Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 927 - Research Zone (3)

Chapter 927: Research Zone (3)

“The entire year’s Kalendaria, Master Zhuang, is the Master of Thought and the Nemesis of Wills. He exists in the form of multiple personalities…

“March’s Kalendaria, Last Man, is Memory Dominator. At the same time, he can cause obstacles to human bodies. The price is weak-minded…

“November’s Kalendaria, Shattered Mirror, is the Goddess of Illusions and manages cognitive and stimulation abilities. Her price is very hidden. I only noticed one phenomenon: she has never appeared in person…

“August’s Kalendaria, Door of Scorching, rules over muscles. She also has domains that can affect one’s thoughts and mind in certain aspects. Her problem is that she’s afraid of the cold…

“January’s Kalendaria, Subhuti, is the Source of Consciousness. I’m not sure of his price…

“April’s Kalendaria, Shadow of Distortion, is the Balancer and King of War. He controls balance, judgment, and other mobility-related abilities. His price is the fear of distorted creatures…”

Truth didn’t mention May’s Monitor.

Shang Jianyao nodded repeatedly and took the initiative to say, “Thank you, thank you. I’ll set off now to open the blood-red door!”

He left the door in high spirits and passion and walked to the end of the path that Truth had mentioned.

In the vortex-shaped building, Jiang Baimian came to the end of the meeting area.

She felt very lucky about this because after walking down a path, she saw signs in Ashlands and Red River language: “Common Research Zone.”

Under the words ‘Common Research Zone’ were two warnings: “Entry is forbidden to unauthorized personnel. Smart bots in the zone are authorized to automatically identify and attack unregistered personnel.”


I wonder if the smart bots here can still move after so many years…?Jiang Baimian raised her guard and carefully entered the Common Research Zone through the open partition door.

She immediately saw two robots standing at the bend in the corridor. She didn’t dare to delay and gently rolled into the nearest room.

Before Jiang Baimian could get up and finish rolling, she saw large Petri dishes or similar devices with grayish-white human brains floating inside.

Human brains…?Jiang Baimian frowned and cast her gaze elsewhere.

Deep in the room were glass cylinders filled with liquid. Inside were human corpses with exposed brains.

On the walls and tables around them were sticky notes of various colors. They were very messy.

Jiang Baimian first noticed the one beside the door. On it was a lot of Ashlandic text: “Frontal lobe: In charge of thinking, calculations, and the concept of quantity. It’s related to an individual’s needs, emotions, and will. Some patients have symptoms like agraphia or motor aphasia…”

“Uh…” Jiang Baimian was stunned. Some thoughts instantly surfaced in her mind and crazily burgeoned.

She quickly looked at the other notes, one after another. “Occipital lobe: It’s in charge of processing language, motion perception, abstract concepts, and visual information. It affects the establishment of conditioned reflexes. It will result in obvious obstacles in the experimental subject’s ability to learn memories. It’s easy for this area to suffer from retrograde amnesia due to damage…”

“Temporal lobe: It comes with the hippocampus and is related to human emotions, mind, and memories. Lobe lesions often result in brain fog, speech disorders, emotional disorders, or memory loss…

“Memory disorders are basic symptoms. There are short-term memory, long-term memory, or immediate memory disorders. There are obvious spatio-temporal memory flaws.

“Automatism is also common. When they act up, their activity isn’t controlled by consciousness. They can show mental stimulation such as object destruction, assault, impulsiveness, self-mutilation, nudity, horror, and anger.

“Memory disorders can appear when the hippocampus is destroyed, and memory disorders can be accompanied by directional disorders.

“The superior temporal gyrus is also the cortical center of the vestibule. Therefore, lobe lesions can result in loss of balance and dizziness.

“Sensory aphasia can appear from the damage to the superior temporal gyrus. The patient can hear speech without understanding its meaning, nor can they understand their own words. When the back of the superior temporal gyrus in the dominant hemisphere and the supramarginal gyrus is damaged, anomic aphasia can happen.

“When the temporal lobe is damaged, quadrantanopia blindness might occur.

“Oculomotor nerve palsy may occur in large lesions of the temporal lobe;

“The hippocampus plays a role in memory and spatial positioning. The symptoms of hippocampus damage are memory decline and loss of orientation perception…”

“Parietal lobe: the sensory center, including many other important areas. Damage to the parietal lobe can result in symptoms such as abnormal cerebral cortical sensations or sensory impairment, dyspraxia (apraxia), spatial orientation impairment, and physical atrophy, in addition to the following:

“Limb Agnosia: The patient denies having limb paralysis and believes that the paralyzed limb on the left doesn’t belong to him. It’s a negative body image disorder.

“Phantom Limbs: Phantom limbs refer to the appearance of a third phantom limb, which is a positive body image disorder.

“Analgesia: Analgesia means that one doesn’t recognize pain stimuli despite the pain existing. For example, no pain response to the burning of fingers with a cigarette, nor is there any protective reflex when discarding a cigarette butt. Lesions in the left supramarginal gyrus with partial involvement of the angular gyrus and superior temporal gyrus are less common.

“Prosopagnosia: Prosopagnosia refers to the failure to recognize close acquaintances or even one’s face in the mirror. It’s often accompanied by agnosia in colors, objects, and orientation. It’s a rare symptom of damage to the parieto-occipital area.


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