Ends of Magic

Chapter 27: A Beast of Terror

Chapter 27: A Beast of Terror

Nathan looked back at the cave that had housed the nest of Ashblood cobras. It looked the same as it had when theyd first arrived - only a few hours ago. Nathan wondered how long it would be before the next Adventurers arrived to clear a threat from the ruined town.

Maybe we should just destroy the place. Might take Stella a few days.

Nathan almost proposed it, but sighed. Maybe Gemore would establish a village here instead. He had been trying to understand his new home, but definitely didnt understand all the intricacies of Davrar and the people who lived within it. At least not well enough to be sure that it was a good idea. He was thinking about raising the point anyway when Stella spoke up, her voice excited.

She had been looking over at the direction the Dusteaters had gone, ensuring they were well out of sight. Then she turned back to the Heirs. I leveled up to 81!

Sarah laughed aloud, then punched Stella lightly in the arm. Freedom and brightness! Have you sent a [Message] to your parents yet? I imagine theyll have some strong opinions.

The red-haired mage looked self-satisfied. Ill talk to them tonight, but I think my choice is petrified in place. One of the classes is [Mage of the Natural Law]. It says that Ill be able to cast magic more aligned with the natural laws of the world, and will make me more powerful when my magic works with the world, instead of against it.

Oh. That sounds powerful with the Insights Ive already given Stella, not to mention the ones that I can keep describing.

Nathan sucked in a breath. Yup, that seems powerful. You should still call Dalo. I dont want him any madder at me.

Aarl spoke up, questioningly. What are the other class choices? If you would share.

Shrugging, Stella read from the invisible screen of Davrar. [Stormlord], [Master of the Elements], [Mage of Lights Color], [Manawell Prodigy], [Electrosavant].

Aarl seemed somewhat shocked. That seems many for a level 81 Development. I was only offered three choices.

Stella raised her hands in a ta-da motion. Multicolored lights shone from her fingers. I am the Dragons Heir, it is no wonder Davrar blesses me so!

Khachi spoke sarcastically. You are the Heir of the most powerful mages of Gemore. And of Nathans Insights. Do not grow arrogant, Stella. Remember from whence your power comes.

She just waved a hand dismissively at him, declaiming with grandeur. I will solve all problems with MAGIC.

Man, I kind of wish that were me.

Stella seemed too excited to stand still, and started talking about some of the trade-offs of her options. Nathan quickly got involved in the conversation, but not before following an errant train of thought.

Were hitting level 81 already, a place that some Adventurers struggle for years to reach. What gives? Well, weve been taking on some challenges that you might say are above our level. And are rather dangerous. I also havent hit 81, but thats probably because I havent been killing things.

Stella spent a good deal of time talking to her parents about her class Development options. It was amusing to watch the silent conversation, and Stella at periods grew frustrated, accepting, argumentative and finally victorious. She had occasional outbursts, but the entire actual conversation was entirely silent.

The Heirs had camped on the side of a sandy hill, almost a dune, a good ways south of where theyd fought the Ashblood cobras. Theyd pushed into the night and covered a lot of ground, though they werent quite to the area where the Terrorghast was. They hadnt been able to find a better campsite - there had been a few dungeons, but nothing youd want to camp in.

Stella quickly kindled a magical fire, warming water out of a waterskin to dissolve a stew packet in. They were all tired, it had been a long day, and Nathan was looking forward to his bedroll. The desert had quickly grown cold after nightfall, and now that theyd stopped moving he was definitely getting chilly.

But first, he and Aarl were setting out the tripwires, driving small stakes into the ground and stretching thin strings taut between them, connected to bells. They laid two layers around the camp. Normally they set a third, but that was usually because there was some kind of natural barrier that protected one side. But this hillside was barren, and there really hadnt been a better campsite out in this desolate land.

There really doesnt seem to be much out here. How are the villages out here surviving?

Nathan supposed hed find out, the next time they approached a village. That might not be soon though. He sat down on the dusty ground next to the campfire, holding out his hands to the warmth. It wasnt warming him up.

Right. Magical fire. Immune to magic. Booo.

Instead, Nathan grabbed the blanket from his bedding and draped it around himself, careful to scoot back from the fire so as not to light the precious fabric on fire.

Sarah started the conversation, voice leading. So. The Terrorghast. Bet you stalker teeth to dragon bones that I can shoot it through the skull before it even knows were there.

