Ero Meter

Chapter 166 Dagger

Chapter 166 Dagger


Meadow quickly picked up the call and held it to her ears, she had been waiting for his call all this time, and she wanted to clear things up with him

And she didn't call him first because she knew that Jack hated needy behaviour and she didn't wanna upset him more.

She already made him leave even when he wanted to stay with her and then she regretted it.

"I am sorry Jack..." she said just as she picked up his call, desperation could be heard in her voice and only after speaking so loudly did she realise that she was standing in her living area and Sophie's room was adjacent.

Sophie could have heard her if she had been a bit louder.

Meadow subconsciously glanced at Sophie's room and quickly ran towards the kitchen and suppressed her voice a bit.

Jack on the other side heard her apology and sighed.

"What are you sorry for?" He asked in a questioning tone.

Meadow gulped her saliva at his words and looked down at the floor with shame, her other hand's finger started fidgeting and she bit her lip.

"I didn't want to turn you down, it's just... It's just..."

"Don't worry about it. I love you." Jack cut her sentence in between.

When Meadow heard his words she calmed down a bit, "Then why did you leave so suddenly?" She asked, her legs circling on the floor.

"An important work came to me. I am sorry for that." Jack lied to calm her down, he knew that it was also somewhat his fault that he left so suddenly.

"Don't be sorry..." Meadow said in a worried tone as her voice raised a bit again.

"Meadow," Jack called out her name.

She listened to him and calmed down again.

"Yes?" She asked.

"You think I will start hating you for such a small reason?" Jack asked.

"No, it's not that... It's just." She turned silent as she started contemplating.

"You don't have to worry, and you should call me if you ever feel like this again, I don't want you to worry for nothing," Jack said in a worried tone.

He knew why she didn't call him when he left because previously he told her that he disliked her needy behaviour.

"Ok..." Meadow nodded apologetically.

Jack sighed at her response. "These are the kind of things you should call me for," Jack explained to her some more.

"I didn't want to trouble you," Meadow murmured.

Jack turned silent at her words, he had just read in his notebook that Meadow would be the first target of Rick and if things moved like this then she might not call him when she faces real trouble.

Jack would rather face her needy behaviour than see her in trouble.

"Promise me one thing." He said in a serious tone.

Meadow took a deep breath at his words, she was feeling nervous and now that she heard his serious tone she was even more nervous, however, she didn't wanna show it in her voice.

"Yes..." She said in a low tone.

"You will always call me first if you ever feel any sort of distress," Jack said.

Meadow turned silent at his words for a few seconds and then nodded. "Yes, I will." She said.

"So if I ever find out that you didn't call me in trouble then that would be the last day you will see me," Jack told her without any sugarcoating.

He wanted his message to be clear to her, he didn't want to lose her over something so pitiful as needy behaviour.

Meadow heard his strict words and her heart skipped a beat, she was somewhat happy with his words that he cared for her that much, however, she was also a bit scared, she didn't wanna rely on him too much.

Silence covered their phone call.

"Promise me," Jack said in a stricter tone.

"But..." Meadow tried to say something however Jack cut her words again.

"No, promise me or never call me again." Jack made his point clear.

He wanted her to be as transparent as she could, and it was for her own safety.

Meadow gulped her saliva. "Ok, I promise, but don't berate me when I call you." She said she knew that Jack hated it when she called him too much.

"Call me as much as you want, for anything you want, but never break my promise and make it clear in your mind."

"Yes, I will." Meadow agreed with him, she was happy with the deal and she was grateful that Jack loved her so much.

"I love you..." She said again.

"I love you too," Jack said and hung up the phone and after he did so, Meadow looked at the phone screen and slowly a grateful smile formed on her face.

"He loves me too..." She thought and her mood changed to a better one.

Her hunger returned and she looked at the food with bright eyes, however, suddenly a guilty expression appeared on her face.

'I berated her too much, she must be crying.' She thought and bit her lips, she slowly moved towards Sophie's room thinking of how she should handle her situation.

'I have to make up with her. I never scolded her so much.' Meadow thought and finally knocked on her door.

"Sophie..." She said in a caring voice, she wanted her to open the door.

However, no reply came from the other side. 'She is really angry at me.' She thought and knocked again.

"Sophie, I am sorry, please open the door." She said.

And after she said this, the door to the room suddenly opened and she could see Sophie standing in front of her with her mascara ruined and her face haggard.

Just by her look, Meadow could tell that she had cried a lot.

"What?" Sophie asked looking at her mother.

Meadow looked at her with a shameful expression and moved in, she quickly hugged her and rested Sophie's head on her shoulder.

"I am sorry, I lost my cool." Meadow apologised.

"Hmph..." Sophie snorted, she knew why her mother lost her cool.

"I am sorry." Meadow apologised again.

"I am hungry," Sophie murmured in her embrace.

Meadow listened to her and a smile formed on her face.

"I made your favourite dish today." She said and moved away from her.

"Mom..." Sophie looked at Meadow with an annoyed expression on her face.

"What?" Meadow asked with her brows raised.

"Bacon is not my favourite." She said and moved towards the kitchen.

"How did you know that I cooked bacon?" Meadow asked.

"Because that's the only thing left in the fridge," Sophie said and finally reached the kitchen.

After about fifteen minutes, both Meadow and Sophie sat in the living area eating food.

Their previous grievances were already gone and they were talking happily.

Sophie was even smiling.


Jack on the other hand reached his house and parked his car in the garage and just when he stepped out of the car he saw a beautiful lady standing in front of him.

When Jack saw her a teasing smile formed on his face.

Her red hair waved around in the light wind and her blue eyes looked at him, annoyed.

"Hello, you are back again?" Jack stepped towards her, his smile still on his face.

Vieva snorted at his words and looked away.

Jack chucked and finally moved into her vicinity, his hands glided lightly on her arms and from there it reached her chin.

He then tilted her head towards him and looked her in the eyes.

Vieva also started deep down in his eyes.

"Strip," Jack said in a deep voice that sent tingles down Vieva's spine and unexpectedly a blush formed on her face.

Although the blush on her face only stayed for a second it didn't go unnoticed form Jack's gaze.

Vieva pushed him away and stepped back.

"You must have a death wish to treat me like this." She said in an annoyed tone.

Jack chuckled at her words. He turned silent and locked his car, after that he started moving towards his house, completely ignoring her presence.

"Who do you think you are to ignore me?" She suddenly teleported in front of him, and looked at him with her arms crossed.

Anger was clearly visible on her face.

Jack on the other hand wasn't to bothered by her tone as he could see that the heart was still there and even her Ero Meter was full.

And that was the only reason she returned she wanted to see him again.

"Why did you come back?" Jack asked with a relaxed posture.

When Vieva heard his words she looked away again not wanting to meet his eyes.

'This guy! He makes me feel so weak!' She thought and turned her head around and after a moment of silence she stepped towards him slowly.

A dagger appeared in her hand out of nowhere and she raised it in front of his face.

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