Empress' Evolution

Chapter 62: Letza

Chapter 62: Letza

Goddess, a title that is bestowed by the highest being in the world.

No, the title is given to a being that is beyond this world. Higher than the highest being, a being that is not constrained by anything and do anything they wish to do.

They are elegant, the ones who sit at the highest throne that one should aspire to become. But looking at an actual goddess who was busy eating some form of an otherworldly grape while lying down using her hand to support her head.

Lilith was also doing the same, she was lying on her side while eating the fruit the Goddess brought with her. Quite frankly, the only thing Lilith can think about the Goddess, is that she's more of a slob than a Goddess.

"I always thought Gods and Goddesses are beings of grace and elegance, who would have thought you'd turn out like this? Huh, Goddess."

"Please, call me Letza. Referring to me as Goddess seems stiff, you don't have to act like that, you're my apostle, right? Now, do you also want some wine? It increases your level until LVL 60."

"Heh, why not." Lilith shrugged her shoulders and accepted her goodwill. Letza summoned a cup from somewhere and then handed it over to Lilith before pouring her some wine, "Hmm, you're really carefree, I thought you'd be haughtier than that. Are all Gods and Goddesses like you?"

Letza stretched her back as she looked at Lilith, "Nah, there are no other Gods and Goddess in the Divine Realm. There are Seraphs who are referred to by many customs as an actual God or Goddess but in truth, there's only me up there. Being the highest being but still chained by the Universe is truly a hassle, I wish I can come down to the Mortal World more often."

Letza played with her cup as she complained.

Lilith looked at the pitiful and saddened expression of Letza. She downed a cup and as she tasted the wine of the Divine Realm, Lilith quickly fell in love, "Holy Shit, this is good. It tastes good and has a mild feel to it."

"Hehe, why thank you. I brewed it myself."

Oh? What's it called then? Surely you named it something."

"This is the Divine Wine Mk. 38,573. I have been trying to concoct this thing for at least a million years, I have a whole winery of this, but I've been drinking the same kind of over 10,000 years so I've been planning to dump the rest and start anew."

Hearing such blasphemy, Lilith almost puked blood, "You fool, this is a masterpiece, a Divine Item, give the barrels to me, I'll put it to good use. You said it can increase level till LVL 60? I can increase the army's level if I have this thing, hehehe."

Letza's face beamed at the idea of her wondrous wine being saved, "Hehe, that's a nice idea. But make sure that only you and your followers drink it without restraint, if normal mortals drink too much of it they might die from intoxication. A single cup is enough for an entire year."

Lilith's hands stopped as she looked at Letza with furious eyes, "You fucking Useless Goddess, why didn't you stop me!? I already drank seven cups, oh shit, am I going to die!?"

She said that but she drank more as she argued.

"Oh damn, I'm feeling a little dizzy, is this because of that fucking drink taking effect!? I want to strangle you right now!"

"Relax, you're only drank from drinking too much, you won't die from drinking too much, you're my apostle, I made sure you won't die from Divine Energy."

"Ohthen pour me another one."

The meeting with the Goddess had already transformed into a drinking party. They conversed a lot of things and quite frankly, Lilith was already smashed by the tenth cup but still, she was enjoying herself.

"You said that the universe is shackling you? What do you mean by that?"


While the two are busy drinking a question appeared Letza found hard to answer. But staring at Lilith whose current image is not something to give respect to as she was too smashed to even make out if she's in the space of darkness or not, Letza chuckled as she gave an answer.

"You should know about the origin of the universe, correct? How it was created all of a sudden, I was the one who created this universe as I became lonely. In the 17 Billion, yes, the calculations of this world are wrong, it's not 13.7 Billion, but 17 Billion, moving forward.

"Before the universe came to be, I was already in a world where there is nothing but white light. In that world, I can create anything that I want, I created life and they became the Seraphs, but when I tried playing with them, they didn't even dare to, they are too much in awe of me.

"They would faint if I am a meter away from them. So, in a state of boredom, I created the universe, I spread life and then played with life trying to give them an opportunity, it was like watching a show. But soon, I felt empty because once again, I felt like I am alone. I like watching the Mortal Realm, but then again, they can't reach me.

"I once thought of showing myself to them, but then, I became afraid because they already have the idea of a God or Goddess in their mind. Yes, I was jealous so much so that those who created Gods for themselves to worship were almost eradicated, but then I couldn't because I love my creations.

"I even sent down my Seraphs to make the various beings who created Gods of their own a being they can rely on so that they will be able to support themselves and have a moral compass and then do good.

"Now, I am left with balancing the universe, so that it won't get destroyed by its inhabitants. I am satisfied with my current job because I've been doing it for Billions of years, but I still wish to be acknowledged, to have followers of my own or have someone to talk to."

Letza held a saddened smile. She laughed as she felt herself being in a state of gloom despite being the most perfect being.

Lilith looked at her and saw herself in this Goddess. Someone who has nobody while also having everything, that's her only she's at a cosmic level. The family she was supposed to have is not by her side and when she got power for herself, she was feared and then betrayed.

Staggering, Lilith approached Letza and held her by the shoulders.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you! Nyahahaha, I am your apostle, right? There are already people who pray for you at the village, and soon, when I become the Empress, you'll have billions of followers. Once I conquer the daemons, I shall spread your name and let them know who the true creator is, Letza, the Lord of the Gods, hahaha, that's kinda has a nice ring to it. Don't be too serious, just wait and I'll find you your followers."

Letza looked at Lilith and she almost wanted to bow down to her and thanked her. Thankfully, she remembered who is who and then simply laughed.

"Thank you, my Apostle! I shall be waiting!" She looked at Lilith and waved her hand around before touching Lilith's forehead, a Golden Mark appeared on Lilith's forehead before disappearing to her skin.

Lilith scratched the place she touched and asked, "What was that?"

"Thats a gift from me. But it won't show its effect just yet, one day, when the time is right, the thing I just gave you is going to show its effect. Also, forgive me because I can't help you directly, too much Divine Power can offset the balance of the universe, so I can only give them to you in form of rewards but even that is something I must manage. But remember, the bigger the mission and the more ripples it causes, the more generous I can become, as there will be more gaps I can exploit.

"I have been away from the Divine Realm for too long, I must return. I'll see you later, my apostleno, my friend."

Lilith stared at Letza who was ascending to the Divine Realm and waved her hand.

"Yeah, I'll see you later. Also, if I call you Useless Goddess don't take it to heart too much. And don't forget the wine!"

The darkness disappeared with a chuckle from Letza, and as Lilith opened her eyes she felt something different from before coming to meet with Letza.

"Ugh, my head hurts."

It was a hangover.

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