Empress' Evolution

Chapter 23: Debt VI

Chapter 23: Debt VI

"You, what did you just say?" The Chief raised his brows in anger.

"Sir Chief, please, do not be angered by the Priestess, she knows not of our customs as she had been living in the wilderness with no family by her side."

The LVL 40 Ogre protected Lilith from being pulverized by Goblin Berserker. However, Lilith stood there with her chin lifted and her hands on her waist. She was full of pride, and her aura of superiority did not lose out to that of Berserker. She would not be slighted.

"I said, go fuck yourself, why should I have a child with you?" Lilith turned her back to the Berserker. She opted to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I am leaving, this is a waste of my time, hmph, and here I thought I can grant you the blessing of evolution Mawa and the Goddess told me to spread."

"Wait! What did you just say? What do you mean by blessing?"

Lilith smirked but wiped it off as she turned around to face everyone. Her face, told everyone just how angered, disgusted, and offended this little Priestess of theirs was.

"Why do I need to tell you that? I am leaving, now!"


A large sword five times the size of Lilith's whole body blocked the exit. The Ogre Berserker who threw the sword stood up and walked up to her. He stopped a few centimeters away from Lilith and looked down upon her.

"I told you to speak. Do you wish to die!?" His anger was apparent and his glare sent chills down Lilith's back.

[I don't like this one... let's kill him.] Alpha made a suggestion.

'Okay, shut up for the time being, I also want to kill him but I can't... I have a mission to complete.' Lilith argued and Alpha was left displeased.

Even she was apprehensive.

'Did I push him too hard? He's too impatient, such barbaric means. No, I need to make my stance... I can't be under him, not in bed nor in status. My goal is to be an Empress, not some second-in-command.' Lilith's eyes only grew even more intense.

"Are you disrespecting the will of Ancestor Mawa and the Goddess Letza?"

"Hmph, I don't care about that lowly Goddess, but I will give you the chance to explain to me about the chance of evolution you speak of."

[Oh, now we really have to kill him. This little piece of shit dares to talk down on the Goddess? Lilith, I'll ask permission from my Seniors, just kill his ass and...]

Lilith ignored Alpha, instead, she smirked and then reduced her weight. She jumped high to the air and stood at the sword's pommel. Standing shoulder to shoulder with the Berserker, Lilith stretched her arms to the side and smiled.

"I can lead this tribe of yours to glory and conquer this land. If you do as I say, I will grant you the chance to evolve to a higher form of being!

"I have the ability to bring about the change you so desperately seek, the power you wish to have can be achieved if you will it to be, how about it? Ogre Berserker?"

Hesitation and doubt, that was the only emotion a being could have in the face of such a crazy person such as this crazy child.

The Ogres would have laughed at her words, but, for them, Lilith was not just some ordinary daemon.

She was a Two Horns, the Priestess of their Race. The way she carried herself and the way she spoke with great certainty was enough to make anyone see that she knew was not lying. But even if she was, the Ogres did not know that, and the only fact they knew was that a Two Horns can bring about miracles.

But the Berserker snorted at her words.

"Lies, do you think such a thing is possible?" He did not believe her so easily. Though looking around, the eyes of his Tribesmen were hopeful, the Berserker chose to doubt.

Though he was not that smart, the idea of leadership and the responsibility of protecting his people remain deeply etched into his bones.

"Oh, but I am not lying, what do you want, proof? Then, I shall show it to you. Anyone who has reached their maxed level, step forward, if you are willing to be granted a name, I shall help you evolve!" she argued.

It was the similar calling of a lunatic Priestess from some cult. However, every single time she spoke with certainty the more her words became believable. It was inevitable that even the Ogre Berserker would be pressure by her words.

He looked around and saw the faces of the other epic-tier warriors shifting to favor the Priestess. Even the LVL 40 Ogre who guided Lilith to the tent seemed tempted, but the Berserker could understand him, after all, he was the one who fit the bill.

The desire to evolve was strong.

The Berserker took note of this and motioned with his chin. The LVL 40 Ogre gained permission to step forward.

"I wish to receive the blessing."

Taking a knee, the LVL 40 Ogre bowed his head to Lilith. She could tell he had no loyalty towards her but he was still respectful and excited. A gentle smile blossomed on Lilith's face, the innate fear and respect they have for her still remains in their bones and souls, knowing this, Lilith could see a future where they would treat them as an actual Divine Being.

"You will be the first Ogre to receive a name from me, and from ."

[Do you wish to have the Ogre evolve? It will take some of your Spirit...]

A simple dashboard appeared and Lilith pressed Yes. She had done this before, a few LE was nothing to her. But, this was not like before.

Immediately after choosing yes, the red-skinned Ogre's body began to exude a bright golden light. And soon after seeing that, Lilith's eyelids became heavier and lost her strength to continue standing.

[Spirit has been drained; system update ongoing.

