He clearly said that. Jin Dallae was reeling, unable to escape from the tumultuous shock.

He wanted to be friends. That was how she heard it. Recently, she had thought the same.

Once, her father said that feelings were not eternal. Even the most passionate love would eventually cool. Her father reiterated this several times.

‘…Even though we’re friends.’

Jin Dallae, thinking this, entered her dormitory.

In the dimmed room, she opened the refrigerator. A chill emanated from it. Her arms were cold.

The refrigerator was filled with chocolates.

What was the emotion she felt seeing this? She had to look deep within herself to know.

-You must approach directly.

Jin Dallae unwrapped a chocolate and put it in her mouth.

-Beep, beep!

Shiba’s alarm sound rang in my ears. Unconsciously, I reached out and stroked the sprout, and Shiba rubbed its leaves against my hand like a cat.

The beams of light poured in between the window curtains. Was it already morning? Rubbing my eyes, I got up and scratched the back of my neck.


I searched the desk with my hands for the mask, held it, and went into the shower. After a clean wash, I put on the mask. Today’s outfit was a school uniform. It was like a battle suit in this world.



“Oh my, it’s been a long time~ I heard rumors from the students. They said you did a good deed?”

When I entered the morning diner, a lady I used to greet warmly welcomed me. Rumors about me had spread throughout the academy. Of course, some parts were twisted from the actual events.

-Did you hear? An academy student assisted in subjugating a cult this time?

-The entire Jinmok group was entangled in the incidentㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. So brave, really.

I assisted rather than led the resolution of this incident. This part was already discussed. If it got out that a mere academy student solved a case that the Hunter Association had been investigating for a long time, the association’s reputation would plummet.

Thus, they would be eating up money and were worse than a single student. They were completely tax thieves. Even if it was a joke, such rumors would spread, causing related posts to spread far and wide, so I contacted the association in advance and aligned our stories.

Of course, I had long been promised an appropriate reward. Being assigned a top-tier hunter as a master for a week?

‘This is delicious.’

I bit into the toast served for breakfast. The melted butter soaked in the sweet sauce was incredible. The instincts of someone living alone were to constantly search for recipes.

Now, a glass of milk.

Enjoying the savory scent of milk, I felt someone approaching from the front.

“Excuse me.”

Same school uniform as mine. Familiar bob cut. A flower pin on the bangs. Jin Dallae, with somewhat awkward steps, sat in front of me and asked.

“May I sit here?”

“With me?”

I was momentarily surprised and asked back.

The attitude of Jin Dallae that I knew was so different now that cognitive dissonance almost occurred.

Jin Dallae spoke to me in a whispering voice, as if she was going into a mouse hole.

“……Even though we are friends.”

Friend. That was right.

I knew from the system that Jin Dallae recognized me as a friend.

However, the Jin Dallae that still remained in my memory disliked me.

I smiled faintly and spoke calmly.

“So, you said you have something to say?”


Jin Dallae, sitting in her place, sipped the fragrant flower tea and nodded her head.

The pink petals on the tea were impressive.

Soon, her lips moved.

“Thank you for that.”

Thank you. It was an expected word.

It was fortunate that it wasn’t about needing to get her revenge only with her own hands or something of that sort.

I smiled grimly.

“What is it?”

“It’s about what happened last time. I’m really grateful that you helped me with my revenge.”

“Revenge? I’ve never heard of such a thing. What if I don’t know even if you tell me?”


Jin Dallae rolled her eyes and hesitated.

The emotions contained in those eyes were so clear at a glance. It was proof that she was sincere about this relationship.

I chuckled as Jin Dallae’s shoulders trembled in anxiety.

I bite a piece of toast, chew it, and swallow.

Thump- I put down the cup holding the milk.

“So, how does it feel to have had your revenge?”

Jin Dallae opened her eyes wide at my words.

“……It was exhilarating.”

She mumbled.

With that, I roughly saw through Jin Dallae’s intentions. Let’s start speaking freely now.

“When were you going to say you don’t want to be friends?”

“I’m sorry. Back then-”

“I know. My behavior was quite loser-like. Now that I think about it, I feel the same way. Tell me honestly. How was it then?”

Jin Dallae hesitated. Then, embracing her arm with one hand, she said,

“It was disgusting because it was so loser-like.”

“… I’m sorry.”

“Oh, no. It was just then, and now-”


“-It’s nothing.”

It felt like a nail had been driven into my heart.

This is why people should make friends when they are young. Living like me only fostered disgust.

“Anyway, I’ve incurred a debt that I can never repay in a lifetime.”

“You can let it go.”

At my words, Jin Dallae reluctantly shook her head.

Looking at her face, it didn’t seem like she was drawing a line.

