Empress' Evolution

Chapter 59: Plan D II

Chapter 59: Plan D II

"Master, is the Priestess truly going to initiate Plan D?"

Dhampy listened to Killa who was staring at the shore nearby from on top of a tree. He was feeling trepidation as the two monsters made of steel float on atop the water.

In truth, Killa is waiting for Lilith to initiate Plan D as soon as he laid his eyes upon the monstrosity before him.

'Those armored beasts are not supposed to float on water. This witchcraft is something can destroy us all.' And as he continued his watch over the ships, the more his heart wildly beat, 'I-it can even carry the invaders inside? Dear Goddess, we can't have them in this place. These beasts, they will endanger our people.'

Killa was tempted to go out there and kill the beast that is the warships, thankfully, Dhampy was there to ensure that such a thing would not happen.

"Those beasts are known as warships; they are armed with heavy weaponry that if deployed will destroy us all. The Boss asked me its capabilities before and that's why she developed Plan D. Trust in the Boss, she can get us out in this sticky situation."

It was not only Killa who felt relieved but also the others who were with them. Dhampy then felt a connection in her mind being cut.

'The skeletons were destroyed, the B+ Hunters are about to head to their bases after thirty minutes or so, Chief and the rest should be able to deal with them.'

Dhampy was very aware of how the movements of Hunters are coordinated. And thinking how Chief and the rest are moving to their direction, the Hunters should be decimated by now.

Dhampy grimaced as she remembered something. She looked at the Warships and felt conflicted. On one hand, she was thinking how the Hunter's Association was once her home, at another, she was remembering what happened to her and them that caused her to venture in this land of the dammed.

She is very aware that she can return to the Hunter's Association and be welcomed by them with open arms, but she was also sure that they will lock her up and limit her freedom and become an experimental subject.

She is not someone like the Legendary Spell Caster that is told in Protos Myths.

'I am not someone created by them, they will never get me to become their lab rats.'

But as she said those words something inside of her clicked with the Legend.

According to the Legend, the one they call the Paragon of Mana commanded the Beasts of Chaos against the world in order to avenge his Family and friends. In a way, she is waging war against the whole world for someone she considered more than her family.

The only difference is that she is sure that her heart has been filled by one loli who found and saved her in the midst of her needs. After giving up the will to live, and letting the time allotted to her by the Vampire Lord, she was ready to just die without fighting.

But with Lilith by her side, she is sure that she'll be able to get what she wants. She will live and achieve her goals, who knows? She may just become someone who will be recorded in the annals of historyif she doesn't die too early, that is.

As Dhampy's thoughts are being left alone and she began remembering some more things she wishes to do, somewhere in Section 8, in a rocky ridge where there are more than three dozens of Harpies are perched on the tall walls watching over Lilith, a golden and azure figure entered the rocky areas where the Harpies where.

The Harpies began to move as they landed on the foot of the ridge and bowed before Lilith.

"Aero, Reporting to the Great Savior."

Lilith raised her hand and have her be at ease. The Harpies Race is only comprised of females and as to how they reproduce is something Lilith does not wish to dig deeper into.

Aero was the leader she set on the group of Harpies she had set in this mission. And Aero is a beautiful daemon that had dissimilar feathers to the rest.

She has viridian colored wings instead of blue, and she was much bigger than them as she stood at one and a half meters tall and the others only at around one meter. But she was still a Harpy through and through. Even her Race classification says so, erasing Lilith's doubt.

"At ease, and as I have mentioned do not call me Great Savior. Priestess or Savior, pick one, do not add anything unnecessary."

"Understood, Priestess." She is quick to catch on making Lilith like her.

Moving forth, Lilith looked at them and then contacted Alpha and confirmed something. With her in a daze for a few seconds, two High-Tier Magic Bombs that each costs her 300,0000 SP appeared before her.

The Magic Bomb before her is not something similar to the ones she had sent earlier. This time, it was no longer azure in color but Red. It was also around one meter big and is far bigger than Lilith.

Seeing the Magic Bomb, the Harpies, especially Aero who joined the earlier bombing was surprised.

"This is"

"This is what you are going to drop on the Humans this time around. However, you should be more careful this time, because those guys should be on edge about the earlier bombing meaning, they would be on edge.

"If that is the case, then sending you guys out would be suicidal, but worry not for we will now execute Plan D and these two are going to be the second wave."

Lilith pointed at the Magic Bombs and then referred to them as the second volley meaning there is another one that will kill them all first.

However, as Lilith looked at Aero, she asked her something the only thing that is rather flimsy in Plan D.

"So, are you still willing to go and do it?"

Lilith asked Aero a simple question and she answered with a simple nod.

"Sylva, where is it?"

Lilith held her hand out and Sylva handed her a tree branch no longer than a meter.

"Here, this is what we talked about, now go out there and execute the plan, do not worry, about your peoplein fact, I just realized something and decided I would be the one who will be dropping these bombs so their lives would not be in any danger."

She was silent for a few seconds, but Aero lowered her head as she thanked the little savior.

As Lilith passed Aero the branch, she nodded at her people and flew away starting the timer. In this plan, an accurate moment must be upheld as such, Lilith had everything erased in the minimap for the time being and had her mark Aero as she takes off.

[The estimated time she will take will be 7 minutes]

Lilith turned to Sylva and nodded at her. No words are needed to be uttered and as she had Sylva keep the High-tier Magi Bombs in her subspace.

Up in the skies, where the dark clouds covered the stars, Aero glided through the air as she heads to the base of the invaders. She was nowhere in sight; the heavens must be in her side to grant her this perfect opportunity.

'The Goddess must be on our side.'

She flapped her wings and increased her speed, minutes passed and as she tightly held the branch with her talons, she felt danger coming for her.


The first thunder of the cannons echoed in her ears. She completed a complete circle and successfully evaded a cannon shell heading her way.

But that was not the end of it! She soared through the highest she can go while weaving through the barrage of bullets coming for her.

The barrage of cannon shells created a net, but even net has holes in them, and if she was a human or someone with a bigger build, she would have been shut down by the humans.

She was a Harpy and the skies are her domain, and as she flapped her wings, she through the clouds circling around the cannons leaving behind explosions as she evaded them all.

The human controlling the cannons was cursing at Aero and the more they cursed, the closer she drew to the warships, and before long, she reached one of the two warships and as she did so, Aero aimed for the highest point of the sky.

Aero then began to count, "10, 9, 8"

She must reach as high as she could.

She flapped her wings, trying to reach the point where she can no longer go further. The higher the better and as she reached 35,000 feet, the countdown finally reached 1 and at that moment, one of her wings was grazed.

Aera was in pain, and without both wings, she began falling through the skies and as she did so, the branch that was on her feet began glowing golden and mystic runes appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

And as she pointed her feet to the ship closes to the shore, a blinding golden light exploded.

Aero watched the bullet shells coming for her, she was prepared to die.

But as the light glowed reached its brightest ever, her body was held by a pair of small hands.

"You did it AeroHealing Light."

Aero looked to the side and saw Lilith looking down, and as she gazed below her feet, the branch was no longer to be seen, instead, there was a 200-meter big boulder falling from the skies.

Lilith watched the boulder with a proud smile.

"You did it, with this, Plan D is underway"

This is Plan D which stands for, Drop a fucking Boulder.

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