
Chapter 17: Target: Shiho

Chapter 17: Target: Shiho

Picking up from the end of previous chapter

Ino spun to the voice to see a woman that seemed familiar in the vague sense that she knew she had seen her someplace before. The woman was sitting in the leather chair Naruto owned. From the way she sat with her long legs crossed and exposed from the slit in the kimono she wore and with her delicate hands gripping the edge of the armrests, she gave off the air of a queen sitting in a throne. However knowing she was face to face with Kyuubi, Ino put off figuring out who the Bijuu looked like on hold. A little timid she asked, Kyuubi, I presume? Not to be blunt, but what the hell am I doing in the seal.

I wished to talk, Kyuubi said standing from the chair and walking gracefully towards the kunoichi.

About whumph, Ino began to ask but the rest of her sentence was swallowed by Kyuubis mouth as the Bijuu kissed her once within reach. Caught by surprise, she stiffened and almost pushed the woman away but calming she mentally shrugged before giving in and soon deepened the kiss. Kyuubi began to really get into it but to Inos surprise she found it lacking in some way. She tried to puzzle out why and was having difficulty doing so when Kyuubi ended the kiss.

The Bijuu stepped back looking as if she was ready to take things further, but Ino found that although she was a little more aroused then when she entered the seal. That in truth she had been more so from seeing an attractive guy without his shirt on in a magazine. Getting control of herself, Kyuubi asked, May I ask how was it?


The kiss, on a scale of one through ten what would you rank it?

Ino felt a little panicked at the question as she struggled with her fear of telling the worlds most powerful Bijuu that she felt the kiss had been a one, if that. Kyuubi surprised her as the woman said, You neednt fear answering, Im already well aware that it was a barely pleasurable experience.

Oh, Ino said lamely as the woman moved back to the chair. But then she realized that since Naruto and Kyuubi had been intimate that meant Naruto may have experienced something similar and with eyes going wide in understanding said, Oh!

Kyuubi smiled upon seeing the blondes realizing what she was implying and said, Exactly. Naruto is too much of a gentleman to complain that being with me is unsatisfying. But Ive noticed that in none of our encounters has he ever achieved an orgasm. I however have not been so hampered and have enjoyed our time immensely. But I do not want Naruto to view his time with me as a chore to perform to keep me happy, but one he can enjoy just as much.

Are you asking to borrow my body for a time in a variation of the Mind Body Switch Jutsu?

No, although tempting I imagine once I experienced such pleasure it would be difficult to give up. That is why I require a body I can call my own.

How is that possible?

As a Yamanaka you should know, Kyuubi replied moving back to the chair. Your jutsu works similarly to the one I have devised to allow me to take over anothers body except on a more permanent basis.

Wishing she had paid more attention to the mechanics behind her familys jutsu Ino said, Well why dont you explain it to me?

With a knowing smile Kyuubi said, Very well. The mind transfer jutsu implants what you humans call a soul into an enemy to take control of their body. The reason any damage done to either body is felt by both is because in order to be able to return to the casters body a small tether of energy remains that connects the two.

Sitting in front of the chair cross-legged Ino gave up pretending to understand in order to receive a lesson in her familys jutsu and asked, Why?

Smiling the Bijuu replied, Otherwise the soul wouldnt be able to return if it missed and the body would die when its energy ran out. You see Yamanaka you humans are made up of three things, a soul which I call the Will, Chakra, and flesh. They balance each other out and if the balance is lost you die. If the body sustains too much damage you die, lose too much chakra you die and if the Will is lost you

Die, I get it, Ino said before asking, But what about Naruto if you are able to implant yourself in a new host wont he die?

No, Kyuubi replied, A Bijuu is made up of only two of the three you humans possess, Chakra and Will. Our bodies are merely dense forms of chakra animated by our will, which is why we can be sealed away. I want to implant my will into a new body. One I can call my own in order to be held by Naruto outside of this seal. Since most of my chakra will remain behind there will be no danger to Naruto.

Understanding dawned on the kunoichi as she said, That jutsu you came up with for Konan. It was a test run for your jutsu.

Exactly, Kyuubi admitted inclining her head in a show of respect.

Okay why come to me then, Ino asked not understanding what the Bijuu expected of her.

You were responsible for finding Tayuya. I believe you found her in something called a deep coma ward. I wanted to know if there were any bodies that were being kept alive artificially because they had lost their wills.

Ino immediately thought of one that fit guessing that what Kyuubi meant by losing their wills was brain dead. While there were a few problems the body possessed namely a husband and relatives she doubted the Bijuu would have trouble handling them. Especially since a few rumors had the womans condition attributed to the husband due to her money and resources. There is one that may work for you. But I want something in return.

Oh and whats that.

Stop calling me Yamanaka. It makes you sound haughty.

As you wish Ino, Kyuubi said sitting back in the chair, Now tell me more about this body.

Dont you think youre getting a little ahead of yourself? You still have to convince Naruto and I imagine Tsunade.

I know, Kyuubi replied a small look of doubt appearing, But it would be best when the time comes to tell them all the pros and cons of letting me out of the seal. Therefore, I need to be able to tell them what role Ill be assuming if they agree and if at all possible I would like for the body to be one where I have power and influence.

Smiling Ino said, Well we certainly think along the same lines. Well the womans name was

Listening intently as Ino described the woman who built a shipping company only to possibly have it taken from her by those around her. Kyuubi hoped that Naruto trusted her enough that he would be willing to free her from her prison.


Konans eyes snapped open feeling herself pressed up against an unfamiliar warmth. Raising her head she realized she had been sleeping on Narutos shoulder. Seeing another mop on blonde hair on his other side in a similar position to what she assumed she had been in she wondered when Ino had entered the room.

Quietly slipping from the bed, she found a sheet at the end of it and wrapped it around her as she approached a window. Looking outside she could see that it had begun snowing in the Spring Country capital and wondered if the pure snow now coating the city somehow was a symbol to her own change. Guessing it was but not in a good way since despite how beautiful the city looked, underneath it all it was still the same. Meaning despite her new outlook she still had committed horrible acts that would never be erased. Feeling the cold seeping through the window she took a step back only to feel warmth as she backed into her lover who wrapped his arms around her.

Surprised she looked to the bed to see the blonde kunoichi was now alone as she slumbered. Embarrassed that she had been so easily crept up on she nevertheless sunk into his arms and enjoyed the warmth as he rested his chin on her shoulder. Whats on your mind? he asked surprising her that he knew something was bothering her. It must have shown in her reflection as he chuckled, a sound that reverberated through her, before saying, Sorry its not some great insight into your character. But generally I find when someone stares out a window lost in thought they tend to be thinking.

Konan nodded guessing she shouldnt be surprised Naruto didnt pick up on her mood so much as her actions. Still the fact that she thought he had surprised her making he feel the warmth she now felt pressed against her wasnt entirely due to his body heat. Seeing him watch her through her reflection she said, I was merely wondering if now Im the pure white snow or still the dirty city it is covering up.

