Empress' Evolution

Chapter 50: Failing to see the forest for the trees

Chapter 50: Failing to see the forest for the trees

Lilith began to move, in front of her were a group of Lizard around the LVL of 60. The Lizardmen were situated in a swamp, all of you will move once they can no longer move."

Lilith jumped from a tree branch and made her move.

Their group was large, they numbered around 15 together. But what's worse is that none of them are together.

However, Lilith didn't care for much. On her right was Killa who had already reached LVL 55 and another high-leveled Ogre and Pixie.

When she moved no useless movements were done, every executed movements were meant for something that will increase the efficiency of her movement. Lilith is nothing but a LVL 40 daemon, and she shouldn't have the ability to fight them, but in this terrain, she has the advantage.

"Greater Earth Wall!" Draining half her MP, Lilith used a spell to enclose the Lizardmen inside the swamp and as she did, the Lizardmen panicked.

They all raised their head and saw Lilith. All of them hissed in anger but couldn't do nothing for they had no wings to reach the loli. But they need not worry for Lilith doesn't plan on going anywhere.

Transforming into Cursed Purgatory Dragon, she descended from above.


Swamp water splashed prompting the Lizardmen to not wait and quickly kill the abnormal daemon. They darted forward, practically skiing through the swamp in order to get to the Lilith.

However, as the water fell and her figure was revealed, Lilith's form came to light and she was already a white Leopard that had azure lines streaking down from the corners of her eyes.

"Fools! Holy Lightning Field!" Lilith's devilish smile came to light, an azure spherical lightning field erupted from Lilith's body.

"Shaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The Lizardmen felt the torment of being electrocuted in a body of water. It was a cruel fate, but Lilith didn't care and upped the voltage of her lightning!

"Turn to herbal medicine you lizards!" She poured everything she had in her little endeavor of turning everything into char. She laughed as she began her demonstration of power, and as he mana finally drained.

She staggered as she roared!


Tens Ogres and Pixies came rushing down. They held the Spear, Sword, Bracers and many other weapons. The trained soldier of the Lilith army quickly decimated the numbers of Lizardmen without fail.

They run them down, and killing them moments after. In the eyes of many Pixies they were conflicted, they did not wish to fight, but they wish to grow stronger. The reflection in their eyes were enough to go wild and drown in blood lust.

Their eyes turned red and their anger turned to rage thus activating the Combat Pixie's strongest Skill [Hatred].

Their power grew exponentially and their wings that was scarlet turned to a much darker hue and became blood red. Their rage fueled their bodied greatly strengthening them to a point where their strength may just be able to match the Ogres.

This kind of ability is a double-edged as it might hurt the user, but it is also useful once it is taken control. Lilith is enjoying this part of her life. Everything is easy and nothing much is to be done other than kill what it is that needed to be killed.

[Lilith, I received another report, Section 1 and Section 3 will be attacked tonight, will you still not make a move? If you wait for too long, the humans will get the upper-hand on this war with the daemons, I don't want to die yet so we can't lose this island.]

'I know, I know, don't worry about Section 1 and 3, I'll work through that shit soon enough.'

Lilith had fed Alpha the HNP, it was an unorthodox way of doing things but now, she does not need to actively go through the HNP as Alpha would be the one doing that. Basically, she gave Alpha a reason to exist other than saying it is time to evolve.

[Oh yeah, I finished archiving the data of known Daemons, I didn't go in too deeply to the data bank because our data might get traced and block, and when that happens, I'll be force to disconnect to the Hunter Network.]

Alpha is growing, she is getting more and more information from not only the hunters but also the world. She is reading up on history and random knowledge so she would be able to provide knowledge to Lilith.

She's basically an A.I at this point, but not the robot genocide creating kind.

More like the stupid little sister who asks too many things. Alpha is doing her best filtering the contents of what is on the Hunter Network and World Network with her supposed higher-ups before adding it to the Compendium of daemons.

In the end, Lilith had to ignore most of her words in order to focus on what is more important, taking over this whole island.

[Mission: Empress' Kingdom #1]

Requirements for Passing:

[] Establish an Empire that encompasses the entirety of the Forest of Beasts.

[] Pave way for the children of the Gods to rule the entirety of Eastern Earth.

Penalty: Destruction of Forest of Beast (Death)

Completion Percentage: 45%

The completion of the whole thing nearing, she had gathered different daemons under her are increasing at an acceptable pace.

Right now, under her command are Ogres, Pixies, and Werewolves. The Werewolves are still kind of useless so she ignores them for the time being. They are being healed at the moment but once they get out of treatment, they'll be training with the other daemons under Dhampy.

"Priestess, we have killed everything what shall we do next?"

As she was thinking deeply into things, Killa reported the status of their hunt and every Lizardmen had already been killed. Their cores were harvested and Killa is handling them for later distributions.

Only a measly 20% of the daemons are at Epic-tier, so Lilith won't be collecting those Mana Cores any times soon. It was sad, but that's the sacrifice she is willing to make.

Turning into a Loli, she controlled the wind around her and took off, "We're closing this dungeon today. A Dungeon Break is at hand so it is a must! Follow me!"


Thus, the group led by Lilith sprinted to the deepest regions of the dungeon. While this is happening inside a dungeon, the world moved forward and soon enough, three days quickly passed.

Lilith stayed inside her dwelling and from time to time, Eve would come bearing news.

"Priestess, Section 8 has fallen, the Brick Bears is falling back to our territory and asking for asylum."

'Should I refuse them?'


[Mission: save them]

Reward: 50000SP

She accepted it.

"Help them out!"

"Yes Priestess!"

[Mission Complete]

Reward: 50000SP (acquired)

"Section 2 has collapsed, the Harpies has arrived, injured. They wish to seek protection for allegiance."

[Mission: save them]

Reward: 50000SP

She accepted it.

"We are brothers and sisters, go and help the Harpies, tell them we need not their allegiance but bond, nothing more nothing less!"

Eve almost teared up from Lilith's lines as she nodded her head and did her job.

[Mission Complete]

Reward: 50000SP (acquired)

[You're trash, you know that?]

'You really like saying that, don't you?'

Lilith had already grown tired hearing of that line from Alpha.

Lilith saved a hundred of lives without taking anything from the daemons other than asking them to behave. Her actions drew attention turning her name almost saint-like to the ears of the 'immigrants' from the destroyed Sections.

'I'm the good guy here, stop telling me I'm t rash, I already know.'

[Yes, yesby the way, Dhampy and the Luna chick already reached LVL 40. Isn't it about time they evolve?]

Lilith got up from the soft fur and stretched her back and nodded her head.

'Well, might as well. And I already saved enough SP for Syla, I might as well finish this whole thing.'

All the while Lilith was enjoying this, Sylva, who was resting waiting opened her eyes and turned to the direction of the Central Section before shrugging her shoulders.

'Might be nothing.'

Things are moving forward and Lilith has yet tor realize it.

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