Empress' Evolution

Chapter 40: Even better

Chapter 40: Even better

In the Pixie Village, there is a tree that is bigger than any other. That tree is known as the Spirit's Lair, it was believed that the Spirits dwells. Inside that tree was a throne where the Lord previously resides.

Only the epic-tiers of the Pixies could enter that room, but Lilith, the other Ogres, and one other individual got the chance to enter it without a problem. In most cases, storming that room would not be a problem as the Pixie Village already belongs to Lilith and the Ogres.

Lilith's wound has already closed up, thankfully there was no need for any serious attention. She was now calmly observing the throne room and the group in front of her.

In front of Lilith were seven Pixies. Six Pixie Guardians and one other unknown being with silver hair sat before Lilith and her crew.

With her and Chief sitting in the middle and the other epic-tier Ogres behind them, it was quite the line-up. In the middle of them was a severed head of the Pixie Lord that had been brought by Dhampy around midnight.

Under it was leather, and as the Pixies observed the head of the Pixies, the silver-haired Pixie shed a single tear. She then stood up and walked over to the head of the Pixie Lord. Raising her head to look at Lilith, she asked, "May I?"

"Do what you must."

Covering the head of the Pixie Lord, carefully with her little arms, the unshed tears began to fall.

'She's still a child.' Lilith thought to herself,

[Moon Liwa LVL 30]

Lilith observed the reaction of the daemon known as the Moon Liwa. This Moon Liwa was the equivalent of the Priestess of the Ogres to the Pixies. Her attributes are Dark, Wind, and Moon.

'What's the moon attribute; does she summon the moon to crush everyone?'

It was plausible but she shook her head thinking they would be dead now if that is the truth. Lilith and the Ogres were silent throughout the entire process of taking the head.

They were looking at her pitifully, she was but a child, just a few feet taller than their own Priestess. As the head of the Pixie Lord was taken away and placed it on the side as a sign of respect.

"Are you not going to bury him, if I am not wrong you are one of the Pixie Lord's daughters correct?"

The Moon Liwa did not immediately speak, instead, she looked at Lilith confused and daze at what the lass had just said.

"There is no need, he would like us to first ascertain the future of our race. That is the kind of man he was."

"I can see that he will do anything in order to improve the lives of the Pixies, even if it was sacrificing one of his daughters."

Lilith turned to look at the silence of the Pixies who had lowered their heads. Lilith looked at their drooping heads as if it was the end of the world and scoffed.

"That is enough, I shall not question you people nor will I try to do so. Now then, let us begin this bargaining, I do not know what you wish but I shall tell you now, the Silberofer tradition will now be abolished."


"What? Please reconsider, that is the lifeblood of our epic-tiers, we cannot hope to abandon that."

The heavy chairs grounded the ground, Lilith looked at their faces, that is filled with worry and anxiousness. The Silberofers, they are the sacrificial pawns of the Pixies, used only to evolve High-Pixies and special cases like the Moon Liwa.

It is the foundation of the Pixies strength, so it is understandable to see their anxious replies.

But Lilith smiled, as reassured them with a single sentence.

"I will be the one to help you with your evolution, if you abolish the system of sacrificing the life of your KIN, then I will help you..."

"But Priestess, isn't that power of yours only available to our people?" Chief stepped up and quickly tried confirming if what she was saying is the truth or not.

"Nonsense, I never said it is exclusive to our race. This blessing of mine came from the Goddess Letza."

"The Goddess Letza?" It was the Moon Liwa who asked.

Lilith inwardly smiled as she saw the curiosity of the Pixies, "She has a kind heart and as her apostle, everyone who has become my people shall also become the people of the Goddess. Follow us, and you will be able to stop the cycle of killing, and no matter what you say, the Silberofer are still beings from the same Ancestor, she is also a Pixie in a manner of speaking."

The Pixies were silent for a little bit, but in the end, hey lowered their heads.

"We shall follow..."

"Don't worry, we will not treat badly, but with this,a new system should be created to accommodate our new beginning."

With that said, Lilith went to do her job, managing the Unified Village. The name of the village was thought up by Lilith, so it ended up as such, it was practical but no creativity, such as the great naming sense of the Goddess' great Apostle.

Like a snap of the finger, three days passed. In these past three days a major shift in Section 4.

A majority of the area is being turned to farms where Meat Dungeons are raised. In some other parts of Section 4, the ground was being tilted, Lilith had begun to feel the need to grow more digestible vegetations.

The Pixies are beings who like greeneries rather than meat so it was she had to do it to gain more of their trust. Trust equals loyalty so Lilith is doing her best to make the seeds grow faster.

With her Nature attribute already at A-tier after some training, she can now speed up the growth process 5 times than normal.

'This is useful not just in combat.' Is what she thought as a little sprout appeared from the apple trees she had planted.

"Luna, go and fetch some more seeds from the others, we shall plant more today, also, find some more vegetables, harvest their roots or something!"

Luna, that is the name of the Moon Liwa. It was a weird name because it actually made sense, but worry not for the name came from the fact that Liwa and Luna rhymed so she remembered it.

Lilith's naming had yet to still improve.

At the moment, Luna is being treated as the representative of the Pixies. And because she was known as some sort of Priestess, Lilith reckoned she'll fit well to walk by her side for the time being.

'She's a good dog.' This is what Lilith suddenly thought, While Lilith is busy growing food for the Pixies, Dhampy appeared from the shadows, Eve who was being trained was with her.

Dhampy lowered her head as she announced.

"Boss, Werewolves have been spotted on the Borders of Section 2..."

Lilith didn't even have to listen to fully listen to her words to give the most appropriate of commands.

"Gather the Ogres! We're going to war and eradicate the Werewolves!"

Eve was surprised and had to step forward in order to confirm the situation.

"But Priestess, they seem to be injured..."

Upon hearing the word injured, Lilith smiled, it was a wide smile that terrified Eve.

Lilith turned to Eve.

"That's even better."


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