Ero Skill Tree

Chapter 129 - One Hundred And Twenty-Nine: Standing Our Ground

We didn't have to wait long. There was a twang sound as an arrow was loosed, shortly followed by clang as it was deflected by Altria's dagger. I was almost relieved, there was no longer any doubt about the intentions of our pursers. Whether they were sent by the king to chase us down or not, it was clear that they meant us harm.

"Here they come." Shouted Altria, while notching an arrow to her bow.

"Just try not to kill them." Serin said stepping forward, her sword drawn.


"Altria, just try."


Altria loosed two arrows in quick succession. The first was knocked of course by the rider at the head of the group, but the second slammed into the shoulder of the rider behind and threw her off her horse with a crash. Seeing that we were sheltered by the carriage, the rest of the riders dismounted and approached us on foot. Altria fired a couple more shots, trying to keep them pinned down and prevent them from healing the fallen soldier.

"Rosa cover us." Shouted Serin.

"Will do." Rosa shouted back from behind the tree line.

"Time to switch to blades… I'll take the leader." Serin said pointing to the elf that had deflected Altria's arrows. She did seem the most skilled. "Altria take those two." She said pointing to the injured soldier and another to the side."

"Right." Answered Altria.

"Theo the last ones yours. If you can't manage just hold out until we're done. Don't try anything stupid."

"I won't."

The three soldiers that were still standing fanned out as they approached us. Rosa kept firing arrows from her crossbow. It was clear she wasn't really trying to hit them, but it was enough to keep them approaching cautiously and to prevent them from helping the fallen. That was all that we needed. Seeing them approach, Serin took the initiative and dove at her target head on. The elf clearly had some skills, but she wasn't going to be a match for Serin, and she already had her on the backfoot. Seeing this made me feel better about our chances.

Altria was the next to move, cutting in between the second elf girl and Serin, stopping her from backing up her friend. While she did this, I took the left doing the same for the last woman that approached. Feeling out my opponent I unleashed a mana wind strike while we were still some distance apart. It didn't even graze her, she simply sidestepped the attack and approached me head on. I could tell she at least had a speed advantage over me. I wasn't quite sure how I was going to manage whilst trying not to seriously injure her.

Seeing me falter the elf girl sprung straight for me like a flash. I barely managed to parry her first sword strike and from there on in I was on the backfoot. I couldn't spare a moment to glance at the others, but I was sure they were doing better than I was. Dodge, followed by dodge and block I was pushed back, without a moment to regroup or to try to counterattack. I soon realised I wasn't going to be able to win this with my sword skills and if I didn't do something quickly, I was going to be the one that got seriously injured.

I dodged once more, then somehow managed to sidestep a powerful strike, then I unleashed "Disarm". The girl realised something was up right away, she faltered for moment before gathering herself. I'd missed my chance, the girl was a little red in the face from embarrassment, but I give her credit as she soon pressed on. I just couldn't bring myself to strike her when I had the chance and almost regretted it instantly. She came at me with twice the ferocity of before and with a look of disgust and anger on her face. This time she had managed to graze me twice in as many attacks. It wasn't going to be long until I took serious damage.

Well, nothing for it, I thought to myself as I switched on "Special heal". The girl managed two steps fighting the sensation, her face even flusher than before. Then her legs buckled underneath her, and she sat on heals trying not look like she was enjoying it too much. The expression on her face was mixture of shame and enjoyment. Not wanting to put her through it for too long I shouted back to Rosa.

"Do we have something to restrain her with?"

A moment later a length of rope was thrown in my direction. I quickly tied together the woman's hands and legs, all the while wondering what Rosa must have thought to what was going on here. As soon as she was secured, I picked up her items of clothing and covered her. By the time I looked around to the others they had already finished things up and had restrained the other three soldiers. We moved all four of them to the base of a nearby tree.

"Well, you managed to handle her well Theo, even though she seemed to have the upper hand with skill." Altria said with a slap to my back and a laugh.


"I'm glad you managed it without getting severely injured or injuring her… I'm not sure I agree with the method though." Serin said glancing over the girl that was still semi naked with only some clothes draped over her.

"I wasn't trying to do anything weird. It was just all I could think of at the time."

"Well at least she isn't injured…"

"My dignity is! What are you planning to do with us now?" Asked the semi naked elf.

"We aren't going to do anything with you at all. We're going to leave you here for the rest of your friends to find you and head on our way." Serin told her.

"Don't you think we should question them quickly?" Asked Altria.

"We don't have much time, but I suppose you are right." Agreed Serin.

"We wouldn't tell you anything, no matter how much you torture us." The half naked elf girl said defiantly.

"Looks like they won't talk… Theo maybe you should use that skill. It worked for Celine, didn't it?" Asked Altria.

"Well, it did… I'm not sure I'm happy doing that to them though." I answered.

"It won't do them any harm will it?" Asked Serin.

"Well not physically, but they might get rather attached to me if Celine was anything to go by."

"That won't hurt them. Use it Theo."

"Really Serin?"

"Yes… We should at least find out if it was us, they were after and who sent them. We don't have time to try out any other method. We should move soon."

"Okay, but don't blame me if you aren't happy with the effects."

"I won't."

I quicky walked around the four girls and used "Interrogate" on each of them. As I did the expression on their faces changed from fear and concern to ones of expectation and warmth. I felt bad already.

"Ask me anything Theo. I'll tell you whatever you need to know…" The half naked elf girl said.

"Don't ask her she knows nothing. I'm the ranking officer in this group, if you need to know something you ask me first. I'll be much more useful to you." Argued the elf girl that we assumed was their leader from the beginning. She had been silent up to that point.

"Hey! I saw him first."

"You were turning him down only a moment ago."

"Don't listen to either of them, They're both idiots. I'll tell you what you need to know sir Theo." Said the elf that was knocked off her horse by Altria's shot.

"What have you done Theo?" Asked Serin sounding a little concerned.

"I said I didn't think it was a good idea!"

The tied up girls continued to argue while we looked on in disbelief for a moment.

"This isn't going to get us anywhere. We should just leave, before the rest of their group catch up…" Altria as she got fed up listening to their arguing.

"You're not going to take us with you Theo?" Asked the one we assumed was their leader.

"Of course, he isn't. You were trying to attack us only moments ago." Answered Altria.

"We wouldn't try anything like that again, would we girls?"

"No, no." The rest of their group all agreed in unison.

"We just don't want to be parted from him."

"What the hell is this skill?" Asked Altria.

"I'm not entirely sure… You've both seen the effects it had on Celine before you asked me to use it on them." I complained.

"I suppose you're right… Anyway, we should leave."

"Let me try something first."

"Okay just be quick." Answered Serin.

I turned back to the tied up elf girls.

"Look, I need you to tell me why you were chasing us and who sent you?" I asked.

"We were sent to retrieve the traitors that attacked princess Lillia and caused the blast back in the capital. The king himself sent down the order." Answered their leader.

"So that's what they're saying about us. I'm not surprised, but none of it's true."

"I didn't believe it for a moment!"

"Of course, you didn't…"

"Are you going to take us with you now?"


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