Empress' Evolution

Chapter 28: Rest for a while

Chapter 28: Rest for a while

[Sylva level up]

"She's stronger, and faster than before."


Lilith and Dhampy were speaking of one simple thing, Sylva's abnormal strength and improvement. The way she carried herself, the finesse of her Dagger Mastery and the superb judgment that makes her efficient in the art of killing,

Sylva was moving all over the place, her steps were lighter than the feather and it carried weight. The wind she produced was formidable, and its strength is not something anyone should look down upon.

'Well, if she's not strong with these stats, what would become of her?'

[Name: Sylva

Lv. 26

HP: 3040/3040

MP: 6000/6000

Attributes: Wind (A), Space (A)

STR: 30 > 132

DEF: 10 > 30

VIT: 25 > 152

AGT: 10 > 100

MAG: 120 > 300

PER: 15 > 80

Passive Skills: Mana Transfer (S), Golden Soul Transfer (SSS), Space Manipulation (A), Wind Manipulation (A), Dagger Mastery (E)

Active Skills: Wind Scythe (2000 MP) (A), Storm Steps (2000 MP/per minute) (A), Spatial Markings (1000 MP) (A), Spatial Tracking (5000 MP) (A), Marked Teleportation (5000 MP) (A)]

Nothing was lower than A other than her Dagger Mastery that is.

But that is beyond the point. Sylva is the weakest of their group, but after a single evolution, she is stronger than Lilith when Lilith underwent evolution. It was not fair, not fair at all.

'Besides, why do all of their stats increase like crazy? I evolved and my evolution is not like theirs, mine is more like a chick becoming a chicken while theirs is like a chicken becoming a god damn Phoenix. I refuse to believe this.'

Is what is going in her heart. Though she doesn't really mean any of this except for her feelings of envy being true, Lilith still complained. And Alpha who was in her mind was forced to listen to every word.

In the end, Alpha could only sigh at the pathetic plight of her pathetic munchkin of a host.


[I know it is frustrating but you have to understand, they have their own circumstances. Dhampy is someone with the mysterious Dark Heart that let her draw a line to her and the ancestors of the undead, and Sylva's evolution caused her to create a new evolution tree.

Right now, Sylva has become a genuine Ancestor of a new species, what do you expect? Your two followers are quite something but don't worry, no one in all known worlds have the ability to allocate points so stop worrying too much.]


Alpha knows that Lilith was but making a jest. Lilith cared little about how strong her follower becomes, in fact it was good for her, she just needs to keep their loyalty and let them live their own lives.

Even if they dare disobey her, Lilith has different means to make sure she lives, one of them is taking out a loan...one of them is unviable but there are other methods.

'Sigh, that debt will be taken care of by the Empress, right?'


[Don't worry, for better or worse she always does what she promises.]


"Priestess, Big Sis Sylva, and Eve have eradicated the enemies ahead. They left some daemons for you."


Lilith walked forward and killed the Gnoll in front of her.

This is another Scourge Dungeon that has Gnoll in it and for the past few hours, Lilith had been letting the three girls increase their levels.

This dungeon only has Gnoll soldiers at around LVL 27 maxed. With Eve who was at LVL 31 acting as the spearhead the three girls cleared the dungeon with relative ease. And because Dhampy's presence caused the dungeon's difficulty to drop significantly, Lilith had the Sylva and Eve to take care of the LVL 30 Gnoll Lord.

"Dhampy, why are the Ogres calling you and Sylva, Big Sis?"

While Lilith was casually killing some of the leftovers daemons as a Nightmare Dragonkin, she started a conversation with Dhampy who was helping her collect the mana cores.

Her killing daemons in her other forms had already been accepted by the Ogres as her way of getting used to it. Thankfully she can now speak in both the Leopard and Dragonkin form so it was not so hard camouflaging it.

Dhampy looked at the Lilith and her oversized head before answering.

"The Ogres insisted on doing it, we are the followers of their Priestess, a mother figure to the Ogres. And despite how the boss looks you are their mother thus as your first followers we are considered as the oldest."

"Is that so, you say they insisted, but you quite like it don't you?"


Dhampy was quiet and returned to harvesting more mana cores. Lilith can't touch these mana cores as they are automatically turned to SP and right now, her debt will only cause those mana cores to a useless pebble thrown into the sea of debt.

'These mana cores have no use for me or my followers, but for the low-leveled Ogres who can't fight yet, it is useful.'

Mana cores are a form of stocked life-force in daemons and humans. Lifeforce is called with another name, Life Essence.

Life Essence can be turned to ordinary LE but it can also be converted to EXP. To daemons, using mana cores as EXP is wasting it as they would rather store LE rather than level up. After all leveling up is harder than gathering LE.

'To those who can't fight increasing their level will be much easier this way. They won't fight but they will grow stronger at a fundamental level and with Dhampy's training they will gain the basics of combat, this is really useful.'

"Dhampy, how may mana cores have we collected?"

"It has now reached 276 mana cores and 4 Daemon Cores from the four Dungeon Bosses."

'That is not enough to bring everyone at least to LVL 30.'

An overwhelming victory, that is what she wants and needs. That is her goal, Lilith does not want to have mediocre results in this war, she wishes to end everything where she gains everything, in other words, absolute victory.

"How long before sunrise?"

"Four hours, boss."

"Alright, starting from now on, all of us will be going to deal with five dungeons in four hours. If you complain go back, if you wish to follow, then follow me, everyone will now begin the slaughter of low-tier Scourge Dungeon!"

"We'll follow the Priestess!"

"We follow the boss."

Lilith announced her wishes and the others followed her wishes. After that little speech of hers, their group did indeed went to raid four more dungeons before sunrise. The Ogres are now much stronger than before.

