Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 184 - Lost In The Woods

Adrian saw everything flashed before his eyes.

He saw how Cassidy was knocked out of her balance the moment she stepped on the furthest edge that the path had. He saw how the bushes and shrubs engulfed her as she staggered and fell down. And he saw how she disappeared out of sight in only a matter of seconds.



It turned out that beyond that edge was a steep rock face that stretched all the way down to a deep, dark bottom. 

Adrian made haste to where Cassidy fell but only to be stopped by one of the tour guides nearby. Those who were with them in that group also came to a halt after hearing him cry out. If it was not for his shout, no one else would notice. Then again, it was getting too dim to see anything.

What's more, it all happened in what seemed to be the speed of lightning - nobody could catch on that if their focus was somewhere else.

"You can't go down there, Sir! We'll handle it! We'll call for rescue!" the tour guide tried to reassure him. 

"My wife had fallen! As if I would just stay put!" he exclaimed in panic, looking more than ready to dive down that slope as well. 

"It's too dangerous! We instructed everyone earlier to stay at the middle! It's a rock face past that edge! And there's a river down below there!"

"A... what?"

Adrian paled at the mention of another danger zone.

Yet despite the warnings, he did not falter to go after his wife. He crossed through that boundary as soon as the tour guide started making a call for help, using that distraction to keep him from stopping him again. At that moment, nothing else mattered to him - nothing but her safety.

"Sir! You can't!"

Those were the last words that Adrian heard after he slid down the slope and into the bottom.

He should've already known, though. He should've paid more attention.

When Adrian saw Cassidy picking up her pace earlier, he thought that she really wanted to keep her distance from him. That was why he decided to give her more space and walked a little further behind. Making her feel uncomfortable was the least he wanted to happen at that time. 

But then, what he didn't realize was that she was actually avoiding something else. 

It was too late to hear the rolling thunder from a distance. He did not notice it at first since he was too caught up in his thoughts. Only a mere second before she fell did he hear it and realize what was really going on - he recalled that she had an abnormal fear of lightning and thunder.

"Damn it!" Adrian kept cursing at himself for not paying attention on such an important thing.

Driven by panic, fear and anger, he proceeded to skid down the steep surface until he was greeted by darkness. Fortunately, the trail was a little easier to tread than he expected. There were no rocks around to block his way, though there was the perilous steepness.     

Soon enough, Adrian finally heard the sound of streaming water - he was near to the river.

"Cassidy! Where are you?! Cassidy!" he began calling out after he reached the bottom.

He landed beside the river right then. Without sparing even a second to catch his breath, he proceeded to run around the place to search for his wife. That's also when the rain began to pour down, which would soon make it harder for him to look around.

"Cassidy! Cassidy! Where are you?! Answer me!"

The downpour is getting worse in each passing minute. Bright streaks of light tyrannize the night sky while thunderclaps pierced through the evening air. Then, he realized that his wife must be too scared to make a noise - she must be hiding somewhere.

"Cassidy! Don't worry! I'm coming...!" Adrian continued to shout out, deciding to reassure Cassidy instead of asking her where she was.

"You can just stay still! I will look for you!"

And eventually, he found her.

Like in the past, she is using a tree as shelter to hide herself from the lightning and thunder. She appears unharmed - no bleeding or extreme injuries of any sorts. That's another thing to be relieved about aside from finding her at last.

Adrian heaved a sigh and hurried closer to Cassidy. 

"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere...?" he asked to which she only shook her head in return.

"That's a relief. Is it alright to carry you? I'll look for a better hiding place. The water level of the river might increase because of the rain."

This time, she nodded.

With that, Adrian kneeled down before Cassidy and scooped her up with ease. It no longer shocked him that much when he found her shuddering and whimpering. If anything, it pained him a whole lot. He could not bear seeing her this frightened. 

He let her bury her face in his neck and clench the fabric of his shirt with both of her hands. When she is finally settled in his arms, he cradles her and kisses the top of her head for a moment, hoping that his warmth will soothe her even just for a little.

"Hold on, Cassidy. I'll get you to safety."

From there, Adrian starts yet another search.


In her slumber, there filled her screeches of panic and her cries of fear.

Darkness was all that seen, and pain was all that felt.

Cassidy thought that the slope would have been easier to tread had she not been in a disconcerted state. But then, she heard the crackling sound and crashing noises again. She had been struck motionless - helpless. It was but a miracle that she did not hit her head or injured herself that badly. 

This was the first in a while - since their road trip two years ago, that is.

For a period of time after that, she could easily hide at someplace. She would use a pair of earphones to keep her fears from striking in every time this happened. However, for some reason, she was not able to escape this one.

'That guy... Why does this kind of thing always happen when I'm with that guy?'

Thing were bound to go wrong, indeed.

Cassidy is not really blaming Adrian for this, though. She just noticed that she was not in her top shape whenever she was around him. It was like she was too distracted - or perhaps, too focused on something else. She was loose and laid-back and heedless. It's a complicated feeling.

She doesn't know anymore. She can't understand it any longer. 

"You're heating up!" 

All of the sudden, Cassidy heard Adrian in her state of unconsciousness, but she did not mind it as she only continued sleeping.


Adrian managed to find a small cabin in the woods.

It appears to be unoccupied at the moment, and it seems to be a safe place to stay at. And so, he decided to go there and welcome themselves in.

They will have to wait for the rain to let up before they stir their stumps once more. He also plans to make a call as soon as he gets a good signal. But most importantly, he needs to tend to his wife.

"You're heating up!"

Adrian felt Cassidy burning up some time after he laid her on the floor. She must have exhausted herself more than he thought. Then again, she had also been out in the rain with him for quite a while.

He looked around the cabin to find anything he could use, but there was nothing there. It's only a room meant for momentary shelter - no electricity, water nor furniture. He would have to find another way to keep his wife warm.

And that way he eventually came up with really looked like the last option he could use.

"Forgive me for what I'm about to do, Cassidy. I can't let you get sick."

In Cassidy's unconscious state, Adrian stripped her wet clothes off of her - leaving her only in her underwear. 

It was not like he had not seen her half-naked in the past. But still, he could not help but blush furiously. His heart kept thumping wilder and wilder in his chest in every layer of clothing that he stripped off of her. He did try to close his eyes, but as a consequence, he had put down his hand a little too far from the side and almost touched her breasts. 

They are so soft.

And enticing. 

"Damn, this is so hard," Adrian muttered in frustration, already barely keeping his thoughts from exploring the land of temptations. 

But being the gentleman that he is, he tried to pull himself together and continued on his work. He shouldn't be thinking about such things in this situation. No matter what, he wouldn't do anything without her permission. Besides, he already learned how to control himself these past two years - no more impetuous decisions.

"Yeah, that's right. This only but a necessity."

As Adrian said that, he laid Cassidy back on the floor and proceeded to strip as well.

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