Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 30 - Departure

Inside Lyon's room.

"Woah TITS!" shouted Lyon, woken up from his slumber. Apparently he had a dream about his most favorite part of a woman's body.

He looked around his room and saw no one beside himself. (Damn it, with this kind of plot there supposed to be at least two women slept beside me!) sighed Lyon.

"Ah! My whole body still ache." said Lyon after he tried to get out of bed. With a lot of struggle and 'Ah' he finally stood up and changed his clothes.

He slowly walked to the dinner hall where he found Sylviana and Fei, but now there are Karina, Ryona, and Kyoko as well.

"What took you so long?!" said Sylviana in angry tone.

"Hey give me a break, it took a whole ten minutes just to get up from my bed." said Lyon while slowly sitting down.

Ryona then sat beside Lyon, under the watch of the other ladies.

"L-Y-O-NN, say Ah." said Ryona while feeding him with a spoon full of meat curry.

"En, this is delicious! Thank you Ryona." said Lyon after he munched the food.

"Oh get a room you two." said Sylviana with a hint of jealousy tone.

Apparently none of the other ladies had the guts Ryona had.

"By the way, it's rare to see all of you in the dining hall, is there anything you want to tell me?". asked Lyon.

"As expected from my little brother <3 Yes, there is something the queen want to tell you." said Kyoko.


"Lyon I just found an envelope inside the student council, to be precise it was on top of the president's desk. The letter is directed to you." said Sylviana before she slid the letter.

The envelope was made from a high grade paper, with unusual white wax seal. The wax seal had a shape of a tiger head bearing it's fangs.

As Lyon opened the letter, there were two papers inside, one was the personal letter, the other was a map. Lyon opened the letter:

'To Lyon.

My uncle as you already know, has been held captive by my own father. I'm sorry to tell you this, but it looks like the contract has to be fulfilled sooner. It is my fault that uncle got captive like this, so it is my responsibility to freed him. I had given you a map to my kingdom. Be warned though, my kingdom is not like Nostria. My kingdom is big enough to be called a dynasty in your term. If you think you don't have enough strength don't come to my kingdom! I will try to buy some time, but I don't think it will be a long one, so GET STRONG FAST!

ps. I'm waiting for you.

pss. You still owe me for 'that' accident!

Regards, Luna.'

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After reading the letter, Lyon entered into deep thought.

"Lyon, that letter is an official one, Luna wouldn't stamped that seal if it's just a personal letter. This might be our greatest chance to get an alliance with the 'Phantera Kingdom.'" said Sylviana.

"Well actually 'Phantera Kingdom' can be called a stand alone dynasty. It just won't take any vessel kingdoms under it's reign because of their overwhelming proud attitude." added Karina.

"Oh yeah now that you mention it, senior don't you have a pursuer in 'Phantera Kingdom'? I believe they are the current prince of the kingdom." asked Fei out of the blue.

"Shut it, I don't like those guys." said Karina in a cold tone.

"Well little brother, if you are going to the Phantera Kingdom, I will tag along <3." said Kyoko.

"I will tag along too, even if you said no." said Ryona cutely.

"Well, I might bring Jugen with me to broaden both of your horizon." said Karina.

"Are you sure teacher? I bet those guys would be too excited seeing you come to visit.' said Lyon.

"It's fine, maybe I can finally end them this time." said Karina with a hint of killing intent.

"Well, when do you gonna depart?" said Sylviana.

"Why not now?" said Lyon.

"Are you serious??" asked Sylviana.

"I'm serious."

"Don't worry I will take 'good care' of him." said Ryona.

"That's what I'm worried about." said Sylviana.

"I will restrain her." said Kyoko.

"Then it's settled." said Karina.


Outside the Kingdom was a red chariot without Nostria's symbol engraved. This was done so that their arrival was not a diplomatic one, rather just a visit.

Inside the chariot were the three beautiful women, while Jugen and Lyon acted as the driver.

"Alright I think we are set to go." said Lyon.

"Just be careful, on the way there." said a guard.

"Sure, thanks man, keep up the good work." said Jugen while holding the lead rope.



The chariot started to move with amazing speed.

"Shouldn't we tell them?" said the other guard.

"No, we shouldn't, just pretend we don't see anything if they come back. HEAR THAT EVERYONE?" said the guard to the citizens.


After two days from departure.

The unique smell of ocean and the sparkling water entered the view of Jugen and Lyon. It was a magnificent view, the beautiful sand and the coconut trees were all in the right place.

"Hey big bro, are we supposed to see an ocean?" said Jugen.

"I don't know, I never been there, according to the map it does." said Lyon.

"I never seen an ocean when I visit Phantera Kingdom." said Jugen.









"Oh shit, the map is upside down!" shouted Lyon.

The three women inside the chariot could only face-palmed themselves.

Then the chariot took a one eighty turn.


The chariot silhouette came into the view from the same guard.

"Just like we practice guys." shouted the guard.



Jugen slowed down the chariot to greet the guard but the guard acted as if there was nothing in front of him.

Catching the clue, Lyon only tap Jugen's shoulder and shaked his head.


The chariot started to run to the north. Jugen and Lyon had a bit of tears running through the town.

(THANK YOU!!) thought both of them.

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