Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn As A Vampire Dragon With a System

Chapter 435 - Silver

Chapter 435 – Silver


Silver was struck down in such a war on his home planet, but he didn't die. As the war ended, the enemy soldiers gathered survivors, he had barely survived, although his two legs were broken and his left arm was chopped off, he was dying out of bleeding but was rescued by his enemies.

And it wasn't for something good.

The enemy nation had been receiving the help of space pirates, and the strange technology the enemies used to defeat his nation's army were precisely given by them. And they collected the survivors for the sole purpose of experimenting on them… with technology.

Silver counted each day that passed since he was sent into that dungeon and experimented on. The men there used all sorts of weird gadgets into his wounded body, feeding him with cheap potions until he fully healed only to open up his body and insert all sorts of technology items, mixing them with his flesh and nerves, and fusing him with all of that technology.

Days after days of agony… he changed… and stopped being a human.

Even though… he was never a human deep down.

When he opened his eyes one morning, he saw differently, the world was more detailed, he was able to calculate the total strength of things, their magic power, speed, stamina, vitality, everything. Whenever he walked, anything he touched would show a detailed description.

His bionic eyes had acquired incredible capabilities… His wo legs were replaced by powerful and fast robotic legs, and his missing arm as well, being able to shapeshift into an enormous cannon as well… and his entire body was upgraded.

Unlike all the other soldiers that hated this, he loved it, he was happy to be stronger by transgressing his own body! However, he was not free. He was a slave. A cyborg, any order given to him by his superiors had to be obeyed…

He worked hard for them, he did everything they told him. Although Silver was emotionless and inhumane, apathetic, and monstrous, even… he had a selfish and egocentric heart, and that heart had emotions only for himself. Feeling enslaved, forced, and more was humiliating, there was no day he hated this treatment.

He didn't mind killing innocents, he didn't really mind massacring the army of his own country either, he was even praised as a powerful cyborg by his superiors, but he always kept and expressionless and robotic demeanor.

Until one day, when they had annulled the orders on him for a single day as a "free day" after earning the favor of his superiors for several years, he finally did it. Silver opened his skull and took out the chip controlling his nervous system. It was painful, agonizing even, he felt as if he was even touching his own brain and the pain was insufferable, but with a lot of potions he had bought and repair nanobots injections, he managed to survive the procedure.

But he could not escape yet. The entire planet was seized by the enemy ultimately, and they conquered the entire planet, the space pirates became common place and employed him in various jobs as a mercenary. He waited… until an opportunity arose. A spaceship he could steal.

He had already learned how to use one, and just in the right time, he finally took off the planet, escaping his masters, the space pirates, and finally… being free and stronger than ever. An ambitious cyborg then set off into the outer space. He abused his powers to assault other spaceships, steal their resources and buy new parts to upgrade himself over dozens of years, becoming a famous space pirate, a loner, and interestingly enough, he was also known as Lone Silver Wolf.

However, on his journey to attain power, he was suddenly caught by the enemy. Several groups of space pirates gathered together with their backer to capture him, and their backer was nobody else than… the Vampire Family. He fought as much as he could, showcasing his incredible powers.

But eventually, after he slain many of his foes, a single Vampire seized him, Valen.

"Hmph, you're strong… I won't kill you… But you'll have to make up for all the loses we had… You'll work until you break apart, and then we'll repair you and make you work even harder…"

And for a hundred years, if not more, Silver had been serving Valen… not enslaved, but completely overwhelmed and submitted by the power of the Vampire. No matter what he did, the Vampire never lose to him, he was always and completely overwhelming. Valen completely defeated him at all times, and made him submit using the power of his Blood Reign…

Ultimately, Silver slowly admired the enormous power of Valen, and strived to one day acquire such power himself. Over the dozens of years, over a hundred, he changed slowly, he gained the ability to show more emotions, to serve his master in his various needs, and to always stand as his side to do anything he could ever want him to do…

He eventually gained the power of divinity, his soul evolved and gained the power of his own body, and as if it were something completely unique of him, he gained a divinity of machinery, one that allowed him to acquire the power of generating technology out of thin air, to create nanomachines through the power of divine energy! He had surpassed his own state as a cyborg and became an android, fully robotized, he was now a being made of hard divine steel with a powerful divine soul inside.

As he mastered his various powers even more, he had acquired the power of hacking systems, and technology, and because of his confidence over such a power, he was the first one to run towards the walls, deciding to intercept the foes taking over them and attempt to stop them from whatever they were doing.

Without wasting a single second, Silver inserted his fingers into the gigantic metallic walls, infusing his consciousness inside and quickly finding the landscape inside the wall's system… and two foes stood before him.


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