Stella chuckled as Aarl stirred the stew, but Khachi was frowning into the fire. He looked up, the fire illuminating his jowls. Much of the value in fighting a Terrorghast is the ability to rank up and Develop our mental magic defenses, while fighting a dangerous foe that nonetheless should not serve to truly threaten us.

Aarl looked up from tasting the stew. And hear me, my dearest sister, but I believe that we are not the ones in need of more levels at the moment. Nor is Stella. We should allow Nathan or Khachi to fell this beast. How close are you two?

Five. Khachis voice was pleased that the conversation had gone this direction. I have mostly fought in a protective role, and not taken many truly standout risks. You have all been the ones slaying monsters and taking risks, like leaping into the heart of an enemys camp. I have merely been a protector. It is the path I have chosen.

Nathan nodded. I havent really killed anything. I think the last monster I killed might have been that Stalker back on our first patrol. With the spear. Which is now out of commission. He frowned around. Ive been psyching myself up to kill for so long, it feels anticlimactic to get in so many fights without landing any deathblows.

The rest of the Heirs were looking at him with odd looks on their faces. Stella looked confused, while Sarah was giving him the side-eyes. Khachi looked expectantly at Nathan, waiting for him to continue. Then Nathan reviewed what hed just said.

That does make me sound pretty bloodthirsty, doesnt it. I still have the lowest bodycount of anybody on the Heirs.

I just mean that its weird. Im leveling quickly - we all are, but Ive been told that the way to do that is by killing. And I havent been doing that.

Aarl answered him again, dishing up the soup and starting to hand out bowls and spoons. But you have taken the greatest risks, and accomplished the most impressive things that arent killing. Davrar rewards that as well. He shook his head disbelievingly. I am not sure I would believe the tale of you being thrown into the center of an Agmon camp, destroying their siege-spike and then fleeing with a hundred legionaries in hot pursuit. Or doing the same with those crystals on the banks of the Drakefish. And charging a Giantsrest Archmage is usually suicide. Earlier today you climbed inside the mouth of a Ashblood cobra Matriarch. I am surprised you are not level 81 already. Such feats are the way to quick levels. Or a quicker death.

Khachi looked Nathan in the eyes. I would surrender the kill of the Terrorghast to you, Nathan, if you would have it.

Nathan shrugged. I appreciate it, but Ill get there soon enough anyway. And how would I even kill it? My spear broke.

Aarl reached into his pouch, pulling out the enchanted spearhead. I retrieved the spearhead. But I cant mount it on a new shaft. Not well, at least.

Sarah looked from Nathan to Khachi. So no shooting it in the head from a mile away?

Nathan turned to look at the [Headshot Gunslinger]. Can you shoot something from a mile away?

She shrugged. Maybe. If not now, soon. A bunch of my class skills developed, including the ones that increase range and accuracy. Just need more levels to give those skills the power they need to kill any nemesis.

Stella sighed and leaned back on her bedroll. So, Khachi kills the Terrorghast?

Nathan nodded. Yup. So long as its not too dangerous. The instant it really threatens somebody, everybody's free to light it up.

Aarl looked to Nathan. Light it up?

He shrugged. You know. Shoot it a lot. Everybody gave him confused looks. What! Its not like your sayings are much better. You say fart ice when somebodys being cantankerous!

Chuckling, Khachi shook his head. Watch schedules? We are not in particularly dangerous territory, so I believe one person on watch should be enough. I will take first watch, then Aarl, Sarah, Nathan and Stella?

There was a bit of grumbling from everybody at having interrupted sleep, but they all acquiesced. At least Khachi was taking first watch.

Nathan was awoken several hours later by a strangled shout and a wave of magic washing over him. He snapped awake, adrenaline flowing through his veins and bringing him to full alertness in an instant. The Stamina felt like a shot of espresso atop his adrenaline.

He kicked aside the blanket and rolled to his feet in his underwear, with the night air cold against bare skin. In the blue-green light of the world above, he looked down the slope to take in the scene. Aarl was awkwardly crouched ten feet away, half-risen from his seat next to the campfire.

His teeth were gritted and both hands were trembling as they reached into his pouches. Sarah was jerking in her bedroll and Khachi was slowly sitting up, but Stellas form was immobile. Nathan spun to follow his teammates gaze, towards the source of a soft shuffling noise.

And he saw the Terrorghast. Its sandy coloration blended into the hillside, and it looked a bit like a large boulder daintily flowing down the hillside. Its six legs were as thick as tree trunks, its wide snout decorated with three short tentacles that hid its mouth. Nathan yelled out a warning as he watched it carefully step over the outer layer of tripwires.