Naruto chuckled causing a confused look to appear on her face. Knowing that laughing when she was being honest with him wasnt the way to go he apologized saying, Sorry, I was just imagining what Koyuki would say upon hearing you call her capital dirty. Konan was surprised his talking about his other lover didnt bother her but guessed it was related to the fact she had already known about several of them. His eyes sought out hers in the window before asking, What conclusion did you come too?

Not able to meet his eyes she looked to the floor as she said, I suppose Im the city. I can dress it up as much as I want but I have already dirtied myself with horrible actions.

Naruto nodded against her shoulder before reaching up and gently cupping her chin made her stare at her reflection. His tone comforting he asked, Why cant you be both?


Gently cutting her off he said, Konan we arent just our past actions. So long as a person can change their heart. They truly can become anything they want. Youre right youll never erase what youve done in the past and there may be people that can never forgive you. However you only need concern yourself with your own heart and desires. If you wish to bring about peace and are willing to find a better way to do it then I say youre both. You can be the grim filled city buried under the pristine snow that never melts.

Konan liked the analogy so much in fact that she looked over her shoulder to place a kiss against Narutos cheek. Pulling back slightly she aimed her next one for his lips pecking them she got greedy and decided to go in again except this time the kiss was met by Naruto who almost immediately deepened it. As their tongues began to dance around and against each other she felt something begin to poke her back and realized for the first time that Naruto hadnt bothered to put any clothes on.

Naruto spun her around and grabbing her wrists with one hand raised them above her head as he pushed her up against the window. With his free hand he grabbed the knot near her breast where she had tied the sheet in order to pull it loose. Not sure how she felt about having sex with the blonde kunoichi only a few feet away even if she was asleep she said, Ino

But was cut off as Naruto kissed her gently and pulling back said, Wont mind in the slightest. Pulling the knot free, he let go of the sheet and allowed it to pool around her. Naruto began to rub his cock along her slit and finding her soaking said, Do you really want me to stop when youre already this wet?

Konan blushed but remained silent which Naruto took as permission so letting go of her wrist began pushing himself into her passage. Konans arms immediately wrapped around Narutos neck as he lifted her off the ground and pressed her tightly against the window. As Naruto pumped away inside her, Konan found the way the cold window against her back fought against the heat Naruto emitted was a delicious metaphor for what she hoped her life was becoming. That she was no longer destined to remain alone in the cold but was going to bask in the bright future Naruto hoped to build. Naturally her mind wasnt truly focused on such things as for the moment her body was simply content to be basking in the pleasure Narutos cock was stirring up inside her.

Wrapping her legs behind his ass she tried to pull him deeper inside her as she moaned, Yes oh fuckI never knew it would be like this

Naruto smiled at her words and intent on making sure she felt as much as possible lowered his mouth to her breast where he began sucking on her nipple while he began rolling his tongue around it. Konan groaned loudly raising her head to stare up at the ceiling as she pulled him harder into her chest. Biting down gently, she tensed at the light bit of pain and loosened her grip when he let go. Taking the opportunity to move on to her other tit he licked along her skin as he moved his mouth towards his target while tasting her sweat along the way. Upon reaching his target he gave it a similar treatment as he did the other which caused Konan to groan as her body tensed around him and her head banged back against the glass. That tightness included her cunt which coiled around his length to such a degree he found it difficult to move for a moment.

Smiling around the nipple, he raised his head to stare into her eyes as her grip loosened and said, My my, such a strong reaction.

I feel it so much, Konan panted.

Groping her tit he asked, Here?

Although she moaned it didnt give him the same reaction so slowly he closed on her nipple and pinching it got a similar response to before and so said, Ah there.

Pulling on it, Konan broke eye contact as she cried, Yes, oh fuck right there.

Lowering his head, he replaced his hand with his mouth as he began stimulating her nipple and moved his hand back to her ass where he began sliding her hips up and down his cock more forcefully. She felt it more than ever due to his stimulating her nipple caused her to involuntary tighten around his length so felt her end fast approaching.

Having to fight against her greater resistance had a comparable effect on Naruto who said, Damn youre so fucking tight. I cant hold back any more. Shit Im going to cum.

Me too, she moaned, Inside, I want it inside. Complying with her request she was filled with his liquid heat in several powerful bursts that had her groaning, Yeeeesssss its so goooodddd.

As her orgasm subsided her grip around him lessened but Naruto easily held onto her. Turning, he planned to return her to the bed but paused upon seeing Ino was up and staring at them. Hey Im right here you know, she said a smirk on her face.

I know, Naruto said returning it with a smile. Konan tensed at the voice but was too tired to do anything about it. As Naruto moved towards the bed ,she noticed they were still connected as well as the fact that he hadnt softened in the slightest. Setting her down gently he pulled out of her and to her shock and embarrassment Ino immediately began licking his cock like a popsicle.

Ino stopped once it was cleaned of their combined essence and sitting back on the bed spread her legs showing her wet cunt before asking, I trust theres still some cum inside of you for me?

Climbing between them Naruto kissed her hungrily saying, Im sure there is, before burying himself inside her in a single violent thrust. Konan couldnt look away as Naruto began pounding away at the blonde that had no problem telling Naruto how much she enjoyed his efforts and was surprised when she admitted a moan of her own as she noticed her hand at some point had begun stimulating her pussy which wanted to once more be filled with her lovers cock.


There are no seals of any kind binding this scroll from what I can discern, Tsunade said as she turned towards Naruto and several of her fellow Harem members.

Now that youre sure even though I said the same thing an hour ago, Koharu said teasingly, Can we open the thing?

Sure, Tsunade said with a nod, I guess I was being a little paranoid I suppose.

For good reason, Tsume said pushing off of the wall she had been leaning against as Tsunade went over the scroll with a fine tooth comb. It is kind of hard to believe it was hidden behind such a powerful barrier but we cant find any sign of how they intended to keep it from being read should that fail.

Maybe the Hot-Spring Daimyo dealt with the seals, Naruto suggested as he moved closer to the desk in Tsunades Laboratory that she had taken over in recent months. He had been surprised when after handing the scroll over upon his return Tsunade had taken him to the outskirts of the village where she entered an old abandoned apartment building. Upon seeing his confused face she had told him that the building used to be where Orochimaru had lived and the reason he had selected it was due to the access to some hidden tunnels that ran underneath the village. Surprised, Naruto had followed her to the basement and after she revealed the secret entrance by pushing in a brick was further shocked to see the tunnel failed to live up to the creepy and dank image his mind had been conjuring for him. Tsunade seeing his face as the entrance revealed a brightly lit and freshly painted tunnel had just laughed as she waved him in after her where entering a room used for medical purposes he had found several of his other lovers waiting.

