Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 199 - Exploring The City Together

Before Cassidy had a chance to say anything, Adrian took his things and prepared to leave.

Once he was finished putting on his leather jacket, he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of his office. She only smiled at him that whole time, loving the feeling of their fingers intertwined together. 

They step out of the building to feel the cold evening air. A sea of stars light up the night sky along with the coruscant pool of moonlight. The streets are silent, and the city is still. It's an ideal scenery for some nighttime escapade. 

Adrian was looking around as he followed Cassidy to her motorcycle - she suggested that they use that instead of his car. 

She handed him a spare helmet to which he smiled in return. This wouldn't be the first time he would get on her motorcycle. The only difference this time was that they would ride it together as a reconciled couple.

"By the way, I love your new fashion style," Cassidy commented as she climbed on the vehicle. 

He grinned at that and settled down behind her without any hesitation. After he took his seat on the back, he wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned closer. Having her this near makes him sigh with bliss - he hopes that they can always stay like this from this point on. 

"Do I still look neat and tidy?" Adrian whispered in her ear, smirking playfully. 

"Even if you do, I still find you cool," Cassidy quipped with a small giggle. 

"And attractive?"

"And attractive. Yes."

He can't help but grin even wider at her compliment. Flattered, he then embraces her tighter and kisses her on the cheek, which makes her giggle once more. Knowing that she still sees him that way despite not being her type of guy is actually better than meeting her standards in men. 

"So, then... Where is it you wanna go to?" she asked as she turned on the engine of her motorcycle. 

"To be honest, I don't really know. I just want to be with you for a while longer," he said and chuckled. 

"You can be such a rascal sometimes, you know."

"Well, since it's my birthday, can I ask you to take me to your favorite place in the city?"

"My favorite place?"


"Oh, alright. Hold on tight, then. That's gonna be a long ride."

With that, Cassidy started to drive while Adrian leaned against her back without dropping his smile. 

Everything feels so perfect. Everything feels so right. He wonders if eveything is only a dream. He wonders if he will wake up at any moment. 

'Even then, I want to enjoy this for a little bit longer. I want to remember every detail, and I want to make the moment last,' he thought while looking so helplessly in love. 

They drove in silence for half an hour or so, heading downtown.

Adrian, still holding on to Cassidy tightly, kept looking around and beholding the scintillating lights that gave life to the evening scenery. Though it's a common sight for him, he finds the world more beautiful when he's with the woman he loves. 

Cassidy smiled to herself as she looked at the cars that drove beside them. She passed through streets and blocks of buildings, watching people walk all around. The hustle and bustle of the city make her brighten up even more - it's almost like she's back to a certain part of her life that she never realized she left. 

What makes the entire view appear even better is the myriad of Christmas decorations - from ornamental trees to adorning lights, the spirit of that special occassion can be felt all around the place. Only then did it really settle in her that Christmas is just around the corner. Time sure flies by without them realizing it. 

Instead of stopping in some place around there, Cassidy drove right past everything. Adrian began to wonder where in the world she was taking him. Unlike him, she seemed to know many secluded spots in the city that he didn't know about.

'It doesn't really matter where she will take me, though. I can travel all around the world with her, and I will not complain - not even once.'

Eventually, she pulled up the vehicle at a soulless place. A little surprised by how sudden it was, he sat up straight and looked around. He then finds that they have arrived in some unfamiliar, isolated street. 

"Hey, Cassidy...?" Adrian started as he got off of the motorcycle. 

"Where are we?"

At that moment, the street lights had been turned on all of the sudden. Even though it was still a little dim, he was able to see Cassidy smiling at him. She reached out to take his hand and began to pull him in a certain direction. They walk in silence until they catch sight of a lush greenery that leads to a bridge over a small river.

"Doesn't this look lovely? I found this place some time ago," Cassidy said while Adrian continued to behold the scenery in awe and wonder. 

Still holding his hand, she took him to the bridge. Once they were on top of it, she turned him around and let him have a view of the pool of lights from which downtown is bathing in. Unlike in the city, it is quiet and peaceful in here. The only thing that can be heard is the blowing wind that keeps rustling around them. Below the bridge is the reflection of the starry night sky on the water of the river.

"This is beautiful, Cassidy," he breathed out before he placed his arm across her shoulders and pulled her closer to him.

It was very cold at that time of the night. But she couldn't feel it since his warmth was traveling throughout her body. She can't help but enjoy their closeness thoroughly - she admits that she misses this. 

"How did you ever find a place like this? I've never been here before," Adrian asked as he leaned the side of his head against hers. 

"There is a lot of things I know about the city. When I have nothing to do, I just drive around. I have to admit that this is also a first for me. It's nice seeing the city from here, don't you think so too?" Cassidy beamed up at him, feeling more than pleased to see him enjoying the view as well. 

"Yeah. You're right."

"I'm glad I'm able to take you here with me, Adrian."

"You know, Cassidy, I never thought I'd be here with you tonight. I thought I would just spend my birthday like any other day. You sure made my day."

Right then, she beamed even brighter at him. She then snuggled closer and splayed her arm on his back. At that point, both of them hardly feel the cold at all. Then again, they aren't alone - and that is enough to warm their hearts.

"Say, Cassidy..." Adrian began again after staying silent for a moment, thinking of something. 

"Is there anything special you want for Christmas?"

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