Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 294 - Strawberry Vanilla Sundae With A Scoop Of Jealousy

After playing in the water for some time, the couple finally decided to take a break and look for a refreshment booth. 

There are some open shops and diners on the seaside with vacant seats that are shaded by large umbrellas. Since it is a busy season, the whole place is going near packed, especially those restaurants that sell milk teas and frappes. They entered one of those stores to try out their bestsellers.

Spotting Olivia and Charles there, Adrian and Cassidy went to join their table.

"Oh, no, they're here…" his secretary pretended to groan as he covered his face. 

"They're here to torture us with their sickeningly sweet fluffy PDA again."

"Aww, you poor dear…" his sister cooed while maintaining her meaningful stare at the couple's feigned innocent looks.

"You were supposed to be already used to it. After dealing with my younger brother's varying phases throughout his eventful adulthood, dealing with something like that should already be no big deal. You'd just have to endure getting bitten by ants and having diabetes." 

It appears that this pair could be worse than Irish and Asher when they're together. Now, Cassidy and Adrian can only watch and listen as they go on with their dramatic narrative.

"You know, I did not sign up for this…" Charles continued. 

"I joined this heroic mission because I pitied this extinct creature I foolishly claimed as my boss-friend as well as your unicorn sister-in-law. But look what happened. These two have begun burning our eyes. They're making people barf multiple rainbows per minute."

"Excuse me, we're here to eat…" Cassidy defended, pretending to be unamused.

"Also, why are you complaining now? Have we always been this way?"

"We thought so, too. But apparently, you're getting a lot more touchy and clingy towards each other lately – even while in public…" Olivia pointed out. 

"Do you know what the kids keep saying? They always ask me when you two are going to have a baby! Like for real! Am I supposed to know that or what?" 

"The kids have always been that curious, though. You're just surprised because you hadn't been spending as much time with them before as you do now…" Adrian explained, smiling. 

"They could get more mischievous than that, actually."

"Ummm… Excuse me…?" the service crew suddenly chimed in, stealing their attention. 

"Shall I take your orders now, Ma'ams and Sirs?"

With that, their conversation was cut off. They then proceeded to place their orders.

"Oh, yeah. I'll be having your Mango Pudding sundae and a bowl of potato fries," said Charles.

"Ummm… Mine is Chocolate Banana Split," Olivia blurted out next.

"Noted. How about you, Mademoiselle?"

Adrian didn't like how the man zeroed out Cassidy. 

That alone already gave him the idea that he's new around here. Clearly, he doesn't know who they are. He even had the guts to ogle at his wife as if he hadn't been glaring. When he winked at her, he couldn't control the rumble on his throat anymore. So, he lifted her from her seat and deposited her on his lap.

"Adrian!" she shrieked, caught off guard.

"We're taking your Strawberry Vanilla sundae - the biggest one that's good for two people. A pack of chocolate chip cookies, a cheese sandwich, and a bottle of wine. What do you think about those, love?" he said before flashing her a toothy smile, much to the service crew's mortification.

Confused, Cassidy was left with no choice but to nod. With that, Adrian turned to the man and gave him a taunting smile. 

"Uhhh... Yes. R-Right away, Monsieur!"

Once he scrambled away and entered inside the kitchen, Adrian caught their companions' baffled faces as they controlled their snickers. He blushed a little and buried his face in Cassidy's shirt collar, technically his shirt's collar, out of embarrassment.

Then, eventually, Charles and Olivia burst out laughing.

"Ummm… Adrian…?" Cassidy whispered to Adrian, still puzzled. 

"What's the problem, dear?"

He hummed as he nuzzled her neck. She tried calling him again. But he only began to grumble about his idiocy.

"That was a big aim to his ego...!" Olivia guffawed.

"Poor guy. He can't contain his jealousy back there!"

"How amusing…" Charles quipped with a smirk, entertained.

"He got some rude awakening and made another one shed some manly skin."

Adrian could only growl at them, still clutching onto a bemused Cassidy.

She remained on her husband's lap even after their orders were served. He didn't move or nudge her back to her seat, and he was constantly rubbing his head on her neck like a cat marking his territory, much to their companions' gratification.

Moments later, Damien suddenly came rushing to the store, taking all of them back. 

"Aunt Olivia! We need your help…!" he exclaimed as soon as he reached them. 

"Aunt Cassidy, too…! Hey, Uncle! Stop hogging her!"

Instead of stopping, it only prompted his uncle to continue. He ended up making an incredulous look at it. 

"Adrian, let me go," Cassidy scolded Adrian when he didn't release her. 

The way he adamantly shook his head tickled her more. She then squealed, "Adrian!"

"Okay, let those lovebirds do their own business…" Olivia huffed with utmost annoyance.

"What's up, Damien?"

"Well, there's a volleyball game going on. Aunt Irish partnered up with Uncle Asher against-"

"Noted! Now, let go of Cassidy, little brother! We're going!"

Olivia bolted out of her seat immediately. She tried to yank Cassidy but Adrian refused to give in.

"Nooo~" he whined.

"Don't make me pour this ice-cold water and splash it all over your head!" she threatened.


"Let me go, dear…" his wife said with a sweet smile while prodding his arms away. 

"We have a match to settle."

"Yeah…!" their nephew added. 

"And we need Aunt Cassidy's prowess to knock 'em all!"

Adrian scowled. Cassidy can't help but giggle. 

"But we haven't finished our ice cream."

"I'll be back, okay?"

Resigned, he finally unwrapped his arms with a childish pout. She giggled again and was about to unbutton his shirt to keep it from getting wet again when an idea struck her.

"Hmm… Might as well wear this…" she said, sparing him a conspiratorial wink. 

"So that everyone would know that, well, I'm yours?"

Boy did he know she could turn his tan to a bloody red in just a matter of seconds. The two women laughed at his reaction while his secretary ridiculed him further after he recovered his bearings. He patted his shoulder when they took their leave for the volley area.

"You got it bad, President. You got it bad."

Charles was proven correct when he saw how his wife clumsily fell flat on the water as she saved the ball that wetted his white shirt. Said shirt became transparent as it clung to Cassidy's toned curvatures, revealing her hot, sexy bikini again.

Now, Adrian is so jealous of his white shirt.

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