True, Tsunade said, But wed still see some signs of the type of seals that had been used. Unless this thing predates Fuuinjutsu in its more current forms, still its hard to imagine the Daimyo wouldnt bother to add any of his own.

Not all that hard actually, Koharu said. Considering the wealth of information at his hands he could easily ruin anyone foolish enough to cross him. Not to mention if Tayuya is right hes probably worked on deciphering it every night for years adding a seal would seem rather moot if he couldnt read it considering his beginnings as the head of Hot-Springs cryptanalyst unit.

This things probably going to be useless to us then, Tsume said. If he couldnt unravel what it said with access to the ruins then were probably not going to make much progress either.

True, Tsunade admitted, But I feel better knowing its out of his hands now. Thinking of Konohas own cryptanalyst group added, Besides just because someone is the head of something doesnt mean hes the greatest mind of it.

Tsume nodded at Tsunades point as Koharu said, While true and we know Kanji did translate it to a point it might only be because he found some sort of key or other artifact that helped in his translation.

Narutos chuckling drew the three womens attention to him causing him to say, That might be, however how about we open this thing before we start guessing. Pulling the red string, Naruto unrolled the scroll and was surprised when three fists collided with the top of his skull. Ouch, what the hell, he said rubbing the bumps he felt appearing.

Reckless idiot, Tsume said grabbing his jacket as she continued, There could have been a trap that was sealed on the inside, much like what we do to those who open the scrolls during the chunin exams. It could have released a poisonous gas or any other number of things.

What, Naruto said excited now, I thought you said it was clear.

The outside, Tsume said calming since it was apparent by the other two womens looking over the scroll that it appeared there were no traps.

Not to mention her relaxing was due to the puppy eyes Naruto was sending her way as he said, Sorry.

Forget it, Tsume said letting go of his jacket not sure how she liked his ability to get past her gruff exterior to find the inner woman that Oud and ahd at such things.

Looking at the scroll, and seeing it covered in strange hieroglyphics Tsume had a hard time not laughing as Naruto said, How are we supposed to read pictures? They dont even seem related to seducing women after all.

Tsunade allowed her laugh to be heard before replying, Thats because to whoever wrote this the pictures were in fact words. For all we know this is someones little black book. Unfortunately, I have no idea what society even used such means of writing. What about you Koharu?

Im afraid not, Koharu admitted, Although I believe there were ancient civilizations in Wind Country that used hieroglyphics.

Hearing that, Naruto flashed back to some similar writings on a wall that he had seen during his many adventures in Wind Country. However, at the moment he was having a hard time placing where and when it exactly was. Still he could tell his gathered lovers were surprised when he said, I think Ive seen writing like this before.

Where? Tsunade asked looking up from the scroll in surprise.

Im not sure, Naruto admitted, It was in Wind Country though wait I remember it was during that incident with those foreign invaders looking for that weird green stone.

The Gelel incident, Tsunade said remembering the ferret hunt that had turned into something much larger.

Yeah, Naruto said excitedly as he remembered the inner chamber where he fought Haido along with Temujin, The inner chamber where the gelel vein was being kept was filled with writing like that. Too bad it was destroyed.

Yes, but there is still hope we can learn what the scroll means. If the Gelel civilization was as big as its descendents claimed then there may be other ruins to find.

Dont get ahead of yourself, Tsunade, Koharu warned, Hot-spring is on the other side of Fire Country opposite of Wind Country. Its highly unlikely they are the same language.

I suppose I didnt consider that, Tsunade said a little disappointed.

They may have been rival kingdoms though, Tsume said surprising both women with her insight. And if thats the case

They might have talked to each other, Tsunade said regaining some of her excitement, But chances of finding such a communiqu are small.

Not to mention, Koharu said as she once more looked over the scroll, We havent answered the most important question yet.

Which is? Naruto asked.

Why did they hide it away, Koharu said gravely, Because whoever did so. Did it with the hope it wouldnt see the light of day again.

Or that it would be well protected from those who wished it destroyed, Tsume said offering another theory.

Tsunade cut in with a smile gracing her lips as she said, Well as our reckless young lover would say we wont know what we are looking for until we know what it says. So with that said, "I think you know what needs to be done Naruto.

Nodding Naruto began heading back to the surface as he wondered just how he was going to go about seducing a woman from Konohas Cryptanalyst Department.


Welcome back Konan, Pain said as she entered the top of the tower located in Ame.

She fought back a frown as Madara cut in saying, Although thats a sentiment which Kakuzu wouldnt share seeing as how your blunder in Hot-Spring has upset the Daimyo there. According to Kakuzu its costing him three times as much for information related to his bounty collecting business.

The Daimyo would be singing a different tune had I managed to catch the thief that broke into his office, Konan replied.

Oh, I dont know about that, Madara countered, You did kill two of his men.

Trying and succeeding to keep the regret she felt from her face since such things wouldnt have bothered her in the past she replied, He doesnt strike me as the type to care for his people and is merely trying to put the blame of the thiefs escape on me. Had I captured the thief and what she took all would be forgiven.

About that, Pain said directing her attention to his Deva path him, Any idea on what she was after.

A scroll of some sort, Konan said having to reveal some of the truth since she didnt know what the Daimyo would tell Akatsuki while complaining about her appearance and departure. However what it contains I do not know. I believe it was of some importance to him though considering how he hid it.

Pain nodded saying, He gave that impression to Kakuzu when he tried to smooth things over. Do you have any ideas on what the thief was after and is it the same woman that has been interfering in our operations?

Hating the need to lie to her friend and fearful he would detect it she said, It may have been, we cant ignore the thief was skilled enough to get in and out of the village or that she wouldnt have been detected had I not made my presence known. It may have not been her first visit to the Daimyos office. Im not sure what she was after but I think the scroll was a bonus that she stumbled on.

Konan kept her face impassive but due to the Deva Paths blank stare was finding it difficult to remain calm since she wasnt sure if Nagato believed her. After almost a minute of the blank look he finally said, A likely scenario, even if the Daimyo believes his security couldnt be so easily breached multiple times.

Konan nodded and was about to walk deeper into the room but stopped as the Deva Path said, Konan, please go downstairs and prepare to seal the Sanbi. Well be down in a moment to join you. Madara and I have to finish our discussion on a means of capturing the remaining Bijuu since it appears that Konoha and Kumo are circling the wagons around their jinchuriki so to speak. Ill share with you later about what we decide.

Allowing the frown she felt to appear since both men knew of her dislike of Madara she nodded before turning to leave. As she stepped into the light that the door she had left open allowed into the room and the two men grew darker and darker as the darkness swallowed them up. It was difficult for Konan not to take the image as a metaphor for just how difficult it would be to convince Nagato that the path Madara showed him was one that could never bring the peace he sought.


