Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 17 - Commence The Competition

The birds were actually a really large roc, with wings over 10 meters. It could almost carry seven people.

The leading roc had a man with magnificent aura on it. He had a long white beard with a mustache connected to it. His time-eaten face and calm expression made people nervous to approach him. He wore a royalty dress with a bird looking down symbol. He was Tunri Garden, the current King of Meistas.

Beside him was an elf woman with average-looking face wearing a loose mage-garb with a staff in her right hand. The staff had three branching-ends with three gems (Red, Blue, and Black) inside it. She was the General of Meistas, Fergana Orka.

Looking at the birds in the sky, Lyon began palpitating. The eyes of the rocs were in sync toward the basket full of sandwich Lyon held. (No way right?) thought Lyon.

"Hmm? what's wrong?" said Tunri to his roc. However the roc didn't respond to him at all. The roc just hovered around in the sky and refuse to come down.

(Oh shit I knew it!) thought Lyon when he saw the roc behavior. Then a not-so bright idea came across his mind as he smiled. He lifted up the basket over his head and lured the roc.

The eyes of the rocs flashed then their body dived in unison toward the basket.

Seeing the events unfolded the crowd quickly disperse in unison as well. Paladin quickly jumped back twenty meters away. On the other hand Fei stayed beside Lyon as if to guard him from the incoming birds.


Noticing the roc losing control, the King punched it's head to the ground right before it crashed Lyon.




The others also punched the roc to the ground.

However the roc still struggle to approach Lyon albeit it's powerless.



The rocs chirped in low sound.

"What is wrong with this beast? It never did that before." asked Tunri. However the question only met with silence.

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"I am very sorry for the inconvenience of my beast caused Queen Sylvianna." said Tunri with a slight bow toward the sitting Sylvianna.

"No need to worry yourself King Tunri, unpredictable things could happen anytime, as long as everyone is safe, let bygones bygones." said Sylvianna standing.

"You are truly a wise ruler just like your Father." said Tunri cupping his hand.




Lyon approached the downed roc and feed it a peanut butter sandwich.



The roc flapped it's wings rapidly to show it's favorable expression toward Lyon and also rubbed it's head. The King had a gloomy face seeing what just happened. (I have nurtured this beast for a longtime but never did it flap it's wings like that!) thought Tunri.

"Young man are you perhaps a beastmaster?" Tunri asked.

"No, I'm not a beastmaster, I'm just a genius that's all." said Lyon while stroking the roc's feather. Tunri had a blacklines over his head.

"Young man, people should have moderation toward one self." lectured Tunri.

"Will moderation bring me beautiful woman?" asked Lyon, still stroking the bird.

"Err, well... no but-"

"Then it's useless." said Lyon. Then he continued: "The purpose of one's life is more important than one's manner, if you can't get what you want because of some manner, why not end your life right now? it's meaningless anyway."



The candidates from the Meistas Kingdom pull out there weapons and point them at Lyon. However Lyon seemed to be at ease beside the tension. That's right, because Nostria's general was beside him.

"You take that back!" said Xiaxia with her bow already pulled.

Tunri was at enlightenment and stood still reciting Lyon's word in his mind. The past him played over in his mind. He was a young prince back then who falls in love with a commoner. However since he was the only child the former King forbids him to make the commoner become Tunri's first wife. Thus he had no choice to abide the King and moved on, but the feeling he had for her never decreased. So he endured again and again and finally became the King himself.

The moment he became the King the person he wanted to tell the most was the commoner girl. However once he parade into her house ... no one was there. This caused him to be dejected and go back to his parents to swear that he will never married. Then years after years of dedicating himself into the ideal King of Meistas, he lost his young self.

"Stay your hand!" after the reminiscing was over Tunri gain his composure once again.

The candidates hurriedly retract their weapon.

"Young man, you are indeed a genius. Across the people I have met my entire life, you are the only one that ever enlightened me. If one's cannot get what they want because of some manners, it's a life not worth living. GOOD!" said Tunri slapping Lyon's back.



The other rocs chirped hungry for the sandwich.

"Young man, how much is the 'food' you sell?" said Tunri smiling.

"Ah.. It's usually one gold per sandwich." said Lyon smiling, then he continued: "But for you I will sell one hundred silver per sandwich." *nod *nod

"That is so generous of you young friend, how about this I will give you half a gold (500 silver) for each sandwich? Take it as for the enlightenment fee."


The surrounding crowd wanted to said something but the voice never got out of their mouth. (It's too late *sigh) thought the crowd. Tunri noticed this slight expression but it was too late for him to retract the deal (*sigh why do most genius shameless).

(You are swindling a King, damn!! awesome big bro!!!) said the first buyer. He was actually Jugen in disguise. (Is this what you call marketing? I better ask big bro to teach me this later!).


Then Lyon got a bag with 20 gold in it.

"Okay thank you for your business people the food is sold out!" said Lyon clapping his hand.



Sylviana was eating the sandwich Fei delivered and forgot about what happened below.


"Miss I think it's time to open the Labyrinth."

Then Sylvianna got up of her chair and announce "Pweughple ogh.."



"People the time has come for the Labyrinth to open."


A door .. no .. A huge gate open up inside the arena, the inside was a warp of space.

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