Empress' Evolution

Chapter 74: Agreement to live

Chapter 74: Agreement to live

"What do you think you're doing to my people?"

A clap of thunder and a rain of blood. A scream echoed throughout and a scream pierced the ears of daemons and humans alike.

A pained scream like no other, a scream of pain and desperation, but not despair.

An arm had been taken from Mirsha, but it was not the time to be in pain.

'Scream, let it all out and thenreturn to fighting and then surviving!'

Mirsha closed her mouth shut. She faced the moon and the maw of a beast she did not know even exists. Lightning was lacerating her body, destroying every part of her external self.

From her clothes to her skin, everything was being torn to pieces, but before it could reach her locket, Mirsha let out a piercing roar startling even Lilith.

"Dragon Fire Wall!"

She created a wall of fire, that enveloped her and the beast. A startled howl echoed; the beast backed away to avoid getting killed by the flames as Mirsha suffered a third-degree burn.

Most of her clothes are on fire, her hair was too but soon, she canceled the fire as she moved away. Her skin was torched but she couldn't care less.

Like the scorching flames that spread in the forest, a similar kind of flames surrounding the area began forming around her. Balls of fire appeared, tens dozens to hundreds, the fireballs did not stop being created. Mirsha hatefully looked at the daemon that took her arm and whispered:

"Fire Blitz!"

The flames flew out, trying to kill anyone and everyone around. But Lilith couldn't have that. Her people were already numbered, and she doesn't want to risk their number for her plans.not for now at least.

It was not the right time for her to do just that.

So, as another clap of thunder echoed, she disappeared and from where she stood appeared a wall of ice that blocked the majority of the flames. The ice cracked, but it wasn't destroyed so quickly.

"Get away! I'll take care of this! Make yourselves scatter about! I can't concentrate on this fight while I am protecting someone!"

Lilith shouted as she moved. Tackling the humans away, the daemons left behind stared at the tiny back of their Priestess. Her words resonated in their hearts.

"She wants to protect us from the dangerous human!"

All of their thoughts overlapped and coincided with one another. Their loyalty increased.

"Damn beast!"

Being tackled and then dragged by the Leopard somewhere there was no one present, Mirsha felt the need to fight more intensely so she can escape. She was already in a place where no one is present if she wants to live, she only needs to create an opening.

'This mission is already a bust. What was that little girl they are talking about? That little shit and her wind spell destroyed our carefully laid down plan!'

Everything went to shit since the start. And right after her spell got deflected by the girl and scattered the flames pandemonium ensued.

'I thought this would be easy. With the fire element being thick here I thought Ill be able to overpower them, but it seems like I failed! Dammit! I can't die here!'

Mirsha stared hatefully at Lilith. She gathered her MP as she cast a spell. However, her gathering flames stopped as she found herself in a rather unsettling situation. Her MP had run-out.

'I can't let this beast knowI need to buy time!'

"Out of MP, aren't you?"

Mirsha's head turned to the leopard. She was trying to hide the fact that her MP reserves were no more. But she got seen through by the intelligent leopard! However, so what if that is the case? She wishes to live so she turned her back and tried to run.

Blood spurted as her back was torn apart by Lilith. She fell to the ground and was sent spiraling to a tree. She crashed and was forced to lean on the tree. As she did so, she watched the beast walk towards her.

Its steps were close, but every inch it got closer, the more scared Mirsha became. She held onto her locket and cried, "I'm sorry, Diane, mommy can't come back home."

However, as she raised her head, she saw something bizarre. The leopard stopped on her tracks and sat on the ground twenty inches away from her feet.

"Do you want to live?"

Mirsha stiffened and failed to answer. Lilith was too impatient and began standing up, "It seems like you don't want to."

"I do! I want to live!" but moments before she could, Mirsha's voice echoed in Lilith's head, "Please, let me go! I have a daughter; I can't die yet!"

"Show me the picture of the one you are looking at." Lilith reached out and for a moment, Mirsha hesitated but still gave her the locket. Lilith looked at the picture of the young child and who had a broad smile and hugged a penguin plushie!

Lilith chortled as she commented, "You can't die because of this little beast? Why?"

"I don't want her to grow up motherless! I, don't want her to live without a mother!"

Mirsha's words turned Lilith's chortle into a guffaw.

"Hypocritical! Hahaha! You, humans, are hypocritical, you can't because this little beast will become motherless when you just killed my people who had a family of their own? Are you pertaining that only you humans can have motherly affection?"

"That's not"

"Heh, no matter, you made me laugh so why not let you live? I'll give you two choices, I will let you escape and live, but you will have to be under my control. I'll have one of my people place a curse on you that will let me kill you whenever I want to. Also, you must obey my instructions for leaving this place. Or, I can kill you now and let this little beast become motherless. What to do you say?"

"I'll live, please, let me live!"

She answered without hesitation which made Lilith smile even more. Lilith then went silent for a whole minute, before stating, "Just wait okay? They are coming here."

And three minutes passed a corpse carrying Ogre and a golden-haired lady arrived.

Lilith looked at Sylva's eyes as if to confirm something as she said, "Do it, place a curse on her."

Sylva reached out to Mirsha who tried swatting her hand away. But Lilith glared at her and the process continued without her meddling. Golden Runes appeared on Mirsha's flesh.

"That is a Golden Death Mark, it has the property of space and if I want to, that will activate and it will carve out your chest and heart together. Do you understand?"

Mirsha nodded her head.

"Good." Lilith was satisfied and then rummaged around her kimono and threw Mirsha an HP potion, an HNP, and the corpse Killa brought, "Soon, I'll contact you through that. Don't worry I know what I'm saying, take the red vial to replenish your health, and take the corpse with you as you head out to hide the fact that you simply escaped. Tell everyone you succeeded in eradicating us. Tell them you burned down the village and calling for help using the HNP after three days, do everything I told you, got it!? If you do anything else, I'll kill you through the Death Mark.

Mirsha had so many questions, but Lilith already turned her back against her and then left. The two daemons who just arrived to place the curse on her and bring the corpse snorted as they left.

As she was spared by a daemon, Mirsha did what she was told and left with her dragging the corpse out. She was in fear of Lilith's threats and three days later, she called for help as she saw a cloud of black smoke rising from the direction of the village they were supposed to eradicate.

'What a weird experience this is.'

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