As his rough and callused hands began working their way up the smooth skin of her inner thigh Raven felt her desire for the man in front of her well up in her breast. We shouldnt, she said. Only to receive a brisk, Why not? Looking away in shame since her heart was telling her one thing and her mind another which answered she said, Because Im a member of nobility and Im destined to marry Prince Oda. I must remain pure for him and you are a gardener. Looking deep into her soul the gardener Kon replied, But do you love him as you do me? Unable to lie to him, she shook her head no causing Kon to say, Then what right does he have to claim you? With that the hand completed its journey and reaching her outer passage she

Shiho, what did I say about reading that trash in here, the Head of the Cryptanalyst Department of Konoha shouted from his desk ruining the atmosphere of her novel. I thought I told you to decode the documents Team Nine took off that Grass courier.

Closing her book, she replied, I wasnt reading it aloud and the documents are in your bin waiting for your approval.

Grabbing the items in the bin the department head said, Fine, then Im leaving.

Her mood to read her romance novel ruined, she placed the book down as Yurika stretched her arms over her head saying, Out of the office and not even four-thirty yet what a lazy ass. Many of the other department members nodded at her remark since for the most part none of them liked the man. Standing Yurika moved to Shihos desk and sitting against it said, Damn Shiho how the hell did you decrypt those documents so fast? The Lazy Ass had them for a week.

He ran it through the Grass code we deciphered last year since they are still using it and he couldnt read it so he assumed that it meant they are changing codes. But he never realized that since the documents were meant for someone in Fang Country that they would need to have a way to read it and since Grass seems to be so proud of its code and unaware that we broke it that it was unlikely they would share the means to decipher it with someone outside the country.

Which means a new code?

Not exactly, Shiho corrected, I ran it through the broken codes of G-six and G-seven the last two ones Grass has used. As I guessed the message was coded using variations of them.

So what was the message about then? It couldnt be that secure if they were using old codes to hide its contents.

Shiho nodded saying, Basically the Fang Country Daimyos wife found his Make-Out Paradise Collection and threw it out. He hired Grass to discreetly replace his lost collection. The message was simply Grass letting the man know they had collected all the items, and shinobi were in route to deliver them.

Man is Lazy-ass going to be pissed when he reads that. He had the higher-ups convinced that Grass was changing to a new code. I wouldnt doubt that plans were already in the works to infiltrate the village in order to get our hands on it. Hell no doubt blame our incompetence while claiming to be the one that finally solved it. Seriously Shiho you should be the one running the department.

Shiho shrugged replying, I dont really care about that. All I want to do is be in a position where I can help. If the he feels the need to take the credit then hes welcome to it.

Smiling Yurika said, Are you sure thats all you want, before nodding her head towards the office door.

Confused Shiho turned to see Shikamaru Nara standing there. Feeling her cheeks heat up she stood abruptly to see if there was any way she could help the Chunin. Umcan I help you?

Nodding the Nara said, My team took this off of some Taki-nin scooping out the village. I think they were scouting our defenses in order to infiltrate and take back their jinchuriki. Unfortunately they had already coded their message and destroyed the key.

Dont worry Ill

Hey Shikamaru, a voice cut in from behind the chunin.

Naruto, Shikamaru said turning and cleaning out his ear, Youre as loud as ever.

Sorry, I was just surprised to find you here, the jinchuriki replied rubbing his head in embarrassment as he noticed all the eyes from inside the office staring at him.

I think I should be the one thats surprised, Shikamaru replied, You usually just destroy things leaving the clean up to the rest. Not generally someone you find in need of having things deciphered.

Well we all have our specialties, Naruto responded good-naturedly to the Naras teasing. Honestly though, I was lost down here for like an hour and was just excited to see a familiar face.

With a sigh Shikamaru said, That does sound more like you. Come on Ill show you the way out.

Thanks man, Naruto said and as he followed behind the Nara, his eyes settled on the woman Shikamaru had been talking to and the way her eyes followed the Nara as he walked away.


Naruto made his way back down to the cryptanalyst department figuring he was in store for some disappointment. After catching up with Shikamaru for a while he had excused himself as the Nara began complaining about what a pain in his ass his mom was with all her pushing him to excel for what turned out to be the fifth time. He could tell that was fine with the Nara as he looked like all he wanted to do was take a nap.

As he walked, he thought about the young woman he had marked as a potential target but wasnt sure if he should go through with it due to her obvious infatuation with Shikamaru. Naruto had managed to get Shikamaru to talk about Shiho but learned all the Nara recognized about her was that she was skilled in her field. Of course Naruto knew that already since Tsunade was well aware of the fact that the current head of the department was stealing someones work and was convinced Shiho was that person. She came to that opinion since it appeared that the woman although never contributing anything meaningful to the department seemed to put in the most hours. The only thing stopping Tsunade from following through with her theory was the fact that Shiho herself never filed a complaint.

Reaching the door he found it closed but from the light coming from underneath it guessed that someone was inside. Knocking he turned the handle finding it unlocked and stepping into the room found Shiho sitting at her desk as she turned to see who had entered. Although he couldnt see her eyes from the way her face crinkled up he suspected she was glaring at him. He couldnt exactly blame her due to his ruining what she probably perceived as a moment with her crush.

Her dislike of him was easy to her as she said, The office is closed you shouldnt be here.

Closing the door behind him Naruto said, Look Im sorry about earlier and I wasnt exactly honest about why I was down here then. Shiho arched an eyebrow but remained silent so he continued pulling the scroll from his pouch, The truth is I recently had this scroll given to me. Its written in a weird picture language and I was hoping I could get it translated.

This office is for official purposes only. There are civilian organizations that can help you translate it, Shiho said beginning to swivel her chair from him.

That might be, Naruto admitted, But the person that gave me this said she took it from a cryptographer who had it for almost ten years and couldnt translate it. Tsunade said you are probably the best one we have so I was hoping maybe you could give it a try. Id owe you one. Naruto smiled sincerely which grew a little wider as he could see the woman thinking over his offer due to the three incentives he had subtly provided her. The most obvious being the challenge of decoding something someone else in her profession couldnt. The other two were more subtle he knew since he didnt know if she was aware that Tsunade was conscious to the fact her boss was using her for her talents. The final one was of course his hoping his reputation preceded him and Shiho would make a specific request with the favor. After almost a minute of silence he began putting the scroll away saying, Well let me know if you are interested.

Wait, Shiho said standing, Maybe before I decide I could take a look. To let me know what I cou;d be getting into.

Sure, Naruto said handing it to her.

Its old, Shiho said in surprise upon being handed the item. Moving to her desk she continued, Still its in amazing condition. It must have been kept in a crypt behind some sort of powerful barrier.

Surprised Naruto followed her saying, How can you tell that?

From the condition of it, Shiho replied a little excitement seeping into her tone. Old barriers were created not just to keep people out but to preserve the artifacts that they hid. Mainly due to ancient civilizations preoccupation with the afterlife, if Im right this may be from one of the ones that settled the Lands we now think of as Wind, River, and Stone Country.

