Empress' Evolution

Chapter 30: True Devil

Chapter 30: True Devil

"Welcome, Boss (head)." Sylva and Dhampy greeted the people of daemons who had bathed in blood and had a look of depression on their faces.

Lilith and her new crew disappeared for a day and returned by night. Usually, there would be tens of Ogres greeting their return, but right now, the Ogre Village is devoid of life in the night.

There were groans here and there, but that was it. Hundreds of Ogres, sprawled over the ground trying their hardest to grip their wooden swords.

In the end, on the Village entrance, there was only Dhampy and Sylva waiting for Lilith's return. It is a wonder how they managed to stand before Lilith right now.

"You guys are still up? I didn't think anyone would still be waiting for us." Lilith then turned to her group and clapped her hands, okay that is it for today, tomorrow, we'll attempting to complete the whole dungeon, okay?"

Chief and the rest's heart jumped upon hearing the word tomorrow. As for the reason why they are reacting as such, the fear of dealing with her methods still haunts them despite none of them experiencing pain.

However, the verbal abuses they received from a loli was enough to crush their souls. And as for what happened inside that dungeon, the rest would rather not have anyone else knowing.

"Alright, everyone go and rest." As if they were being send home after a field, trip, the epic-tiered daemons walked along with grievances and pain in their hearts.

Seeing their lowered shoulders and head, Lilith smiled and scoffed. She turned to Dhampy and asked, "So, did anything major happened while I was out?"

"As you have said, the Pixies did indeed sent someone."

"What did you do?"

"Captured one and killed the rest."

"Good, take me there...wait, I'll give these hard-working students of yours a prize, Dhampy stand back...that should be good enough, Healing Light." Lilith raised her hand and a golden light appeared from out of nowhere.

The Healing Light lasted for a few seconds, giving comfort to those who had done their best to train. Many did not see the golden light emerging from Lilith's hands, but to those who witnessed it, they inadvertently knelt on the ground and thanked the sacred Priestess.

'How benevolent, our Priestess is.'

Lilith felt her mana could no longer sustain the spell. She felt her body going weak, her knees grew weak and she almost failed to keep herself up.

"Boss head, are you alright? You shouldn't push yourself."

"I am fine, Sylva. Do not worry about me, I am fine, my fatigue will recover faster, do not worry. If I can help them get back on their feet faster, I would be willing to suffer at least this much."

'If they can get up faster they can train then they'll be able to protect me, an army full of strong warriors, healing them even just a little will prove useful. Hehehehe.'

Her words were simple, and full of selfish desires. But others did not know what is going on in her mind. Dhampy, Sylva, and the few Ogres who heard those words felt a pang in their hearts. Guilt, guilt that their incompetence led the little Priestess to push herself to her limits.

It was disgraceful, too disgraceful for the prideful Ogres.

'The Priestess, she, she's too kind!'

'Do not worry Priestess, I will not let this body pain of mine stop me, the instant I feel my fingers, I shall repeat my training and dedicate this body to your greatness!'

'Oh, Priestess, Sob!'

The Ogres who saw her could not helped it and felt touched by her words and actions. They could not speak because according to Eve and the other personal guards of the Priestess, she did not like being treated like a sacred deity so they kept their feeling of awe in their hearts.

Lilith walked away, and Dhampy who had just came back from somewhere to evade the Healing Light came back. Sylva and Dhampy followed Lilith like obedient followers.

'The boss head is truly kind, her means is rough but for her people she is truly someone who takes care of them. I should put her as my goal to, kind and powerful.' Sylva nodded her head multiple times.

[Sylva's Loyalty +10]

'She's worthy...' Dhampy thought with her usual expression.

[Dhampy's Loyalty +10]

'Their Loyalty went up, strange.' Lilith commented with bewilderment.


[Your trash.]


And Alpha simple said her previous words to Lilith once again.

'Fuck off.'

Dhampy walked in front of Lilith and guided her to a simple tent that is neither small nor big.

They were about to enter when suddenly, Lilith remembered something crucial and asked for one of Sylva's daggers.

Entering the tent, Lilith found a single Pixie, with his wings tied by a vine. Other than his nose that is for the sake of breathing, every Orifice in his body was covered.

His eyes was covered so he won't see anything; his mouth gagged so he won't be able to bite his tongue and kill himself; his ears so he won't be able to hear anything and use it for negotiations.

His limbs tied so he won't be able to do anything it was quite the sight that is not supposed to be seen by young people.

"Remove his blinds."

"Yes, boss."

The captain finally saw light and when his gag, instead of screaming he instead assessed the situation first instead. He looked at the undead before him and glared at her. She was the reason why he was held in this place against his will, her fury can easily be seen.

"Why is someone like you with the Ogres?"

"Because I am here."

