Endless Evolution: Last Star

Chapter 16: Fallen Giant

Chapter 16: Fallen Giant

"Why the fuck did Prime Stone Goliath show up there?!" A man in a military uniform shouted out irritably.

Besides him, there were many other people in the vast room, sitting in front of wide monitors and constantly tapping on keyboards and talking to someone.

"We don't know! It's not supposed to happen! We're trying to send everyone who can even, in theory, get there!"

At the same moment, most of the monitors flashed red from the bright explosions that destroyed all the Phantoms.

"Wait... Are they all dead...?"

"No! There's still one left!" Someone exclaimed, pointing to the screen where Adam was.

As an exception, Silvana had given them access to the cameras on Adam's NEP so the defense department could react faster.

"Adam Vinter...? Phantom rookie...? He only got his license a day ago..."

The work continued, but no one hoped that Phantom rookie could survive for even a minute.

However, soon their eyes went wide with disbelief, and if not for the work, none of them would have taken their eyes off the truly mesmerizing view.


Adam didn't know what was happening to him, it was unlikely that anyone could give an answer, but he knew one thing for sure - he had to fight to the very end.

His body was working at the limit of its capabilities, a little more, and it seemed that he could be torn apart.


Adam swung the needle sharply, shattering into shards every rock in his path. He had no fencing skills, but his reaction was enough to survive the Prime Stone Goliath's attack.

Then, Adam rushed forward, running at the limit of his abilities.

'Adam! No! You need to run!' Silvana exclaimed, trying to get through to him.

'Silvana, what are his weaknesses? Give me all the information you can. Do whatever it takes to make sure we win. That is my order.' Adam said seriously, sprinting over to Aron, or rather what was left of him.

Adam took Aron's lance in his hands, staring intently at the Prime Stone Goliath.

Silvana was silent for a few seconds, then Adam heard a calm and measured voice.

'Prime Stone Goliath - its armor cannot be pierced, however, there are two weak points - its cannons, the temperature there is so high that they can explode if subjected to outside force. The second weak point is the gap between the neck and the head.'

Adam frowned, despite Silvana's words, he saw nothing but impenetrable armor in that area.

'The monster knows this too, so its head is held against its chest, its wide jaw like a shield covering the weak spot. Also, I suggest you head over to the Rust Squad. One of their Harvesters had a grappling hook, maybe you can win with that.'


Before Silvana could finish, Adam rolled sharply, raising waves of sand. His pupils moved quickly in different directions until Adam finally found what looked like a gun hook, the perfect tool for climbing mountains or tall buildings.

'Look out!' Silvana exclaimed as the Prime Stone Goliath pointed its cannons at Adam again.

Energy swirled to gather in them, causing ripples to spread through the air.

Then, with a bright flash, two huge magma clots flew forward, heading towards Adam at tremendous speed.

'Decided to spend everything to kill me? Too bad you don't know about human technology!' Adam internally exclaimed before pulling the trigger on the grappling gun.


The hook flew out, the tip of the sharp spike clinging to the rock at the bottom of the sand hill.

At the last moment, Adam drew on the hook, avoiding the magma clots that swept right over him.

This time, he didn't look at them as divine retribution, all his attention was focused on his opponent.

Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

Prime Stone Goliath broke a huge stone before unleashing a hail of rocks on Adam, but as if seeing the future, he effortlessly dodged each projectile.

'Great! You can attack right now!' Silvana exclaimed.

However, Adam didn't, he abruptly jerked aside, as into that spot fell the goliath's fist, raising a pillar of sand.


Suddenly, the Prime Stone Goliath roared furiously, its howl could be heard for miles around, attracting both monsters and Phantoms.

Then, its cannons began to gather energy again, but Adam was ready for this. He had been waiting for this moment.


Using all his strength, Adam gripped the lance tightly, crumpling its hilt. His teeth grated against each other from the intense pressure, all for Adam to make his strongest throw ever.

The metal lance, like a lightning bolt of human evolution, swept through the rings of wind, smashing straight into the base of the magma cannon.


A deafening explosion destroyed the goliath's right arm, causing it to lose its balance and fall sideways to the ground.

At the same moment, a second cannon fired, launching a magma projectile into the air.


The hook caught on the monster's jaw, allowing Adam to get under the protective veil of the goliath, who still hadn't recovered from the shock.

Finding himself face to face with the goliath's weak point - the quivering ugly flesh lurking beneath the armor, Adam began his massacre.

His needle was like a butcher's axe, carving out chunks of flesh, drenching everything in blood, and causing the monster unimaginable suffering.

Prime Stone Goliath tried to get rid of Adam, but it was almost impossible - it was like pulling out a parasite under the skin with your bare hands: you could see it, but you couldn't reach it.

'Adam... enough...' Silvana whispered after an unknown amount of time, for Prime Stone Goliath was already dead

"Agh... Agh... Agh..." Adam, breathing heavily climbed out of the bloody inferno like a demon from the underworld, mounting on the monster's broad torso.

His entire body was covered in crimson blood, his eyes were empty with only a drop of remaining sanity, his fingertips trembling.

"Victory... I've won..." Adam muttered before dropping to one knee, looking around.

There was nothing but corpses here beside him, monsters and humans alike. Phantom or Harvester, it didn't matter, everyone was dead who had been involved in the battle. Only Felix and Verna were alive, as they were too far away and hid behind a desert hill.

Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

Suddenly, shadows - creatures that looked like a hybrid of a rat and a fox, with fast paws, three fluffy tails, and tenacious claws - approached the corpses of the monsters from all sides.

They began to tear apart parts of the Stone Goliaths, taking them away piece by piece.

The scavengers were an undetectable part of the world.

Several scavengers headed towards the huge torso, but they stopped upon meeting Adam's threatening gaze.

Instinctively, he defended his prey, releasing a frightening aura that caused the scavengers to rush in.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

A few hundred meters away, a gigantic monster that seemed to be as big as Prime Stone Goliath rose up from the ground.

However, before the monster could take a single step, its body was pierced by a huge azure spear the size of a mountain.

Then, a warplane with several black fighters appeared in the sky.

"Well... done Adam.... Well done..." Adam muttered before passing out.

The tips of his fingers touched the body of Prime Stone Goliath. Though Adam had already fallen into sleep, his body was active, and it wanted its reward.

A white vortex appeared under his palm, absorbing the special opponent's genes for a long time.

[Prime Stone Goliath Gene x10 - has been placed in your Vault!]

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