Wow, Naruto said impressed not just with the scope of the civilization but with Shihos expert analyst of the scroll just from the outside of it. Obviously I was right to bring it to you.

Getting her exuberance under control she said, Lets not get ahead of ourselves. I havent agreed to help you yet.

Right, Naruto said but fighting to keep a smile from appearing since he believed shed help just on her desire to know what it was the scroll contained.

Focusing on the hieroglyphics Shiho said, Im not familiar with the language.

Leaning in next to her Naruto said, I thought you said it was probably from one of the old civilizations to the south.

I said I thought it might have been from there, Shiho replied, But while some of the characteristics are the same. Im beginning to think it may have been from a lesser known kingdom of the same period. Ill need to research this a little.

Umokay does that mean youll help?

Giving the scroll a look of curiosity Shiho nodded saying, Ill help.

Great, Naruto said brightly and turning put his hand in his pockets adding, Let me know when you

Hold on a minute, Shiho said moving in front of him, Arent you curious as to what my favors going to be?

Well I thought youd need some time to think about it, Naruto said. But if you already know then sure.

Appearing nervous Shiho said, II want I

Hmmm, Naruto said prompting the woman a little.

I want you to take me out on a date, Shiho blurted quickly to get it over with.

Glad he had guessed right he said, Sure, but I had the feeling you liked Shikamaru.

Blushing she turned from him saying, I dobut I wouldnt know what to do even if he agreed to go out with me. Thats why I want you to take me out. That way Ill get some practice

And since everyone knows thats what Ive been doing, Shikamaru wont get any funny ideas about the two of us. When Shiho nodded Naruto said, Then Ill see you this Friday after work. Should I meet you at your place?

Y-yes, Shiho said quickly writing her address down for him.

Heading for the door he stopped at it to look of his shoulder to say, Alright Ill see you then. Leaving Shiho to wonder why she felt her blush intensify as a result of the blond jinchuriki gaze.


I dont like it, Tsunade said as she pressed herself against him in his bed.

As youve said many times tonight, Naruto replied smiling at his lover causing her to let her annoyance be seen on her face. However Im not seeing the problem. Shes deciphering the scroll like we want and all she wants in return is a few fake dates. If anything its a win, win for everyone.

Except if the scroll details how to seduce women and then bind them to you. This let me remind you, is very likely considering the Hot-spring Daimyo and Kanjis own ability to learn similar such jutsu from what it contains. Tsunade spent several moments staring at him with her best listen to the Hokage who is speaking face but was somewhat diminished due to her currently being nude and in his arms.

Allowing his smile to disappear to tell her that he was taking her words seriously he replied, I know thats a possibility. But if I do these dates right and since she doesnt know who gave it to me. We should be able to convince her that someone Ive helped in the past thats heard about my interest in dating recently gave it to me not knowing that it contained a powerful jutsu. But thought it contained some ancient recipe for an aphrodisiac. Worse comes to worse, she demands we go to the Hokage who happens to be you.

Letting her head fall to his chest she said, I get it, but I still don't have to like it. What if she does eventually end up with Shikamaru and she lets it slip about the scroll to him? We may have unintended problems then. It would be much easier just to seduce her and make sure she doesnt talk.

If we did it the easy way it just wouldnt be me, Naruto said chuckling but received a light jab to the stomach. Besides, Shiho is doing this in hopes of moving closer to Shikamaru. If I begin only caring about my situation then when does it stop being about the goal and simply becomes about myself?

Tsunade nodded her head against his chest sleepily before saying, I still dont like it.

Naruto laughed but merely began stroking her hair in order to avoid talking around in circles about it. The affectionate action did the trick as soon Tsunades breathing changed to the steady rhythm of those asleep. Feeling tired himself; he allowed his eyes to drift close and was soon asleep as well. However he knew it wasnt a deep sleep as a moment later he found both Tsunade and he were in the seal.

Kyuubi, Naruto said seeing the Bijuu sitting in his brown leather chair.

Naruto, she said sweetly before directing her gaze to the Hokage adding, Tsunade.

What happened to Senju? Tsunade asked sitting up in the bed.

I was informed it made me sound haughty, Kyuubi said standing from the chair and moving to the recreation of his kitchen table.

Tsunade looked back at Naruto, her gaze asking if it was him but he simply shrugged not sure of who had been speaking to Kyuubi recently. It was Ino, Kyuubi supplied her back turned towards the two. She has been helping me with a project of mine recently and didnt like me referring to her by her familys name.

Naruto left the bed asking, This wouldnt be the project youve been working on but didnt want me to know about, would it?

It would, the Bijuu replied matter of factly.

Why trust her with it but not me?

Well she had the information I needed to move forward to talk to the two of you. Plus, she hasnt been keeping it a secret from me that while in the seal any pleasure she feels is negligible.

Naruto winced before saying, Look Kyu

But stopped when she held up her hand as she said, Im not angry, Naruto. I merely wanted to show you how it feels not to be told everything. The truth is I can understand why you did it which is because you felt obligated to take care of my needs and didnt want me to feel inadequate due to your inability to derive pleasure while in the seal.

I take it then you came up with a way around that, Tsunade said leaving the bed as well.

Yes, Kyuubi replied before leveling her gaze at Naruto as she said, I want out of the seal.

Forget it, Tsunade snapped causing Kyuubis gaze to harden as it landed on the Hokage.

I dont believe its your decision to make, Kyuubi said her voice sounding low and dangerous, I waited till Naruto was with you merely as a respect to your position and the fact Naruto would no doubt consult you.

Naruto merely moved to sit at the table covered in papers that he assumed highlighted what Kyuubi wanted before saying, Alright tell me more. I trust first off this doesnt end with me dead.

Of course not, Kyuubi replied sitting across from him, There would be no use in escaping if the reason I wished to leave died as a result.

Sitting at the table as well and crossing her arms over her bust and legs in a stance that told everyone present that regardless of Kyuubis earlier words she did need to convince Tsunade as well as the Hokage said, Alright then explain just what it is you are planning.

Kyuubi went over the matter in painfully small detail at times due to Narutos inability to follow some of the matters in question. Tsunade had no trouble naturally and when Kyuubi mentioned a desire to have at least a tail worth of her Bijuu chakra transferred as well she stopped the Bijuu saying, How can separating some of your chakra not have an adverse affect on Naruto?

It would be like me forcing a tail through the cage only to have it cut off. The power would then be contained outside the seal. I wish to do that in this case and implant it into the host body.

Tsunade looked down at the table for a moment before asking, What happens after?

What do you mean?

I mean will you only always have a single tail of chakra while Naruto has eight or

Or will the chakra grow over time, Kyuubi finished. I believe it will grow in both Naruto and myself until we both reach nine again.

Tsunade was shocked but also fearful of what a Bijuu with her full power outside the seal could do. Another worry Tsunade had was that with a physical form and depending on how well the transfer of Kyuubis will into the host went it may be impossible to seal her away again should it turn out to be a trick.

