Emperor Has Returned

Chapter 6: A gimlet inside a pocket(2)

Chapter 6. A gimlet inside a pocket(2)

Translator: BaeBae

“Juan, from tomorrow come here instead of working at the cave.”

“Huh? What? No thanks.”


The inspector determined if Juan was to continually come into his office, one of the first things to get right was his way of speaking.

“Maybe my words were hard to understand. What I meant was from now on, il task you with easy work.”

“I’ll decline. I don’t find current work any bit strenuous.”

“No. Your opinion doesn’t matter. You’re a slave and you will do as you’re told.”

The inspector didn’t expect that he would have to explain this as well.

With his arms crossed, Juan unpleasantly looked at the inspector. After pondering about something for a while he replied back.

“That’s right. But what if I still say no?”

The inspector calmed the anger rising in his head as he feared he was about to release his rage on him any second. He now realized his boldness went above and beyond to crazy.

Yet, it was a waste not to nurture that talent even if he was crazy.

Instead of using force, the inspector decided to gently persuade him. If he had a vision to make Juan the champion of gladiators, nothing beneficial would come out of creating animosity between them.

“You don’t need to pry a pickaxe in a cave all day. Isn’t it exhausting? You don’t have to do it anymore. You can eat delicious things. Not porridge, instead something chew-able. You can feel sunlight, breathe clean air and have a shower. How about it? And plus I will, no I will personally ask Lecto to teach you swordsmanship. You could become a gladiator.”

The inspector explained it simply so it was easy for Juan to understand.

Still after all that, Juan’s expression showed no sign of being interested.

However, when the inspector brought up the topic of gladiator, the slightest of his expression being interested showed. The inspector didn’t fail to catch this small detail.

“Gladiator. You’ve seen a lot of them right? And you’ve seen how majestic they are.”

“Being a gladiator allows you to go to the cave anytime you want.”

“Was that the problem? Maybe you have a relative in the cave? I’ll let you enter anytime.”

Juan knew how much the slaves were scared and nervous around the gladiators.

If he became the same rank as a gladiator, at least people wouldn’t carelessly mess with Faun and the crazy woman.

He felt there was no sense of obligation in him towards humans but ‘something’ that could not be put into words was slowly growing within him.

Something like what he had for those he genuinely trusted.

For a moment, Juan’s heart hardened.

Only feeling left for those who he believed in was betrayal.

Juan didn’t want to face betrayal again so he avoided it by giving up the will to live on.

The sense of betrayal had never dulled away. It had always been crouching somewhere, looking firmly at Juan.

‘Have you become so weak, Juan?’

It was as if a sneering sound of laughter could be heard.

With his sword and strength, people who he cared for and loved for many years had even betrayed him. So why was he looking to go through this again for people he had barely known for just over ten days?

Juan’s hands were stained with blood of not only his enemies but his own as well.

He bit his lips.

To survive out of necessity was fine. He didn’t want to go above and beyond that. But deep inside, a gaping hole in his chest told him he was yearning to go back.

Juan asked the inspector.

“How much is my worth?”

“What? Haha, I did buy you for two silver leaves…. But now, even one gold leaf wouldn’t be a waste on you. No, one whole gold pouch wouldn’t be a waste. I can see you becoming the crowned gladiator champion in the future.”

“Then are you willing to release two slaves for me?”


“Crazy woman and the male ahlil Faun. If you give them their freedom, I’ll do what you ask.”

Juan didn’t want them digging deeper into his heart. If he continued to stay around them, things wouldn’t go as he wanted it to.

The inspector makes a perplexed look. He told him that Juan was worth a pouch of gold, but this didn’t matter.

Giving two slaves their freedom would be him acting beyond his authority. Besides, the director Daaron held full ownership of the slaves, not him.

“That’s going to be difficult.”

“Alright then. I’ll stick to the cave.”

Juan gave up trying to negotiate.

It wasn’t bad rotting away in a dark cave. A life not knowing each other’s name, not knowing when they will die.

He didn’t wish for a better life than that.

Tension rose within the inspector.

He was willing to be considerate, but Juan was still showing a defiant attitude.

Other slaves would start to cry and thank him for being so kind.

He thought maybe Juan was looking down at him. From the beginning, he tried coercing him with nice words and never used uncivil words nor forceful demands.

“Are you mocking me!”

Kwa-ang! The inspector slammed his desk. Juan made no response while looking up bemusingly.

In that moment, the inspector noticed the dagger rooted to the desk. Instinctively, he pulled out his sword from his waist belt.

He thought Juan might swing the dagger at him. It was only an imagination, yet his back started to sweat.

Needless to say, Juan had no such intentions.

“I apologize if you were offended. Can I go now?”

Juan’s behaviour made him even more furious. Inspector raised his sword at Juan’s face. The tip of the blade hovered an inch close to Juan’s eyes.

“One eye for a lesson in manners? Maybe cutting your tongue in half would teach you some humility? Or better yet, slicing the tip of your nose would cut down your overflowing arrogance.”

The inspector’s blade slowly moved down Juan’s cheek.

Blood particles had formed on Juan’s cheek where the sharp blade had scratched over.

The blood particles combined together and trickled down his cheek, falling from his chin.

But Juan not once flinched. He had the exact same facial expression as when he first entered the room.

No emotion. Hint of annoyance. Inspector gulped down his saliva nervously.

The inspector felt as if he swung his sword at Juan’s neck to behead him, he still wouldn’t bat an eye.

To a skinny child slave, he had the authority to do whatever he pleased.

Yet for a long time, the inspector stood still. He was too talented for him to act rashly.

Then, a thought passes in his head. A better method than simply forcing him against his will.