Eve was at LVL 33, Sarface LVL 39, Luck LVL 39, and Killa LVL 43.

Killa was the slowest to improve in terms of level, after all he was an epic-tier and his opponents are rare-tier, the difference in the quality is too severe that it cannot give him much EXP. He needs higher-leveled preys in order for him to increase in level.

But just his luck, the C-tier dungeons are sealed off and is only accessible to the Chief's raid party. This sort of Raids rarely happens mostly because it is dangerous.

When the group of seven finally returned to the Ogre Village, a massive breakfast has been prepared. It was a mix of freshly picked vegetables and fruits, there was no meat only fish.

The Ogres are trying to eat as little as possible and they are avoiding hard to digest food in order to survive what is to come. While the women are handing out the food, the men are carving out tree trunks to make weapons.

Lilith didn't care much about it and just ordered her crew to keep the mana cores away, which will be used for something else later. She grabbed food for herself and left.

It does not concern Lilith thus she went to the dwelling of the Chiefs.

"So you have finally returned, where is the young Champion?"

"He's resting for a bit, I used him as the spearhead of my group earlier. Enough about that, Berserker, are you and your group ready to destroy the C-tier dungeons?"

"Sure, why not. I've been feeling itchy these past few days so why not?"

Lilith smiled at his words. The Ogre Berserker looked at Lilith and began caressing the oversized sword of his and the sound of its hum began to echo.

The wind in the room became filled with blood as the lust for blood of the Ogre Berserker began to spread all over the place. Lilith had a calm expression throughout.

"With that said, we'll leave in two hours, well then gentlemen, I'll be sleeping now."

Lilith finished her food and closed her eyes right then and there.


Echoing inside the dwelling of the chief would be the snores of Lilith that is untamed by any social decorum. She was sleeping, in a room that is filled with bloodlust, that in itself had the others amazed.

But what surprised them was her ability to so fast, she must have been tired they all thought.

The other Ogres wished to approach the Priestess in order to move her away, but then as one of them got any closer than five meters from her, the wind inside the ten began to pick up.

They ignored it as nothing but a gust, but as they got closer, the wind became sharper until...


A single gust of wind brush past an Ogre Champion, it merely grazed his cheek but it managed to scratch his tough skin. Blood flowed out and from then on, they knew not to disturb the sleep of the Priestess.

They had that tacit agreement but one particular problem remained...

"Do we just stay here until she wake up?"

"...guess so."

The Priestess in question blocked the entrance.

They are locked inside the room inside the Priestess and because they cannot exit that place, everyone closed their eyes and chose to sleep.

'Rest is best.' Everyone thought.

In the neutral area of Section 4 and 5, three winged-figures moved through the shades of trees and neared Section 4.

These three are High-Pixies and all of them were LVL 37. They were strong, stronger than the average daemons of the Forest of Beast. They were moving fast, and as they neared the Section 5, they managed to sneak in quicker than what is normal.

"What sloppy movement, these Ogres does not know how to keep watch at all."

One of the three said in disdain.

"What did you expect, Sa, these guys are nothing but mindless muscles incarnate? They are savages, these guys do not know what is right from wrong if you put blood in front of them. They are no better than Meat Dungeon spawns."

The two laughed while the man in front, the captain of this operation scowled and growled silencing the other two. The Captain let out a deep sigh and then looked at one to his right.

"Why do we need to infiltrate the Ogre Village again? Mu, did you get a report?"

"Captain sir, the Pixie Lord said we have to locate a certain group of Ogre. A Two Horns has been born in their midst and had dared to take the possession of the Lord."

"So, they have gained their Priestess at the same time the Lord birthed a Liwa? That quite the coincidence." The captain commented.

They head deeper into Section 5 bypassing the watch Ogres with ease. They would move in an area where there are fewer Ogres and slip past their watch through the gaps, it was fairly easy for the Pixies.

Their fine movements were mesmerizing and soon enough, they reached the perimeter of the Ogre Villa and they began to observe the movements of the Ogres.

And what they saw baffled them and made them almost unable to breathe quite right.



"Swing harder, you can't kill anyone with that kind of weak swing!"

A golden-haired humanoid daemon yelled over at the buffed Ogres. All of the Ogres, whether it be young or old, man or woman was training. They were training, swinging weapons made of tree trunks some of which were as big as a Pixie.

"We need to report this to the Lord, we need to hurry."

"Oh, we can't have you doing that."

"Whose there?"


A dark shadow came down from above and slashed a sword towards the leading Pixie while the other two figures this time red hulky figures came down from above crushing Mu and Sa under their clubs.

The captain turned around and found his two companions have already been to bloody pulps.

Scarface and Luck looked at the remaining Pixie Captain and showed a very wide grin.

"Big Sis Dhampy, the Priestess is truly brilliant, she foresaw the Pixie's movements and led them here."

"Stop it, Luck, you don't have to mention boss here."

Listening to the conversation of the undead and the Ogre, the Pixie Captain's expression turned sour as he realized that the path they traversed was nothing but preset trap and they followed that path with smiles on their faces without knowing they are inching towards their deaths.

The captain's face turned red and then black from anger and embarrassment.

"You bastards!"

Dhampy heard the Captain and moved aside. The Pixie Captain jumped forward with his fingers as sharp as daggers. He wished to stab Dhampy with it, but then, Dhampy jumped back and drew the Captain towards her by pulling him by the wrist.

The Captain lost his balance and fell headfirst. He tried getting up fast, but then, Dhampy's words echoed in his ears...

"Now, go sleep for a while."

Before everything turned dark after losing consciousness.

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