Kyuubi sensed Tsunades hesitance saying, I promise you its no trick to gain my freedom permanently. I merely wish to experience all that you and his other lovers have. I may be satisfied but since Naruto isnt. It merely may be due to his having a physical existence. Since I do not it seems my ability to enjoy our time to the fullest is a case of mind over matter.

II do understand, Tsunade said her voice sympathetic, But I cant endanger Konoha on a mere promise. You very nearly destroyed the village last time.

How can we both have nine-tails of chakra, Naruto asked surprising both women with his change in subject.

Glad for it, Kyuubi smiled gently saying, Have you ever stopped to wonder why if upon your death we Bijuu went free did we ever bother protecting our vessels?

Not really, Naruto replied quickly.

The reason is because after a vessels unexpected death our energies are scattered and it takes time to reform. Granted Ive never experienced it myself but perhaps the fear of what would happen to me should it happen kept me acting on your behalf. But Sanbis sudden appearance seemed to have led credence to the rumor we would reform afterwards. So the question is how?

Tsunade naturally arrived to the answer first saying shocked, You take it from the environment around you.

Exactly, after all as a being composed of chakra I didnt truly eat or drink so I had to recoup my energy somehow after expending it. That Sanbi reappeared proves that our wills remain after our chakra is scattered and begins reforming chakra in an effort to create our forms again.

Realizing the answer to Narutos question Tsunade said, So by implanting a tail into the host body would be like taking a cutting from a plant. In time youd grow it would grow into a copy of your original power.

Precisely, Kyuubi admitted.

Alright lets do it then, Naruto said surprising both women again.


Look Tsunade I know you have to consider what could happen to the village. But I trust Kyuubi, plus if she does have a physical form and we sleep together shell be bound to me as well.

Theres no evidence to suggest that the jutsu will work on a Bijuu even one with a physical body, Tsunade countered.

Theres none to suggest it wont either, Naruto said with a smirk.

In a huff Tsunade said, I dont like it. There are too many unknowns. Kyuubi was about to say that it was true for her as well but Tsunade added, But I trust Narutos ability to read people and I know hell stop you if this is a trick so Ill agree to go along. But itll take time to set up a medical miracle.

Ive thought of that as well, Kyuubi said, Ill also handle the husband and extended family. Ino has been doing a little digging and considering the lifestyle they are living I dont think its too much to imagine they will not like her suddenly waking from her coma.

Alright, um what should I call you then, Naruto asked.

Kyuubi, the Bijuu said, Once Im established as the company head I plan to enter seclusion so we wont need to worry about such matters.

Naruto stood and leaning down said, Alright then, goodnight Kyuubi. Well do it after Ive had a chance to spy on the husband myself. Ill admit to being a little uncomfortable about disrupting other peoples lives in such a way.

I understand Naruto, she replied before allowing him to kiss her goodnight. Watching as Tsunade led him back to the bed to return to an unconscious state and fighting her feeling of being envious of the blonde hugging his chest due to her ability to generate warmth against him hoped everything went as she had planned.


Naruto knocked on the door of Shihos apartment. Receiving no reply he did so again except more insistently. He heard some shuffling and finally a sigh before she said through the door, Naruto?

Yeah, Im here for our date.

UmIm feeling a little under the weather so maybe we should just call the whole thing off. Ill still translate the scroll okay.

Really, because Im pretty sure you went to work today. This isnt just a fit of nerves is it?

Hearing another sigh she said, It was a stupid idea. So lets call it off okay?

Can I at least come in? Naruto asked.

Silence greeted his request until finally he heard the door lock unlatch. It opened slowly allowing Naruto to step inside. Looking around her apartment, he wasnt surprised to see the many bookcases around the room. But he was surprised to see the scroll sitting on a table with several books on hieroglyphs opened near it. Jokingly he said, Dont tell me staying home and translating is a better way to spend the night then going out with me.

No Shiho said quickly, Its just

She trailed off and Naruto noticed that despite his own dressing up in a black dress shirt and slacks that she was still wearing her red dress from work. Not to mention the stray strands of hair that raised from her scalp at various places. He believed he knew why she was suddenly backing out as he saw a large pile of discarded clothes on her bed.

Im afraid I cant let you off the hook for our date, Naruto said kindly, Ive been looking forward to it all day.

But look at you and look at me, Shiho said, Im a mess. Hardly a fit companion considering some of the other girls youve gone out with. Naruto began unbuttoning his shirt to reveal a white t-shirt beneath it causing the woman to ask, What are you doing?

Well if you are worried about my image then lets make tonight a friendly date between fellow Konoha-nin instead of a mock romantic one and well work our way up from there. Naruto then walked up to who looked at his arm for several moments before taking it. Good, Naruto said, So how about I take you to try some of the best ramen anyplace has to offer.

Sure, Shiho replied still sounding nervous but was willing to admit the blond had a way of easing the self-consciousness she felt.


Alright dont you dare hold out on me, Yurika said placing both her hands on Shihos desk.

Sitting back in surprise, Shiho said, What are you talking about?

Hm what could it be, Yurika said placing a finger against her chin while striking a thinking pose before once more placing her hands on the desk and getting her face uncomfortably close to Shihos as she continued, How about last night I heard you were seen at Ichiraku ramen with a certain blond that has been seen wining and dining the likes of Hinata Hyuuga and Ino Yamanaka.

Really, one of the other cryptographers said looking up from the document she was working on, was it a real date or a practice one.

Practice, Shiho said immediately, Practice for me.

Yurika pulled back to say, I dont think a ramen stand is a great place for a practice date. Seems kind of like something two friends would do or those that have been dating for a while.

Yeah, Shiho agreed with a sigh, The truth is I was about to call off the whole thing because I got so nervous. But he wouldnt let me. Hes convinced me that well work our way up to a romantic one.

A fake romantic one you mean, Yurika said finding the whole thing amusing as she walked away. Kami Shiho for a girl that reads those romancenovels you sure are hopeless.

Nodding as she looked at the one she had been reading lately she whispered, I guess thats why I read them.


Three weeks had come and gone quickly for Shiho as she continued to see Naruto in various practice scenarios. Today she had actually been able to attend the big event that they had worked up to which was eating a romantic dinner for two at the Golden Pagoda. Over the course of those weeks Shiho had found herself slowly feeling at ease with the jinchuriki so much in fact that for the past twenty minutes she had preceded to regal him with the events that had happened in her department that day. So once I figured the key was based off of the Zodiac and its dates well everything fell right into place. From now on well be able to easily decipher any and all messages from The Land of Honey and Iwa.

Thats great, Naruto said, I didnt understand half of it but I know it was important.

Im sorry.

For what, he asked confused.

Well its just were here at probably the finest restaurant in the village and Im talking about code-breaking.