“Cocky little shit”

Inspector lowered his sword. A suspicious smile appeared on his face.

“Expected of someone brought in from outside the empire. I’ll teach you a few pieces of advice on basic etiquette.”



A steel bar door had shut.

Beyond the steel bars, Juan looked at the bald gladiator who silently locked the door.

“So. I see that the arrogant baby boy has managed to come this far.”

A set of keys twirled around the baldy’s finger. He couldn’t stop smirking.

All gladiators had received whipping as punishment for the creature cave incident.

It was to be expected as they let the creatures escape while they were on duty.

Yet baldy thought all the blame lay with Juan.

Because of this, when he saw Juan being sent to prison, he insisted on going instead of soldiers.

“Do you have any idea how much inconvenience your little stunt has caused me? Huh? I don’t know what worthless things you learnt from outside the empire….”

“I’ve never learnt a skill that could make someone urinate.”

Baldy’s face reddened.

“Shut up!”

“Hit a nerve, have I? I noticed on the way here, you’re being ostracized by the other gladiators. I wanted to advise it’s not just because you pissed yourself. It’s your reputation. There’s a reason why different social classes exist. Anyways other than yourself, two other people had also pissed themselves… “

“I told you to shut up! You bastard …..”

Badly slammed his spear against the metal pole. As a sharp sound echoed throughout, creatures started to howl and shriek in response.

Baldy stood still then stiffly returned a smile.

“Did you hear that? There are plenty of them down the hallway who are waiting to taste you. Certainly more cozier than the cave you’ve been rolling around in, so consider yourself lucky. Ah, it does stinks of beast shit though.”

This place was the dungeon where monsters and creatures were caged. As the cave construction progressed, bricks would be placed the same way forming a similar shape to what it looked like here.

The corridors had been built with complex designs, providing contraptions to control the creatures when they were being released out to the arena.

Behind Juan, a beast’s howled. A low pitched sound crept up on his skin.

Juan looked back. Along with the sound of metal chains scraping the ground a pair of yellow eyes pounced at him. But it was stopped after a few strides.

A combination of hunger, thirst, and urgency had all merged into one big madness.

The creature howled as he swung his front legs in an attempt to grab Juan. However, the metal chains had it securely restrained to the spot.

“It’s your roommate. I believe you’ve met?”

It was the wolf creature who had some into the cave previously. His condition was much thinner and beaten up than back then. Presumably the recapture part didn’t go smoothly as planned.

“This guy specifically loves to eat tender baby fat and bones. Soft and delicate. That’s why we’ve named him ‘baby eater’.”

“Didn’t you call him ‘Butterfly’ before?”


As he didn’t retort, Juan assumed that ‘babyeater’ was something he made up just now.

“Hmph, always having the last words. You just don’t know when to admit defeat. The inspector did say to teach you a lesson….”

Baldy gave a good pull at one of the metal chains by a prison door.

Chul-kkong! A creature somewhat freed from it’s restraints, slowly moved closer to Juan.

The chain had lengthened.

It was too close for comfort. If Juan had lied on his back, his feet would be touching the creature.


The creature’s started growling, lamenting at being so close.

Juan stared into the creature’s eyes. It looked like it’s forgotten the previous memory of running away from Juan in the cave had completely disappeared. It’s hunger had won out against every other emotion.

“Finally, are you scared? It’s not too late to get on your knees and beg, I’ll put in a good word to the inspector.”

Baldy started cackling as he poked Juan in the back.

But all that could be found on Juan’s face was a pathetic look. Baldy didn’t like that expression one bit. So he loosened his grip on the metal chains once more.

Chul-kkong! The creature once again moved closer.

Now Juan had no room to lie down, let alone barely sit.

Baldy looked at Juan’s to check his current state. As if Juan also felt this situation was a little dangerous, he was staring at the creature’s eyes, not moving an inch.

“Looks like I’m going to bed while smelling your breath for tonight.”

Juan gestured at baldy to come closer.

Baldy finally thought Juan was about to plead, but as soon as he moved his face close Juan grabbed his collar.

Kwang! At the same time, a loud sound echoed and baldy’s nose had smashed into the metal pole, instantly breaking it.

He let go of baldy while making a devious smile.

“You mouth reeks even more.”

Baldy glared back at Juan while clenching his bloody nose.

Suddenly, a creature started to go crazy. They had smelled fresh blood.

The creature’s howl caused other creatures to also act crazy.

After glaring at him for a while, baldy started to remove the lock device that held the creature in place.

Bit by bit as the creature freed itself, it’s teeth inched closer to Juan’s face.

Baldy let out a hysterical laugh as he imagined what Juan’s fear-stricken face would look like.

“Why don’t you take a piss? Maybe you’re too scared that your dick shriveled up?”

Unconsciously, beads of sweat started to rise on his back.

The inspector instructed him that Juan was to be put in a room with a creature that was firmly tied up. He was playing a dangerous game, acting beyond what he was told to do.

Now for Juan, there was only a bit of standing space left. The creature’s burning breath covered his face as it showed his deadly teeth before snapping it shut.

Then something happened that no one wanted.

Kwang! The creature starved to its limit, lost its patience and tugged at the metal chain that was tied around his neck.

Kwang! Surprised by the sound, baldy hurriedly tried to hold the metal chain in place.

Kwang! Baa-zzik! Sound of metal chains breaking apart resonated and the creature instantly pounced at Juan.

The iron bars were thoroughly crushed and bent outwards. From the impact, baldy was flung backwards.

He quickly lifted his chin to analyse the situation. But all he could see was Juan’s left shoulder in tatters and the creature furiously chewing on his left arm, in his mouth.

“Ehh ahhhhhh!”

Realizing what had happened, baldy sprinted away without looking back.

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