Emperor Has Returned

Chapter 13: Overcoat(1)

Chapter 13 Overcoat(1)

Translator: BaeBae Editor: Chazathan777

It was morning and the Colosseum was already filled to the point where people were stepping on each other for space.

Today’s big match had been announced already for quite some time.

A fight between a monster and a human.

It was a topic that always made the crowd’s heart race.

In the empire it was difficult to attend such events unless it was far away from the central district.

Long ago, when the previous emperor was killing gods, many legendary monsters also perished during that period.

Monsters and demi-humans were created from a god’s grace or needs. And in turn, a god’s death meant its slaves also followed them to the afterlife.

In the end, demi-humans fell in standing, many turned into slaves. Meanwhile, monsters and creatures were on the brink of extinction.

The few that remained were found on the outskirts of the empire and mostly outside its border.

Tantil’s citizens and excited tourists who had come from all over the empire were loudly discussing today’s match up.

“Ah, of course champion Lecto is going to win! Did you forget his last match when he voluntarily accepted to fight three contestants at once and killed all of them?”

“He’s only the strongest in Tantil. I’ve heard that director Daaron has brought in Rampage, the centurion[1] from the northeastern city. While he’s retired, the fact he was a centurion is nothing to scoff at.”

“He’s a no-life gambling addict who accumulated a huge debt. No thanks, he can piss right off.”

“That’s right, Lecto is the better choice although he is a bit ugly.”

“Idiots, he’s still a human. I’ve heard today’s monster is a giant cyclops that was caught outside the empire. How are a few gladiators supposed to catch a monster that required an army to catch.”

“Huh, a giant cyclops? Isn’t that taking it too far?”

“You never know, if they manage to bring it out under their control, that would really be….”

The crowd’s noisy discussion could be heard even from the director’s seat.

The director’s seat was close to the arena and on a deck which provided a great panoramic view of the entire colosseum. Even though excitement buzzed in the air, Daaron’s expression was grim.

A jam packed Colosseum and an excited crowd, there was nothing that was ticking him off.

However, the people around were tense. Daaron was extra sensitive during times like this.

Then, a tactless individual walked up to him.

Kyahaha. Doesn’t it seem like the audience is eagerly waiting for my appearance?”

It was Lecto, the champion of Tantil’s gladiators.

Supposedly he was to be on standby at the waiting room, but had come at Daaron request for a last minute check up on the contestants.

Behind him, another gladiator stood with a cold expression. While a bit skinny compared to the slightly large, chubby Lecto, this male’s body consisted entirely of muscle.

“Lecto, Rampage ssi[2].”

Daaron went up to them and tapped their shoulders.

“Everyone is anticipating a great match today. I ask you don’t disappoint and provide good entertainment please.”

Ke hahaha, do not worry. I’ll make sure to twist and rip out this skinny man’s neck.”

“How much is my share? I’ll take my earnings that I’m due today in advance thanks.”

“Ha, you’ll be left with nothing then! Ah, I guess money is of no use when you’re dead? Kehaha!”

“I’ll bring some grapes to your funeral.”

“Now now, stop with the boasts. Winnings will be given to the last man standing.”

Lecto and Rampage’s eyes both sharpened.

They were people who had their lives on the line. Their reputation wasn’t built from luck. Very sharp on the uptake, they noticed a hidden truth behind Daaron’s words.

“What, is the giant cyclops really going to make an appearance?”

“…..Are you really that stupid. How would they be hiding it inside the Colosseum. You wouldn’t be saying such nonsense if you’ve actually seen one alive.”

“It could be a smaller sized one! Just like if I cut your unnecessary height, you would be shorter.”

“It’s not a giant cyclops, although it’s something no less deadly.”

Daaron stealthily smiled giving away no hints.

Both Lector and Rampage showed a nervous face.

It might be something truly dangerous if Daaron was saying this.

Each of them went back to their waiting rooms thinking about monsters that they scared of.

Meanwhile, Daaron wasn’t thinking about monsters nor prominent knights. Instead, a certain slave child popped into his head.

‘If the fanatic believer didn’t interrupt him……’

The boy had breezed past his guards and when his strike that was aimed at him was inching closer, Daaron was strangely ecstatic.

He’d realised during his short bout with Sina. The boy had immense potential.

His forgotten talent in show business intuition was waking up.

He devoted his life to operating the Colosseum but in recent years his passion for it had died out.

He had gotten tired and bored of everyone including Lecto and the champion before him. It was to the point where he slowly thought about retiring.

But this boy was different.

His demeanor left a lasting impression on him, as if he turned back the clocks to his youthful days as a merchant.

And he confirmed once more from the soldier who was keeping an eye out while guiding Sina around. He’d reported back that the Juan skills were legitimate.

The old director certainly wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass.

A hero’s return was something he was always looking for. Maybe it was for this reason, he never stopped the gladiator contests.

Once today’s match was over, a new de facto champion would be crowned.

‘Your majesty, show us that you are here with us at this very moment!.’


