Ero Skill Tree

Chapter 219 Two Hundred And Nineteen: The Next Stop

The girls apart from Aetherin huddled around the shop counter, while Liz gave out potions.

Rosa stopped short of taking the potions. "Is it really okay for you to just hand these out like this?"

"Of course!" Liz glanced to me. "Theo will be paying me for them later." She laughed. "No seriously, it's fine. With every going on and the shop in the state it's in, they would only go to waste or be looted. Besides, you might need them."

Rosa didn't look convinced. "But don't you want something for them?"

"Just watch my back while I'm casting, and we'll call it even."


Rosa seemingly satisfied with this answer took the offered potions.

"Ah that reminds me." Liz walked into the back of her shop for a moment, before returning with a small pouch. "Here Theo, this is for Celine."

I stepped forward and took the small pouch. It seemed to be filled with potion vials. "What are they? I don't think Celine takes potions."

A grin appeared on her face. "No not normal ones. These should help her restore her energy. They won't work as well as the real thing, but they should help and take the burden off you."

"Thanks Liz! I'm not sure what Celine will think of this, but I can see this coming in handy in a pinch. When did you get the chance to make this?"

"Well, I came up with the idea while we were on our trip, and I just threw them together before my shop was attacked. I can't vouch for how they'll taste to her though."

"Your usual potions taste fine though."

"I know, but succubae don't eat like we do. I've no idea if they even have a sense of taste in the way we do. They taste fine to me, but that doesn't mean they will for her."

"Even if they don't, I still think she'll appreciate them."

The girls had finished loading up on potions. It was looking as if it was time to start moving again.

Liz picked her bag up of the counter and grabbed her staff. "Where to now?"

"Beth's place is the closest and on the way to Altria's. We should probably head there next."

"Okay, let's go." Liz strode towards the broken door.

"Are you sure you're okay with leaving your shop like this? Don't you want to try and secure it first."

Liz glanced around. "No, there's no point. There's hardly anyone one around on the streets and anyone serious about getting inside would only break in. Everything valuable is sealed away in the back and besides, I think we should hurry."

"Right okay, then let's move."

We quickly left the shop.

Beth's place was only two streets away from Liz's shop. We would make it there in a couple of minutes if we walked, but we hurried there at jogging pace.

When we reached the street, it was just as quiet as Liz's, only here had been untouched by the damage. The shops we passed were all intact.

Reaching Beth's front door, we stopped outside.

The exterior of the shop was intact. The door was untouched, the store front glass was still in place. It was dark inside, but as far I could tell there was no sign of a disturbance inside.

I looked back to the others. "What should we do now?"

Liz held back a laugh. "Why don't you try knocking first."

"Right, I'll give it a go." I banged loudly on the door. "Beth! Beth are you in there?"

I paused and listened out for a response. There wasn't one. The place was quiet, the only noises to be heard came from our group.

I couldn't wait any longer. "Celine, can you hear me?"

She answered without appearing. "Yes master?"

"Can you check inside?"

"I can, but it won't leave with much energy."

"Don't worry about that, please just look for Beth. I'll make sure you're replenished afterwards."

"Okay, if you say so master. What will you do?"

"We're going to look for another way in."

"I'll go and look now."

Celine's voice trailed off.

Liz grabbed my shoulder. "You know another way in?"

"Maybe, there's a back entrance. Her living quarters and dojo are out there. She's more likely to be able to hear us there even if we can't get inside."

"Then lead the way."

I stepped back from the shop door. "Right follow me."

I rushed towards the alley at the side of the stoor. It led to a small street that the shops all backed out onto. I stopped before stepping out onto the street, just to check that the others were still following.

As I came to a halt Ameri, and Lucy pushed past.

Lucy looked back. "Let us check it's safe first."

"Right, okay."

The pair crept out into the backstreet. Unlike the main street we had just come from it was unlit and dark. I could understand why they would want to check it first before we all piled in.

Once they had done a quick sweep Ameri turned and waved. "All clear, come through."

I didn't need to be told again. I rushed into the street and straight up to the back door. I grasped at the handle and tried to twist. "It's locked."

Liz laughed. "Well, did you expect it to be open?"

"Not really."

"I think we're going to have to make our own way in. Beth will have to understand."

"Yeah, you're right. Maybe I should call back Celine quickly first, she's been gone some time now…"

I was caught mid sentence as Celine appeared right in front of me.

"What are you doing Celine, you need to stay hid…"

"Sorry master."

Without another word she grabbed a hold of me. Everything went black for an instant. As things became visible once again, I realised we were now standing in Beth's back yard.

"What were you thinking Celine?"

"Sorry master, but there was no time." She took me by the hand and pulled me towards the shadows at the edge of the building. "Over here, quickly!"

As my eye's adjusted to the light and realised she was pulling me towards Beth. She was laid up against the wall. She was breathing heavily and bleeding from her shoulder.

I jumped forward and the crouched down next to Beth. "What happened?"

Beth coughed as she tried to talk.

Celine gripped my arm. "You need to heal her master. That wound isn't good."

"You're right…. Sorry Beth, I shouldn't have tried to make you speak."

Beth grimaced and shook her head.

I glanced over the wound. She had been pierced, perhaps by an arrow. From a quick glance, I couldn't make anything out in the wound. Seeing this, I activated "special heal."

Beth seemed to relax almost immediately. Her breathing was still heavy, but the skill could easily induce that too. At least it would feel less uncomfortable immediately.

I looked at the wound while I kept the skill up and was relieved to see it was already beginning to close.

I glanced up to Beth. She already had a little colour back in her face.

I turned to Celine who was nervously watching on from beside me.

"I think she's going to be…"

I was cut short by a loud crashing sound from the end of the garden. There were pieces of wood raining down all around the area the back door used to be.

Through the opening, four figures ran inside. My heart raced for a second until they drew closer.

It was Aetherin, Rosa, Lucy and Ameri.

I didn't know what else to do but laugh. "You've destroyed the door!"

Aetherin approached at the head of the group. "We didn't seem to have much choice." She glanced to Beth and then back to me. "I see, so that's why Celine pulled you in. That's a relief."

Celine pouted. "I wouldn't have brought master into harm's way!"

Aetherin smiled. "I know that. I just meant I was worried that things may have been worse than this." She pointed to Beth's wound.

I followed her gesture with my eyes, happy to see the wound was now almost closed.

I felt a sudden pull to my side. As I turned my lips were met by Beth's. She wrapped her arms around me and pushed her tongue into my mouth. I had little choice but to go with it.

We were interrupted by a loud cough from Liz. "This is hardly the time, or the place don't you think?" She chuckled. "But seriously, we need to hurry to the others."

Beth pulled herself up, she looked a little embarrassed. "I can't believe I'm hearing that from you… I couldn't help it! The urge was overwhelming."

Liz laughed. "Don't worry, we all know that feeling."

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