Empress' Evolution

Chapter 4: Extra Ultimate Secret Technique!!

Chapter 4: Extra Ultimate Secret Technique!!

'Tell me, was your Goddess, the one who picked my forms? A cub, a loli, and a newt; how wonderful!'

Lilith was furious; she was fuming at the fact that the Goddess picked these Daemons to help her in becoming an Empress. It was unbelievable; she could not accept it.

'I was cheated. I thought I'll get something useful and now this? This is not even a Salamander! This is a newt for Goddesses sake! I wish for a change, a class change, a species change. Make it a real Salamander! Or a Dragon for good measure! This things worth is only its poison and nothing else!

'Surely there are other Candidates, right? Whether they be Daemons, who was not chosen by the Goddess or something, I am sure that other Daemons wish to get the seat of the previous ruler. Do you think I'll be able to get the throne like this?'

She was furious, to the point she didn't look at her status. Known as the venomous snake, she should be calm and collected, but right now, she wasn't.

Even though she was just granted life, she was already being thrown to the harshest path. She was supposed to claim the throne and become an Empress.

If you were to be sent to war against an army who uses laser cannons with a stick, will you be happy?

Well if that stick happened to be a legendary teaching tool of some Immortal or God you will; but that was not what she had received.

Lilith didn't even receive a fresh stick; it was a dried-up one that would soon break; just like her.

A snake can't poison anyone with sugar (cuteness). At least snakes that were not poisonous have scary visage.

[Don't insult the Goddess too much, you will receive divine retribution. Also, don't give her too much salt; she gave you a body that is most attuned to your soul. If she placed you on the body of a Dragon, then you would have been ripped to pieces as it is too strong.

Also, this is just the start. You will grow stronger as time goes on. Why do you think I am here for? A design? A companion? I was created to be your helper: a helper that will let you grow stronger than you already are. I can help you evolve faster than any of being in any world!

That Ravager Salamander form of yours can become a real Dragon if you put effort into it.]

Through the expert way of calming her down, Lilith returned to a normal calm state. Although she felt aggrieved at the fact the Useless Goddess cheated her, Lilith still accepted her fate and checked her status.

"Okay, let us look on the silver lining. I have three forms, unbalance as they come, they still have different uses, now, I just need to know the strengths of this Ravager Salamander."

Name: Lilith

Lv. 1

Life Essence: 0/100

Attribute: Dark (D), Poison (D)

Status: Calm, Mildly Disappointed

Title: None

Class: Ravager Salamander

Tier: Common

HP: 500/500

MP: 400/400

STR: 5

DEF: 50

VIT: 25

AGT: 15

MAG: 20

PER: 5

Fatigue: 0

Passive Skills: Medium Vitality (E), Defensive Scales (F), Poison Breath (D)

Active Skills: Poison Spit (100 MP) (E), Bindings of Darkness (400 MP) (D)

Free Points: 5

Being a black newt (Salamander), Lilith was tiny, and after observing the stats of the Ravager, she found quite a few things. First, this form had a high affinity towards the attribute it possessed.

Dark and Poison, such a combination Lilith genuinely liked. She smiled at the sight of poison, and she began to think about the possibilities of the future. This newt (salamander) may just be more useful than she had thought.

"Alpha, is the VIT status shared throughout the three forms? Does that mean the three forms have the same HP but have different attributes?"

After seeing all the three forms, another question formed, like how the HP, or VIT stats worked. With three bodies and three different stats, Lilith needed to understand herself to draw out its full potential.

[You seem to have a pair of good eyes on you, that is indeed true. The fatigue is also shared throughout the three forms, so be careful about moving too much. Other than that, everything else is an exclusive and individual status, including the free points.]

"Is that so, then that is good."

Without holding anything back, she changed back and forth from the three forms and increased the stats that needed to be improved.

[One Horn:

MAG 50 > 55

MP: 1000 > 1100]

[Ash Leopard:

AGT: 20 > 25]

[Shared Status:

VIT: 25 > 30

HP: 500 > 600]

Using the status of the Ravager Salamander whose only use was its defence to increase his overall HP Lilith then improved the specialities of her other bodies. If she could make use of their specialities, then she may just be able to improve her strength in various fields without playing the 'balance card'.

"If I can push the limitations of each form to its absolute limits, then I can devastate anyone. If I meet someone fast I can use the Ash Leopard if someone is strong with Magic I can use One Horn, and if someone wants to duke it out in a brawl, I can use the defence of the Ravager Newt (Salamander), so I can escape."

