Enlightened Empire

Chapter 59 Looking Back

On the mirrored surface, his own face stared back at him, coated in a warm, red glow. His open, chubby features, which others had described as friendly, were anything but at the moment. Instead, a conflicted frown ruled the countenance of his mirror image. As usual, Brym’s heart bled at the sight of the copper still and all those coins which could have been. He didn’t even deny the usefulness of the device. After all, in the past five years, it had proven itself capable of creating money faster than any country’s mint. Yet, it was still hard for him to see all of that good copper mistreated.

"Sir Fastgrade, there’s a guest."

CAlled upon, Brym put his smile back on and turned around to face the sudden intruder. One of Dedrick’s mercenary men had peeked into the room and called out to him. Alyn, he remembered. Names were important.

"Thank you, Alyn. Tell our guest I’ll be right out."

Despite the importance of names, Brym didn’t need to ask for his guest’s identity. On principle, he would make anyone feel at home, no matter who they were. Before he had to leave, he gave the copper instrument in his front a short pat. The warmth of the still ran up his fingers and reminded him of the valuable steams inside, the ones which would make all of his agony worth it.

"Work hard," he said, before he turned to leave.

Out of the distillery, he crossed the backyard and the dozen or so alert guards to reach the shop in front. Once inside, he looked over the curious variety of products on display. Glass mirrors and other clear glass wares to the left, perfumes, oils, cremes and soaps in the center. The counter with the store clerk was located to his right, with tinderboxes stacked up on top and bottles of brandy behind. Put together, they were his treasures, the wonders of the east. That was what he had named the shop. Busy like a bee’s hive, various merchants, farmers and craftsmen walked around the store and looked for the best way to give up their coin. Although Brym would have loved to advise them personally, he still had a guest left in wait. So instead, he strode over to the counter and put on his best professional smile.

"Welcome! Welcome to the Wonders of the East! If it isn’t noble warrior Taqauis, what gives us the honor? Another gift for your wife?"

With open arms, Brym addressed the overweight shopkeeper who had come here from the other side of the city wall. Although it was somewhat strange that a warrior from the inner city would buy at their port side shop rather than the one they had set up in the noble’s quarters, he decided to ignore the details. The guests had a right to privacy after all. It was not his right to force the man to decide between appeasing his wife or impressing some pretty commoner girl.

"Sir Fastgrade, what a pleasure to see you again. Unfortunately, resources are a bit tight this month. I will be back again as soon as circumstances allow."

"That is a shame indeed. Still, please take a look around. It never hurts to plan ahead."

"I would love to. But sir Fastgrade... I come with a message from Lord Saliena. The Lord invites sir Fastgrade to Ceros Castle. There are matters to discuss."

"It would be my honor to visit Ceros Castle once again. Zoldamyr," he said as he turned on his heels to the man behind the counter, one of the long-serving members of the Fastgrade merchant company. "Please pack a bottle of brandy for my visit, the good one. And prepare some soap and a few quills for Sir Taquais as well. As a thank you for the message."

"Yes Sir."

Even though Brym didn’t know why his big brother had asked him to promote soap and quills as much as possible, he was sure it would lead somewhere good. It usually did with big brother.

Accompanied by the fat warrior, Brym stepped out into the bustling street. Though they had yet to install the glass windows and set out the displays, the congregation of curious bystanders outside the shop was as large as the eager accumulation of buyers inside. At first Lord Saliena had his men inform him that this type of shop wouldn’t be suitable for the outer city, the luxurious products on offer even less so. From a moral point of view, such a show of wealth was considered indecent for a Yaku commoner, even an affront against the noble classes.

However, reality would always find a way around stilted traditions. Now that Lord Saliena had a personal twenty percent stake in the shop, the Wonders of the East had become the only place where the wealthy commoners of Porcero could spend all those coins they had accumulated over decades and centuries. Fear can bind people together for a while, but advantage is what binds them forever. Another thing big brother had taught him, and big brother was always right.

While they walked along the main road of Porcero, many grateful citizens took the initiative to greet Brym. Of course, he would always be happy to reply, with names wherever he could remember them. After they had bested the slope which led up Ceros hill, the winded Taquais spoke up in an out of breath voice.

"Please... Sir Fastgrade... Please enter... Lord Sa...liena... awaits."

Surprised by the Lord’s unusual urgency, Brym raised a single brow. Whatever Saliena wanted to discuss, it should be quite important. Still, he would find the time to show some compassion towards his guide.

"Thank you very much, my friend. Could you be so kind as to tell a servant to bringt some water for me? The climb is considerably tiring after all."

Brym’s sympathetic smile was replied by a thankful nod from the fat warrior.

"...it really is...isn’t it. I will handle matters...No need to worry."

"Thank you."

As he had done multiple times before, Brym entered into the castle proper. With the path still fresh in his mind – after all, he had been a regular guest of these walls ever since his arrival in Porcero – Brym blessed the guards and servants on his way with nods and smiles as he made his way to the governor’s large study, a place for Lord Saliena to talk to guests about business. Not coincidentally, it was also the place his big brother had been to when he had committed the greatest robbery in Medala’s history. Even now Lord Saliena was unaware of the value of those land deeds.

"Good afternoon. If you would be so kind," he said to the guard at the door. In response, the warrior knocked on the door frame to announce the arrival of the guest.

"Yes! Enter!" Lord Saliena’s shout came from inside.

When he entered the large, open room, sunlight rushed in from the floor to ceiling window to warm his body. First, Brym glanced to the left. At the table, chair and bookshelf combination in the back, Saliena would do most of his administrative work. Today however, the governor had taken a seat on the guest arrangement in the front of the room. Sat on the low table before the lord, Brym found an opened letter and a tea set with a steaming pot.

