Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 106: Alien Slave

Chapter 106: Alien Slave

"Come, come, come, come and see my father Taz. These mountain folk from Natalin, District 21, are all strong and capable. They are the best coolies and can work 12 hours a day. Each one costs only 1,000 yuan, and ten or more can be discounted! The more you buy, the more discounts you get. "Young Master, do you need to add some workers to your factory?"

Ellen retreated a little to prevent the slave owner from touching him. In this stall, a row of ten rough and strong men were shackled and nailed to the ground with iron chains the thickness of their forearms, showing them to the passing customers like merchandise. It was a pity that the guests didn't seem to have much interest in slaves who were used as coolies, so this slave stall was very popular.

The most crowded stalls were basically female slaves and even slaves who provided all kinds of special services. They were the mainstream products of the slave trade in the black streets. Like Greene and the others, they had already drilled into a stall specializing in selling female slaves, and Greene still hadn't forgotten to call Alan over. As he crawled into the crowd, the stall in front of him could be considered quite large in the garage. He even had an exhibition stand that was more than ten meters long.

There were cages of all sizes on the exhibition stand. The cages were filled with young women. From 15 to 26 years of age, the cage was high and low, and there were even some equipment inside, allowing the female slaves to display their strengths and strengths in various positions. To Allen's surprise, these female slaves were all like peach blossoms, smiling charmingly at the guests instead of looking miserable.

Greene had already taken a fancy to a woman in her fifties and sixties and was bargaining with the slave owner when she ran into a competitor. As a result, it turned into a small auction. In the end, because Greene's financial resources were limited, he could only watch as the slave he fancied was bought by someone else. He gloomily beckoned the others to go to the next stall.

"Isn't this the young master of the Bescot family?"

As Alan squeezed out of the crowd, the figure in front of him blurred and a sparkling pipe flashed in front of him. Alan calmed down and saw that it was the old man who had stopped Wilick from fighting with him at the Old Oak Bar that day. Of course, he now knew that this old man was the owner of the bar and the old Ward who had adopted and coached Wilick and the others.

"Is Wilick doing well now, that lucky brat, hey." Old Ward said as he took down his pipe and flicked off some ashes.

Allen nodded and said, "It should be quite fulfilling."

"William is a kid with potential. If he has a chance in the future, he needs to squeeze more." The old man chuckled dryly, a smile that Alan didn't dare to compliment. He added, "Young Master, are you here to buy slaves?"

"Call me Alan."

Alan looked at the female slaves and said, "I'm just here with my friends for a bit of experience, but this place is really not what I thought it would be."

"Oh? Then what do you think it should look like?" Ward asked casually.

"At the very least, I never thought that those slaves would be able to greet people with smiles." Alan answered honestly.

Ward laughed, "Then do you think they will cry?"

"Alright, Alan, since you want me to call you that," Ward put away his laughter and walked with Alan, pointing at some slaves and saying, "You have to understand that they are merchandise." Especially the female slaves, who were bought for fun. They don't care about the pitiful things about these women. All they want is to be happy. So you see, a woman who knows how to laugh is easier to sell than a woman who can only cry "

"Moreover, as long as she could sell herself, she would be better off than anywhere else. You know, not all slaves are captured. Some became slaves voluntarily. As long as you have the chance to sell yourself to Babylon, just like your companions just now. If it could be sold to them, even if the doll had not attracted their owner's interest for a while. No matter how bad they were, they would still be left behind as maids in the clan. If he had some tricks, he would hook up with some of the stewards of the clan, or marry some of the guards of the clan. Anyway, this kind of life is ten times better than it is on the surface. "Ward spread out his hands and said," So you see, as long as you can sell yourself. Stop laughing, even if they were to make an unbearable gesture, they would still do it. After all, survival is at stake. "

"Then Mr. Ward is also here to buy female slaves?" Alan asked.

Ward shook his head and said, "I'm already old, but I can't handle a few women. Besides, who told you that there are only female slaves at the trade fair? There are a lot of goods here, including female slaves, male slaves, and little black people hey, they're little slaves. Some people with connections will even get alien slaves. Of course, those are all high-grade goods."

'"I'm here mainly to see the little Negroes. Wilick has dug them up for you, and the rest of them are running their separate ways. I'll have to nurture a new batch of blood, or else the sign of the old oak tree will be torn down."

At this moment, Old Ward made a strange movement. He raised his leg and kicked backwards, but there was clearly nothing behind him. But suddenly a slave pounced on Ward from the stall and shouted, "Buy me, master, I can do a lot of work."

Thus, the foot that was kicked out landed on the slave's calf, causing the slave to fall to the ground. Afterwards, it was pulled back by a few strong guards of the slave owner. Old Ward snorted, "I'm not interested in a third-rate guy like you."