She could also increase her HP without worry. Muhaha, this was kind of a cheat. If looking at different angles, she may be at a disadvantage because every LVL of each form was individualistic, and she needed to increase the level separately if she actually does it right, she would be able to breeze through this life and improve her self-worth.

Alpha looked at her 'host' and sighed. She looked like a deranged villain with her emotions all over the place. Her host was still human.

But her idle thoughts disappeared after realizing something very vital.

[Goddammit, I forgot, why don't you move already? I demand you to increase your level and your Life Essence right now so I can help you evolve. I can't do my job if you loiter here all day.]

Lilith brushed her aside and turned to her Ash Leopard form and tried getting up.

"First of all, I can't do anything unless I learn how to move. Second, I am not a fighter. I am a schemer. Head on battles will come later in terms of priorities. I first need to learn how to move this body so I can flee if any danger arise.

"Do you think we can go around killing other Daemons and claim their life to earn Exp like we are going to a market? I first need to learn how to walk before I can run so shut up and wait."

Quite literally, she began learning how to walk for her to run.

She must learn this so she'll be able to use the ultimate life-preserving skill. The name of such skill should stay hidden. But this skill had saved her life multiple times back when she was in the slums, so she trusted it with all her life.

Lilith tried her best, but she was no beast in her previous life, so she found it hard learning how to walk on four legs. But she stuck to it; no matter how much her legs trembled she made sure to stick to her decision of learning how to walk.

This training was a matter of life and death for someone like her, and she spent every fibre of her being so he could master the skill of walking.

With time she received a message from the System.

[System: Due to your effort, the Goddess has been touched with your hardworking attitude and decided to grant you the title of [Hard Worker] and a reward.

Hard Worker: Slows down the increase of fatigue by 100%. Recovery of fatigue improve by 100%]

Reward: Minimap, [ Mystery Box].]

After receiving the title, she didn't hesitate to equip it, granting her the bonus effects. She now had twice the stamina.

[Title: None > Hard Worker]

But it didn't affect her VIT stats for some reason but didn't really matter.

"Hehe, the Goddess is not some butthurt God, good, good, my respect for you has increased." She praised.

An hour later, when the sun was at its high noon, Lilith finally decided to stop.

[Fatigue: 67]

Thirty minutes into her arduous training, her fatigue reached 67%. She could continue, but she would die if a sudden ambush was to occur, so she stopped to recuperate.

'Alpha has been oddly silent.'

Up until ten minutes ago, Alpha was laughing her ass off as Lilith fell and tumbled on the ground. But after that, she became silent. Oh yeah, it was a 'SHE' because she sounded like one.

'Alpha, what are you doing?'

[Shut it, I am configuring the data of the map and other properties of the System. Let me work, oh yeah, I just finished unpacking the minimap you received after receiving the title; wait a minute I'll install it now and done. Open the minimap, and you'll see your current location. It will only show the area you have visited.]

A circular map around five inches large appeared on the side. The minimap was retractable so it wouldn't get in the way if combat were to start.

While playing around with the minimap, she found that around the green dot (her) was surrounded by eight red dots slowly closing in on her. She had a sudden undesirable omen.

Checking her fatigue, it was only at 66%. It barely budged.

"Alpha, can you confirm something for me. These Red Dots, what are they exactly?"


Right on cue, the Daemons hiding on the bushes around the area jumped out. Lilith saw their level and Name.

[Goblin LVL 4 (Common)], [Goblin LVL 3 (Common)], [Goblin LVL 4 (Common)], [Goblin LVL 2 (Common)], [Goblin LVL 2 (Common)], [Goblin LVL 4 (Common)], [Goblin LVL 3 (Common)], [Goblin LVL 3 (Common)]

Dark green skin, pointy nose and ears, deranged eyes, and a set of yellow teeth; that's a Goblin. And seeing that most of them have no cover on their lower halves, some of the Goblins' dicks hanged on the air.

[One Horn LVL 1]

"Wind Shield!"

Lilith changed into her One Horn form to cast [Wind Shield]. A shield of wind formed overhead and caught the eight Goblins. The Wind Shield was around three meters in diameter, a lot bigger than what she had expected.

The Goblins were caught in the air and were blown away soon after. Scattered in all directions, Lilith was surrounded, but after observing the minimap, she found an area where the number of Goblins was thinnest.

It was now time to show the fruits of her efforts. Transforming into an Ash Leopard, she cast her ultimate skill!


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