"Fastgrade! Please come and take a seat!" the kind Lord Saliena opened.

"Brym Fastgrade di Pluritac greets Governor Saliena."

"Not so formal, kid. Sit, sit." Without rising from his seat, Saliena gestured towards the chair to his opposite.

"Governor Saliena, this servant has brought a present, as thanks for Lord’s invitation." Brym moved to his assigned seat across from the lord and gave a light bow as he held out the brandy. Five year storage. Their best bottle.

"Oh, excellent, excellent! I have awaited this with great anticipation. Shall we open the cork?" With eager movements, Lord Saliena took the bottle from Brym and cradled it in his hands as he looked it over.

"Maybe we can do so at a later time. After all, I could smell the outstanding tea of Ceros Castle ever since I received the invitation."

"Tea then. Please. Please."

All smiles, Lord Saliena put the bottle aside and picked up the steaming pot of tea instead. Practiced movements filled both cups before he put the pot to the side. Together, both men held up their cups and each took a deep sip. Brym produced a loud hum of satisfaction. Even though he also would rather not be inebriated during what might be an important conversation, he hadn’t lied about his preference for tea. It truly was a pleasant taste.

"I have not heard from Master Bombasticus in a few days," the lord opened. "How has he been?"

"Master Bombasticus is fine. Now that his dutied here are complete, he boarded one of Captain Atau’s ships to follow him down south. It appears we will miss him for a while, but a man of his ability will always be needed somewhere."

With a simple nod, the lord brushed over his intentions, but the flicker in his eyes still clued Brym in. He knew that Saliena had offered Ronnie to enter his own retinue before, owed to the alchemist’s knowledge of brandy production.

"And how are the shops? I have been busy with matters here in the castle and had no time to come see for myself."

"There has been good, steady progress. I heard that yesterday, warriors from three different estates have come to the inner city store to admire our wares."

This time, Saliena smiled in satisfaction. Surely, he could already see the revival of his city right before his eyes.

"As for the outer city shop? Those subjects of Porcero must be desperate to spend all that silver they have been saving up. I am convinced Lord will be satisfied with the earnings at the end of the month."

Brym already knew that unlike the inner city shop which would bring the eastern nobles back into Porcero, the outer city was a lot less popular with the Governor of the East. Even so, he had underestimated the man’s distaste for the lower classes.

"Rats and weasels, that’s all they are. Hoarding all those treasures. Those are the rightful possessions of the great House Saliena. Maybe I should just take my men and clean up some of the rabble. Clearly, I have been far too lenient."

Despite the dangerous comment, Brym’s smile didn’t budge. This was not his first conversation with the lord after all. By now he somewhat knew what to expect and how to answer.

"Rats and Weasels are smart creatures after all. By the time lord has his men together, they will have hidden their entire stash and put it out of reach. The best way to catch them would not be with hounds, but with honey. Let the Wonders of the East be that honey, Lord Saliena."

Even when he danced on a knife’s edge, Brym didn’t forget to sprinkle in the brand name. Again Saliena nodded his head, but his downward stare still showed his unwillingness. For now it would be best to change the subject, before Dedrick’s people would be dragged into some suicidal war against the locals.

"In any case, surely Lord Saliena did not summon me to talk about strategy."

"Ah, yes. I have received this from a runner just an hour ago."

Ripped out of his glum and greedy mood, the lord lifted the rolled up paper from the table and held it up towards Brym.

"It is a message from the capital. It seems your Lord has been quite busy these days."

"Has he? What has Master Corco been busy with, I wonder?"

Though he remained calm on the outside, he was ecstatic to hear news of his big brother. No matter what would happen from here on, he was already certain that the trip to the castle had been worth it.

"After the banquet and the ensuing brawl, it seems like Prince Corco and his camp spent the last several days in an effort to win various Lords over for their cause. Apparently, their efforts have been quite successful. Many neutral Lords have changed their wait-and-see attitude and are now in official support of the first prince. It seems that even some lords from Prince Amautu’s faction have reconsidered their stance."

For a moment, Brym almost forgot where he was. Although he wanted to jump out of his seat, throw up his arms and vent the tension he had built up over the last month, to his opposite still sat the most powerful man in town, so he forced himself to remain composed.

"That is truly joyous news. I thank Governor Saliena for the valuable information," Brym said with a light bow and deferential attitude.

"No need to stand on ceremony. We are not in court," Saliena joked, "Though the message gave me a thought: Over almost a month now, our cooperation has been quite fruitful, has it not?"

Only for a second, Brym’s sunny smile gave way to genuine shock. Before his mark could notice, he corrected his mistake.

"Of course. Lord has been very accommodating."

Happy at the merchant’s reaction, the Lord tried to look magnanimous as he continued.

"Unfortunately, Porcero is, has always been and will always be the central trading hub for all of Medala. Therefore, it is impossible for this Governor to side with Prince Corco at this time. However, I have decided to send message to the capital. Porcero will not work with that villain Villca. It will also not participate in any attempts to obstruct Prince Corco’s ascension. And should the prince be able to obtain a more stable position, Porcero will even consider joining Prince Corco’s camp in the future."

It really was excellent news. Of course Brym had never expected that the greedy lord would join their side right away. For now, at least he knew that his brother would have one enemy less. And who knew, winning over the lord might still be possible. When Saliena had said ’right away’, all Brym had heard was ’not enough benefits’. There were many ways to rectify that.

"In that case, I would ask Lord Saliena to open that bottle yet. It is a special occasion after all."

With a satisfying pop, the cork came off the brandy.

"That it is," Saliena said with a smile.

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