With a Chul-kkong sound, a door inside the colosseum opened.

Gladiators rushed out onto the sandy red arena. The enthusiastic crowd applaused for the first 10 contestants.

Most contestants were either a demi-human or from an ostracized race. It was their first time being welcomed and cheered.

The contestants started getting fired up and waved back as their nervousness was washed away by the cheers.

But little did they know, the first group was typically sent out to raise and set the mood the whole day.


Not even 30 seconds into the match, the screams had begun.

As if they were lying before, the crowd were now smiling and jeering at the gruesomely dying gladiators instead.

Juan was calmly looking on from behind his metal bars at the slaughter.

And beyond that, at the people who were going wild at the killing spectacle and the dripping blood which had soaked the sand.

‘Seems like nothing has changed since then.’

Maybe one thing that was different was that at the time, Tantil’s citizens were on the receiving end of the pain, but now they were part of the crowd cheering.

Juan felt a sickening emotion rising inside his body.

3 desert trolls were facing off against 10 gladiators.

They were famous for hiding beneath sand and ambushing any passing animals or even travelers.

Living in deserts, they were poisonous and tougher than normal trolls.

But their biggest strength was that their grip was many times more powerful than a normal troll’s. Once they concealed themselves, it was difficult to catch or even see one.

The crowd was going hysteric at the sight of desert trolls making an appearance from the beginning.

That was because, if it was any other day, it was quite normal to see them appear as the final boss.

Their anticipation grew because as the match continued it was likely, more powerful, terrifying creatures would enter the fray.

All ten gladiators were slain without making a mark on the desert trolls.

Forget about cooperating, they weren’t even familiar with a sword, so it was an expected outcome.

Off to the side, a gladiator stood, his teeth chattering.

His body was quite muscular but clearly mentally, he was not taking it well as his hands were shaking.

“You, stop shaking so much. These desert trolls can smell fear. Even the kid beside you is looking fine.”

Someone threw a snide comment as if the excessive shaking was annoying him.

The man quickly nodded and grabbed his shaking arms, but it didn’t seem to stop.

The annoyed man didn’t say anything, that was because he had also started shaking as well.

The only calm-looking one was Juan.



A bit of time passed as the arena had to be cleaned.

Juan saw the metal poles in front of him rise up. He felt a hand on his back push him forwards.

Juan ran out towards the arena alongside other gladiators.

A dazzling light made his eyes sore.

A deafening cheer erupted from the crowd. The blood smitten trolls smiled devilishly at the new meals that had appeared.

Aughh ahhhh!…..

The man next to him was pissing himself.

Another man was telling the other gladiators that they could win if they stuck together.

But the words didn’t get through to anyone including himself.

The cheering crowd suddenly came to a stop. They had noticed Juan among the contestants.

A kid that barely looked ten? Without any armor but only a small sword in his hand, the defenceless looking child looked out of place.

Usually, children weren’t sent into the Colosseum.

Some perverts did have bad tastes of getting enjoyment from seeing women or small children be slaughtered.

However, it was desecration to send out a child on this day where the emperor’s birth was being celebrated.

The murmurs grew, and fingers started being pointed and jeered at Daaron.

Meanwhile, oblivious to all this, the desert trolls had smelt the fear resonating from Juan’s group and slowly made their way towards them. Saliva drooped from their mouth as they closed the distance.

But it wasn’t only Juan’s group that had entered the arena.

“Form up!”

A loud command echoed throughout and the sound of feet lining up quickly followed.

On the left side of the arena, Rampage and six other gladiators with spears and shields formed into a practiced formation.

Wearing matched up uniforms, it really made them look like a group of veteren soldiers.

“Ooohhh…. Are they really soldiers?”

“They certainly look like it.”

The crowd’s attention instantly turned towards Rampage and his small group.

Once a centurion for the empire’s northeastern corner where acts of treason were prevalent, Rampage’s troops now numbered only six. Yet, he assumed it was plenty enough to face desert trolls as his defensive formation couldn’t possibly be penetrated, he thought.

Kyahaha. Are you scared you can’t win unless you hide behind your shields and spears, Rampage?”

A scoffing sound was heard from the opposite side and Lecto and his henchmen came running out.

Wearing nothing on their upper bodies, they were holding an oddly shaped weapon. They shouted and taunted the desert trolls, and even Rampage.

“Lecto! Lecto! Lecto!”

The crowd cheered for the taunting Lecto rather than the silent Rampage.

While Lecto was reckless, he was Tantil’s champion, good at providing showmanship to the audience.

Before anyone knew it, Juan’s group had been forgotten.

The surrounded desert trolls went on guard and growled in a low voice. The enemy had grown eight more in total.

Unlike the first group, these looked their match for hunting. Their predatory sense quickly locked on to the first target.

In the wild, the weakest was the first to die.

The desert trolls’ gaze turned towards Juan and his group.

[1] Centurion – commander of hundred soldiers (Roman in origin)

[2] ssi – Koreans use this after names to sound more formal. Think of it as ‘San’(JP)

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