That says worrying things about its intelligence.

Then the third eye pulsed. It was a pit of darkness atop the creatures forehead, looking less like an eye and more like a portal to a realm of roiling shadows. Nathan sorted the mana of the spell that washed over him and the rest of the Heirs

Death. Dream. Mental. A bit of shadow. Complex, but powerful. Seems to go after the atavistic fear reflex. Deer in the headlights response. Spell structure is interesting, definitely not made of component parts slotted together. Feels more organic.

High-tier Spellsense 6 achieved!

Then he snapped the effect of the spell over his metaphorical knee and let out a bellow as he charged the beast, weaponless.

The Terrorghast let out a soft but threatening rasping noise, like sandpaper wearing away metal. Then it countercharged, sounding the bells loudly as its rear feet knocked over the tripwires the front legs had carefully stepped over. The spell effect redoubled, washing over Nathans immunity.

Try to eat me and my friends in our sleep, ey? Lets see where that gets you.

Nathan greeted his Rage like an old friend, feeling limitless strength course through his body. His strides lengthened and his bare feet dug into the cold sand. He felt like he was accelerating a ponderous mass towards an enormous collision. The smart thing to do would have been to dodge around the Terrorghast, which clearly outmassed Nathan at least ten to one.

I dont even have the excuse of my Rage anymore - not since I got [Battle Meditation]. I just want to test my biologically engineered strength and the momentum of my class. And I have backup seconds away.

Nathan collided with the mass of the Terrorghast with his hands outstretched. His palms dented into the rubbery flesh of the creatures face as they came together. The beasts head was shoved backwards on its stubby neck, the collision clearly more forceful than the Terrorghast had been expecting.

His feet planted, Nathan was still shoved backwards a good half-dozen paces through the sand, but the Terrorghast seemed somewhat dazed from the impact and staggered to a halt. It reared its head back, exposing a broad mouth filled with flat teeth as it wrapped mouth-tentacles around Nathans arms. It pulled him inwards, pushing its head forward to take a bite. But Nathan stepped back, yanking hard on the tentacles. He ripped his left hand free and brought it up in an uppercut, connecting cleanly with the Terrorghasts jaw and pulling its face downwards into the blow with the tentacles wrapped around his right hand.

There was an audible crack of bone as the blow connected and the Terrorghastss jaw clicked shut, its head lurching backwards with the power of the blow. Nathan was pretty sure hed broken a knuckle, but hed also felt part of the jaw give way. The tentacles released his right hand, and Nathan ducked away from the beast.

Before Id say it looked confident. Now it just looks pissed.

The Terrorghast let out another rasping roar, this one definitely more pained and angry. From behind him, Nathan heard a faint sound Whuh?

Then Aarl was next to Nathan, bringing the force saber down to slice into one of its forelegs. It was a weak cut, betrayed by the shaking of Aarls limbs. The creature swung its head around to bite at him, but Khachi stepped forward and slammed his hammer into the side of the Terrorghasts face with a powerful blow, crushing the tentacles and staggering the enormous creature once more.

Nathan was ready to step forward and help, his Rage boiling in his veins. But it didnt look like he needed to. Khachi swung his hammer in a steady rhythm to his speech, his tone starting weak but growing stronger as he beat on the scaled horror. I stand against you, creature of night. You prey in darkness and terror, hunting civilization from the shadows. And I say no more! You will die here, and will not live to threaten the hopes of the people of Gemore!

His armor and hammer grew brighter as he chanted, until their combined golden glow outshone that of the continents overhead. The effect clearly empowered the Clerics strikes, and Nathan felt the waves of terror emanating from the beast push back as the golden light spread through the night. Aarl took a calming breath from beside him as the Terrorghast collapsed to its knees.

Khachi cast aside his shield, bringing both hands up to wield his hammer, which seemed to grow in size. Then he brought it down on the creatures forehead, crunching through its third eye and into the brain. The giant scaled form shuddered and was still.

Behind them, Stella sat all the way up, blinking around blearily. What just happened? Sarah chuckled, lowering her rifle from the ready position. Good morning! Glad to have you joining us? Would you like some pastries, or some of the monster we just killed?

You have leveled up to level 79! Congratulations, your party has killed a Terrorghast!

Oh come on! You gotta be kidding me.

