Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 270 - Finally Becoming One

It's coming close.

Adrian can feel himself coming close even though he has just settled back in. Maybe it is because Cassidy looks so beautiful right now – ethereal, even. 

Now that he's back inside of her, he moves his hands to grip the roundness of her breasts, squeezing them gently as he begins to thrust once more. Quickly, they both found that this new position had entirely different merits from their previous ones. Although he couldn't properly see her face as he plunged inside of her, he was able to touch her anywhere that he desired.

Adrian roams his hands across the planes of her stomach, fisting into her chest as moans come streaming out, then all the way down to touch the intimate place where they are connected. Cassidy, for her part, clung tightly onto his thighs as if for dear life, letting out the most adorable stream of stuttering cries to match the beat of him pushing into her. 

He also realized that this position offered him perfect access to her neck. He took advantage of this by biting into her and leaving his mark of love.

Then, suddenly, her body tenses up, and her inner walls constrict tightly around him as she cries out, "Adriannn!!!" 

The tightening shot Adrian over the edge with her. He felt himself coming inside of Cassidy, pulsing repeatedly and pouring it all out. 

"Cassidy... My love..." 

Finally, they both were spent. She flopped forward, and he caught her before lowering her gently to lie face-down on the covers. He used the last bit of his muscle control to lie down next to her, panting nearly as hard as she was.

Cassidy shifted her head so she could look at him. Adrian could see that she was still blushing quite adorably. 

She gave him a shaky smile and said softly, "Now, I'm yours forever, Adrian."

He ran his hand over her now messy hair before he kissed her hard on the forehead. Smiling, he returned the sentiment, "Yes, you are, Cassidy. Don't ever forget that."

He finally had his adorable, endearing wife, and there was no way he was going to let her go.


For Adrian, sleeping late is something he is already used to. 

He'd even go on for days without taking any sleep at all. However, for his wife, it's something she just can't control. That's why she ends up turning in first.

'How cute,' Adrian thought with a smitten look on his face, embracing Cassidy lovingly. 

That moment is everything that he has ever wanted. 

With his beloved in his arms, their nude bodies under the covers, and a blanket of stars to curtain the night sky - everything seems perfect. He almost forgot about the horrors and terrors they had gone through for the past months. Almost. There was no way he could move on that easily. 

But then again, his life used to be filled with darkness. He was already used to all the pains that had gradually made him numb without him even knowing it. That's why, when a beacon of light like his wife appears before him, he has wholeheartedly embraced it with all his might, determined to keep its brightness from ever being put out.

And Adrian is just so happy to be with Cassidy right now.

'Why am I allowing myself this much happiness, though? I don't deserve any of this after all the things I did to her and her family. I don't deserve someone as perfect as her. Just why am I so selfish? Why am I so undeniably in love with her...?' he then suddenly found himself pondering, his smile curving down into a frown.

'I'm not really a good person. I constantly make the wrong choices. It still made absolutely no sense to me that she fell for me before. Yet, even though everything around me had gone wrong, I do feel very happy that she did.'

For a long time, his world was black, foggy, and had no sky. The rain was acidic. He was a metal doll - destined to feel nothing. That's until, one day, a princess arrived and placed a heart in this tin boy's chest.

The world was still dark, but a sky was slowly becoming visible, and the sulphur in the rain was slowly disappearing. What he had done to deserve such kindness - he would never understand. But what he knows is that somehow, and in some way, his life ultimately changed.

'I've never felt like this in the past, and if I have to describe it with my best diction, I know I still won't be able to. It just feels like...' Adrian continued to think to himself as he hugged Cassidy tighter, nuzzling his nose in her hair.

'Like every cell in my body finally found its purpose. Every thought and idea somehow linked back to this person. Everything around me reminds me of her. Every quirk about her is more beautiful than the sunrise. Life makes no sense without her in it, and I can't bear to imagine it without her. I want to give her my whole being, every single part of me - the broken, the tainted, everything that makes me.' 

And that's because Cassidy makes everything better. 

Though he knows he has so many faults, every single one of those makes him proud because they've come from his person, and the person is amazing - even when she still doesn't know it, and even when she still doesn't see how incredible she is. 

She is his smile when he feels like crying. She is his walking stick when he can't go on any further. She is the mirth in his eyes and the adoration in his smile.

Then, Adrian looks at Cassidy, wondering how he has ever managed without her.

He's not sure how he even survived before her. Even now, he has laid befuddled because he couldn't seem to understand how he did it. She has now become his reason to wake up, and she is the first thing on his mind each morning. As cheesy as it is, she is also the last thing on his mind when he goes to bed every night.

Adrian can't help but imagine a future with Cassidy. 

He wants her to be with him forever and ever - even forever wouldn't be enough time to be together. The idea of not having her by his side is utterly petrifying.

It will feel like his intestines are being scrambled around inside him, and he will want to vomit his heart out. He will start to feel like he may perspire blood soon because the idea of losing her hurts every fiber of his being.

Nevertheless, it's the greatest feeling in the world when, somehow, the person he loves with all his heart turns out to love him back.

He feels the butterflies, the camaraderie, and the joy of just being together. It's the most exhilarating and satisfying feeling. He feels contented, excited, and nauseous - in the very good kind. He also feels playful and just so happy.

And Adrian won't trade all of that for anything in the world.

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