EPIC Side Story: Dragon Ball

Chapter 21: Arrangement

Chapter 21: Arrangement

"Who is it, father…?"

Though she could see Vahn, Goku, and Sarina just fine, Chi-Chi had been taught from an early age that she should never talk to strangers. This included the people that came to pay her father tribute, so, without looking directly at them, she trotted up to her father with an obedient smile on her face.

With an affectionate expression that could be discerned even with a helmet covering everything above his cheekbones, Ox-King gave Chi-Chi a gentle push towards Vahn and Goku as he said, "I'd like you to meet Goku and his Uncle, Vahn. One of these two is going to be your future husband."

While most people would react with fear, trepidation, or mild shock, Chi-Chi's face practically lit up in response to her father's words. Her hands shot up near her face, and, though she didn't outright squeal in glee, her body language made it clear she wanted to. Instead, her crystal clear, obsidian-black eyes darted between Vahn and Goku as she excitedly inquired, "Really!? Does this mean I'm finally old enough to have a boyfriend!?"

Amused by his daughter's behavior, a thunderous laugh emanated from the Ox-King's throat as he answered, "I suppose so!" in a booming voice.

Though they had spent the last ten years trapped outside of their castle, Chi-Chi was still used to getting everything she wanted from her father. Her bikini-like outfit, while remarkably skimpy, was actually a rare garment worn by a female hero who had once saved the world. The pink helmet on her head, equipped with an exceptionally sharp blade and a ruby that could fire incinerating lasers, were rare treasures whose value rivaled small countries. As for her bright pink gloves and boots, the former multiplied her strength by ten while the latter allowed her to jump super high and fall from great heights without even spraining her ankles.

Hearing her father state that Vahn or Goku was going to be her husband, Chi-Chi didn't even think to doubt his words. Instead, she assumed he was giving her the option of choosing between them, so, with the expression reminiscent of a young lady that had just been told she could purchase any item in a jewelry store, Chi-Chi alternated her gaze between Vahn's handsome face and Goku's confused expression before pointing towards the former and saying, "I want that one!" in a decisive tone.

Unsurprised by his daughter's choice, another boisterous laugh emanated from Ox-King's throat until Vahn flatly replied, "While there is no knowing what the future might hold, I'm afraid I'll have to refuse in this particular instance. Chi-Chi is simply too young-"

"You're using that same excuse…?"

Though the smile hadn't completely faded from his face, the Ox-King's tone made it clear he wasn't happy with Vahn's refusal. Chi-Chi also appeared taken aback, moisture building across the surface of her eyes as she tentatively covered her mouth and asked, "Did…did I do something wrong…?"

Shaking his head, Vahn's deadpan relaxed into a slightly apologetic smile as he said, "No. The truth of the matter is that I'm already engaged. I also have numerous other wives and quite a few lovers. These factors, combined with your age, leave me with little choice but to refuse. My inhibitions may have waned with the passage of time but I haven't sunk to the point I'm willing to lay my hands on children…"

Seemingly undaunted by the revelation that Vahn had numerous wives, the Ox-King caressed his beard in a thoughtful manner, remarking, "Hmmm…you must be rich and powerful to support so many wives. Once I'm able to access my treasury, I'll need to sift through my rarer treasures to find a suitable dowry…"

Hailing from a culture where women had a subordinate status to men, it wasn't uncommon for the patriarchs of powerful families to marry their daughters off in exchange for various benefits. In this sense, dowries were basically bribes used to ensure the host family accepted the marriage proposal and took care of the bride.

Hearing her father's words, a wave of relief washed over Chi-Chi's body and mind as she regained her smile and said, "Don't worry. I'm sure I'll get along with the others. I also had my first period a few years ago so I'm no longer a child. If-"

Raising his hand, the smile on Vahn's face was becoming wrier by the moment as he explained, "My words weren't predicated on whether or not you were…biologically capable. It has more to do with the fact that it simply isn't socially acceptable for a girl as young as you to engage in such activities. You being unaware of this is more than enough proof to show that you're not adequately prepared for marriage…"

Tearing up in response to Vahn's words, Chi-Chi did her best to maintain a smile as she answered, "I think I understand. You're saying I still have a lot to learn before I become a bride, right…?"

Though that was just the tip of the iceberg, Vahn ended up nodding in response to Chi-Chi's words. Then, before he could suggest enrolling her in school or hiring a private tutor, the look on her face showed considerable relief as she wiped away her tears and said, "That's a relief…"

Once her eyes were free of moisture, Chi-Chi adopted the same radiant smile she had presented earlier, stating, "I can learn from your other wives. If they were able to marry you, they must know what it takes to be a bride, right? I'll be sure to study hard each and every day so that we can get married as soon as possible…!"

Pumping her fists in the same excited manner as before, the look on Chi-Chi's face morphed into a fiercely resolute smile. This caused the smile on the Ox-King's face to grow even larger, a not very subtle air of pride radiating from his body as he whimpered, "That's my girl…" before attempting to wipe away a tear building behind the lens of his left eye.


Taken aback by the unexpected development, Vahn fell silent as he shifted his attention to Sarina. To his surprise, the raven-haired woman had a pensive, thoughtful expression on her face as if she were seriously considering something important.

("Are you sure I don't have some kind of hidden Innate that attracts young girls…?")