Reaching across the table Naruto grabbed her hand saying, Enough of that. Its important to you so if youre out on a date and you want to talk about it then your company for the night should be willing to listen.

Smiling prettily she said, But you didnt understand half of it.

True but what I did I found riveting. So how about you explain how knowing the zodiac helped.

Shiho nodded and began explaining how once she realized the key the rest was easy. She spared a moment to notice her reflection in a glass of water on the table. Even though she still saw the few strands from her hair that always seemed to escape her brush even though she was wearing down outside of her normal ponytail and was wearing contacts instead of glasses, she was surprised at just how at ease she was around Naruto. In truth she was surprised that she was actually hoping that the translation of the scroll could go on further to be around him. Not that she had to worry about that since it was proving to be stubbornly hard to decode.

Finishing her explanation she asked, Would you excuse me for a moment?

Naruto nodded and watched as she made her way to the bathroom before allowing his attention to wander to the man surrounded by several women that the word floozy seemed to describe. Knowing him as the husband of the woman whose body Kyuubi intended to inhabit he worried slightly that the man would react violently to his wife suddenly waking from what he believed to be a state of being brain dead. Naruto knew he was the last one to be judging others for having multiple lovers but something told him if the wife could speak she would be upset with the way her husband was spending the money her hard work earned on bimbos.

It was thinking along those lines that made Naruto consider telling Kyuubi they shouldnt carry on with the plan, since what right did he have to spend her money on his ambition? However, as he watched the man grope one of the women blatantly in the restaurant while the woman he was supposed to love and cherish lied in a state of purgatory since he feared pulling the plug would allow her family to strip him of his wealth decided to hell with the bastard and only hoped the woman understood.

Did you miss me? Shiho asked as she sat down.

But of course, Naruto replied standing to help Shiho take her seat again. Retaking his he said, Have you decided what you want to eat.

I think Ill have the

Dinner progressed nicely and after paying the bill they decided to end the night with a walk. As they moved through the village Shiho hugged Narutos arm to her in a gesture that both surprised and made her wonder about her feelings. Her confusion was further enhanced when a familiar voice called out, Naruto!

Naruto turned to it taking her along with him as Shiho had gone stiff upon hearing the voice of her crush. Shikamaru, he said, Whats up, its not like you to be up so late?

Trust me if the Hokage wasnt busting my ass Id gladly be asleep right now, Shikamaru said in-between yawns. Looking at the girl on his arm he continued, Sorry for interrupting your date but Ive got some important news.

No problem, Naruto said, By the way, youve met Shiho before.

Distracted for a moment he looked at her before saying, Right, you work in the Cryptanalyst Department. Anyway, Naruto weve received some rumors that Orochimaru is dead and that he was killed by Sasuke.

What Naruto said excitedly, Thats great!

You should go, Shiho said crushed that the boy she had liked had barely paid her any attention while dressed to the hilts as she was.

Naruto sensed her sadness saying, Dont worry about it Shiho. Like Shikamaru said its only a rumor. Im willing to bet Tsunade sent him just to let me know so I didnt go charging off in the middle of the night if I happened onto one of the rumors.

Something to that affect, Shikamaru turned saying, Anyway have fun on your date.

Sure, Naruto replied surprised Shiho didnt mention it being a fake one. Continuing where they left off as they walked along the river that ran through the village he said, Dont worry, Im sure that once he gets to know you hell be more

Its fine, Shiho said cutting him off, I guess I shouldnt be surprised he barely noticed me. Its not like he hung around the department. He usually just dropped off what he needed to and left. I was the one that got all excited when he showed up.

I understand that feeling, Naruto said thinking of his crush on Sakura the time in the academy. Still you shouldnt be discouraged, Im sure if you keep trying hell eventually come around.

Shiho nodded, but strangely didnt feel all the encouraged by his words. Looking up at the blonds blue eyes as he watched her worriedly she supposed it might just have been because Naruto just viewed the dates theyve been on as fake ones and she wasnt so sure she liked that idea anymore. Reaching her apartment Naruto said, Well I guess youve completed the program and have had a successful date in a romantic environment. Now you just need to get the boy you want out on a date and Im sure youll do fine.

Thanks Naruto, Shiho said as she fiddled with her keys, Ill let you know when Ive made some progress with the scroll.

Sure, Naruto said a little awkwardly not sure how to end the date since all his other ones tended to end with a night of passion. Rubbing the back of his head, he said, Well Ill see you around, before leaving her at her door.

Heading in Shiho kicked off her shoes and sighed as she sat in a chair pulling out her novel. Picking up at a steamy part she wasnt surprised that when she pictured herself in the princess Ravens role that the hunk gardener had blue eyes and blond hair.


Ino smiled brightly as she entered the Cryptanalyst Department amused at once again it was she that had to give the little push to get Naruto to just seduce a girl he was being hesitant with. She understood why he was reluctant to do so but considering he had no problem seducing her to clear the way for Sakura to go after Sasuke felt she had the right to act when he was being hypocritical. Truthfully she wasnt alone in that endeavor as Tsunade had sent Shikamaru on purpose on the night of his date with Shiho to show the two the boy wasnt interested in a relationship.

Truthfully, Ino knew Shiho would be a bad match for Shikamaru as he needed someone with the backbone of his mother otherwise she feared hed simply slip into a sleep that he would never wake from. Having watched the interaction when they had run into each other during the date she suspected Shiho was beginning to realize that as well.

Walking to the girls desk she sat on it crossing her legs and smiled at the obviously surprised woman. Hey, she said from her perch.

C-can I help you?

Well the Hokage gave me this, Ino said pulling the paper from her pouch, Since Narutos been saying youre the best I figured I should give it to you.

Shiho took the paper and looking at it said, It looks like an Iwa code they use to talk to Shinobi in the field.

Wow you are good, Ino said, It was taken from one that my team fought near the Taki border.

Really are Waterfall and Iwa working together now?

They might be, Ino said, Considering Tsunade isnt handing Fu over to them anytime soon. They might be looking for new allies. Having a base in Taki would be enough incentive to get Iwa to protect them since theyre on our shit list.

Ill get to work on it right away.

Good, Ino said dropping down before adding, You know theres still a test you didnt pass.

Pardon, Shiho said turning to face the blonde.

Leaning in close Ino whispered, For the Naruto dating program. Theres still a lesson you need to learn.

W-whats that?

Whispering hotly into her ear, Ino said, Why on how to confess to a boy you are interested.

B-but, w-what about you and the other girls, I-I cant be the only one that

Oh dont worry about us, Ino said cutting her off and pulling back, Well be just fine.

Watching Ino leave Shiho wondered how the Yamanaka knew how she was feeling as well as wondering just how she made walking look so seductive and why she was the only one in the room that that seemed to notice.


Reading was an escape for Shiho and she knew she was flustered when she couldnt get past the same paragraph in her book even after an hour of trying. She was still in the Department and was waiting for the man she had sent the message too to arrive. Trying again she was surprised when a pair of hands landed on her shoulders as Naruto said, Hey you sent for me?