Alan looked thoughtful in his eyes. This inconspicuous old man in front of him was indeed a hidden expert. The kick from Prophet Mubu earlier showed that Old Ward was always vigilant towards his surroundings. It was like a joke for someone like him to sneak attack him.

"I'm going this way. Take your time, Ellen. Have a nice evening." The old man knocked on his pipe and then walked in another direction with his hands behind his back.

"Alan, come over here. Hurry up."

The old man's figure quickly drowned in the crowd. Greene and the others shouted in front of him, and Alan could only quickly step forward. Green hooked Alan's shoulder and asked, "Who is that old man?"

Unaccustomed to being so intimate with him, Ellen quietly took off his hand and said, "Nothing much, an acquaintance, chatted a few words."

"Oh, let's not talk about that. Let's hurry up and go here." Green took out a leaflet and shook it, "Look, we're right today. There's an auction of alien slaves tonight!"

Ellen thought to himself, Old Ward really didn't say anything nonsense. There were actually alien slaves for sale in Black Street. He had never seen a real alien before. He had only read about alien races in class and in books. He was also curious.

Alien slaves had always been high-grade goods, so it was naturally impossible for them to display and auction them casually like roadside stalls. Deep in the underground garage, the auction hall was a crude hall with concrete walls that separated the interior from the exterior. The entrance to the hall was guarded by guards. Even if a slave did not bid, he would still have to pay a thousand yuan to enter the hall. Allen and the others handed over the money and entered the hall, only to discover that it was not spacious. There weren't many people who could entertain him, so Bailai casually placed the seats in the hall.

There weren't many guests entering the auction house, and they didn't even fill their chairs. After all, alien slaves were not something that anyone could afford. Even if it was an ordinary slave, the price would be astonishingly high after capturing, changing hands, transporting, entering customs, and so on. Therefore, the mainstream of the slave trade was still the humans on the surface, or the wives of some declining aristocratic family.

There was no one like Allen and the others who had come in to join in the fun and gain experience.

The auction soon began, and the host, dressed in a misfit gown, walked up to the stage in the middle of the hall and coughed dryly, "Today is a lucky day, gentlemen." The Jeming Merchant Guild's slave ship had just arrived three days ago, so it was only then that it was possible to present to everyone tonight the rare alien slaves that they normally saw. Then let's begin. The first item for tonight's auction is "

"Luo Suo!"

As the host snapped his fingers, the sound of wheels rolling sounded from behind the stage. Seven or eight strong men dragged out a prison cart. On the cart was a special iron prison. The arm-thick iron bars indicated that it was very strong, while the occasional sparks of electricity indicated that the iron prison was energized, leaving an alien who was hugging his head inside to remain peacefully in the insulated space in the middle.

The Lothos came from the Yordon Star System, and the dimensions of their planet's civilization were not high, so the Lothos always looked like primitive humans without clothes to hide their bodies. From the looks of it, except for the indigo-colored skin and a lizard-like tail extending from the spine to the back of the thigh, the male Lothos look very similar to human men. However, their general heights were over two meters tall, and they were strong and bellicose. The Lothos were fertile and had a large population, so they had always been the cannon fodder of some of the strongest armies in the Yordon Domain.

Alan had also read about this alien cannon fodder in books, but now he had seen it with his own eyes. The male Luo Suo in the iron cage was very uneasy. When he was on stage, he was stimulated by the lights and let out a roar like a lion and tiger. He rushed forward, but was bounced back by the charged wall of the cage.

The host said happily, "As you can see, these male Lothos are born warriors. This time, the Jeming Chamber of Commerce had captured a large number of Luo Suo people, and they would be able to assist the foreign colonists. Of course, after they were purchased, the slave trainers of the Jieming Chamber of Commerce would train them to be obedient and obedient. "Starting from now on, the starting price for each Luo Suo is 10,000 Federation dollars!"

The next stage was the auction. However, the scene was much quieter than Allen had imagined. Only a few people had raised their bidding cards, and in the end, they were all bought out by a fat man for 101,000 yuan per person from Luo Suo. The host wasn't surprised either. After all, slaves like the Luo Suo Ren who could only be used as cannon fodder weren't very useful, and there were too many of them. It was impossible for them to bid a high price.

Usually, a guest buys it all, and then buyers who need it buy it all in one way, saving them some trivial formalities.

The host waved his hand. After the Luo Suo people, including the prison cart, were brought down, he said, "If the Luo Suo people's stage is on the battlefield of the Outer Realm, then this commodity, their stage is on the beds of all the adults." If that lord photographed one of them, please don't let the Venerable Madame know. "Because no woman can tolerate the presence of a Soft Bone Naga on her husband's bed!"

Hearing Rou Gu and Na Jia's words, the eyes of the teenagers lit up and their breathing became heavier.

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