Ero Skill Tree

Chapter 183 - One Hundred And Eighty-Three: Last Stretch

The part stopped before we reached the edge. The plain was just about visible through the thinning trees, but we were well enough hidden in the lengthening shadows inside.

"We'll take a short break, until night fall. Then we'll push across the plain." Serin said as we looked to her for direction.

Liz had already pulled her map out of her gear and had joined Serin to plan our next move.

"Aetherin and Enna, you should probably look too. We can plan the fastest route, but you know the area better than we do." She said as she unfolded the map.

The four of them peered over the map while the rest of us sat and waited to hear the next move. On the way in, it took us two days to cross the plain and reach the forest. We had stopped the night in the village with Aetherin then, but heading back there this time was out of the question. Even if the demon forces hadn't managed to put two and two together, that place would still likely be under observation. We either needed to find a spot where, we could find cover during the day for our crossing or, work out a way to make it across in a single night. Neither of those things were going to be easy. We already knew there was next to zero cover on the plain. After some time, the four of them seemed to come to decision.

"What's the plan then?" Altria asked seeing Liz was putting her map away.

"We're going to try and make it to the foothills west of here. It will mean we have further to travel once we're back in the realm, but it's the quickest path across the plain. It also takes us farthest away from the wood and the village. Hopefully leaving far from where we entered will help to throw anyone following us off our trail."

"Right, I suppose that means we have more hillwalking ahead of us, but it'll be worth it to get away from here."

"I hope so."

While the four girls had been planning the route, it had become almost completely dark. It was the perfect time for us to leave. Altria and Enna went up ahead again, Enna spreading her wings and taking to the sky once she was in the open. The rest of us followed behind on foot, soon clearing the edges of the forest. The weather wasn't as clear as it had been for the last few days. So, despite the moon being out the night was dark enough to hide our crossing.

"Are we really going to be able to make it across in one night?" I asked Serin as we walked.

Even if we were heading towards the nearest point, it just didn't seem possible to me.

"It's going to be tight… Even if we don't, we'll be close to foothills by the time dawn comes."

"Is there anything there?"

"It's a small strip of land that protrudes into the plain on either side. It's sparsely populated, but there are few minor towns. We might be able to find transport back, if we're lucky."

"Will that be safe?"

"Yes… It was historically part of the ancient catkin realm. I don't think we'll have anything to worry about there."

"That's a relief. How have they managed to hold out there? The rest of the lands were pretty baren between here and the kingdoms."

"Set in the hills and mountains, most of the towns there are virtually natural fortresses. It also probably helps that they're small and of little tactical significance."

As we talked a whistle broke the relative silence around us. The sound had originated from Altria, and she was already heading back to the rest of the group.

"What is it?" Serin asked as she joined us

"There's something out there… In the air."

"And you're sure it's not Enna."

"Pretty sure, it sounds like there is more than one. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know…."

"What about Enna? She hasn't come back, maybe she's in trouble. Maybe she hasn't seen them. Should we call out to her?"

"No!" Serin said abruptly. "Sorry, Theo. I just meant we would only draw attention ourselves. Enna might have spotted them too, but she probably realises if she came back now, she would only highlight our location to whatever it is up there."

"We're just going to leave her?"

"Yes, for now. Don't worry, she's seen the map and knows where we're going. She more aware of the area than the rest of us."

"I suppose, but what are we going to do then?"

"I don't want to turn back, and even if we did, we'll be in the open for some time before we reach the forest again… I don't suppose you can tell what it is up there Celine?"

"I can't, I'm sorry." Answered Celine.

"Well, whatever it is, I don't think they've spotted us. Let's pick up the pace and carry on towards the hills."

"Okay, I'll scout ahead… We should try to keep the noise down too." Altria said before returning to front of the group.

Once she was gone, Serin quietly communicated the plan to the others, and we were on the move again. I listened out as best I could and tried scouring the sky for any sign of the thing that had Altria worried, but I could detect a thing. I hoped she was just worried.

We pressed on, faster than before, but we didn't make it far. There were two loud pops from over our heads. Then we were suddenly illuminated. The whole area around us was lit up. I looked up to see two flare like things slowly falling from the sky. Here and there I saw dark shapes, flying in between them. I could already guess what they were.

"I suppose the games up." Serin said from next to me. She had already drawn her sword.

Seeing this I did the same.

Altria was already running back to group. "It's the harpies!" She shouted as she ran.

I still couldn't make out for certain, but I had already guessed as much myself. Altria reached the rest of us and ran in among us, her bow drawn.

"Hold on." I said grabbing her shoulder.

"What?" She asked.

"Enna is up there. You might hit her!"

Altria lowered her bow. "Sorry, I didn't think… What are we going to do?" She asked looking to Serin.

Serin didn't look as if she had an answer either. "We need to something, we can't just stand here, but I don't want Enna to get hurt either." Serin said her voice wavering.

"Enna!" I yelled at the top of my lungs hoping she would return to the group.

Up in the sky I saw two of the dark shapes flying towards each other. They clashed for a moment and then flew in opposite directions.

"She's fighting them!" Altria said suddenly.

Maybe it was the fact they were surprised to find their captain in the sky with them, that and she was taking our side, but the harpies were yet to swoop on us. Serin looked at the rest of the group. Beth, Liz and Celine were all standing by.

"Does anyone have any ideas? We need to help her." Serin said finally.

Everyone was thinking of a way to help. No one had an easy solution, anything we did ran the risk of injuring her as well. It would be difficult in the daylight, but even those with night vison would find it harder in these conditions.

"Can anyone tell them apart?" I asked.

"I can't." Answered Altria.

If Altria couldn't this was going to be difficult. I could only think of one thing I could do. It wouldn't hurt them, at least not physically. It was something I didn't want to use a lot, but we were out of options, and we couldn't stay here pinned down like this. If we did, it would only be a matter of time until we were caught.

"I've got an idea… Let's let them come to us."

"What? You just want us to do nothing?" Asked Serin.

"No, but I'm not sure of the range on this skill. I think I'll need to use it as they swoop down on us."

"You're going to use that?"

"Unless anyone has a better idea?"

No one put forward a different solution, so we huddled together and waited for them to attack.

"Just so you know, if it looks as if you're in any danger I'll have to do something." Serin said as we waited.

"Thanks Serin. Just do what you think is right."

The harpies above still hadn't begun the attack on our party properly yet. From what I could make out from down here, they seemed to still be in a state of disarray. I wondered for a moment if we made a break for it, we might be able to get away without me having to resort to these tactics.. But there was no we way would be able to outrun and escape the harpies on this plain.

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