‘Doesn’t matter. Being polite is not bad either.’

Progress in the relationship was a good thing.

Thus, sharing a meal and exchanging a few words, I could feel that Jin Dallae, who was a bit stiff, was starting to speak more comfortably.

Normally, people become close quickly after sharing a meal. Then, after a bottle of alcohol, they would become best buddies.


“What food do you like?”

“What are your hobbies?”

“How did you spend your childhood? Did you go to a private school?”

“Have you always wanted to apply to the academy?”

This girl. She talked more than I thought.

Just by talking, she almost seemed like a reporter. I, sweating profusely, managed to answer.

While surviving the hellish 30 Q&A, I wondered.

‘Does she do this to Siwoo too?’

It didn’t seem like it. Siwoo and Jin Dallae seem just like old friends when seen from the side.

So, was she just trying to mess with me?

“So, do you like chocolate?”

“Ye-yeah, I do.”

I answered nervously.

No matter how I looked at it, it didn’t seem like she was mocking me.

We had a conversation until the long meal was over.

Jin Dallae laughed, and I also forced a smile.

The man on the screen drew his sword and fought with his disciples.

The masterful swordsmanship and the aura of magical power permeating his entire body elicited gasps from the surrounding people.

Some even applauded, sticking out their tongues in astonishment.

“Is he really a first-year student?”

“Yes~ He is Lee Shiheon, a first-year student at El Academy. The man who played the biggest role in subjugating the 42nd branch. Honestly, we just played a small part there.”


At the presentation shown by Byeol, the high-ranking officials of the association nodded.

Lee Shiheon. A remarkable man.

His experienced swordsmanship, captured by the CCTV, startled even the seasoned swordsmen present.


“Excuse me.”

Then, a man raised his hand.

“Just played a small part? What nonsense is this, Vice-President Byeol?”

This man had been in charge of subjugating the 42nd branch for 2 years. Byeol looked at him with a disapproving glance.

Of course, he was a capable man.

However, it was also true that his investigative skills didn’t even manage to reach the tail of the 42nd branch.

Spending thousands of units of money wasn’t enough. It was a situation that could have brought disgrace to the association. It was understandable that Byeol was annoyed.

Byeol, with arms crossed, spoke.

“Have a problem?”


“If you have a problem, leave the association and carefully manage a guild or something. Complaining about this and that after all the support… No, embezzling money, taking people, and after resolving the problem, not satisfied with one scolding? Do you want to report to the president?”

The eye in the shape of a star received magical power and shone ominously. The guild masters present stiffened.

Star Fruits. Thinking that Byeol became the Vice-President without any real ability was a mistake.

A woman with good maneuvers, both by force and politically.

It also meant that she could easily swallow a small to medium-sized guild.

Some guild masters coughed and gave the man a sign.

“C-cough. You should leave.”

“No, what is this?”

“Read the room!”

“……Alright. Understood.”


A rough sound of the door closing.

Byeol, who was looking at the door with a cold expression, faked a bright face and smiled in victory.


Then, she returned to the presentation.

Yellow, blue. The next slide of the colorful, amusing presentation appeared.

“Anyway, I highly evaluate the ability of student Lee Shiheon. I think he can reach my level if he is raised from now on.”

At that fact, a few opened their mouths in surprise, but some guild masters who recognized Shiheon’s value just nodded their heads.

“So, I think what student Lee Shiheon needs most now is definitely the best master.”

Byeol sneakily turned her head and looked at a woman.


“What is it?”

“What do you think about this kid?”

The woman called Baekdo scratched the back of her white hair and chuckled as she looked at the screen.

“Not bad. It would be nice if I raised him.”

There were murmurs here and there.

Birch Tree·Baekdo. The undefeated warrior. Those who had witnessed her power did not spare their praises.

The regrettable part was her not noble lineage, but was that a problem?

Even Byeol, the actual Vice-President, did not have a famous lineage.

“El Academy trial classes are being conducted for a week from tomorrow. Go there and do it, alright?”

“I understand.”

“And about the tree found sleeping in this 42nd branch…… Yoojeong?”

At Byeol’s call, Yoojeong, who was standing up, hugged the file and spoke.

“Yes. The tree, thought to be a yew tree, turned out to be a World Tree upon investigation. The World Tree Foundation naturally orders it to be incorporated into the Wooden Religion. Soon, a Saint will probably be assigned.”

“I see, got it. Then let’s talk about Lee Shiheon’s rewards now.”

Byeol passionately and efficiently proceeded with the work.

The reason was simple.

‘……If the mess is exposed, revealing that Shiheon was abused by the World Tree, I will be in trouble with Seyeong!’

It was a trivial reason, but she was serious.

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