Ahhh, she screamed spinning and standing to face him. Dont do that.

Sorry. Um, your message said you needed to see me.

Feeling all the nerves she thought the dates had erased she said, R-right, sorry about that but umwell forget itsorry for troubling you.

Confused, Naruto said, Okaywell while Im here do you mind if I ask if youve made any progress on the scroll?

Sorry noIts not from a known kingdom although I do believe its had some run ins with the Gelel Kingdom. Unfortunately the Gelel language hasnt been deciphered.

What about asking that traveling tribe that are descendants from them?

Unfortunately they dont know how to read it either. All their tales have been passed along orally. Shiho in an effort to clear a little space from the blond picked up some books she had been using earlier in the day and began putting them away.

It pulled Narutos attention to the romance novel she had been reading. Beginning to guess at why she called him there he said, Well Im sure youll crack it. But since you probably didnt call me here to say you didnt learn anything maybe you had another reason.

T-thats alright, it was just a silly idea someone put inside my head that maybe I needed to be more upfront about my it doesnt matter.

Closing with the girl who turned towards him and like a cornered mouse as she pressed herself against the bookcase he said, Were you going to say upfront about your feelings? When Shiho looked away he grinned adding, And yet you sent for me. Have our dates made you change your mind about who you want to be with?

IYI dont know, Shiho admitted, Everythings just so confusing right now.

Naruto tilted her face up towards his before saying, Its a horrible thing not to know what you want. Let me see if this helps to convince you. Slowly lowering his lips to hers, he noticed her tongue slip out to wet them quickly before making contact. The kiss started off slow but he soon deepened it and was glad when she reached her arms around his neck. Placing his own around her waist he continued to kiss her until the need to breathe became overwhelming.

As she panted Shiho asked, W-what do you want?

Grinning down at her, Naruto said, Cant you guess, but in a word, you. As he kissed her again Shiho felt like she was living out one of her novels and so when he broke this kiss again and he asked, Do you want me as well?

She quickly replied, Yes!

Good, Naruto said slowly while dropping to his knees in front of her and then raised one of her legs over his shoulder.

Shiho blushed as he got a good view of her panty covered mound but made no attempt to block his view. Leaning forward the blond planted his mouth over it causing Shihos hands to move to his hair as he began licking her through the cloth. Shiho moaned in amazement and satisfaction unable to believe just how much better the actual act was compared to what her novels had conveyed. She threw her head back against the bookcase and groaned when Naruto pushed her panties to the side and he licked her snatch directly for the first time.

Enjoying the feelings Narutos divine tongue were creating inside of her, Shiho couldnt help but think her fellow members of the department would be shocked at her current behavior. She knew many of them, Yurika being an exception, were like her and felt more at home among piles of books then people. But she knew that many of them had thought of her as the most hopeless of the group. Which was why as she began groping her breast she delighted in the idea that she was being eaten out so thoroughly in the place she worked, since she could almost picture them staring opened mouth if they saw her at the moment. So turned on and lost in the idea was she that she was caught by surprise as her body released the tension Narutos actions had been creating.

Ahhhhhh, she screamed coating Narutos tongue and mouth in her juices as she experienced her first orgasm not brought about by her own fingers. Looking down and seeing the attractive blond as he continued to lick her juices from her sensitive quim, Shiho was struck by the fact that she couldnt be the only one that had dated Naruto to feel as strongly for him.

Therefore as he stood after slowly removing her soaked panties she said, Y-youve done this with the other girls havent you?

I have, Naruto admitted, If that bothers you we can stop here.

Shiho bit her lip but after thinking for a moment shook her head saying, Now at least I know what Ino meant about theyd be fine with me confessing.

I see, I suppose she did a little prodding then to get you to ask me here.

Shiho nodded before kissing him gently on the lips and saying, Yes and Im glad she did.

Me too, Naruto replied before going in to kiss her again. As they kissed this time Shiho took a more active role and began rubbing her hand along Narutos hardened cock. Enjoying the way he groaned as a result she gripped the zipper and freed it of its cloth confines. Wrapping her hand around it she once again marveled at how her books had failed to convey just how hot and hard a cock could be. As she stroke it she began kissing along Naruto chin and neck while her lower lips began to drool in anticipation of being penetrated by the meaty appendage she held in her hand.

Groaning appreciatively, Narutos own hands werent idle as the felt up Shihos body. Groping her breast through her dress, he could feel her nipples straining against the material. Loving the way the erect nipples looked while covered he decided to leave the dress on and reached down to cup her ass. Giving it a squeeze he then gripped the hem of her dress and hiked it up around her waist.

Reaching down he grabbed her ass again and he lifted her off her feet up against the bookcase. Shiho lined his cock up with her slick entrance but Naruto stopped from pushing in to ask, Are you sure this is what you want?

Shiho groaned disappointed that it hadnt happened already, YesI want this

Not needing anymore incentive Naruto pushed in slowly knowing that although a kunoichi her duties might not have had her as active as some of the other. Not finding a barrier though he supposed it was simply a matter of his underestimating her physical prowess.

Once he was fully inside her, Shiho moaned in delight saying, Youre inside Wrapping her legs around his waist she began to slowly work her hips. Guessing she didnt need any time to adjust Naruto began moving his hips as well causing the woman to pant, Its so much better than they could ever describe. Moreharder I dont hold back.

Obeying the command Naruto began to truly let loose pounding his hips into the woman. His thrust became so hard that the pair began rocking the bookcase which began spilling its contents onto the floor. Not that either of them paid the falling books any mind as Shiho asked, I-is it good for you

Yes, Naruto said pulling his lips away from her neck long enough to add, Youre fucking gripping me so tight that its only a matter of time before Im filling you with my cum.

Ahhh, oh god yes, Shiho moaned leaning back as best she could to stare into his face, Do it I want to feel it inside

Naruto began redoubling his efforts to fulfill her desire. As he neared his end he braced her by groaning, Im close, fuck Im going to fill your hot and wet cunt full of my cum and mark you as mine forever.

Yes do itIm yours just please give it to me, Shiho shouted gripping him to her tightly nearing her release as well. As Naruto buried his cock as far as he could inside her and she felt a sudden change of heat she realized that Naruto was spurting his seed inside of her so shouted as her own orgasm raced through her, Ah youre cumming. Hanging onto him weakly she said, Its so warm. I could get used to this.

Naruto carried her to a chair were he sat down wearily. Noticing the weight against him implied that Shiho was no longer conscious he stroked her hair as he whispered, You will.

Noticing the mess their romp had made of the bookshelf Naruto created several clones to clean up and decided to wait for Shiho to wake before teleporting them back to his apartment. While he waited he was aware that if everything went according to plan the next day could be a life changing one for him as it may very well be the first of many in which he and Kyuubi would be two separate beings.

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