Though she understood where Vahn was coming from, Sis exhaled an exasperated sigh before repeating the same words she had stated a total of 119 times in the past, (*I'm absolutely certain. If anything is to blame, it's your good looks combined with your calming aura and considerate nature. Even now, you're not completely against the idea of marrying her once she grows and matures. This kind of thing is easily picked up by women, so, unless you put your foot down and break her heart, she is bound to pursue you. If you'll recall, Chi-Chi barely had any interactions with Goku, yet, even after a six, nearly seven-year separation, her determination led her halfway around the world before forcing her to confront him at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai…*)

Unable to refute Sis's words, Vahn briefly considered nipping the problem in the bud by putting his foot down and simply refusing the arrangement. Instead, a compromise promptly manifested within his mind as he proposed, "How about this. Once this journey has reached its natural conclusion, I'm intending to settle down in the hinterlands West of West City. I will allow you to stay there but you'll need to attend one of West City's Escalator Schools. So long as you're able to graduate with honors and convince my current fiancee, I'll gladly accept you as my wife…"

Without even considering that Vahn might be pulling a fast one on her, the smile on Chi-Chi's face became even more radiant as she replied, "Of course! I might not look like it, but I've read a ton of books! I've also wanted to attend school ever since I was a kid so I'm really looking forward to living together and walking to and from school every single day~!"

Imagining the scene of Vahn escorting her to school, Chi-Chi's cheeks became progressively redder until she eventually covered them with her gloved hands. In her mind, he would essentially be the proverbial Prince Charming coming to pick her up and whisk her away to his castle. In reality, most people would assume he was either her father or her older brother coming to make sure she didn't get accosted on her way home…

Smiling wryly in response to Chi-Chi's words and behavior, Vahn hoped his plan to set her up with Goku went smoother than his attempt to pair Sarina with Jin. His promise with Bulma would make things a little easier on him, as, given her current naivete, Chi-Chi would interpret his promise as a part of the conditions he had set. In other words, so long as Bulma didn't accept her, he didn't have to worry about her trying too hard to advance their relationship. Instead, most of her time would be spent studying and training. After all, even if she was book smart, graduating with honors when she had never even attended school wouldn't be easy.

Though he had the sinking suspicion he had just planted some kind of flag, the unperturbed flow of fate allowed Vahn to place it at the back of his mind as he scratched the back of his head and said, "Well…we sort of need to get going. The sooner I can finish this journey and get settled, the sooner I can come to pick you up."

Since it would cause a number of issues if they were to retrieve Master Roshi and have him blow up the entire mountain, Vahn simply waved his hand towards the fiery mountain. A marble-sized ball of flames immediately appeared in his hand. Shortly thereafter, the flames on the mountain began to peter out, as, without a magical power source, they had nothing to sustain them.

Placing the vermillion orb into a sealed container, Vahn handed it to the Ox-King, explaining, "The mage who set up the formation around your castle used a Vermillion Bird's Spiritual Core thinking it was an artifact known as Fenghuang's Tear. The two are often confused for one another so it's not too surprising a mishap like this would occur. As for why they didn't come back to fix the issue…I'm guessing you know the answer better than anyone…"

Recalling how he had gone on a rampage after failing to enter his castle, Ox-King emulated Vahn's action of scratching the back of his head. He hadn't killed anyone but the village nearest the base of the mountain had been destroyed by the time his rage had settled. Under normal circumstances, he would have compensated the people living there, but, without access to his treasure repository, both he and his daughter were forced to find shelter in the mountains due to his fear that someone would try to rob him the moment he took her someplace safe…

Restraining a sigh, Vahn was preparing to depart when Chi-Chi abruptly grabbed his sleeve, a ruddy tint to her cheeks as she stared up at him with a starstruck expression and asked, "Can I come with you? I promise not to get in the way…"

Since her helmet prevented him from patting her on the head, Vahn knelt down to Chi-Chi's level before saying, "You've just recovered your home after several years. Go and spend some time with your father. He is going to be exceptionally busy these next couple of weeks. Having you at his side will make things easier. Don't worry. The moment I'm finished sorting out paperwork and preparing our living arrangements, I'll be sure to stop by and pick you up."

Without losing a hint of the starstruck expression on her face, Chi-Chi responded to Vahn's words by giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Then, like the innocent and pure-hearted girl she was, she issued a giddy, high-pitched squeal before scampering off to seek shelter behind a destroyed wall…

Pretending he didn't see the blade of Chi-Chi's helmet sticking out from behind the wall, Vahn met the Ox-King's gaze, asking, "Are you sure about this?"

Grabbing his beard as though he was about to pull it out, Ox-King's expression morphed into a faint grimace as he answered, "Women are fated to leave home the moment they're born. I'm just glad my Chi-Chi will be in the care of people powerful enough to protect her…"

Though he was also appreciative of the fact that Vahn was considerate enough to think about Chi-Chi's feelings, Ox-King didn't want to appear too soft in front of his newly acquired son-in-law. He was known throughout the land as an invincible, battle-hardened tyrant. Appearing sentimental in front of others would undermine his status as both a warrior and a King…

"Now, go. Finish your journey and return as quickly as possible. If you keep my daughter waiting for too long, I'll have no choice but to track you down myself…"

Shouldering his massive ax, Ox-King attempted to appear as intimidating as possible. In response, a wry smile developed across Vahn's face, as, compared to people like Whitebeard, Ox-King's size and stature were more cute than intimidating…


(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Sheltered and spoiled…a dangerous combination…','Bulma is going to be pissed…','Whitebeard would be able to pat Ox-King on the head xD…)

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