A question directed at Dhampy who simply looked at her with cold eyes but the one who answered was not the undead but someone with a very childish sounding voice.

Dhampy moved aside and what the captain saw the person who just spoke out loud.

"Huh? A kid?" He was baffled, then he saw the horns sticking out of Lilith's forehead and immediately, the captain's face changed. It was just but a single quick moment but Lilith still saw it.

"What, surprised that I have these horns? Why? Oh yeah, before we start, just to be sure, don't bite your tongue off, I have ways to heal you and keep you alive, okay?"

The captain stayed silent.

"A LVL 39 High-Pixie, you found it easy infiltrating the Ogre territory right? It was easy but only a skilled person will be able to see through those gaps, and if you are skilled, then that means that you have a high position in the tribe of Pixies, what do you say you cooperate with me and I'll free you?"

"Drop dead! I'll tell you anything!" His eyes then wandered to the golden-haired Sylva and after seeing some resemblance here and there, the captain showed a wide smile, "So, this the woman the Lord is trying to find? Although I find it hard to recognize you, the faint smell of a Rawa is still in your body."

Sylva looked at him with a meek expression. This was different when she was faced with low-leveled Pixies. This time, she was before a High-Pixie, someone near the top; and although her traumas have already disappeared, her basic instinct is telling her to run away.

Lilith did not say anything to intervene.

"This whole situation is because you ran away from your duties, from your fate. You were supposed to become the foundation of our race, but you ran away and in the end, your little friend was used as food for your sister, did you know? I was the one who slit her throat!"

"You bastard!"


A slap went across his face, it carried substantial force as it made him spiral to the air.

A dagger that had been sharpened multiple times was placed near the neck of the High-Pixie. Sylva's eyes were red from the anger brewing deep inside.

"I'll kill you!"

"What? Is the little Sacrifice acting so tough? Do it, kill me, I dare you to kill me." His screams echoed in the ears of Sylva, and as her hands trembled and the dagger neared the neck of the captain, a small dainty hand held Sylva's arms.

"That is enough, Sylva. He is lying. He can't kill himself because he knows I can heal him, and he wants you to kill him in order to escape...that is enough, Sylva I will take it from here."

Sylva looked at her boss head and collected herself. A tear threatened to escape from her eyes, but Sylva stopped it.

"What!? Are you doing to stop!? Do you believe her words!? Really?"

"Yes, because unlike you guys, she's someone I consider my kin."

Lilith merely smiled and gave out instructions after hearing Sylva's words.

"Both of you get out and whatever it is that you will hear, don't come inside this tent."

Sylva and Dhampy were hesitant, but another burst came from Lilith.

"Now!" And then, the two scampered out of the room.

With the two of them out, Lilith looked at the captain and his pitiful look.

"I saw one of your kin once when I saved Sylva, I really hated your race's face, but seeing one like this is rather refreshing."

"How did you know I was lying earlier?"

"...You're interested in that? I have no intention of telling so mull over it. Also, you shouldn't worry about that, I am going to ask you some questions and you will be answering me, fail to answer and say anything unnecessary and you will get a penalty, okay? Okay."

"Do you think a brat like you can make me talk? Why don't you call that undead? She looks more proficient than you are."

"We'll see."

Lilith's mana at this had recovered and as she manipulated the vines that were used to tie the High-Pixie, he had him sit down.

"First, we'll start with the easy one, why did you come here?"

"Fuck off...AHHHHHH~!"

Snap! That is what echoed inside the tent, the snapping of a finger.

"That is one, for this question, you'll have five tries, you gained a penalty once, now, you only have four. Give me the answer that I want."

The captain was still quiet, this made Lilith smile even more. Snap*, a finger snapped and the crisp echo rang inside the tent once again. The captain did not react so much, thus, Lilith moved to the next part.



The two fingers that had been snapped and broken were cut off cleanly. Lilith looked at the fingers and shrugged her shoulders before throwing it to her mouth. She gnawed on the finger and began to talk as she chewed the flesh and bones of the man he took that finger from.

"It's rather nice, but I should have cleaned it first, hmm, I think I want some more..." She swallowed and then eyed the captain, "I wonder, what the taste would be if it's cleaned?"


A pained scream echoed and Lilith summoned a ball of water to clean the dirt off the finger before devouring that same finger moments later.

"It's quite good, I want some more..."

"Hiii, I'll talk, I'll talk, please stop it!"

"Will you now? Then answer my question, why did you come here?"

"I was sent here to find you! The Two Horns...who stole from...the Lord!"

"Good boy, now, tell me everything else that you know about the forces of the Pixies, everything."

A smile blossomed in Lilith's face. That smile was terrifying, at least for the captain who only saw red. He was in pain, but most importantly, he was scared. Scared of Lilith, and in his eyes she was no longer a variant Ogre, but a true devil.


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