Nathan rolled his eyes hard, staring at the blue box with something resembling exasperation. Or longing.

I wanna see what my level 81 options are! And actually be able to think about my level up options for once, without being forced to make a choice or get crushed by circumstances. I hope I didnt just jinx myself.

Meanwhile, the golden light emanating from Khachi hadnt dimmed away. He bent down and carefully laid his hammer on the ground before holding both hands up to the night sky. The cleric reached out, questing into empty air with fingers spread. Then he closed his hands on something, and a golden cable manifested itself under the wolfman's gauntlets.

The cable spiraled down from the sky, separating into strands that separated yet again, until it seemed like Khachi was holding onto a magical rope that connected to the entire world above. Now that it was tangible, Nathan could feel the mana radiating out from the object. It was made of divine mana so dense it was solid.

Well, thats new. Lets hope Khachi knows what hes doing

Khachi grasped the cable more firmly, and began to pull. But no amount of muscle would suffice to move this burden. As he pulled, the [Martial Cleric of Deiman] began speaking, declaiming to the sky. I am a worshiper of Deiman, and follow his principle of righteous battle. I fight to defend my home from monster, construct, and empire. I act with honor, dignity, and respect in combat and out. I maintain my resolve in the face of temptation, and take the righteous path over and over. The rope responded to his words, growing even brighter and more defined until Nathan had a hard time looking straight at it.

But Khachi wasnt done. I follow Deimans scriptures, and shall inherit a portion of his Divinity. I will use it to stand against the evil of this world, to judge that which must be judged, and protect that which must be protected. Now the rope was descending, and seemed to be vanishing into Khachis chest as he continued his sermon to the sky.

My team and I undertake an impossible task, but one that Deiman himself would approve of. I follow his teachings in this, and I will have the power to see it through. Grant me this shard of Divinity, that I might protect Gemore and my team from all threats, and fight the Endings themselves. The rope continued to spool from the sky and into Khachi, casting light onto the hillside and across the shallow valley.

His next words reverberated across the hillside, impressing themselves on the fabric of Davrar.

This is my vow, worthy of a piece of the Divine; I will fight evil wherever I find it, and extend a hand of kindness to those in need. I will protect those who cannot protect themselves, and use my power to counter forces that would bring ruination!

The surge of Divine mana coiled down into Khachis form, and his feet left the ground to receive it as his head was thrown back in a silent howl. Nathan hesitated, almost wanting to go pull his friend away.

But no. This is his Class Development. Hes mentioned that he needs to craft his own shard of divinity, and I think this is how it happens. Seems like a bad thing to interfere with.

For all that the moment seemed to stretch on into eternity, it couldnt have been more than thirty seconds before Khachis feet settled back onto the sandy hillside and the coiled mana stopped flowing into his chest. The wolfman almost crumpled to his knees, but caught himself on the haft of his hammer, head bowed.

Nathan looked around. Stella was fully awake now, while Aarl and Sarah both had their weapons holstered. All of them were a bit dazed by the light show that had just occurred. Nathan glanced around.

That was one big damned beacon pointing straight at us, even if it only lasted a minute. We probably need to get out of here.

Khachi? You alright? Was that your Development? Nathans voice was questioning, uncertain if Khachi was done.

But the towering figure in full plate shook himself and looked around as if seeing the world anew. His voice seemed to have a faint reverb effect now. I am well. I have developed my class. I am now a [Divine Justicar].

He smiled at them, the expression somehow beatific even through canine fangs. I would ask that you hold this event close to your heart. This is the greatest of Kias Insights, and the only path left to a wielder of the Divine since the Ending of Deicide.

Nathan nodded. Done. Now we need to move. That light could guide anything or anybody to us. Lets get packed.

Status of Nathan Lark:

Permanent Talent 1: Magic Absorption 8

Permanent Talent 2: Perfected Body 3

Talent 3: High-tier Slow Fall 6

Class: Spellbreaker Juggernaut level 79

Stamina: 729/890

Juggernaut's Wrath

Antimagic Momentum

Raging Thrill

Juggernaut's Inertia

Unarmored Resilience

Utility skills:

Battle Meditation 2

High-tier Earnestness 7

Mid-tier Sprinting 9

High-tier Spellsense 6

High-tier Notice 1

Mid-tier Identify 8

Mid-tier Dodging Footwork 8

High-tier Enhanced Memory 7

Mid-tier Lecturing 7

Mid-tier Tumbling 6

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