Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 172 - Hangout Night

With how much Cassidy laughed back at the ice cream shop, she suddenly threw up a little in the end.

As if that was not enough, she also had a stomachache for gobbling up too many desserts. Damien and Aira had to wrap her arms around their shoulders to get her walking without staggering. And with that, they headed out of the store. She continued trudging around for some time, and she kept using them as some sort of canes.


"Gosh, big sis. I feel like I'm fetching my drunk mother from a night club," Aira sighed with her arm still wrapped around her waist to support her.   

"I'm glad to see that Aunt is doing great. Even her appetite for sweets didn't change," Damien beamed at both of them, finding the situation amusing.

"I wonder why she still hasn't gotten fat, though. Aren't they full of calories or something?"

"Well, she's probably doing enough exercise to make up for it. Or maybe it has something to do with what they call human metabolism. She'll also stay slim if she's genetically predisposed to that body type."

"Wow... Quote me science, nerd-brain."

As Cassidy continues to walk between them and listens to their conversation in silence, she can't help but smile to herself.

These two really have some parallelism with her and a certain husband of hers in the past. But more than that resemblance, she is glad that her nephew has finally found himself a friend - a real one, she guessed. He no longer appears as lonesome as before, and he even becomes a bit chattier.

"Say, you two...!" Cassidy enthused out of nowhere, putting her arms around their shoulders once more and pulling them closer to her.

"Wanna hang out a little bit more tonight?"

"Oh, you're inviting me for dinner, Aunt?" Damien blurted out with an ecstatic grin.

"Not just any dinner~ You see, Damien, we're doing something special every weekend night. If you want to, you can pay us a visit at my restaurant."


"Big sis, is this karaoke night again...?" Aira chimed in and pouted. 

"I swear I'm not gonna sing in front of Damien. You know how I sound like."

Cassidy only blinks at her before bursting out in laughter again. Going by how she is blushing and fidgeting like a timid little girl, it seems like she sees him more than as a friend. But for now, she is not going to assume anything yet. 

"Alright, then. Let's do some video game night!" Cassidy chirped, making Damien and Aira brighten up in excitement.


Bryan only watches in silence as Cassidy and Aira prepare everything they need for their weekly hangout night. 

The tables are set up in the lobby, and so are the food and drinks.  A widescreen monitor paired with different kinds of game controllers, consoles and VR boxes have been brought out as well. For tonight, they also served more snacks and savories than usual.

Now, the only ones missing are the guests. 

"What a way to spend your money, Ma'am Cassie..." Bryan commented with an amused smirk. 

"Most women would spend on clothes, cosmetics and accessories." 

"Nah, not my thing. I'd rather buy a motorbike or a year-long stock of hair dye," Cassidy replied and shrugged.

"Sir Bryan's right, you know. You should buy something you can use everyday..." Aira said from the side, throwing her a somewhat reprimanding look.   

"All of your clothes are old ones, right? As far as I recall, the outfit you wore earlier was what you always use whenever you attend an important appointment. Really, you should buy new ones! Go shopping tomorrow!"   

"Shopping is not my thing, though."

"This ain't about your thing, big sis." 

In the middle of their conversation, someone knocks on the door all of the sudden.

It's still a little early, but it appears like the visitors are already here. The two then hurried on with their finishing touches. After everything has been laid out, Cassidy made her way to the door with Aira in tow. 

"Hey there! How's my favorite girls doing~?"


With a giggle, Aira pounced on Asher who then welcomed her in his open arms. They greet each other with a big, warm hug like they always do. Cassidy only smiles as she watches them act out their closeness - over the years, they have really come to build some kind of father-and-daughter relationship.   

"The others will be coming later. They're still closing up the bar..." Asher started before pulling away from Aira and turning to look at Cassidy.

"But more importantly, you've got a lot of explaining to do, Cassie."

"Huh? Why? What's up?" 

"Here. This is what's up."

That's when he stepped to the side to reveal that he's not actually all on his own. Her eyes widen in surprise as they lay on the sight that comes into view - standing behind him the whole time are these three young gentlemen who are acting all polite and even fell in line for some reason. 

It turns out that Damien has not come alone tonight. 

"Goodness! What a surprise!" Cassidy gasped out loud, astonished to see all of her nephews. 

While Joshua only remains stunned, looking like he still can't believe that she's now standing before them, Hugo goes ahead and rushes in her direction without hesitation. He nearly tears up the moment he embraces her, showing just how much he missed her soothing warmth and softness after a long while of not feeling it. 

"Aunty...!" Hugo cried out, hugging her tighter. 

"I've missed you, Aunty!"

"My, you've grown too, Hugo..." Cassidy breathed out as she returned the gesture and caressed his head.

"This is such a pleasant surprise." 

"It's been a while, Aunt Cassidy. We're happy to see you," Joshua chimed in with an ear-splitting grin, making her want to mirror it and reach out to pat his head as well.

"I'm really happy to see everyone too! All of you have really gotten tall! Time sure flies!"

As Cassidy continues to have her emotional reunion with Damien and Hugo, Aira only watches alongside Damien while Asher stays put at the side. 

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