Timer: 12:00:00]

'Spirit? What the hell is that? Oh shit, there's also another update? They sure like adding things. But, I guess I am too tired to continue with this farce so it all adds up. Well, goodnight.'

Lilith felt groggy and soon, she fell from her high position. The reason why she was tired and for the system update was unknown, but Lilith wouldn't complain if she could rest. Dealing with Ogres was tiring.

These beings known as Ogres won't kill her so this place was safer than in the wilderness at least.


[Rebooting... Good morning, Lilith.]

'Ugh, my head hurts. This feels more terrible than a hangover. Ah, the update is finished, what are the odds, let's see. Hmm, yep, that Goddess is pretty useless indeed.'

The first comment she had was berating the Goddess in her mind. But no one could blame her after reading the update and the attached letter.

[System update completed:

Spirit has been added.

Spirit Lv. 1]

[Spirit: Unlike your followers who receive the benefit from the System's ability to trace the lineage they possess, Citizen-type daemons would only benefit from using the spirit of their leader. Spirit is similar to LE in its uses, but instead of getting it from the world, it comes directly from your Soul. But do not worry it is not fatal... well, not THAT, fatal at least.

[Note: Lilith, Goddess here. Don't flip out but you almost died earlier. The reason is that you overused your Spirit. I forgot to inform and have the system be updated, sorry about that. I am currently too busy monitoring a lot of different places, daemons are dying left and right, you know?

Also, from now on, you can only use Spirit to evolve daemons that have lower tiers than you, okay? Try it otherwise and you will die. Sorry about this, okay? But don't worry even if you die, I'll give you another life. But if you want to, you can stay in Hell.]

'Well, I survived that's what's important here. She's a Goddess so she must be busy. Wait, if she's a Goddess can she even make a mistake? Is she's messing with me?'

It was after that realization that another letter appeared.

[Note: Pim-pom, you are correct. I am messing with you...]

'Goddammit, and here I am thinking you were better than that! Do you want me to revolt?'

Lilith was angered, but she returned to reading the letter anyway.

[..don't be too angry now. I did it for your sake, see, if you didn't know the pain of using your Spirit, you'll abuse it and try going beyond the limit. I already saw your previous escapades of waging war against another Organization while you were already fighting against two others. So, I used this chance to teach you a valuable lesson...]

'Tch, it irritates me to admit that you're actually right.' Lilith clicked her tongue at the truth.

[...As a way to apologize, I'll give you a heads up. Humans are showing interest in that place, they'll appear before you sooner or later.]

Lilith was silent for a few seconds, but without her knowing about it, she was already smirking and giggling like a maniac. She ran her fingers through her hair and her smile further letter.

"Then let them come, I'll kill them all."

She calmed herself from the excitement of thinking about human genocide. Clearing her throat, she began observing the room. The room was decorated with bones on the walls and a bumble of soft fur she used as a bed.

'Not bad.' Lilith praised then got up.

'Oh, I am naked again.' She said after noticing her kimono no longer covered her body. She clothed herself with mana and decided to step out of the hut. And just as she stepped out, what she saw was a group of Ogres and Ogress circling her the place.

In front of the hut was the Berserker sitting on a log with his arms crossed. He had his weapon beside him. The instant Lilith stepped out of the hut, every Ogre in the vicinity not counting the Ogre Berserker got on their knees and punched through the ground with both their fists as if to show their loyalty and respect.

The Berserker had a beaming smile plastered on his face.

"The Ogre Tribe welcomes the Grand Priestess of Ancestor Mawa and the Goddess Letza. The one you named Killa said that I am entitled to one wish, then, can I hope for you to fulfill your promise help bring about glory to my race?" The Berserker asked, but still decided to lower his head.

"May the Priestess guide us!"

The Ogres followed suit the words of their leader. Lilith watched them and she smiled.

Lilith did not know but the Ogres like any other were beings who respected power and abilities the most. No matter which kind of strength it is, it was respected and revered. The strength to hunt, the ability to weave, the strength to raise an Ogreling, all was power and ability unique to an individual.

And being daemons, the power of evolution was something that ingrained in their blood as Sacred. Only those who could evolve were worthy of leading them and worthy of overwhelming respect.

But what about the power to help others evolve? The power to grant power and prestige was a kind that has endless possibilities, that was what Lilith showed them. In short, Lilith's ability was the thing that weighed heaviest in terms of prestige.

If this kind of power fell on the hands of the other race, these Ogres would have tried their best to kill that daemon. But, right now, it was different.

In the hearts of the power-loving Ogres, the Priestess of the legends was of their blood, the one closest to their ancestor. She was even more special than what the legends made her out to be. Thus, their respect for this Two Horns was overwhelmingly high.

Seeing such a thing made her nod her head in satisfaction.

'These guys are unpredictable. But they should be useful assets for slaughter.'

She deemed them useable.

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